Exemplo n.º 1
  char *tmp;
  Evas_Object *im_obj;
  void *im_data = NULL;
  int im_w = 0, im_h = 0;

  tmp = icon_editor_exec_get();
  ewl_entry_text_set(EWL_ENTRY(editor->exec.entry), tmp);

  /* FIXME: set the name */
  im_obj = EWL_IMAGE(editor->icon_image)->image;

  icon_editor_image_data_get(&im_data, &im_w, &im_h);
  if (!im_data) return;
  evas_object_image_size_set(im_obj, im_w, im_h);
  evas_object_image_data_copy_set(im_obj, im_data);
  evas_object_image_alpha_set(im_obj, 1);
  evas_object_image_data_update_add(im_obj, 0, 0, im_w, im_h);
  evas_object_image_fill_set(im_obj, 0, 0, im_w, im_h);
  printf("wxh: %d x %d\n", im_w, im_h);
  ewl_object_size_request(EWL_OBJECT(editor->icon_image), im_w, im_h);
  ewl_object_maximum_size_set(EWL_OBJECT(editor->icon_image), im_w, im_h);
  ewl_object_minimum_size_set(EWL_OBJECT(editor->icon_image), im_w, im_h);
Exemplo n.º 2
static inline void _ewk_view_single_scroll_process_single(Ewk_View_Smart_Data* smartData, void* pixels, Evas_Coord width, Evas_Coord height, const WebCore::IntSize& scrollOffset, const WebCore::IntRect& rectToScroll)
    int scrollX = rectToScroll.x();
    int scrollY = rectToScroll.y();
    int scrollWidth = rectToScroll.width();
    int scrollHeight = rectToScroll.height();

    DBG("%d,%d + %d,%d %+03d,%+03d, store: %p %dx%d",
        scrollX, scrollY, scrollWidth, scrollHeight, scrollOffset.width(), scrollOffset.height(), pixels, width, height);

    if (abs(scrollOffset.width()) >= scrollWidth || abs(scrollOffset.height()) >= scrollHeight) {
        ewk_view_repaint_add(smartData->_priv, scrollX, scrollY, scrollWidth, scrollHeight);

    if (scrollX < 0) {
        scrollWidth += scrollX;
        scrollX = 0;
    if (scrollY < 0) {
        scrollHeight += scrollY;
        scrollY = 0;

    if (scrollX + scrollWidth > width)
        scrollWidth = width - scrollX;
    if (scrollY + scrollHeight > height)
        scrollHeight = height - scrollY;

    if (scrollWidth <= 0 || scrollHeight <= 0)

    int sourceX = scrollOffset.width() < 0 ? abs(scrollOffset.width()) : 0;
    int sourceY = scrollOffset.height() < 0 ? abs(scrollOffset.height()) : 0;
    int destinationX = scrollOffset.width() < 0 ? 0 : scrollOffset.width();
    int destinationY = scrollOffset.height() < 0 ? 0 : scrollOffset.height();
    int copyWidth = scrollWidth - abs(scrollOffset.width());
    int copyHeight = scrollHeight - abs(scrollOffset.height());
    if (scrollOffset.width() || scrollOffset.height()) {
        _ewk_view_screen_move(static_cast<uint32_t*>(pixels), destinationX, destinationY, sourceX, sourceY, copyWidth, copyHeight, width);
        evas_object_image_data_update_add(smartData->backing_store, destinationX, destinationY, copyWidth, copyHeight);

    Eina_Rectangle verticalUpdate;
    verticalUpdate.x = destinationX ? 0 : copyWidth - 1;
    verticalUpdate.y = 0;
    verticalUpdate.w = abs(scrollOffset.width());
    verticalUpdate.h = scrollHeight;
    if (verticalUpdate.w && verticalUpdate.h)
        ewk_view_repaint_add(smartData->_priv, verticalUpdate.x, verticalUpdate.y, verticalUpdate.w, verticalUpdate.h);

    Eina_Rectangle horizontalUpdate;
    horizontalUpdate.x = destinationX;
    horizontalUpdate.y = destinationY ? 0 : copyHeight - 1;
    horizontalUpdate.w = copyWidth;
    horizontalUpdate.h = abs(scrollOffset.height());
    if (horizontalUpdate.w && horizontalUpdate.h)
        ewk_view_repaint_add(smartData->_priv, horizontalUpdate.x, horizontalUpdate.y, horizontalUpdate.w, horizontalUpdate.h);
Exemplo n.º 3
eps_page_render (const Eps_Page *page,
                 Evas_Object    *o)
   unsigned char *data;
   unsigned char *d;
   unsigned int  *m = NULL;
   double         hscale;
   double         vscale;
   SpectreStatus  status;
   int            width;
   int            height;
   int            stride;
   int            yy;

   if (!page || !o)

   spectre_page_render (page->page, page->rc,
                        &data, &stride);
   status = spectre_page_status (page->page);
   if (status != SPECTRE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
      printf ("[eps] %s\n", spectre_status_to_string (status));

   eps_page_scale_get (page, &hscale, &vscale);
   eps_page_size_get (page, &width, &height);

   width *= hscale;
   height *= vscale;

   evas_object_image_size_set (o, width, height);
   evas_object_image_fill_set (o, 0, 0, width, height);
   m = (unsigned int *)evas_object_image_data_get (o, 1);
   if (!m) {
      free (data);

   if (stride == 4 * width)
     memcpy(m, data, height * stride);
   else {
      d = data;
      for (yy = 0; yy < height; d += stride, m += width, ++yy) {
         memcpy (m, d, width * 4);
   evas_object_image_data_update_add (o, 0, 0, width, height);
   evas_object_resize (o, width, height);

   free (data);
Exemplo n.º 4
eps_page_render_slice (const Eps_Page *page,
                       Evas_Object    *o,
                       int             x,
                       int             y,
                       int             width,
                       int             height)
   unsigned char *data;
   unsigned char *d;
   unsigned int  *m = NULL;
   double         hscale;
   double         vscale;
   SpectreStatus  status;
   int            stride;
   int            yy;

   if (!page || !o || (width <= 0) || (height <= 0))

   spectre_page_render_slice (page->page, page->rc,
                              x, y, width, height,
                              &data, &stride);
   status = spectre_page_status (page->page);
   if (status != SPECTRE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
      printf ("aie !!%d  %d %d %d %d\n", status, x, y, width, height);
      printf ("[eps] %s\n", spectre_status_to_string (status));

   eps_page_scale_get (page, &hscale, &vscale);

   width *= hscale;
   height *= vscale;

   evas_object_image_size_set (o, width, height);
   evas_object_image_fill_set (o, 0, 0, width, height);
   m = (unsigned int *)evas_object_image_data_get (o, 1);
   if (!m) {
      free (data);

   d = data + y * stride + x;
   for (yy = 0; yy < height; d += stride, m += width, ++yy) {
      memcpy (m, d, width * 4);
   evas_object_image_data_update_add (o, 0, 0, width, height);
   evas_object_resize (o, width, height);

   free (data);
Exemplo n.º 5
_evas_object_bg_set (Evas_Object *o, int r, int g, int b)
  unsigned int *m;
  int           w, h;
  int           i, j;

  evas_object_image_size_get (o, &w, &h);
  evas_object_image_fill_set (o, 0, 0, w, h);
  m = (unsigned int *)evas_object_image_data_get (o, 1);
  if (!m)

  for (j = 0; j < h; j++) {
    for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
      m[j * w + i] = (255 << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
  evas_object_image_data_update_add (o, 0, 0, w, h);
  evas_object_resize (o, w, h);
Exemplo n.º 6
static int
EvasDisplayMainloopCb( vout_display_t *vd )
    vout_display_sys_t *sys = vd->sys;

    if( sys->b_evas_changed || sys->pf_set_data( vd ) )
        return -1;

    evas_object_image_data_update_add( sys->p_evas, 0, 0,
                                       sys->i_width, sys->i_height );
    evas_object_image_pixels_dirty_set( sys->p_evas, 0 );

    if( !sys->p_anim )
        sys->p_anim = ecore_animator_add( mainloop_evas_anim_cb, vd );

    if( sys->p_current_buffer )
        BUFFER_FIFO_PUSH( sys->p_current_buffer );

    sys->p_current_buffer = sys->p_new_buffer;
    sys->p_new_buffer = NULL;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
esmart_dvi_render (Evas_Object *obj)
  Smart_Dvi *sp;

  E_SMART_OBJ_GET (sp, obj, E_OBJ_NAME);

  if (!sp->filename) return;

  if (sp->dvi_document)
      if (sp->dvi_page)
        edvi_page_delete (sp->dvi_page);

      if (sp->obj)
          unsigned int *m;
          int           w;
          int           h;

          sp->dvi_page = edvi_page_new (sp->dvi_document);
          edvi_page_size_get (sp->dvi_page, &w, &h);
          evas_object_image_size_set (sp->obj, w, h);
          evas_object_image_fill_set (sp->obj, 0, 0, w, h);
          m = (unsigned int *)evas_object_image_data_get (sp->obj, 1);
          if (!m)

          memset(m, (255 << 24) | (255 << 16) | (255 << 8) | 255, w * h * 4);
          evas_object_image_data_update_add (sp->obj, 0, 0, w, h);
          evas_object_resize (sp->obj, w, h);
          edvi_page_render (sp->dvi_page, sp->dvi_device, sp->obj);
      evas_object_show (sp->obj);
Exemplo n.º 8
static Eina_Bool _ewk_view_single_smart_repaints_process(Ewk_View_Smart_Data* smartData)
    if (smartData->animated_zoom.zoom.current < 0.00001) {
        Evas_Object* clip = evas_object_clip_get(smartData->backing_store);

        // reset effects of zoom_weak_set()
        evas_object_image_fill_set(smartData->backing_store, 0, 0, smartData->view.w, smartData->view.h);
        evas_object_move(clip, smartData->view.x, smartData->view.y);

        Evas_Coord width = smartData->view.w;
        Evas_Coord height = smartData->view.h;

        Evas_Coord centerWidth, centerHeight;
        ewk_frame_contents_size_get(smartData->main_frame, &centerWidth, &centerHeight);
        if (width > centerWidth)
            width = centerWidth;

        if (height > centerHeight)
            height = centerHeight;

        evas_object_resize(clip, width, height);

    Evas_Coord imageWidth, imageHeight;
    evas_object_image_size_get(smartData->backing_store, &imageWidth, &imageHeight);

    Eina_Tiler* tiler = eina_tiler_new(imageWidth, imageHeight);
    if (!tiler) {
        ERR("could not create tiler %dx%d", imageWidth, imageHeight);
        return false;


    size_t count;
    const Eina_Rectangle* paintRequest = ewk_view_repaints_pop(smartData->_priv, &count);
    const Eina_Rectangle* paintRequestEnd = paintRequest + count;
    for (; paintRequest < paintRequestEnd; paintRequest++)
        eina_tiler_rect_add(tiler, paintRequest);

    Eina_Iterator* iterator = eina_tiler_iterator_new(tiler);
    if (!iterator) {
        ERR("could not get iterator for tiler");
        return false;

    WebCore::Frame* mainFrame = EWKPrivate::coreFrame(smartData->main_frame);
    if (mainFrame && mainFrame->tiledBackingStore())

    Ewk_Paint_Context* context = ewk_paint_context_from_image_new(smartData->backing_store);

    Eina_Rectangle* rect;
    EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(iterator, rect) {
        ewk_view_paint(smartData->_priv, context, rect);
        evas_object_image_data_update_add(smartData->backing_store, rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h);
Exemplo n.º 9
static inline void _ewk_view_single_scroll_process_single(Ewk_View_Smart_Data* smartData, void* pixels, Evas_Coord width, Evas_Coord height, const Ewk_Scroll_Request* scrollRequest)
    Evas_Coord scrollX, scrollY, scrollWidth, scrollHeight;

    DBG("%d,%d + %d,%d %+03d,%+03d, store: %p %dx%d",
        scrollRequest->x, scrollRequest->y, scrollRequest->w, scrollRequest->h, scrollRequest->dx, scrollRequest->dy, pixels, width, height);

    scrollX = scrollRequest->x;
    scrollY = scrollRequest->y;
    scrollWidth = scrollRequest->w;
    scrollHeight = scrollRequest->h;

    if (abs(scrollRequest->dx) >= scrollWidth || abs(scrollRequest->dy) >= scrollHeight) {
        /* doubt webkit would be so stupid... */
        DBG("full page scroll %+03d,%+03d. convert to repaint %d,%d + %dx%d",
            scrollRequest->dx, scrollRequest->dy, scrollX, scrollY, scrollWidth, scrollHeight);
        ewk_view_repaint_add(smartData->_priv, scrollX, scrollY, scrollWidth, scrollHeight);

    if (scrollX < 0) {
        scrollWidth += scrollX;
        scrollX = 0;
    if (scrollY < 0) {
        scrollHeight += scrollY;
        scrollY = 0;

    if (scrollX + scrollWidth > width)
        scrollWidth = width - scrollX;
    if (scrollY + scrollHeight > height)
        scrollHeight = height - scrollY;

    if (scrollWidth < 0)
        scrollWidth = 0;
    if (scrollHeight < 0)
        scrollHeight = 0;

    EINA_SAFETY_ON_TRUE_RETURN(!scrollWidth || !scrollHeight);

    int sourceX = scrollRequest->dx < 0 ? abs(scrollRequest->dx) : 0;
    int sourceY = scrollRequest->dy < 0 ? abs(scrollRequest->dy) : 0;
    int destinationX = scrollRequest->dx < 0 ? 0 : scrollRequest->dx;
    int destinationY = scrollRequest->dy < 0 ? 0 : scrollRequest->dy;
    int copyWidth = scrollWidth - abs(scrollRequest->dx);
    int copyHeight = scrollHeight - abs(scrollRequest->dy);
    if (scrollRequest->dx || scrollRequest->dy) {
        _ewk_view_screen_move(static_cast<uint32_t*>(pixels), destinationX, destinationY, sourceX, sourceY, copyWidth, copyHeight, width);
        evas_object_image_data_update_add(smartData->backing_store, destinationX, destinationY, copyWidth, copyHeight);

    Eina_Rectangle verticalUpdate;
    verticalUpdate.x = destinationX ? 0 : copyWidth - 1;
    verticalUpdate.y = 0;
    verticalUpdate.w = abs(scrollRequest->dx);
    verticalUpdate.h = scrollHeight;
    if (verticalUpdate.w && verticalUpdate.h)
        ewk_view_repaint_add(smartData->_priv, verticalUpdate.x, verticalUpdate.y, verticalUpdate.w, verticalUpdate.h);

    Eina_Rectangle horizontalUpdate;
    horizontalUpdate.x = destinationX;
    horizontalUpdate.y = destinationY ? 0 : copyHeight - 1;
    horizontalUpdate.w = copyWidth;
    horizontalUpdate.h = abs(scrollRequest->dy);
    if (horizontalUpdate.w && horizontalUpdate.h)
        ewk_view_repaint_add(smartData->_priv, horizontalUpdate.x, horizontalUpdate.y, horizontalUpdate.w, horizontalUpdate.h);
int captureScreen()
	char dstpath[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
	char* scrimage;
	int width, height;
	Evas* ev = NULL;
	Evas_Object* img;
	screenshot_data sdata;
	probeInfo_t	probeInfo;
	int ret = 0;
	static pthread_mutex_t captureScreenLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;



	sdata.ximage = NULL;
	scrimage = captureScreenShotX(&width, &height, &sdata);
	if(scrimage != NULL)
		ev = create_canvas(width, height);
		if(likely(ev != NULL))
			snprintf(dstpath, sizeof(dstpath),
				 SCREENSHOT_DIRECTORY "/%d_%d.png", getpid(),

			// make image buffer
			if((img = evas_object_image_add(ev)) != NULL)
				//image buffer set
				evas_object_image_data_set(img, NULL);
				evas_object_image_size_set(img, width, height);
				evas_object_image_data_set(img, scrimage);

				// resize image
				if(height > MAX_HEIGHT)
					width = width * MAX_HEIGHT / height;
					height = MAX_HEIGHT;
					evas_object_resize(img, width, height);
					evas_object_image_fill_set(img, 0, 0, width, height);
				evas_object_image_data_update_add(img, 0, 0, width, height);

				//save file
				if(evas_object_image_save(img, dstpath, NULL, "compress=5") != 0)
					chmod(dstpath, 0777);

					/* welcome to the hell */
					log_t log;
					PREPARE_LOCAL_BUF_THOUGH((char *)&log);

					/* skip header */
					LOCAL_BUF += offsetof(log_t, data);
					/* pack screenshot name */
					BUF_PTR = pack_string(LOCAL_BUF, dstpath); /* file name */

					/* pack probe */
					PACK_COMMON_END('d', 0, 0, 0);
					PACK_SCREENSHOT(dstpath, getOrientation());
					log.length = GET_MSG_LEN() + MSG_LEN_OFFSET + strlen(dstpath) + 1;

					/* send all message */
					printLog(&log, MSG_IMAGE);
					// captureScreen : evas_object_image_save failed
					ret = -1;
				// captureScreen : evas_object_image_add failed
				ret = -1;
			// captureScreen : create canvas failed
			ret = -1;
		// captureScreen : captureScreenShotX failed
		ret = -1;

	// release resources


	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 11
static void
_bumpmap(Efx_Bumpmap_Data *ebd)
   Evas_Object  *o;
   int w;
   int h;
   int i, j;

   int x;
   int y;
   int z;
   int depth;
   int red;
   int green;
   int blue;
   int ambient;

   double z_2, lightx, lighty;
   int mx;
   int my;
   unsigned int *d1;
   unsigned int *d2;
   unsigned int *src;
   unsigned int *mp;
   unsigned int *mpy;
   unsigned int *mpp;

   x = ebd->x;
   y = ebd->y;
   z = ebd->z;

   red = ebd->red / 0x100;
   green = ebd->green / 0x100;
   blue = ebd->blue / 0x100;
   ambient = ebd->ambient / 0x100;
   depth = ebd->depth / 0x100;
   depth /= (255 * (255 + 255 + 255));
   z_2 = z * z;

   o = ebd->e->obj;
   evas_object_image_size_get(o, &w, &h);
   if ((!w) || (!h)) return;

   d1 = malloc(w * h * sizeof(int));
   memcpy(d1, ebd->img_data, w * h * sizeof(int));
   src = d1;

   d2 = malloc(w * h * sizeof(int));
   memcpy(d2, ebd->img_data, w * h * sizeof(int));
   mpp = d2;

   my = h;
   lighty = -y;
   for (j = h; --j >= 0;)
       mp = mpp;
       mpp += w;
       if (--my <= 0)
           mpp -= w * h;
           my = h;
       mpy = mpp;
       mx = w;
       lightx = -x;
       i = w - 1;
            double x1, y_1, v;
            int r, g, b, gr;

            gr = A_VAL(mp) * (R_VAL(mp) + G_VAL(mp) + B_VAL(mp));
            y_1 = depth * (double)(A_VAL(mpy) * (R_VAL(mpy) +
                                                G_VAL(mpy) +
                                                B_VAL(mpy)) -
            if (--mx <= 0)
                mp -= w;
                mpy -= w;
                mx = w;
            x1 = depth * (double)(A_VAL(mp) * (R_VAL(mp) +
                                           G_VAL(mp) + B_VAL(mp)) - gr);
            v = x1 * lightx + y_1 * lighty + z;
            v /= sqrt((x1 * x1) + (y_1 * y_1) + 1.0);
            v /= sqrt((lightx * lightx) + (lighty * lighty) + z_2);
            v += ambient;
            r = v * R_VAL(src) * red;
            g = v * G_VAL(src) * green;
            b = v * B_VAL(src) * blue;
            if (r < 0)
              r = 0;
            else if (r > 255)
              r = 255;
            if (g < 0)
              g = 0;
            else if (g > 255)
              g = 255;
            if (b < 0)
              b = 0;
            else if (b > 255)
              b = 255;
            R_VAL(src) = r;
            G_VAL(src) = g;
            B_VAL(src) = b;

         } while (--i >= 0);

   unsigned int *m;
   m = (unsigned int *)evas_object_image_data_get(o, 1);
   memcpy(m, d1, w * h * sizeof(unsigned int));
   evas_object_image_data_set(o, m);
   evas_object_image_data_update_add(o, 0, 0, w, h);
Exemplo n.º 12
static Eina_Bool _ewk_view_single_smart_repaints_process(Ewk_View_Smart_Data *sd)
    Ewk_View_Paint_Context *ctxt;
    Evas_Coord ow, oh;
    void *pixels;
    Eina_Rectangle r = {0, 0, 0, 0};
    const Eina_Rectangle *pr;
    const Eina_Rectangle *pr_end;
    Eina_Tiler *tiler;
    Eina_Iterator *itr;
    cairo_status_t status;
    cairo_surface_t *surface;
    cairo_format_t format;
    cairo_t *cairo;
    size_t count;
    Eina_Bool ret = EINA_TRUE;

    if (sd->animated_zoom.zoom.current < 0.00001) {
        Evas_Object *clip = evas_object_clip_get(sd->backing_store);
        Evas_Coord w, h, cw, ch;
        // reset effects of zoom_weak_set()
            (sd->backing_store, 0, 0, sd->view.w, sd->view.h);
        evas_object_move(clip, sd->view.x, sd->view.y);

        w = sd->view.w;
        h = sd->view.h;

        ewk_frame_contents_size_get(sd->main_frame, &cw, &ch);
        if (w > cw)
            w = cw;
        if (h > ch)
            h = ch;
        evas_object_resize(clip, w, h);

    pixels = evas_object_image_data_get(sd->backing_store, 1);
    evas_object_image_size_get(sd->backing_store, &ow, &oh);

    if (sd->bg_color.a < 255)
        format = CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32;
        format = CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24;

    surface = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data
        ((unsigned char*)pixels, format, ow, oh, ow * 4);
    status = cairo_surface_status(surface);
    if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        ERR("could not create surface from data %dx%d: %s",
            ow, oh, cairo_status_to_string(status));
        ret = EINA_FALSE;
        goto error_cairo_surface;
    cairo = cairo_create(surface);
    status = cairo_status(cairo);
    if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        ERR("could not create cairo from surface %dx%d: %s",
            ow, oh, cairo_status_to_string(status));
        ret = EINA_FALSE;
        goto error_cairo;

    ctxt = ewk_view_paint_context_new(sd->_priv, cairo);
    if (!ctxt) {
        ERR("could not create paint context");
        ret = EINA_FALSE;
        goto error_paint_context;

    tiler = eina_tiler_new(ow, oh);
    if (!tiler) {
        ERR("could not create tiler %dx%d", ow, oh);
        ret = EINA_FALSE;
        goto error_tiler;

    pr = ewk_view_repaints_get(sd->_priv, &count);
    pr_end = pr + count;
    for (; pr < pr_end; pr++)
        eina_tiler_rect_add(tiler, pr);

    itr = eina_tiler_iterator_new(tiler);
    if (!itr) {
        ERR("could not get iterator for tiler");
        ret = EINA_FALSE;
        goto error_iterator;

    int sx, sy;
    ewk_frame_scroll_pos_get(sd->main_frame, &sx, &sy);

        Eina_Rectangle scrolled_rect = {
            r.x + sx, r.y + sy,
            r.w, r.h


        if ((sx) || (sy))
            ewk_view_paint_context_translate(ctxt, -sx, -sy);

        ewk_view_paint_context_clip(ctxt, &scrolled_rect);
        ewk_view_paint_context_paint_contents(ctxt, &scrolled_rect);

            (sd->backing_store, r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h);
Exemplo n.º 13
static inline void _ewk_view_single_scroll_process_single(Ewk_View_Smart_Data *sd, void *pixels, Evas_Coord ow, Evas_Coord oh, const Ewk_Scroll_Request *sr)
    Evas_Coord sx, sy, sw, sh;

    DBG("%d,%d + %d,%d %+03d,%+03d, store: %p %dx%d",
        sr->x, sr->y, sr->w, sr->h, sr->dx, sr->dy, pixels, ow, oh);

    sx = sr->x;
    sy = sr->y;
    sw = sr->w;
    sh = sr->h;

    if (abs(sr->dx) >= sw || abs(sr->dy) >= sh) {
        /* doubt webkit would be so stupid... */
        DBG("full page scroll %+03d,%+03d. convert to repaint %d,%d + %dx%d",
            sr->dx, sr->dy, sx, sy, sw, sh);
        ewk_view_repaint_add(sd->_priv, sx, sy, sw, sh);

    if (sx < 0) {
        sw += sx;
        sx = 0;
    if (sy < 0) {
        sh += sy;
        sy = 0;

    if (sx + sw > ow)
        sw = ow - sx;
    if (sy + sh > oh)
        sh = oh - sy;

    if (sw < 0)
        sw = 0;
    if (sh < 0)
        sh = 0;

    if (!sr->dx) {
        if (sr->dy < 0) {
            DBG("scroll up: %+03d,%+03d update=%d,%d+%dx%d, "
                sr->dx, sr->dy, sx, sy, sw, sh + sr->dy,
                sx, sy + sh + sr->dy, sw, -sr->dy);

                ((uint32_t*)pixels, -sr->dy, sx, sy, sw, sh, ow);
                (sd->backing_store, sx, sy, sw, sh + sr->dy);

            ewk_view_repaint_add(sd->_priv, sx, sy + sh + sr->dy, sw, -sr->dy);
        } else if (sr->dy > 0) {
            DBG("scroll down: %+03d,%+03d update=%d,%d+%dx%d, "
                sr->dx, sr->dy, sx, sy + sr->dy, sw, sh - sr->dy,
                sx, sy, sw, sr->dy);

                ((uint32_t*)pixels, sr->dy, sx, sy, sw, sh, ow);
                (sd->backing_store, sx, sy + sr->dy, sw, sh - sr->dy);

            ewk_view_repaint_add(sd->_priv, sx, sy, sw, sr->dy);
    } else if (!sr->dy) {
        if (sr->dx < 0) {
            DBG("scroll left: %+03d,%+03d update=%d,%d+%dx%d, "
                sr->dx, sr->dy, sx, sy, sw + sr->dx, sh,
                sx + sw + sr->dx, sy, -sr->dx, sh);

                ((uint32_t*)pixels, -sr->dx, sx, sy, sw, sh, ow);
                (sd->backing_store, sx, sy, sw + sr->dx, sh);

            ewk_view_repaint_add(sd->_priv, sx + sw + sr->dx, sy, -sr->dx, sh);
        } else if (sr->dx > 0) {
            DBG("scroll up: %+03d,%+03d update=%d,%d+%dx%d, "
                sr->dx, sr->dy, sx + sr->dx, sy, sw - sr->dx, sh,
                sx, sy, sr->dx, sh);

                ((uint32_t*)pixels, sr->dx, sx, sy, sw, sh, ow);
                (sd->backing_store, sx + sr->dx, sy, sw - sr->dx, sh);

            ewk_view_repaint_add(sd->_priv, sx, sy, sr->dx, sh);
    } else {
        Evas_Coord mx, my, mw, mh, ax, ay, aw, ah, bx, by, bw, bh;

        if (sr->dx < 0) {
            mx = sx;
            mw = sw + sr->dx;
            ax = mx + mw;
            aw = -sr->dx;
        } else {
            ax = sx;
            aw = sr->dx;
            mx = ax + aw;
            mw = sw - sr->dx;

        if (sr->dy < 0) {
            my = sy;
            mh = sh + sr->dy;
            by = my + mh;
            bh = -sr->dy;
        } else {
            by = sy;
            bh = sr->dy;
            my = by + bh;
            mh = sh - sr->dy;

        ay = my;
        ah = mh;
        bx = sx;
        bw = sw;

        DBG("scroll diagonal: %+03d,%+03d update=%d,%d+%dx%d, "
            "repaints: h=%d,%d+%dx%d v=%d,%d+%dx%d",
            sr->dx, sr->dy, mx, my, mw, mh, ax, ay, aw, ah, bx, by, bw, bh);

            ((uint32_t*)pixels, sr->dx, sr->dy, sx, sy, sw, sh, ow);

        evas_object_image_data_update_add(sd->backing_store, mx, my, mw, mh);
        ewk_view_repaint_add(sd->_priv, ax, ay, aw, ah);
        ewk_view_repaint_add(sd->_priv, bx, by, bw, bh);
epdf_page_render (Epdf_Page *page, Evas_Object *o)
    SplashOutputDev *output_dev;
    SplashColor      white;
    SplashColorPtr   color_ptr;
    Epdf_Document   *doc;
    unsigned int    *m = NULL;
    double           hscale;
    double           vscale;
    int              rotate;
    int              width;
    int              height;
    double t1,t2;
    t1 = ecore_time_get();

    white[0] = 255;
    white[1] = 255;
    white[2] = 255;
    white[3] = 255;

    if (!page->page || !page->page->isOk ())

    doc = page->doc;

    output_dev = new SplashOutputDev(splashModeXBGR8, 4, gFalse, white);
    output_dev->startDoc(doc->pdfdoc->getXRef ());
    switch (page->orientation) {
        rotate = 90;
        rotate = 180;
        rotate = 270;
        rotate = 0;

    epdf_page_scale_get (page, &hscale, &vscale);

    page->page->display (output_dev,
                         72.0 * hscale,
                         72.0 * vscale,
                         false, false, false,
                         doc->pdfdoc->getCatalog ());
    color_ptr = output_dev->getBitmap ()->getDataPtr ();

    width = output_dev->getBitmap()->getWidth();
    height = output_dev->getBitmap()->getHeight();

    evas_object_image_size_set(o, width, height);
    evas_object_image_fill_set(o, 0, 0, width, height);
    m = (unsigned int *)evas_object_image_data_get(o, 1);
    if (!m)
        goto sortie;

    memcpy (m, color_ptr, height * width * 4);
    evas_object_image_data_set(o, m);
    evas_object_image_data_update_add(o, 0, 0, width, height);
    evas_object_resize(o, width, height);
    //  evas_object_image_alpha_set (o, 0);

    delete output_dev;
    t2 = ecore_time_get();
    printf ("time poppler: %f\n", t2-t1);
Exemplo n.º 15
void PageClientImpl::setViewNeedsDisplay(const WebCore::IntRect& rect)
    evas_object_image_data_update_add(m_viewObject, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height());
Exemplo n.º 16
static Eina_Bool _ewk_view_single_smart_repaints_process(Ewk_View_Smart_Data* smartData)
    Ewk_View_Paint_Context* context;
    Evas_Coord ow, oh;
    void* pixels;
    Eina_Rectangle* rect;
    const Eina_Rectangle* pr;
    const Eina_Rectangle* pr_end;
    Eina_Tiler* tiler;
    Eina_Iterator* iterator;
    cairo_status_t status;
    cairo_surface_t* surface;
    cairo_format_t format;
    cairo_t* cairo;
    size_t count;
    Eina_Bool result = true;

    if (smartData->animated_zoom.zoom.current < 0.00001) {
        Evas_Object* clip = evas_object_clip_get(smartData->backing_store);
        Evas_Coord width, height, centerWidth, centerHeight;
        // reset effects of zoom_weak_set()
            (smartData->backing_store, 0, 0, smartData->view.w, smartData->view.h);
        evas_object_move(clip, smartData->view.x, smartData->view.y);

        width = smartData->view.w;
        height = smartData->view.h;

        ewk_frame_contents_size_get(smartData->main_frame, &centerWidth, &centerHeight);
        if (width > centerWidth)
            width = centerWidth;
        if (height > centerHeight)
            height = centerHeight;
        evas_object_resize(clip, width, height);

    pixels = evas_object_image_data_get(smartData->backing_store, 1);
    evas_object_image_size_get(smartData->backing_store, &ow, &oh);
    format = CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32;

    surface = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data
                  (static_cast<unsigned char*>(pixels), format, ow, oh, ow * 4);
    status = cairo_surface_status(surface);
    if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        ERR("could not create surface from data %dx%d: %s",
            ow, oh, cairo_status_to_string(status));
        result = false;
        goto error_cairo_surface;
    cairo = cairo_create(surface);
    status = cairo_status(cairo);
    if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        ERR("could not create cairo from surface %dx%d: %s",
            ow, oh, cairo_status_to_string(status));
        result = false;
        goto error_cairo;

    context = ewk_view_paint_context_new(smartData->_priv, cairo);
    if (!context) {
        ERR("could not create paint context");
        result = false;
        goto error_paint_context;

    tiler = eina_tiler_new(ow, oh);
    if (!tiler) {
        ERR("could not create tiler %dx%d", ow, oh);
        result = false;
        goto error_tiler;


    pr = ewk_view_repaints_pop(smartData->_priv, &count);
    pr_end = pr + count;
    for (; pr < pr_end; pr++)
        eina_tiler_rect_add(tiler, pr);

    iterator = eina_tiler_iterator_new(tiler);
    if (!iterator) {
        ERR("could not get iterator for tiler");
        result = false;
        goto error_iterator;

    int scrollX, scrollY;
    ewk_frame_scroll_pos_get(smartData->main_frame, &scrollX, &scrollY);

    EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(iterator, rect) {
        Eina_Rectangle scrolled_rect = {
            rect->x + scrollX, rect->y + scrollY,
            rect->w, rect->h


        if ((scrollX) || (scrollY))
            ewk_view_paint_context_translate(context, -scrollX, -scrollY);

        ewk_view_paint_context_clip(context, &scrolled_rect);
        ewk_view_paint_context_paint_contents(context, &scrolled_rect);

            (smartData->backing_store, rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h);