Exemplo n.º 1
// get_bearing_cd - return bearing in centi-degrees between two positions
// To-Do: move this to math library
float AC_WPNav::get_bearing_cd(const Vector3f &origin, const Vector3f &destination) const
    float bearing = 9000 + fast_atan2(-(destination.x-origin.x), destination.y-origin.y) * 5729.57795f;
    if (bearing < 0) {
        bearing += 36000;
    return bearing;
Exemplo n.º 2
/// advance_spline_target_along_track - move target location along track from origin to destination
void AC_WPNav::advance_spline_target_along_track(float dt)
    if (!_flags.reached_destination) {
        Vector3f target_pos, target_vel;

        // update target position and velocity from spline calculator
        calc_spline_pos_vel(_spline_time, target_pos, target_vel);

        // update velocity
        float spline_dist_to_wp = (_destination - target_pos).length();

        // if within the stopping distance from destination, set target velocity to sqrt of distance * 2 * acceleration
        if (!_flags.fast_waypoint && spline_dist_to_wp < _slow_down_dist) {
            _spline_vel_scaler = safe_sqrt(spline_dist_to_wp * 2.0f * _wp_accel_cms);
        } else if(_spline_vel_scaler < _wp_speed_cms) {
            // increase velocity using acceleration
            // To-Do: replace 0.1f below with update frequency passed in from main program
            _spline_vel_scaler += _wp_accel_cms* 0.1f;

        // constrain target velocity
        if (_spline_vel_scaler > _wp_speed_cms) {
            _spline_vel_scaler = _wp_speed_cms;

        // scale the spline_time by the velocity we've calculated vs the velocity that came out of the spline calculator
        float target_vel_length = target_vel.length();
        if (target_vel_length != 0.0f) {
            _spline_time_scale = _spline_vel_scaler/target_vel_length;

        // update target position

        // update the yaw
        _yaw = RadiansToCentiDegrees(fast_atan2(target_vel.y,target_vel.x));

        // advance spline time to next step
        _spline_time += _spline_time_scale*dt;

        // we will reach the next waypoint in the next step so set reached_destination flag
        // To-Do: is this one step too early?
        if (_spline_time >= 1.0f) {
            _flags.reached_destination = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
void fastRotationEstimation(const unsigned char *image, IPoint *ip)
	int i;
	double dx = 0.0;
	double dy = 0.0;
	const int pos = ip->pos;
	const double centrepx = (double)image[pos];
	const int stride = pyr_img1_width >> ip->pyrLevel;
	const double *ring_x = fast_ring_x;
	const double *ring_y = fast_ring_y;

	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
		const double diff = (double)image[ (indY[i] * stride + indX[i]) + pos ] - centrepx;
		dx += diff * (*(ring_x++));
		dy += diff * (*(ring_y++));

	ip->orientation = getCoterminalAngle( fast_atan2(dy, dx) );//ANGLE(dx, dy);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void
pll (AMD am, COMPLEX sig)
	COMPLEX z = Cmplx ((REAL) cos (am->pll.phs), (REAL) sin (am->pll.phs));
	REAL diff;

	am->pll.delay.re = z.re * sig.re + z.im * sig.im;
	am->pll.delay.im = -z.im * sig.re + z.re * sig.im;
	diff = fast_atan2 (am->pll.delay.im, am->pll.delay.re);

	am->pll.freq.f += am->pll.beta * diff;

	if (am->pll.freq.f < am->pll.freq.l)
		am->pll.freq.f = am->pll.freq.l;
	if (am->pll.freq.f > am->pll.freq.h)
		am->pll.freq.f = am->pll.freq.h;

	am->pll.phs += am->pll.freq.f + am->pll.alpha * diff;

	while (am->pll.phs >= TWOPI)
		am->pll.phs -= (REAL) TWOPI;
	while (am->pll.phs < 0)
		am->pll.phs += (REAL) TWOPI;
Exemplo n.º 5
int polar_disc_fast(int ar, int aj, int br, int bj)
	int cr, cj;
	multiply(ar, aj, br, -bj, &cr, &cj);
	return fast_atan2(cj, cr);
void complimentary_filter_predict_rad(int16_vect3 accel_raw, uint16_vect3 gyro_raw, int16_vect3 mag_raw, float_vect3* attitude, float_vect3* att_rates){
	static float phi_acc_state = 0;
	static float theta_acc_state = 0;
	static float psi_mag_state = 0;
	static float phi_gyro_state = 0;
	static float theta_gyro_state = 0;
	static float psi_gyro_state = 0;
	static float phi_rate_state = 0;
	static float theta_rate_state = 0;
	static float psi_rate_state = 0;

	float phi;
	float theta;
	float psi;
	float phi_acc;
	float theta_acc;
	float psi_mag;
	float phi_gyro;
	float theta_gyro;
	float psi_gyro;
	static float psi_prev = 0;

//	static float phi_rate_array[LENGTH_RATE_LOWPASS];
//	static float theta_rate_array[LENGTH_RATE_LOWPASS];
//	static float psi_rate_array[LENGTH_RATE_LOWPASS];
//	static float phi_rate = 0;
//	static float theta_rate = 0;
//	static float psi_rate = 0;
//	static uint32_t rate_idx = 0;

	//unbias magnet sensor data
	float_vect3 mag;
    mag.x = (mag_raw.x-MAG_NEUTRALX)*MAG_SCALEX;
    mag.y = (mag_raw.y-MAG_NEUTRALY)*MAG_SCALEY;
    mag.z = mag_raw.z;

    //unbias acccel
	int32_vect3 accel;
	accel.x = +accel_raw.x - ACCEL_NEUTRALX;	//flipping coordinate system from z upward to downward
	accel.y = -accel_raw.y + ACCEL_NEUTRALY;
	accel.z = -accel_raw.z + ACCEL_NEUTRALZ;

	//unbias gyro
	int32_vect3 gyro;
	gyro.x = gyro_raw.x - GYRO_NEUTRALX;
	gyro.y = -gyro_raw.y + GYRO_NEUTRALY;
	gyro.z = gyro_raw.z - GYRO_NEUTRALZ;

	//scale gyro to rad/sec
	float_vect3 att_rates_raw;
	att_rates_raw.x = gyro.x * GYRO_SCALE_X;
	att_rates_raw.y = gyro.y * GYRO_SCALE_Y;
	att_rates_raw.z = gyro.z * GYRO_SCALE_Z;

	//lowpass Accelerations (maybe later)
	//lowpass magnet sensor data (maybe later)

	//Nick Roll measurement build
	float_vect3 attitude_tmp;
	attitude_tmp.x = fast_atan2(accel.y,accel.z);	//euler angle phi  fast_atan2
	attitude_tmp.y = -fast_atan2(accel.x,accel.z*(lookup_sin(attitude_tmp.x)+lookup_cos(attitude_tmp.x))); //euler angle theta

	//lowpass nick roll
	phi_acc =		C_LOW*phi_acc_state + D_LOW*attitude_tmp.x;
	phi_acc_state = A_LOW*phi_acc_state + B_LOW*attitude_tmp.x;

	theta_acc =			C_LOW*theta_acc_state + D_LOW*attitude_tmp.y;
	theta_acc_state =	A_LOW*theta_acc_state + B_LOW*attitude_tmp.y;

	//integrate and highpass nick roll from gyro
	phi_gyro =		 C_HIGH*phi_gyro_state + D_HIGH*att_rates_raw.x;
	phi_gyro_state = A_HIGH*phi_gyro_state + B_HIGH*att_rates_raw.x;

	theta_gyro =			C_HIGH*theta_gyro_state + D_HIGH*att_rates_raw.y;
	theta_gyro_state =	A_HIGH*theta_gyro_state + B_HIGH*att_rates_raw.y;

	//add up resulting high and lowpassed angles
	phi = phi_acc + phi_gyro;
	theta = theta_acc + theta_gyro;

	//test from tilt compensation algorithm for 2 axis magnetic compass

	//Transformation of maget vector to inertial frame and computation of angle in the x-y plane
	attitude_tmp.z = fast_atan2(lookup_cos(theta)*mag.x + lookup_sin(phi)*lookup_sin(theta)*mag.y + lookup_cos(phi)*lookup_sin(theta)*mag.z , lookup_cos(phi)*mag.y - lookup_sin(phi)*mag.z);

//	//asembly of angle with range [-PI,PI] to a continous function with range [-2*PI,2*PI]
	if(psi_prev > PI/2 && attitude_tmp.z < psi_prev - PI)				attitude_tmp.z += 2*PI;
	else if(psi_prev < -PI/2 && attitude_tmp.z > psi_prev + PI)			attitude_tmp.z -= 2*PI;
	else if(attitude_tmp.z > PI/2 && psi_prev < attitude_tmp.z - PI)	attitude_tmp.z -= 2*PI;
	else if(attitude_tmp.z < -PI/2 && psi_prev > attitude_tmp.z +PI)	attitude_tmp.z += 2*PI;

	//Reset of angle to Zero if it reaches +-2*PI
	if (attitude_tmp.z > 2*PI){
 		attitude_tmp.z -= 2*PI;
	else if(attitude_tmp.z < -2*PI){
    	attitude_tmp.z += 2*PI;
	psi_prev = attitude_tmp.z;

	//lowpass psi_tmp
	psi_mag =		C_LOW*psi_mag_state + D_LOW*attitude_tmp.z;
	psi_mag_state = A_LOW*psi_mag_state + B_LOW*attitude_tmp.z;

	//integrate and highpass yaw from gyro
	psi_gyro =		 C_HIGH*psi_gyro_state + D_HIGH*att_rates_raw.z;
	psi_gyro_state = A_HIGH*psi_gyro_state + B_HIGH*att_rates_raw.z;

	//add up resulting high and lowpassed angles
	psi = psi_mag + psi_gyro;

//	//Signal trasformation from range [-2*PI,2*PI] to [-PI,PI]
    if(psi > PI)			psi = psi -2*PI;
    else if(psi < -PI)	psi = psi +2*PI;

	//output euler angles
	(*attitude).x = phi;
	(*attitude).y = theta;
	(*attitude).z = psi;

	//att_rates filtering for gyro rates output in SI units
	//lowpass version (0.1sec delay)
	(*att_rates).x=		C_LOW*phi_rate_state + D_LOW*att_rates_raw.x;
	phi_rate_state = A_LOW*phi_rate_state + B_LOW*att_rates_raw.x;

	(*att_rates).y=		C_LOW*theta_rate_state + D_LOW*att_rates_raw.y;
	theta_rate_state = A_LOW*theta_rate_state + B_LOW*att_rates_raw.y;

	(*att_rates).z=		C_LOW*psi_rate_state + D_LOW*att_rates_raw.z;
	psi_rate_state = A_LOW*psi_rate_state + B_LOW*att_rates_raw.z;
//	(*att_rates).z=		att_rates_raw.z;

	// threshold values < |0.008|
//	if (((*att_rates).z < 0.008) && (*att_rates).z > - 0.008){
//		(*att_rates).z = 0;
//	}

//	//att_rates filtering for gyro rates output in SI units
//	//moving average on gyros 0.05sec delay
//	phi_rate -= phi_rate_array[rate_idx]/LENGTH_RATE_LOWPASS;
//	theta_rate -= theta_rate_array[rate_idx]/LENGTH_RATE_LOWPASS;
//	psi_rate -= psi_rate_array[rate_idx]/LENGTH_RATE_LOWPASS;
//	phi_rate_array[rate_idx] = gyro.x;
//	theta_rate_array[rate_idx] = gyro.y;
//	psi_rate_array[rate_idx] = gyro.z;
//	phi_rate += phi_rate_array[rate_idx]/LENGTH_RATE_LOWPASS;
//	theta_rate += theta_rate_array[rate_idx]/LENGTH_RATE_LOWPASS;
//	psi_rate += psi_rate_array[rate_idx]/LENGTH_RATE_LOWPASS;
//	++rate_idx;
//	if(rate_idx>=LENGTH_RATE_LOWPASS) rate_idx=0;
//	(*att_rates).x = phi_rate;
//	(*att_rates).y = theta_rate;
//	(*att_rates).z = psi_rate;

Exemplo n.º 7
float ABMath::fast_atanv(Vector2 point) {
	return fast_atan2(point.y, point.x);