Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: fft.c Projeto: alring/sdrlib
void fftUpdate(Fft *fft, float complex *inbuf, int count, FftOutputFunc *func, void *context)
    float complex *in = inbuf;
    fftw_complex  *fftwin = fft->in;
    int N     = fft->N;
    int inPtr = fft->inPtr;
    while (count--)
        if ((fft->skipCounter++) < fft->threshold)
        fftwin[inPtr++] = *in++;
        if (inPtr >= N)
            inPtr = 0;
            unsigned int *ps = fft->spectrum;
            int half = N>>1;
            fftw_complex *lower = fft->out;
            fftw_complex *upper = fft->out + half;
            int count = half;
            while (count--)
                *ps++ = (unsigned int)(20.0 * fasterlog2(1.0 + cabsf(*upper++)));
            count = half;
            while (count--)
                *ps++ = (unsigned int)(20.0 * fasterlog2(1.0 + cabsf(*lower++)));
            func(fft->spectrum, N, context);
            fft->skipCounter = 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
size_t Bilinear::subdiv_estimate(float width) const
	// Since we want to end up with the log-base-2 of
	// the division anyway, we just do the log first and
	// subtract.  Using a very approximate log2, but in
	// practice it works fine.
	const float rate = log_widest - fasterlog2(width * Config::dice_rate) + 1.0f;
	return std::max(rate, 0.0f);