Exemplo n.º 1
void FindFileDialog::findFiles()
    QRegExp filePattern(fileNameComboBox->currentText() + "*");

    QDir directory(directoryComboBox->currentText());

    QStringList allFiles = directory.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks);
    QStringList matchingFiles;

    foreach (QString file, allFiles) {
        if (filePattern.exactMatch(file))
            matchingFiles << file;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool parseOptions( int argc, char** argv, ProgramOptions &options )
    // add help message
    std::stringstream desc_stream;
    desc_stream << "Usage splash2txt [options] <input-file>" << std::endl;

    po::options_description desc( desc_stream.str( ) );

    std::string slice_string = "";
    std::string filemode = "splash";

    const std::string filemodeOptions = "[splash,adios]";
    const std::string filemodeOptions = "[splash]";

    // add possible options
    desc.add_options( )
        ( "help,h", "print help message" )
        ( "verbose,v", "verbose output, print status messages" )
        ( "mode,m", po::value< std::string > ( &filemode )->default_value( filemode ), (std::string("File Mode ") + filemodeOptions).c_str() )
        ( "list,l", "list the available datasets for an input file" )
        ( "input-file", po::value< std::string > ( &options.inputFile ), "parallel input file" )
        ( "output-file,o", po::value< std::string > ( &options.outputFile ), "output file (otherwise stdout)" )
        ( "step,s", po::value<uint32_t > ( &options.step )->default_value( options.step ), "requested simulation step" )
        ( "data,d", po::value<std::vector<std::string> > ( &options.data )->multitoken( ), "name of datasets to print" )
        ( "slice", po::value< std::string > ( &slice_string )->default_value( "xy" ), "dimensions of slice for field data, e.g. xy" )
        /// \todo if the standard offset value would be the MIDDLE of the global simulation area, it would be awesome
        ( "offset", po::value<size_t > ( &options.sliceOffset )->default_value( 0 ), "offset of slice in dataset" )
        ( "delimiter", po::value<std::string>( &options.delimiter )->default_value( " " ), "select a delimiter for data elements. default is a single space character" )
        ( "no-units", "no conversion of stored data elements with their respective unit" )

    po::positional_options_description pos_options;
    pos_options.add( "input-file", -1 );

        // parse command line options and store values in vm
        po::variables_map vm;
        po::store( po::command_line_parser( argc, argv ).
                   options( desc ).positional( pos_options ).run( ), vm );
        po::notify( vm );

        // print help message and quit program if requested or if required parameters are missing
        if ( vm.count( "help" ) || !vm.count( "input-file" ) ||
             ( !vm.count( "data" ) && !vm.count( "list" ) ) ||
             !vm.count( "step" ) )
            errorStream << desc << "\n";
            return false;

        if (filemode == "splash" )
            options.fileMode = FM_SPLASH;
        else if(filemode == "adios")
            options.fileMode = FM_ADIOS;
        // re-parse wrong typed input files to valid format, if possible
        //   find _X.h5 with syntax at the end and delete it
        boost::regex filePattern( "_.*\\.h5",
                                  boost::regex_constants::icase |
                                  boost::regex_constants::perl );
        options.inputFile = boost::regex_replace( options.inputFile, filePattern, "" );

        // set various flags
        options.verbose = vm.count( "verbose" ) != 0;
        options.listDatasets = vm.count( "list" ) != 0;
        options.toFile = vm.count( "output-file" ) != 0;
        options.applyUnits = vm.count( "no-units" ) == 0;

        if ( vm.count( "slice" ) ^ vm.count( "offset" ) )
            errorStream << "Parameters 'slice' and 'offset' require each other." << std::endl;
            errorStream << desc << "\n";
            return false;

        if ( vm.count( "slice" ) )
            bool sliceFound = false;
            options.fieldDims.set( 0, 0, 0 );
            for ( size_t i = 0; i < numAllowedSlices; ++i )
                if ( slice_string.compare( allowedSlices[i] ) == 0 )
                    sliceFound = true;
                    options.isReverseSlice = false;

                if ( slice_string.compare( allowedReverseSlices[i] ) == 0 )
                    sliceFound = true;
                    options.isReverseSlice = true;

            if ( !sliceFound )
                errorStream << "Invalid input for parameter 'slice'. Accepted: xy, xz, yz, yx, zx, zy" << std::endl;
                errorStream << desc << "\n";
                return false;

            if ( slice_string.find( 'x' ) != std::string::npos )
                options.fieldDims[0] = 1;

            if ( slice_string.find( 'y' ) != std::string::npos )
                options.fieldDims[1] = 1;

            if ( slice_string.find( 'z' ) != std::string::npos )
                options.fieldDims[2] = 1;

    catch ( const boost::program_options::error& )
        errorStream << desc << "\n";
        throw std::runtime_error( "Error parsing command line options!" );

    return true;