Exemplo n.º 1
static void fill_picture_parameters(struct dxva_context *ctx, const H264Context *h,
                                    DXVA_PicParams_H264 *pp)
    const MpegEncContext *s = &h->s;
    const Picture *current_picture = s->current_picture_ptr;
    int i;

    memset(pp, 0, sizeof(*pp));
    /* Configure current picture */
                       ff_dxva2_get_surface_index(ctx, current_picture),
                       s->picture_structure == PICT_BOTTOM_FIELD);
    /* Configure the set of references */
    pp->UsedForReferenceFlags  = 0;
    pp->NonExistingFrameFlags  = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(pp->RefFrameList); i++) {
        if (i < h->short_ref_count + h->long_ref_count) {
            const Picture *r;
            if (i < h->short_ref_count) {
                r = h->short_ref[i];
            } else {
                r = h->long_ref[i - h->short_ref_count];
                               ff_dxva2_get_surface_index(ctx, r),
                               r->long_ref != 0);

            if ((r->reference & PICT_TOP_FIELD) && r->field_poc[0] != INT_MAX)
                pp->FieldOrderCntList[i][0] = r->field_poc[0];
            if ((r->reference & PICT_BOTTOM_FIELD) && r->field_poc[1] != INT_MAX)
                pp->FieldOrderCntList[i][1] = r->field_poc[1];

            pp->FrameNumList[i] = r->long_ref ? r->pic_id : r->frame_num;
            if (r->reference & PICT_TOP_FIELD)
                pp->UsedForReferenceFlags |= 1 << (2*i + 0);
            if (r->reference & PICT_BOTTOM_FIELD)
                pp->UsedForReferenceFlags |= 1 << (2*i + 1);
        } else {
            pp->RefFrameList[i].bPicEntry = 0xff;
            pp->FieldOrderCntList[i][0]   = 0;
            pp->FieldOrderCntList[i][1]   = 0;
            pp->FrameNumList[i]           = 0;

    pp->wFrameWidthInMbsMinus1        = s->mb_width  - 1;
    pp->wFrameHeightInMbsMinus1       = s->mb_height - 1;
    pp->num_ref_frames                = h->sps.ref_frame_count;

    pp->wBitFields                    = ((s->picture_structure != PICT_FRAME) <<  0) |
                                        (h->sps.mb_aff                        <<  1) |
                                        (h->sps.residual_color_transform_flag <<  2) |
                                        /* sp_for_switch_flag (not implemented by FFmpeg) */
                                        (0                                    <<  3) |
                                        (h->sps.chroma_format_idc             <<  4) |
                                        ((h->nal_ref_idc != 0)                <<  6) |
                                        (h->pps.constrained_intra_pred        <<  7) |
                                        (h->pps.weighted_pred                 <<  8) |
                                        (h->pps.weighted_bipred_idc           <<  9) |
                                        /* MbsConsecutiveFlag */
                                        (1                                    << 11) |
                                        (h->sps.frame_mbs_only_flag           << 12) |
                                        (h->pps.transform_8x8_mode            << 13) |
                                        ((h->sps.level_idc >= 31)             << 14) |
                                        /* IntraPicFlag (Modified if we detect a non
                                         * intra slice in decode_slice) */
                                        (1                                    << 15);

    pp->bit_depth_luma_minus8         = h->sps.bit_depth_luma - 8;
    pp->bit_depth_chroma_minus8       = h->sps.bit_depth_chroma - 8;
    pp->Reserved16Bits                = 3; /* FIXME is there a way to detect the right mode ? */
    pp->StatusReportFeedbackNumber    = 1 + ctx->report_id++;
    pp->CurrFieldOrderCnt[0] = 0;
    if ((s->picture_structure & PICT_TOP_FIELD) &&
        current_picture->field_poc[0] != INT_MAX)
        pp->CurrFieldOrderCnt[0] = current_picture->field_poc[0];
    pp->CurrFieldOrderCnt[1] = 0;
    if ((s->picture_structure & PICT_BOTTOM_FIELD) &&
        current_picture->field_poc[1] != INT_MAX)
        pp->CurrFieldOrderCnt[1] = current_picture->field_poc[1];
    pp->pic_init_qs_minus26           = h->pps.init_qs - 26;
    pp->chroma_qp_index_offset        = h->pps.chroma_qp_index_offset[0];
    pp->second_chroma_qp_index_offset = h->pps.chroma_qp_index_offset[1];
    pp->ContinuationFlag              = 1;
    pp->pic_init_qp_minus26           = h->pps.init_qp - 26;
    pp->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1  = h->pps.ref_count[0] - 1;
    pp->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1  = h->pps.ref_count[1] - 1;
    pp->Reserved8BitsA                = 0;
    pp->frame_num                     = h->frame_num;
    pp->log2_max_frame_num_minus4     = h->sps.log2_max_frame_num - 4;
    pp->pic_order_cnt_type            = h->sps.poc_type;
    if (h->sps.poc_type == 0)
        pp->log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 = h->sps.log2_max_poc_lsb - 4;
    else if (h->sps.poc_type == 1)
        pp->delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag = h->sps.delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag;
    pp->direct_8x8_inference_flag     = h->sps.direct_8x8_inference_flag;
    pp->entropy_coding_mode_flag      = h->pps.cabac;
    pp->pic_order_present_flag        = h->pps.pic_order_present;
    pp->num_slice_groups_minus1       = h->pps.slice_group_count - 1;
    pp->slice_group_map_type          = h->pps.mb_slice_group_map_type;
    pp->deblocking_filter_control_present_flag = h->pps.deblocking_filter_parameters_present;
    pp->redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag= h->pps.redundant_pic_cnt_present;
    pp->Reserved8BitsB                = 0;
    pp->slice_group_change_rate_minus1= 0;  /* XXX not implemented by FFmpeg */
    //pp->SliceGroupMap[810];               /* XXX not implemented by FFmpeg */
Exemplo n.º 2
static void fill_slice_long(AVCodecContext *avctx, DXVA_Slice_H264_Long *slice,
                            unsigned position, unsigned size)
    const H264Context *h = avctx->priv_data;
    struct dxva_context *ctx = avctx->hwaccel_context;
    const MpegEncContext *s = &h->s;
    unsigned list;

    memset(slice, 0, sizeof(*slice));
    slice->BSNALunitDataLocation = position;
    slice->SliceBytesInBuffer    = size;
    slice->wBadSliceChopping     = 0;

    slice->first_mb_in_slice     = (s->mb_y >> FIELD_OR_MBAFF_PICTURE) * s->mb_width + s->mb_x;
    slice->NumMbsForSlice        = 0; /* XXX it is set once we have all slices */
    slice->BitOffsetToSliceData  = get_bits_count(&s->gb) + 8;
    slice->slice_type            = ff_h264_get_slice_type(h);
    if (h->slice_type_fixed)
        slice->slice_type += 5;
    slice->luma_log2_weight_denom       = h->luma_log2_weight_denom;
    slice->chroma_log2_weight_denom     = h->chroma_log2_weight_denom;
    if (h->list_count > 0)
        slice->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 = h->ref_count[0] - 1;
    if (h->list_count > 1)
        slice->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 = h->ref_count[1] - 1;
    slice->slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2   = h->slice_alpha_c0_offset / 2 - 26;
    slice->slice_beta_offset_div2       = h->slice_beta_offset     / 2 - 26;
    slice->Reserved8Bits                = 0;

    for (list = 0; list < 2; list++) {
        unsigned i;
        for (i = 0; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(slice->RefPicList[list]); i++) {
            if (list < h->list_count && i < h->ref_count[list]) {
                const Picture *r = &h->ref_list[list][i];
                unsigned plane;
                                   ff_dxva2_get_surface_index(ctx, r),
                                   r->reference == PICT_BOTTOM_FIELD);
                for (plane = 0; plane < 3; plane++) {
                    int w, o;
                    if (plane == 0 && h->luma_weight_flag[list]) {
                        w = h->luma_weight[i][list][0];
                        o = h->luma_weight[i][list][1];
                    } else if (plane >= 1 && h->chroma_weight_flag[list]) {
                        w = h->chroma_weight[i][list][plane-1][0];
                        o = h->chroma_weight[i][list][plane-1][1];
                    } else {
                        w = 1 << (plane == 0 ? h->luma_log2_weight_denom :
                        o = 0;
                    slice->Weights[list][i][plane][0] = w;
                    slice->Weights[list][i][plane][1] = o;
            } else {
                unsigned plane;
                slice->RefPicList[list][i].bPicEntry = 0xff;
                for (plane = 0; plane < 3; plane++) {
                    slice->Weights[list][i][plane][0] = 0;
                    slice->Weights[list][i][plane][1] = 0;
    slice->slice_qs_delta    = 0; /* XXX not implemented by FFmpeg */
    slice->slice_qp_delta    = s->qscale - h->pps.init_qp;
    slice->redundant_pic_cnt = h->redundant_pic_count;
    if (h->slice_type == FF_B_TYPE)
        slice->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag = h->direct_spatial_mv_pred;
    slice->cabac_init_idc = h->pps.cabac ? h->cabac_init_idc : 0;
    if (h->deblocking_filter < 2)
        slice->disable_deblocking_filter_idc = 1 - h->deblocking_filter;
        slice->disable_deblocking_filter_idc = h->deblocking_filter;
    slice->slice_id = h->current_slice - 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
static void fill_picture_parameters(const AVCodecContext *avctx, AVDXVAContext *ctx, const H264Context *h,
                                    DXVA_PicParams_H264 *pp)
    const H264Picture *current_picture = h->cur_pic_ptr;
    const SPS *sps = h->ps.sps;
    const PPS *pps = h->ps.pps;
    int i, j;

    memset(pp, 0, sizeof(*pp));
    /* Configure current picture */
                       ff_dxva2_get_surface_index(avctx, ctx, current_picture->f),
                       h->picture_structure == PICT_BOTTOM_FIELD);
    /* Configure the set of references */
    pp->UsedForReferenceFlags  = 0;
    pp->NonExistingFrameFlags  = 0;
    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(pp->RefFrameList); i++) {
        const H264Picture *r;
        if (j < h->short_ref_count) {
            r = h->short_ref[j++];
        } else {
            r = NULL;
            while (!r && j < h->short_ref_count + 16)
                r = h->long_ref[j++ - h->short_ref_count];
        if (r) {
                               ff_dxva2_get_surface_index(avctx, ctx, r->f),
                               r->long_ref != 0);

            if ((r->reference & PICT_TOP_FIELD) && r->field_poc[0] != INT_MAX)
                pp->FieldOrderCntList[i][0] = r->field_poc[0];
            if ((r->reference & PICT_BOTTOM_FIELD) && r->field_poc[1] != INT_MAX)
                pp->FieldOrderCntList[i][1] = r->field_poc[1];

            pp->FrameNumList[i] = r->long_ref ? r->pic_id : r->frame_num;
            if (r->reference & PICT_TOP_FIELD)
                pp->UsedForReferenceFlags |= 1 << (2*i + 0);
            if (r->reference & PICT_BOTTOM_FIELD)
                pp->UsedForReferenceFlags |= 1 << (2*i + 1);
        } else {
            pp->RefFrameList[i].bPicEntry = 0xff;
            pp->FieldOrderCntList[i][0]   = 0;
            pp->FieldOrderCntList[i][1]   = 0;
            pp->FrameNumList[i]           = 0;

    pp->wFrameWidthInMbsMinus1        = h->mb_width  - 1;
    pp->wFrameHeightInMbsMinus1       = h->mb_height - 1;
    pp->num_ref_frames                = sps->ref_frame_count;

    pp->wBitFields                    = ((h->picture_structure != PICT_FRAME) <<  0) |
                                        ((sps->mb_aff &&
                                        (h->picture_structure == PICT_FRAME)) <<  1) |
                                        (sps->residual_color_transform_flag   <<  2) |
                                        /* sp_for_switch_flag (not implemented by FFmpeg) */
                                        (0                                    <<  3) |
                                        (sps->chroma_format_idc               <<  4) |
                                        ((h->nal_ref_idc != 0)                <<  6) |
                                        (pps->constrained_intra_pred          <<  7) |
                                        (pps->weighted_pred                   <<  8) |
                                        (pps->weighted_bipred_idc             <<  9) |
                                        /* MbsConsecutiveFlag */
                                        (1                                    << 11) |
                                        (sps->frame_mbs_only_flag             << 12) |
                                        (pps->transform_8x8_mode              << 13) |
                                        ((sps->level_idc >= 31)               << 14) |
                                        /* IntraPicFlag (Modified if we detect a non
                                         * intra slice in dxva2_h264_decode_slice) */
                                        (1                                    << 15);

    pp->bit_depth_luma_minus8         = sps->bit_depth_luma - 8;
    pp->bit_depth_chroma_minus8       = sps->bit_depth_chroma - 8;
        pp->Reserved16Bits            = 0;
        pp->Reserved16Bits            = 0x34c;
        pp->Reserved16Bits            = 3; /* FIXME is there a way to detect the right mode ? */
    pp->StatusReportFeedbackNumber    = 1 + DXVA_CONTEXT_REPORT_ID(avctx, ctx)++;
    pp->CurrFieldOrderCnt[0] = 0;
    if ((h->picture_structure & PICT_TOP_FIELD) &&
        current_picture->field_poc[0] != INT_MAX)
        pp->CurrFieldOrderCnt[0] = current_picture->field_poc[0];
    pp->CurrFieldOrderCnt[1] = 0;
    if ((h->picture_structure & PICT_BOTTOM_FIELD) &&
        current_picture->field_poc[1] != INT_MAX)
        pp->CurrFieldOrderCnt[1] = current_picture->field_poc[1];
    pp->pic_init_qs_minus26           = pps->init_qs - 26;
    pp->chroma_qp_index_offset        = pps->chroma_qp_index_offset[0];
    pp->second_chroma_qp_index_offset = pps->chroma_qp_index_offset[1];
    pp->ContinuationFlag              = 1;
    pp->pic_init_qp_minus26           = pps->init_qp - 26;
    pp->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1  = pps->ref_count[0] - 1;
    pp->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1  = pps->ref_count[1] - 1;
    pp->Reserved8BitsA                = 0;
    pp->frame_num                     = h->poc.frame_num;
    pp->log2_max_frame_num_minus4     = sps->log2_max_frame_num - 4;
    pp->pic_order_cnt_type            = sps->poc_type;
    if (sps->poc_type == 0)
        pp->log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 = sps->log2_max_poc_lsb - 4;
    else if (sps->poc_type == 1)
        pp->delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag = sps->delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag;
    pp->direct_8x8_inference_flag     = sps->direct_8x8_inference_flag;
    pp->entropy_coding_mode_flag      = pps->cabac;
    pp->pic_order_present_flag        = pps->pic_order_present;
    pp->num_slice_groups_minus1       = pps->slice_group_count - 1;
    pp->slice_group_map_type          = pps->mb_slice_group_map_type;
    pp->deblocking_filter_control_present_flag = pps->deblocking_filter_parameters_present;
    pp->redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag= pps->redundant_pic_cnt_present;
    pp->Reserved8BitsB                = 0;
    pp->slice_group_change_rate_minus1= 0;  /* XXX not implemented by FFmpeg */
    //pp->SliceGroupMap[810];               /* XXX not implemented by FFmpeg */
Exemplo n.º 4
static void fill_slice_long(AVCodecContext *avctx, DXVA_Slice_H264_Long *slice,
                            const DXVA_PicParams_H264 *pp, unsigned position, unsigned size)
    const H264Context *h = avctx->priv_data;
    H264SliceContext *sl = &h->slice_ctx[0];
    AVDXVAContext *ctx = avctx->hwaccel_context;
    unsigned list;

    memset(slice, 0, sizeof(*slice));
    slice->BSNALunitDataLocation = position;
    slice->SliceBytesInBuffer    = size;
    slice->wBadSliceChopping     = 0;

    slice->first_mb_in_slice     = (sl->mb_y >> FIELD_OR_MBAFF_PICTURE(h)) * h->mb_width + sl->mb_x;
    slice->NumMbsForSlice        = 0; /* XXX it is set once we have all slices */
    slice->BitOffsetToSliceData  = get_bits_count(&sl->gb) - 8;
    slice->slice_type            = ff_h264_get_slice_type(sl);
    if (sl->slice_type_fixed)
        slice->slice_type += 5;
    slice->luma_log2_weight_denom       = sl->pwt.luma_log2_weight_denom;
    slice->chroma_log2_weight_denom     = sl->pwt.chroma_log2_weight_denom;
    if (sl->list_count > 0)
        slice->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 = sl->ref_count[0] - 1;
    if (sl->list_count > 1)
        slice->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 = sl->ref_count[1] - 1;
    slice->slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2   = sl->slice_alpha_c0_offset / 2;
    slice->slice_beta_offset_div2       = sl->slice_beta_offset     / 2;
    slice->Reserved8Bits                = 0;

    for (list = 0; list < 2; list++) {
        unsigned i;
        for (i = 0; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(slice->RefPicList[list]); i++) {
            if (list < sl->list_count && i < sl->ref_count[list]) {
                const H264Picture *r = sl->ref_list[list][i].parent;
                unsigned plane;
                unsigned index;
                    index = ff_dxva2_get_surface_index(avctx, ctx, r->f);
                    index = get_refpic_index(pp, ff_dxva2_get_surface_index(avctx, ctx, r->f));
                fill_picture_entry(&slice->RefPicList[list][i], index,
                                   sl->ref_list[list][i].reference == PICT_BOTTOM_FIELD);
                for (plane = 0; plane < 3; plane++) {
                    int w, o;
                    if (plane == 0 && sl->pwt.luma_weight_flag[list]) {
                        w = sl->pwt.luma_weight[i][list][0];
                        o = sl->pwt.luma_weight[i][list][1];
                    } else if (plane >= 1 && sl->pwt.chroma_weight_flag[list]) {
                        w = sl->pwt.chroma_weight[i][list][plane-1][0];
                        o = sl->pwt.chroma_weight[i][list][plane-1][1];
                    } else {
                        w = 1 << (plane == 0 ? sl->pwt.luma_log2_weight_denom :
                        o = 0;
                    slice->Weights[list][i][plane][0] = w;
                    slice->Weights[list][i][plane][1] = o;
            } else {
                unsigned plane;
                slice->RefPicList[list][i].bPicEntry = 0xff;
                for (plane = 0; plane < 3; plane++) {
                    slice->Weights[list][i][plane][0] = 0;
                    slice->Weights[list][i][plane][1] = 0;
    slice->slice_qs_delta    = 0; /* XXX not implemented by FFmpeg */
    slice->slice_qp_delta    = sl->qscale - h->pps.init_qp;
    slice->redundant_pic_cnt = sl->redundant_pic_count;
    if (sl->slice_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B)
        slice->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag = sl->direct_spatial_mv_pred;
    slice->cabac_init_idc = h->pps.cabac ? sl->cabac_init_idc : 0;
    if (sl->deblocking_filter < 2)
        slice->disable_deblocking_filter_idc = 1 - sl->deblocking_filter;
        slice->disable_deblocking_filter_idc = sl->deblocking_filter;
    slice->slice_id = h->current_slice - 1;
static void fill_picture_parameters(const AVCodecContext *avctx, AVDXVAContext *ctx, const HEVCContext *h,
                                    DXVA_PicParams_HEVC *pp)
    const HEVCFrame *current_picture = h->ref;
    const HEVCSPS *sps = h->ps.sps;
    const HEVCPPS *pps = h->ps.pps;
    int i, j;

    memset(pp, 0, sizeof(*pp));

    pp->PicWidthInMinCbsY  = sps->min_cb_width;
    pp->PicHeightInMinCbsY = sps->min_cb_height;

    pp->wFormatAndSequenceInfoFlags = (sps->chroma_format_idc             <<  0) |
                                      (sps->separate_colour_plane_flag    <<  2) |
                                      ((sps->bit_depth - 8)               <<  3) |
                                      ((sps->bit_depth - 8)               <<  6) |
                                      ((sps->log2_max_poc_lsb - 4)        <<  9) |
                                      (0                                  << 13) |
                                      (0                                  << 14) |
                                      (0                                  << 15);

    fill_picture_entry(&pp->CurrPic, ff_dxva2_get_surface_index(avctx, ctx, current_picture->frame), 0);

    pp->sps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1         = sps->temporal_layer[sps->max_sub_layers - 1].max_dec_pic_buffering - 1;
    pp->log2_min_luma_coding_block_size_minus3   = sps->log2_min_cb_size - 3;
    pp->log2_diff_max_min_luma_coding_block_size = sps->log2_diff_max_min_coding_block_size;
    pp->log2_min_transform_block_size_minus2     = sps->log2_min_tb_size - 2;
    pp->log2_diff_max_min_transform_block_size   = sps->log2_max_trafo_size  - sps->log2_min_tb_size;
    pp->max_transform_hierarchy_depth_inter      = sps->max_transform_hierarchy_depth_inter;
    pp->max_transform_hierarchy_depth_intra      = sps->max_transform_hierarchy_depth_intra;
    pp->num_short_term_ref_pic_sets              = sps->nb_st_rps;
    pp->num_long_term_ref_pics_sps               = sps->num_long_term_ref_pics_sps;

    pp->num_ref_idx_l0_default_active_minus1     = pps->num_ref_idx_l0_default_active - 1;
    pp->num_ref_idx_l1_default_active_minus1     = pps->num_ref_idx_l1_default_active - 1;
    pp->init_qp_minus26                          = pps->pic_init_qp_minus26;

    if (h->sh.short_term_ref_pic_set_sps_flag == 0 && h->sh.short_term_rps) {
        pp->ucNumDeltaPocsOfRefRpsIdx            = h->sh.short_term_rps->rps_idx_num_delta_pocs;
        pp->wNumBitsForShortTermRPSInSlice       = h->sh.short_term_ref_pic_set_size;

    pp->dwCodingParamToolFlags = (sps->scaling_list_enable_flag                  <<  0) |
                                 (sps->amp_enabled_flag                          <<  1) |
                                 (sps->sao_enabled                               <<  2) |
                                 (sps->pcm_enabled_flag                          <<  3) |
                                 ((sps->pcm_enabled_flag ? (sps->pcm.bit_depth - 1) : 0)            <<  4) |
                                 ((sps->pcm_enabled_flag ? (sps->pcm.bit_depth_chroma - 1) : 0)     <<  8) |
                                 ((sps->pcm_enabled_flag ? (sps->pcm.log2_min_pcm_cb_size - 3) : 0) << 12) |
                                 ((sps->pcm_enabled_flag ? (sps->pcm.log2_max_pcm_cb_size - sps->pcm.log2_min_pcm_cb_size) : 0) << 14) |
                                 (sps->pcm.loop_filter_disable_flag              << 16) |
                                 (sps->long_term_ref_pics_present_flag           << 17) |
                                 (sps->sps_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag             << 18) |
                                 (sps->sps_strong_intra_smoothing_enable_flag    << 19) |
                                 (pps->dependent_slice_segments_enabled_flag     << 20) |
                                 (pps->output_flag_present_flag                  << 21) |
                                 (pps->num_extra_slice_header_bits               << 22) |
                                 (pps->sign_data_hiding_flag                     << 25) |
                                 (pps->cabac_init_present_flag                   << 26) |
                                 (0                                              << 27);

    pp->dwCodingSettingPicturePropertyFlags = (pps->constrained_intra_pred_flag                   <<  0) |
                                              (pps->transform_skip_enabled_flag                   <<  1) |
                                              (pps->cu_qp_delta_enabled_flag                      <<  2) |
                                              (pps->pic_slice_level_chroma_qp_offsets_present_flag <<  3) |
                                              (pps->weighted_pred_flag                            <<  4) |
                                              (pps->weighted_bipred_flag                          <<  5) |
                                              (pps->transquant_bypass_enable_flag                 <<  6) |
                                              (pps->tiles_enabled_flag                            <<  7) |
                                              (pps->entropy_coding_sync_enabled_flag              <<  8) |
                                              (pps->uniform_spacing_flag                          <<  9) |
                                              ((pps->tiles_enabled_flag ? pps->loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled_flag : 0) << 10) |
                                              (pps->seq_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag    << 11) |
                                              (pps->deblocking_filter_override_enabled_flag       << 12) |
                                              (pps->disable_dbf                                   << 13) |
                                              (pps->lists_modification_present_flag               << 14) |
                                              (pps->slice_header_extension_present_flag           << 15) |
                                              (IS_IRAP(h)                                         << 16) |
                                              (IS_IDR(h)                                          << 17) |
                                              /* IntraPicFlag */
                                              (IS_IRAP(h)                                         << 18) |
                                              (0                                                  << 19);
    pp->pps_cb_qp_offset            = pps->cb_qp_offset;
    pp->pps_cr_qp_offset            = pps->cr_qp_offset;
    if (pps->tiles_enabled_flag) {
        pp->num_tile_columns_minus1 = pps->num_tile_columns - 1;
        pp->num_tile_rows_minus1    = pps->num_tile_rows - 1;

        if (!pps->uniform_spacing_flag) {
            for (i = 0; i < pps->num_tile_columns; i++)
                pp->column_width_minus1[i] = pps->column_width[i] - 1;

            for (i = 0; i < pps->num_tile_rows; i++)
                pp->row_height_minus1[i] = pps->row_height[i] - 1;

    pp->diff_cu_qp_delta_depth           = pps->diff_cu_qp_delta_depth;
    pp->pps_beta_offset_div2             = pps->beta_offset / 2;
    pp->pps_tc_offset_div2               = pps->tc_offset / 2;
    pp->log2_parallel_merge_level_minus2 = pps->log2_parallel_merge_level - 2;
    pp->CurrPicOrderCntVal               = h->poc;

    // fill RefPicList from the DPB
    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(pp->RefPicList); i++) {
        const HEVCFrame *frame = NULL;
        while (!frame && j < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(h->DPB)) {
            if (&h->DPB[j] != current_picture && (h->DPB[j].flags & (HEVC_FRAME_FLAG_LONG_REF | HEVC_FRAME_FLAG_SHORT_REF)))
                frame = &h->DPB[j];

        if (frame) {
            fill_picture_entry(&pp->RefPicList[i], ff_dxva2_get_surface_index(avctx, ctx, frame->frame), !!(frame->flags & HEVC_FRAME_FLAG_LONG_REF));
            pp->PicOrderCntValList[i] = frame->poc;
        } else {
            pp->RefPicList[i].bPicEntry = 0xff;
            pp->PicOrderCntValList[i]   = 0;

    #define DO_REF_LIST(ref_idx, ref_list) { \
        const RefPicList *rpl = &h->rps[ref_idx]; \
        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(pp->ref_list); i++) { \
            const HEVCFrame *frame = NULL; \
            while (!frame && j < rpl->nb_refs) \
                frame = rpl->ref[j++]; \
            if (frame) \
                pp->ref_list[i] = get_refpic_index(pp, ff_dxva2_get_surface_index(avctx, ctx, frame->frame)); \
            else \
                pp->ref_list[i] = 0xff; \
        } \

    // Fill short term and long term lists
    DO_REF_LIST(ST_CURR_BEF, RefPicSetStCurrBefore);
    DO_REF_LIST(ST_CURR_AFT, RefPicSetStCurrAfter);
    DO_REF_LIST(LT_CURR, RefPicSetLtCurr);

    pp->StatusReportFeedbackNumber = 1 + DXVA_CONTEXT_REPORT_ID(avctx, ctx)++;