Exemplo n.º 1
void assembly_run(Params *p, double nfert, double **regpool, int poolsize, char *folder, char *replicate_identity)
    // Define and initialize the history and ecosystem lists
    sll history;
    sll ecosys;

    // create the basal resources

    // create and initialize the presence matrix (ne pas oublier de mettre les espèces au minimum pour l'invasion)
    unsigned int **presence = (unsigned int**)mat_alloc(2,poolsize,sizeof(unsigned int));
    for(int i = 0 ; i < poolsize ; ++i)
        presence[0][i] = regpool[i][1];
        presence[1][i] = 0;

    // get the initial values of the sequence
    seqlevel *seq0 = fill_seq(&ecosys,0,0);
    seq0->success = 0;

    // assemble until any species can install (or all are already installed)
    int a = poolsize + EAM_NBNUT + EAM_NBDET;                              /* expected ecosystem size */
    int stop_endcycles = poolsize * EAM_STOP_ENDCYCLE;                     /* variable to stop the sequence if infinite */
    int endcycles = 0;                                                     /* 0 if endpoint / 1 if endcycle */ 
    int unsucc = EAM_STOP;                                                 /* check the success of the invader */
    int invasion = 1;                                                      /* invasion number */

    while(ecosys.length != a)
        int b = get_int(p->rng,0,poolsize);                                /* select randomly the number of the species in the regional pool */
        if(presence[1][b] == 0)                                            /* if the species is not already in the ecosystem */
	    ParamSP *sp = (ParamSP*)malloc(sizeof(ParamSP));
	    install_process(p,&ecosys,sp);                                  /* install the species */
	    seqlevel *seq = fill_seq(&ecosys,invasion,presence[0][b]);      /* create and initialize a sequence node */
	    sll_rm(&ecosys,extinct_condition);                              /* remove the extincted species */
	    presence_absence(&ecosys,presence,poolsize);                    /* fill the presence-absence matrix */
	    unsucc = (presence[1][b] == 0) ? unsucc-1 : EAM_STOP;          /* upgrade the counter of unsuccessfull installations */
	    seq->success =  presence[1][b];                                /* fill the success of invader installation in the sequence node */
	    sll_add_head(&history,seq);                                    /* add the sequence node to the assembly history */
	    ++invasion;                                                    /* upgrade the invasion number */
	    --stop_endcycles;                                              /* upgrade the endcycle detector */
	if(unsucc == 0) break;
        if(stop_endcycles == 0)                                              /* break the loop if its an endcycle */
	    endcycles = 1;

    // print the outputs : subpool / final community / sequence / abundances history / identity history
    char *buffer = (char*)malloc(100);
    sprintf(buffer, "%s/%s_endcycle.txt",folder,replicate_identity);
    FILE *out = fopen(buffer,"w");

    // free the memory

Exemplo n.º 2
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int cmode=NC_CLOBBER, omode, ret;
	int	 id;
	char buf[256];
	char *str = "one";
	int ii;
	size_t ui;
	const struct tcdfvar *tvp = testvars;
	union getret got;
	const size_t initialsz = 8192;
	size_t chunksz = 8192;
	size_t align = 8192/32;

	MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

        /* cmode |= NC_PNETCDF |NC_64BIT_OFFSET; */
        cmode != NC_PNETCDF |NC_64BIT_DATA;
	ret = nc_create_par(fname,cmode, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL, &id);
	if(ret != NC_NOERR)  {
		fprintf(stderr,"Error %s in file %s at line %d\n",nc_strerror(ret),__FILE__,__LINE__);
	assert( nc_put_att_text(id, NC_GLOBAL,
		"TITLE", 12, "another name") == NC_NOERR);
	assert( nc_get_att_text(id, NC_GLOBAL,
		"TITLE", buf) == NC_NOERR);
/*	(void) printf("title 1 \"%s\"\n", buf); */
	assert( nc_put_att_text(id, NC_GLOBAL,
		"TITLE", strlen(fname), fname) == NC_NOERR);
	assert( nc_get_att_text(id, NC_GLOBAL,
		"TITLE", buf) == NC_NOERR);
	buf[strlen(fname)] = 0;
/*	(void) printf("title 2 \"%s\"\n", buf); */
	assert( strcmp(fname, buf) == 0);

	createtestdims(id, NUM_DIMS, sizes, dim_names);
	testdims(id, NUM_DIMS, sizes, dim_names);

	createtestvars(id, testvars, NUM_TESTVARS); 

 	int ifill = -1; double dfill = -9999;
 	assert( nc_put_att_int(id, Long_id,
 		_FillValue, NC_INT, 1, &ifill) == NC_NOERR);
 	assert( nc_put_att_double(id, Double_id,
 		_FillValue, NC_DOUBLE, 1, &dfill) == NC_NOERR);

#ifdef REDEF
	assert( nc__enddef(id, 0, align, 0, 2*align) == NC_NOERR );
	assert( nc_put_var1_int(id, Long_id, indices[3], &birthday) 
		== NC_NOERR );
	assert( nc_redef(id) == NC_NOERR );
/*	assert( nc_rename_dim(id,2, "a long dim name") == NC_NOERR); */

	assert( nc_rename_dim(id,1, "IXX") == NC_NOERR);
	assert( nc_inq_dim(id, 1, buf, &ui) == NC_NOERR);
	/* (void) printf("dimrename: %s\n", buf); */
	assert( nc_rename_dim(id,1, dim_names[1]) == NC_NOERR);

#ifdef ATTRX
	assert( nc_rename_att(id, 1, "UNITS", "units") == NC_NOERR);
	assert( nc_del_att(id, 4, "FIELDNAM")== NC_NOERR);
	assert( nc_del_att(id, 2, "SCALEMIN")== NC_NOERR);
	assert( nc_del_att(id, 2, "SCALEMAX")== NC_NOERR);
#endif /* ATTRX */

	assert( nc__enddef(id, 0, align, 0, 2*align) == NC_NOERR );

#ifndef REDEF
	assert( nc_put_var1_int(id, Long_id, indices[3], &birthday)== NC_NOERR );

	assert( nc_put_vara_schar(id, Byte_id, s_start, s_edges,
		(signed char *)sentence)
		== NC_NOERR);
	assert( nc_put_var1_schar(id, Byte_id, indices[6], (signed char *)(chs+1))
		== NC_NOERR);
	assert( nc_put_var1_schar(id, Byte_id, indices[5], (signed char *)chs)
		== NC_NOERR);

	assert( nc_put_vara_text(id, Char_id, s_start, s_edges, sentence)
		== NC_NOERR);
	assert( nc_put_var1_text(id, Char_id, indices[6], (chs+1))
		== NC_NOERR) ;
	assert( nc_put_var1_text(id, Char_id, indices[5], chs)
		== NC_NOERR);

	assert( nc_put_var1_short(id, Short_id, indices[4], shs)
		== NC_NOERR);

	assert( nc_put_var1_float(id, Float_id, indices[2], &e)
		== NC_NOERR);

	assert( nc_put_var1_double(id, Double_id, indices[1], &zed)
		== NC_NOERR);
	assert( nc_put_var1_double(id, Double_id, indices[0], &pinot)
		== NC_NOERR);

	(void) printf("Hit Return to sync\n");
	(void) printf("Sync done. Hit Return to continue\n");
#endif /* SYNCDEBUG */

	ret = nc_close(id);
	/* (void) printf("nc_close ret = %d\n\n", ret); */

 *	read it
        omode = NC_NOWRITE;
        omode = NC_NOWRITE | NC_PNETCDF;
	if(ret != NC_NOERR)
   	    (void) printf("Could not open %s: %s\n", fname,
	/* (void) printf("reopen id = %d for filename %s\n", */
	/* 	id, fname); */

	/*	NC	*/ 
	/* (void) printf("NC "); */
	assert( nc_inq(id, &(cdesc->num_dims), &(cdesc->num_vars),
		&(cdesc->num_attrs), &(cdesc->xtendim) ) == NC_NOERR);
	assert((size_t) cdesc->num_dims == num_dims);
	assert(cdesc->num_attrs == 1);
	assert(cdesc->num_vars == NUM_TESTVARS);
	/* (void) printf("done\n"); */
	/*	GATTR	*/
	/* (void) printf("GATTR "); */

	assert( nc_inq_attname(id, NC_GLOBAL, 0, adesc->mnem) == 0);
	assert(strcmp("TITLE",adesc->mnem) == 0);
	assert( nc_inq_att(id, NC_GLOBAL, adesc->mnem, &(adesc->type), &(adesc->len))== NC_NOERR);
	assert( adesc->type == NC_CHAR );
	assert( adesc->len == strlen(fname) );
	assert( nc_get_att_text(id, NC_GLOBAL, "TITLE", buf)== NC_NOERR);
	buf[adesc->len] = 0;
	assert( strcmp(fname, buf) == 0);

	/*	VAR	*/
	/* (void) printf("VAR "); */
	assert( cdesc->num_vars == NUM_TESTVARS );

	for(ii = 0; ii < cdesc->num_vars; ii++, tvp++ ) 
		int jj;
		assert( nc_inq_var(id, ii,
			&(vdesc->num_attrs)) == NC_NOERR);
		if(strcmp(tvp->mnem , vdesc->mnem) != 0)
			(void) printf("attr %d mnem mismatch %s, %s\n",
				ii, tvp->mnem, vdesc->mnem);
		if(tvp->type != vdesc->type)
			(void) printf("attr %d type mismatch %d, %d\n",
				ii, (int)tvp->type, (int)vdesc->type);
		for(jj = 0; jj < vdesc->ndims; jj++ )
			if(tvp->dims[jj] != vdesc->dims[jj] )
		(void) printf(
		"inconsistent dim[%d] for variable %d: %d != %d\n",
		jj, ii, tvp->dims[jj], vdesc->dims[jj] );

		/* VATTR */
		/* (void) printf("VATTR\n"); */
		for(jj=0; jj<vdesc->num_attrs; jj++ ) 
			assert( nc_inq_attname(id, ii, jj, adesc->mnem) == NC_NOERR);
			if( strcmp(adesc->mnem, reqattr[jj]) != 0 )
				(void) printf("var %d attr %d mismatch %s != %s\n",
					ii, jj, adesc->mnem, reqattr[jj] );

		if( nc_inq_att(id, ii, reqattr[0], &(adesc->type), &(adesc->len))
			!= -1) {
		assert( adesc->type == NC_CHAR );
		assert( adesc->len == strlen(tvp->units) );
	 	assert( nc_get_att_text(id,ii,reqattr[0],buf)== NC_NOERR); 
		buf[adesc->len] = 0;
		assert( strcmp(tvp->units, buf) == 0);

			nc_inq_att(id, ii, reqattr[1], &(adesc->type), &(adesc->len))
			!= -1)
		assert( adesc->type == NC_DOUBLE );
		assert( adesc->len == 1 );
	 	assert( nc_get_att_double(id, ii, reqattr[1], &got.dbl)== NC_NOERR);
		chkgot(adesc->type, got, tvp->validmin);

			nc_inq_att(id, ii, reqattr[2], &(adesc->type), &(adesc->len))
			!= -1)
		assert( adesc->type == NC_DOUBLE );
		assert( adesc->len == 1 );
	 	assert( nc_get_att_double(id, ii, reqattr[2], &got.dbl)== NC_NOERR);
		chkgot(adesc->type, got, tvp->validmax);

			nc_inq_att(id, ii, reqattr[3], &(adesc->type), &(adesc->len))
			!= -1)
		assert( adesc->type == NC_DOUBLE );
		assert( adesc->len ==1 );
	 	assert( nc_get_att_double(id, ii, reqattr[3], &got.dbl)== NC_NOERR);
		chkgot(adesc->type, got, tvp->scalemin);

			nc_inq_att(id, ii, reqattr[4], &(adesc->type), &(adesc->len))
			!= -1)
		assert( adesc->type == NC_DOUBLE );
		assert( adesc->len == 1 );
	 	assert( nc_get_att_double(id, ii, reqattr[4], &got.dbl)== NC_NOERR);
		chkgot(adesc->type, got, tvp->scalemax);

		if( nc_inq_att(id, ii, reqattr[5], &(adesc->type), &(adesc->len))== NC_NOERR)
		assert( adesc->type == NC_CHAR );
		assert( adesc->len == strlen(tvp->fieldnam) );
	 	assert( nc_get_att_text(id,ii,reqattr[5],buf)== NC_NOERR); 
		buf[adesc->len] = 0;
		assert( strcmp(tvp->fieldnam, buf) == 0);

	/* (void) printf("fill_seq "); */
	/* (void) printf("Done\n"); */

	assert( nc_get_var1_double(id, Double_id, indices[0], &got.dbl)== NC_NOERR);
	/* (void) printf("got val = %f\n", got.dbl ); */

	assert( nc_get_var1_double(id, Double_id, indices[1], &got.dbl)== NC_NOERR);
	/* (void) printf("got val = %f\n", got.dbl ); */

	assert( nc_get_var1_float(id, Float_id, indices[2], &got.fl[0])== NC_NOERR);
	/* (void) printf("got val = %f\n", got.fl[0] ); */

	assert( nc_get_var1_int(id, Long_id, indices[3], &got.in[0])== NC_NOERR);
	/* (void) printf("got val = %d\n", got.in[0] ); */

	assert( nc_get_var1_short(id, Short_id, indices[4], &got.sh[0])== NC_NOERR);
	/* (void) printf("got val = %d\n", got.sh[0] ); */

	assert( nc_get_var1_text(id, Char_id, indices[5], &got.by[0]) == NC_NOERR);
	/* (void) printf("got NC_CHAR val = %c (0x%02x) \n", */
		 /* got.by[0] , got.by[0]); */

	assert( nc_get_var1_text(id, Char_id, indices[6], &got.by[0]) == NC_NOERR);
	/* (void) printf("got NC_CHAR val = %c (0x%02x) \n", */
	/* 	 got.by[0], got.by[0] ); */

	(void) memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf));
	assert( nc_get_vara_text(id, Char_id, s_start, s_edges, buf) == NC_NOERR);
	/* (void) printf("got NC_CHAR val = \"%s\"\n", buf); */

	assert( nc_get_var1_schar(id, Byte_id, indices[5],
			(signed char *)&got.by[0])== NC_NOERR);
	/* (void) printf("got val = %c (0x%02x) \n", got.by[0] , got.by[0]); */

	assert( nc_get_var1_schar(id, Byte_id, indices[6],
			(signed char *)&got.by[0])== NC_NOERR);
	/* (void) printf("got val = %c (0x%02x) \n", got.by[0], got.by[0] ); */

	(void) memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf));
	assert( nc_get_vara_schar(id, Byte_id, s_start, s_edges,
			(signed char *)buf)== NC_NOERR );
	/* (void) printf("got val = \"%s\"\n", buf); */

		double dbuf[NUM_RECS * SIZE_1 * SIZE_2];
		assert(nc_get_var_double(id, Float_id, dbuf) == NC_NOERR);
		/* (void) printf("got vals = %f ... %f\n", dbuf[0], */
		/* 	 dbuf[NUM_RECS * SIZE_1 * SIZE_2 -1] ); */

	ret = nc_close(id);
	/* (void) printf("re nc_close ret = %d\n", ret); */

	return 0;