Exemplo n.º 1
// 'region' is in contents coordinates relative to the frame containing 'node'
// 'remainingFingerRegion' and 'intersectingRegions' will always be in main frame contents
// coordinates.
// Thus, before comparing, we need to map the former to main frame contents coordinates.
bool FatFingers::checkFingerIntersection(const Platform::IntRectRegion& region,
                                         const Platform::IntRectRegion& remainingFingerRegion,
                                         Node* node, Vector<IntersectingRegion>& intersectingRegions)

    Platform::IntRectRegion regionCopy(region);
    WebCore::IntPoint framePos(m_webPage->frameOffset(node->document()->frame()));
    regionCopy.move(framePos.x(), framePos.y());

    Platform::IntRectRegion intersection = intersectRegions(regionCopy, remainingFingerRegion);
    if (intersection.isEmpty())
        return false;

    String nodeName;
    if (node->isTextNode())
        nodeName = "text node";
    else if (node->isElementNode())
        nodeName = String::format("%s node", toElement(node)->tagName().latin1().data());
        nodeName = "unknown node";
    log(LogLevelInfo, "%s has region %s, intersecting at %s (area %d)", nodeName.latin1().data(),
        regionCopy.toString().c_str(), intersection.toString().c_str(), intersection.area());

    intersectingRegions.append(std::make_pair(node, intersection));
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
void TouchEventHandler::drawTapHighlight()
    Element* elementUnderFatFinger = m_lastFatFingersResult.nodeAsElementIfApplicable();
    if (!elementUnderFatFinger)

    Element* element = elementForTapHighlight(elementUnderFatFinger);
    if (!element)

    // Get the element bounding rect in transformed coordinates so we can extract
    // the focus ring relative position each rect.
    RenderObject* renderer = element->renderer();

    Frame* elementFrame = element->document()->frame();

    FrameView* elementFrameView = elementFrame->view();
    if (!elementFrameView)

    // Tell the client if the element is either in a scrollable container or in a fixed positioned container.
    // On the client side, this info is being used to hide the tap highlight window on scroll.
    RenderLayer* layer = m_webPage->enclosingFixedPositionedAncestorOrSelfIfFixedPositioned(renderer->enclosingLayer());
    bool shouldHideTapHighlightRightAfterScrolling = !layer->renderer()->isRenderView();
    shouldHideTapHighlightRightAfterScrolling |= !!m_webPage->m_inRegionScroller->d->node();

    IntPoint framePos(m_webPage->frameOffset(elementFrame));

    // FIXME: We can get more precise on the <map> case by calculating the rect with HTMLAreaElement::computeRect().
    IntRect absoluteRect(renderer->absoluteClippedOverflowRect());
    absoluteRect.move(framePos.x(), framePos.y());

    IntRect clippingRect;
    if (elementFrame == m_webPage->mainFrame())
        clippingRect = IntRect(IntPoint(0, 0), elementFrameView->contentsSize());
        clippingRect = m_webPage->mainFrame()->view()->windowToContents(m_webPage->getRecursiveVisibleWindowRect(elementFrameView, true /*noClipToMainFrame*/));
    clippingRect = intersection(absoluteRect, clippingRect);

    Vector<FloatQuad> focusRingQuads;

    Platform::IntRectRegion region;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < focusRingQuads.size(); ++i) {
        IntRect rect = focusRingQuads[i].enclosingBoundingBox();
        rect.move(framePos.x(), framePos.y());
        IntRect clippedRect = intersection(clippingRect, rect);
        region = unionRegions(region, Platform::IntRect(clippedRect));

    Color highlightColor = element->renderStyle()->tapHighlightColor();

                                    highlightColor.red(), highlightColor.green(), highlightColor.blue(), highlightColor.alpha(),
Exemplo n.º 3
void Plots::onCurrentFrameChanged()
    // position of the current frame has changed 

    if ( isZoomed() )
        const int n = m_frameInterval.count();

        const int from = qBound( 0, framePos() - n / 2, numFrames() - n );
        const int to = from + n - 1;

        if ( from != m_frameInterval.from )
            setVisibleFrames( from, to );

    setCursorPos( framePos() );
Exemplo n.º 4
bool FatFingers::checkForClickableElement(Element* curElement,
                                          Vector<IntersectingRegion>& intersectingRegions,
                                          Platform::IntRectRegion& remainingFingerRegion,
                                          RenderLayer*& lowestPositionedEnclosingLayerSoFar)

    bool intersects = false;
    Platform::IntRectRegion elementRegion;

    bool isClickableElement = isElementClickable(curElement);
    if (isClickableElement) {
        if (curElement->isLink()) {
            // Links can wrap lines, and in such cases Node::getRect() can give us
            // not accurate rects, since it unites all InlineBox's rects. In these
            // cases, we can process each line of the link separately with our
            // intersection rect, getting a more accurate clicking.
            Vector<FloatQuad> quads;

            size_t n = quads.size();

            for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                elementRegion = unionRegions(elementRegion, Platform::IntRect(quads[i].enclosingBoundingBox()));
        } else
            elementRegion = Platform::IntRectRegion(curElement->renderer()->absoluteBoundingBoxRect(true /*use transforms*/));

    } else
        elementRegion = Platform::IntRectRegion(curElement->renderer()->absoluteBoundingBoxRect(true /*use transforms*/));

    if (lowestPositionedEnclosingLayerSoFar) {
        RenderLayer* curElementRenderLayer = m_webPage->enclosingPositionedAncestorOrSelfIfPositioned(curElement->renderer()->enclosingLayer());
        if (curElementRenderLayer != lowestPositionedEnclosingLayerSoFar) {

            // elementRegion will always be in contents coordinates of its container frame. It needs to be
            // mapped to main frame contents coordinates in order to subtract the fingerRegion, then.
            WebCore::IntPoint framePos(m_webPage->frameOffset(curElement->document()->frame()));
            Platform::IntRectRegion layerRegion(Platform::IntRect(lowestPositionedEnclosingLayerSoFar->renderer()->absoluteBoundingBoxRect(true/*use transforms*/)));
            layerRegion.move(framePos.x(), framePos.y());

            remainingFingerRegion = subtractRegions(remainingFingerRegion, layerRegion);

            lowestPositionedEnclosingLayerSoFar = curElementRenderLayer;
    } else
        lowestPositionedEnclosingLayerSoFar = m_webPage->enclosingPositionedAncestorOrSelfIfPositioned(curElement->renderer()->enclosingLayer());

    if (isClickableElement)
        intersects = checkFingerIntersection(elementRegion, remainingFingerRegion, curElement, intersectingRegions);

    return intersects;
Exemplo n.º 5
void Plots::refresh()
    for ( size_t streamPos = 0; streamPos < m_fileInfoData->Stats.size(); streamPos++ )
        if ( m_fileInfoData->Stats[streamPos] && m_plots[streamPos] )
            size_t type = m_fileInfoData->Stats[streamPos]->Type_Get();
            for ( int i = 0; i < PerStreamType[type].CountOfGroups; i++ )
                if (m_plots[streamPos][i])
                initYAxis( m_plots[streamPos][i] );
                updateSamples( m_plots[streamPos][i] );

    setCursorPos( framePos() );
Exemplo n.º 6
void Plots::zoomXAxis( ZoomTypes zoomType )
    m_zoomType = zoomType;

    if ( zoomType == ZoomIn )
    else if ( zoomType == ZoomOut && m_zoomFactor )
    else if ( zoomType == ZoomOneToOne)
        m_zoomFactor = 0;
    qDebug() << "m_zoomFactor: " << m_zoomFactor;
    int numVisibleFrames = m_fileInfoData->Frames_Count_Get() >> m_zoomFactor;

    if(m_zoomType == ZoomOneToOne)
        numVisibleFrames = plot(0, 0)->canvas()->contentsRect().width();
        m_zoomFactor = log(m_fileInfoData->Frames_Count_Get() / numVisibleFrames) / log(2);

    int to = qMin( framePos() + numVisibleFrames / 2, numFrames() );
    int from = qMax( 0, to - numVisibleFrames );
    if ( to - from < numVisibleFrames)
        to = from + numVisibleFrames;

    setVisibleFrames( from, to );

    for ( size_t streamPos = 0; streamPos < m_fileInfoData->Stats.size(); streamPos++ )
        if ( m_fileInfoData->Stats[streamPos] && m_plots[streamPos] )
		    size_t type = m_fileInfoData->Stats[streamPos]->Type_Get();

            for ( int group = 0; group < PerStreamType[type].CountOfGroups; group++ )
                if (m_plots[streamPos][group])
                m_plots[streamPos][group]->setAxisScale( QwtPlot::xBottom, m_timeInterval.from, m_timeInterval.to );

    m_scaleWidget->setScale( m_timeInterval.from, m_timeInterval.to);



Exemplo n.º 7
nsIFrame* nsCaret::GetGeometry(nsISelection* aSelection, nsRect* aRect)
  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> focusNode;
  nsresult rv = aSelection->GetFocusNode(getter_AddRefs(focusNode));
  if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !focusNode)
    return nsnull;

  PRInt32 focusOffset;
  rv = aSelection->GetFocusOffset(&focusOffset);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
    return nsnull;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> contentNode = do_QueryInterface(focusNode);
  if (!contentNode)
    return nsnull;

  // find the frame that contains the content node that has focus
  nsIFrame* theFrame = nsnull;
  PRInt32   theFrameOffset = 0;

  nsCOMPtr<nsFrameSelection> frameSelection = GetFrameSelection();
  if (!frameSelection)
    return nsnull;
  PRUint8 bidiLevel = frameSelection->GetCaretBidiLevel();
  rv = GetCaretFrameForNodeOffset(contentNode, focusOffset,
                                  frameSelection->GetHint(), bidiLevel,
                                  &theFrame, &theFrameOffset);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !theFrame)
    return nsnull;
  nsPoint framePos(0, 0);
  rv = theFrame->GetPointFromOffset(theFrameOffset, &framePos);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
    return nsnull;

  // now add the frame offset to the view offset, and we're done
  nscoord height = theFrame->GetSize().height;
  nscoord width = ComputeMetrics(theFrame, theFrameOffset, height).mCaretWidth;
  *aRect = nsRect(framePos.x, 0, width, height);
  return theFrame;
Exemplo n.º 8
void Plots::setCursorPos( int newFramePos )
    setFramePos( newFramePos );

    for ( size_t streamPos = 0; streamPos < m_fileInfoData->Stats.size(); streamPos++ )
        if ( m_fileInfoData->Stats[streamPos] && m_plots[streamPos] )
            const double x = m_fileInfoData->Stats[streamPos]->x[m_dataTypeIndex][framePos(streamPos)];

            size_t type = m_fileInfoData->Stats[streamPos]->Type_Get();

            for ( int i = 0; i < PerStreamType[type].CountOfGroups; ++i )
                if (m_plots[streamPos][i])
                m_plots[streamPos][i]->setCursorPos( x );

    m_scaleWidget->setScale( m_timeInterval.from, m_timeInterval.to);

Exemplo n.º 9
Plots::Plots( QWidget *parent, FileInformation* fileInformation ) :
    QWidget( parent ),
    m_zoomFactor ( 0 ),
    m_fileInfoData( fileInformation ),
    m_dataTypeIndex( Plots::AxisSeconds )
    setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
    QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout( this );
    layout->setSpacing( 1 );
    layout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

    // bottom scale
    m_scaleWidget = new PlotScaleWidget();
    m_scaleWidget->setFormat( Plots::AxisTime );
    setVisibleFrames( 0, numFrames() - 1 );

    // plots and legends
    m_plots = new Plot**[m_fileInfoData->Stats.size()];
    m_plotsCount = 0;
    for ( size_t streamPos = 0; streamPos < m_fileInfoData->Stats.size(); streamPos++ )
        if (m_fileInfoData->Stats[streamPos])
            size_t type = m_fileInfoData->Stats[streamPos]->Type_Get();
            size_t countOfGroups = PerStreamType[type].CountOfGroups;
            m_plots[streamPos] = new Plot*[countOfGroups + 1]; //+1 for axix
            for ( size_t group = 0; group < countOfGroups; group++ )
                if (m_fileInfoData->ActiveFilters[PerStreamType[type].PerGroup[group].ActiveFilterGroup])
                    Plot* plot = new Plot( streamPos, type, group, fileInformation, this );

                    if(type == Type_Video)
                        adjustGroupMax(group, m_fileInfoData->BitsPerRawSample());

                    // we allow to shrink the plot below height of the size hint
                    plot->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
                    plot->setAxisScaleDiv( QwtPlot::xBottom, m_scaleWidget->scaleDiv() );
                    initYAxis( plot );
                    updateSamples( plot );

                    connect( plot, SIGNAL( cursorMoved( int ) ), SLOT( onCursorMoved( int ) ) );

                    plot->canvas()->installEventFilter( this );

                    layout->addWidget( plot, m_plotsCount, 0 );
                    layout->addWidget( plot->legend(), m_plotsCount, 1 );

                    m_plots[streamPos][group] = plot;


                    qDebug() << "g: " << plot->group() << ", t: " << plot->type() << ", m_plotsCount: " << m_plotsCount;
                    m_plots[streamPos][group] = NULL;

    layout->addWidget( m_scaleWidget, m_plotsCount, 0, 1, 2 );

    // combo box for the axis format
    XAxisFormatBox* xAxisBox = new XAxisFormatBox();
    xAxisBox->setCurrentIndex( Plots::AxisTime );
    connect( xAxisBox, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ),
        this, SLOT( onXAxisFormatChanged( int ) ) );

    int axisBoxRow = layout->rowCount() - 1;
#if 1
    // one row below to have space enough for bottom scale tick labels
    layout->addWidget( xAxisBox, m_plotsCount + 1, 1 );
    layout->addWidget( xAxisBox, layout_y, 1 );

    layout->setColumnStretch( 0, 10 );
    layout->setColumnStretch( 1, 0 );

    m_scaleWidget->setScale( m_timeInterval.from, m_timeInterval.to);

    setCursorPos( framePos() );
Exemplo n.º 10
nsresult nsCaret::GetCaretCoordinates(EViewCoordinates aRelativeToType,
                                      nsISelection *aDOMSel,
                                      nsRect *outCoordinates,
                                      PRBool *outIsCollapsed,
                                      nsIView **outView)
  if (!mPresShell)
  if (!outCoordinates || !outIsCollapsed)

  nsCOMPtr<nsISelection> domSelection = aDOMSel;

  if (outView)
    *outView = nsnull;

  // fill in defaults for failure
  outCoordinates->x = -1;
  outCoordinates->y = -1;
  outCoordinates->width = -1;
  outCoordinates->height = -1;
  *outIsCollapsed = PR_FALSE;
  nsresult err = domSelection->GetIsCollapsed(outIsCollapsed);
  if (NS_FAILED(err)) 
    return err;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>  focusNode;
  err = domSelection->GetFocusNode(getter_AddRefs(focusNode));
  if (NS_FAILED(err))
    return err;
  if (!focusNode)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  PRInt32 focusOffset;
  err = domSelection->GetFocusOffset(&focusOffset);
  if (NS_FAILED(err))
    return err;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> contentNode = do_QueryInterface(focusNode);
  if (!contentNode)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  // find the frame that contains the content node that has focus
  nsIFrame*       theFrame = nsnull;
  PRInt32         theFrameOffset = 0;

  nsCOMPtr<nsFrameSelection> frameSelection = GetFrameSelection();
  if (!frameSelection)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  PRUint8 bidiLevel = frameSelection->GetCaretBidiLevel();
  err = GetCaretFrameForNodeOffset(contentNode, focusOffset,
                                   frameSelection->GetHint(), bidiLevel,
                                   &theFrame, &theFrameOffset);
  if (NS_FAILED(err) || !theFrame)
    return err;
  nsPoint   viewOffset(0, 0);
  nsIView   *drawingView;     // views are not refcounted

  GetViewForRendering(theFrame, aRelativeToType, viewOffset, &drawingView, outView);
  if (!drawingView)
  nsPoint   framePos(0, 0);
  err = theFrame->GetPointFromOffset(theFrameOffset, &framePos);
  if (NS_FAILED(err))
    return err;

  // we don't need drawingView anymore so reuse that; reset viewOffset values for our purposes
  if (aRelativeToType == eClosestViewCoordinates)
    theFrame->GetOffsetFromView(viewOffset, &drawingView);
    if (outView)
      *outView = drawingView;
  // now add the frame offset to the view offset, and we're done
  viewOffset += framePos;
  outCoordinates->x = viewOffset.x;
  outCoordinates->y = viewOffset.y;
  outCoordinates->height = theFrame->GetSize().height;
  outCoordinates->width = ComputeMetrics(theFrame, theFrameOffset, outCoordinates->height).mCaretWidth;
  return NS_OK;