Exemplo n.º 1
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    if (argc == 6 && !strcmp (argv[1], "format"))
		u_int nb_b = atoi (argv[3]);
		u_int size_b = atoi (argv[4]);
		u_int nb_i = atoi (argv[5]);
		return fs_format (argv[2], nb_b, size_b, nb_i) == -1;

    if ((argc == 3 || argc == 4) && !strcmp (argv[1], "mount"))
    	FileSystem fs;
		size size_cache = 0;
		if (argc == 4)
			size_cache = atoi (argv[3]);

		if (fs_mount (&fs, argv[2], size_cache) == -1)
			return 1;

		launch_interface (&fs);
		return fs_umount (&fs) == -1;

    usage (argv[0]);
    return 1;
int init_fs(struct v7 *v7) {
  struct fs_info fs0, fs1;
  int r, r0, r1;

  r0 = fs_get_info(0, &fs0);
  r1 = fs_get_info(1, &fs1);

  dprintf(("r0 = %d, r1 = %d\n", r0, r1));

  if (r0 == 0 && r1 == 0) {
    if (fs0.seq < fs1.seq) {
      r1 = -1;
    } else {
      r0 = -1;
  if (r0 == 0) {
    r = fs_mount(0, &s_fsm);
  } else if (r1 == 0) {
    r = fs_mount(1, &s_fsm);
  } else {
    r = fs_format(0);
    if (r != 0) return r;
    r = fs_mount(0, &s_fsm);

  return r;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "list") == 0)
        FILE* data_file = fopen(DATA_FILE, "r+");
        fseek(data_file, 0, SEEK_SET);
        char pre_h[HEADERS_COUNT];
        fread(pre_h, 1, HEADERS_COUNT, data_file);
        for (int i = 0; i < HEADERS_COUNT; i++)
            if (pre_h[i])
                header_t header = fs_read_header(data_file, i);
                printf("id: %d, ", i);
        printf("that is all\n");
    if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "format") == 0)
        FILE* data_file = fopen(DATA_FILE, "r+");
    if (argc == 3 && strcmp(argv[1], "add") == 0)
        FILE* data_file = fopen(DATA_FILE, "r+");
        header_t header = {0, "", 0, 0};
        strcpy(header.name, argv[2]);
        fs_create_header(data_file, header);
    if (argc == 3 && strcmp(argv[1], "search") == 0)
        FILE* data_file = fopen(DATA_FILE, "r+");
        int id = fs_search_header(data_file, argv[2]);
        printf("hid: %d\n", id);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
*       Routine to handle scrolling the directory window a certain number
*       of file names.
static WORD fs_nscroll(LONG tree, WORD *psel, WORD curr, WORD count, 
                       WORD touchob, WORD n)
        register WORD   i, newcurr, diffcurr;
        WORD            sy, dy, neg;
        GRECT           r[2];
                                                /* single scroll n times*/
        newcurr = curr;
        for (i=0; i<n; i++)
          newcurr = fs_1scroll(newcurr, count, touchob);
                                                /* if things changed    */
                                                /*   then redraw        */
        diffcurr = newcurr - curr;
        if (diffcurr)
          curr = newcurr;
          fs_sel(*psel, NORMAL);
          *psel = 0;
          fs_format(tree, curr, count);
          ob_actxywh(tree, F1NAME, &r[0]);

          if (( neg = (diffcurr < 0)) != 0 )
            diffcurr = -diffcurr;

          if (diffcurr < NM_NAMES)
            sy = r[0].g_y + (r[0].g_h * diffcurr);
            dy = r[0].g_y;

            if (neg)
              dy = sy;
              sy = r[0].g_y;

            bb_screen(S_ONLY, r[0].g_x, sy, r[0].g_x, dy, r[0].g_w, 
                                r[0].g_h * (NM_NAMES - diffcurr) );
            if ( !neg )
              r[0].g_y += r[0].g_h * (NM_NAMES - diffcurr);
            diffcurr = NM_NAMES;

          r[0].g_h *= diffcurr;
          for(i=0; i<2; i++)
            ob_draw(tree, ((i) ? FSVSLID : FILEBOX), MAX_DEPTH);
Exemplo n.º 5
// Lua: format()
static int file_format( lua_State* L )
  size_t len;
  if( !fs_format() )
    NODE_ERR( "\ni*** ERROR ***: unable to format. FS might be compromised.\n" );
    NODE_ERR( "It is advised to re-flash the NodeMCU image.\n" );
    NODE_ERR( "format done.\n" );
  return 0; 
Exemplo n.º 6
parse_cmd_fs_format (char *cmd, char *output, uint16_t len)
  (void) cmd;
  (void) output;
  (void) len;

  if (fs_format (&fs) != FS_OK) 
    return ECMD_FINAL(snprintf_P(output, len, PSTR("fs: error while formating")));
  if (fs_init () != FS_OK) 
    return ECMD_FINAL(snprintf_P(output, len, PSTR("fs: error while initializing")));

  return ECMD_FINAL_OK;
Exemplo n.º 7
 * def format(path)
static mp_obj_t os_format(mp_obj_t path_in)
    int res;

    res = fs_format(mp_obj_str_get_str(path_in));

    if (res != 0) {
                                                "Format failed with %d",

    return (mp_const_none);
Exemplo n.º 8
void nodemcu_init(void)
    // Initialize platform first for lua modules.
    if( platform_init() != PLATFORM_OK )
        // This should never happen
        NODE_DBG("Can not init platform for modules.\n");

#if defined(FLASH_SAFE_API)
    if( flash_safe_get_size_byte() != flash_rom_get_size_byte()) {
        NODE_ERR("Self adjust flash size.\n");
        // Fit hardware real flash size.

        if( !fs_format() )
            NODE_ERR( "\ni*** ERROR ***: unable to format. FS might be compromised.\n" );
            NODE_ERR( "It is advised to re-flash the NodeMCU image.\n" );
        else {
            NODE_ERR( "format done.\n" );
        fs_unmount();   // mounted by format.

        // Reboot to get SDK to use (or write) init data at new location
        system_restart ();

        // Don't post the start_lua task, we're about to reboot...
#endif // defined(FLASH_SAFE_API)

#if defined ( BUILD_SPIFFS )
    // test_spiffs();
    // endpoint_setup();

Exemplo n.º 9
static WORD fs_newdir(BYTE *fpath, 
                      BYTE *pspec, 
                      LONG tree, 
                      WORD *pcount)
        const BYTE      *ptmp;
        BYTE            *ftitle;
        OBJECT          *obj;
        TEDINFO         *tedinfo;
        WORD            len, len_ftitle, i, fill;

                                        /* load the filenames matching pspec, */
                                        /* sort them, and insert the names in */
                                        /* the file selector scroll box       */
        ob_draw(tree, FSDIRECT, MAX_DEPTH);
        fs_active(fpath, pspec, pcount);
        fs_format(tree, 0, *pcount);
                                        /* ensure that mask fits within */
                                        /* FTITLE, surround it with     */
                                        /* spaces, and centre it        */
        obj = ((OBJECT *)tree) + FTITLE;
        tedinfo = (TEDINFO *)obj->ob_spec;
        ftitle = (BYTE *)tedinfo->te_ptext;
        len_ftitle = tedinfo->te_txtlen - 1;
        len = strlen(pspec);
        if (len > len_ftitle)
          len = len_ftitle;
        fill = len_ftitle - len;
        for (i = 0; i < fill/2; i++)
          *ftitle++ = ' ';
        memcpy(ftitle, pspec, len);
        ftitle += len;
        for ( ; i < fill; i++)
          *ftitle++ = ' ';
        *ftitle = '\0';

        ptmp = &gl_fsobj[0];    /* redraw file selector objects */
          ob_draw(tree, *ptmp++, MAX_DEPTH);
Exemplo n.º 10

	/* reset it all! */
	fs_format(0, FS_NUM_BLOCKS, 1);

	/* backup the reset data to flash */

	printf("Parameters reset.\n");

	/* wait in an endless loop (instead of running over and over in run mode) */
	while (1)
		/* do nothing */;

	/* pull this in to let it compile properly */
Exemplo n.º 11
void nodemcu_init(void)
    // Initialize platform first for lua modules.   
    if( platform_init() != PLATFORM_OK )
        // This should never happen
        NODE_DBG("Can not init platform for modules.\n");

#if defined(FLASH_SAFE_API)
    if( flash_safe_get_size_byte() != flash_rom_get_size_byte()) {
        NODE_ERR("Self adjust flash size.\n");
        // Fit hardware real flash size.
        // Flash init data at FLASHSIZE - 0x04000 Byte.
        // Flash blank data at FLASHSIZE - 0x02000 Byte.
        if( !fs_format() )
            NODE_ERR( "\ni*** ERROR ***: unable to format. FS might be compromised.\n" );
            NODE_ERR( "It is advised to re-flash the NodeMCU image.\n" );
            NODE_ERR( "format done.\n" );
        fs_unmount();   // mounted by format.
#endif // defined(FLASH_SAFE_API)

    if( !flash_init_data_written() ){
        NODE_ERR("Restore init data.\n");
        // Flash init data at FLASHSIZE - 0x04000 Byte.
        // Flash blank data at FLASHSIZE - 0x02000 Byte.

#if defined( BUILD_WOFS )

    // if( !wofs_format() )
    // {
    //     NODE_ERR( "\ni*** ERROR ***: unable to erase the flash. WOFS might be compromised.\n" );
    //     NODE_ERR( "It is advised to re-flash the NodeWifi image.\n" );
    // }
    // else
    //     NODE_ERR( "format done.\n" );

    // test_romfs();
#elif defined ( BUILD_SPIFFS )
    // test_spiffs();
    // endpoint_setup();

    // char* lua_argv[] = { (char *)"lua", (char *)"-e", (char *)"print(collectgarbage'count');ttt={};for i=1,100 do table.insert(ttt,i*2 -1);print(i);end for k, v in pairs(ttt) do print('<'..k..' '..v..'>') end print(collectgarbage'count');", NULL };
    // lua_main( 3, lua_argv );
    // char* lua_argv[] = { (char *)"lua", (char *)"-i", NULL };
    // lua_main( 2, lua_argv );
    // char* lua_argv[] = { (char *)"lua", (char *)"-e", (char *)"pwm.setup(0,100,50) pwm.start(0) pwm.stop(0)", NULL };
    // lua_main( 3, lua_argv );
    // NODE_DBG("Flash sec num: 0x%x\n", flash_get_sec_num());
Exemplo n.º 12
int process_request(const char *line, FILE *fp, FileSystem *fs) {
    char command[4096];
#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "process request `%s`\n", line);
    sscanf(line, "%s", command);
#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "command is `%s`\n", command);
    if (0 == strcmp("f", command)) {
        return RESULT_DONE;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("mk", command)) {
        char f[4096];
        char parent_path[4096];
        sscanf(line + 2, "%s", f);
#ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf(stderr, "> mk `%s`\n", f);
        if (fs_exists(fs, f)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
            fprintf(stderr, "> `%s` already exists\n", f);
            return RESULT_NO;
        } else {
#ifdef DEBUG
            fprintf(stderr, "> going to create `%s`\n", f);
        fs_split_path(f, parent_path, NULL);
        if (fs_isdir(fs, parent_path)) {
            if (fs_create(fs, f)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
                fprintf(stderr, "> failed to create `%s`\n", f);
                return RESULT_NO;
            return RESULT_YES;
#ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf(stderr, "> parent path `%s` is not a directory\n", parent_path);
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("mkdir", command)) {
        char d[4096];
        char parent_path[4096];
        sscanf(line + 5, "%s", d);
        if (fs_exists(fs, d)) {
            return RESULT_NO;
        fs_split_path(d, parent_path, NULL);
        if (fs_isdir(fs, parent_path)) {
            if (fs_mkdir(fs, d)) {
                return RESULT_NO;
            return RESULT_YES;
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("rm", command)) {
        char f[4096];
        sscanf(line + 2, "%s", f);
        if (fs_isfile(fs, f)) {
            if (fs_unlink(fs, f)) {
                return RESULT_NO;
            return RESULT_YES;
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("cd", command)) {
        char path[4096];
        sscanf(line + 2, "%s", path);
        if (fs_isdir(fs, path)) {
            if (fs_chdir(fs, path)) {
                return RESULT_NO;
            return RESULT_YES;
#ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf(stderr, "`%s` is not a directory\n", path);
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("rmdir", command)) {
        char d[4096];
        sscanf(line + 5, "%s", d);
        if (fs_isdir(fs, d)) {
            if (fs_rmdir(fs, d)) {
                return RESULT_NO;
            return RESULT_YES;
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("ls", command)) {
        fs_ls(fs, fp);
        return RESULT_ELSE;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("cat", command)) {
        char f[4096];
        sscanf(line + 3, "%s", f);
        if (fs_isfile(fs, f)) {
            fs_cat(fs, f, fp);
            return RESULT_ELSE;
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("w", command)) {
        char f[4096];
        int l;
        char data[4096];
        sscanf(line + 1, "%s %d %[^\n]", f, &l, data);
        if (fs_isfile(fs, f)) {
            if (fs_write(fs, f, l, data)) {
                return RESULT_NO;
            return RESULT_YES;
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("i", command)) {
        char f[4096];
        int pos;
        int l;
        char data[4096];
        sscanf(line + 1, "%s %d %d %[^\n]", f, &pos, &l, data);
        if (fs_isfile(fs, f)) {
            if (fs_insert(fs, f, pos, l, data)) {
                return RESULT_NO;
            return RESULT_YES;
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("d", command)) {
        char f[4096];
        int pos;
        int l;
        sscanf(line + 1, "%s %d %d", f, &pos, &l);
        if (fs_isfile(fs, f)) {
            if (fs_delete(fs, f, pos, l)) {
                return RESULT_NO;
            return RESULT_YES;
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("e", command)) {
        return RESULT_EXIT;
    return RESULT_ELSE;
Exemplo n.º 13
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	char line[1024];
	char cmd[1024];
	char arg1[1024];
	char arg2[1024];
	int result, args;

	if(argc!=3) {
		printf("use: %s <diskfile> <nblocks>\n",argv[0]);
		return 1;

	if(!disk_init(argv[1],atoi(argv[2]))) {
		printf("couldn't initialize %s: %s\n",argv[1],strerror(errno));
		return 1;

	printf("opened emulated disk image %s with %d blocks\n",argv[1],disk_size());

	while(1) {
		printf(" prompt> ");

		if(!fgets(line,sizeof(line),stdin)) break;

		if(line[0]=='\n') continue;
		line[strlen(line)-1] = 0;

		args = sscanf(line,"%s %s %s",cmd,arg1,arg2);
		if(args==0) continue;

		if(!strcmp(cmd,"format")) {
			if(args==1) {
				if(!fs_format()) {
					printf("disk formatted.\n");
				} else {
					printf("format failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: format\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"mount")) {
			if(args==1) {
				if(!fs_mount()) {
					printf("disk mounted.\n");
				} else {
					printf("mount failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: mount\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"debug")) {
			if(args==1) {
			} else {
				printf("use: debug\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"getsize")) {
			if(args==2) {
				result = fs_getsize(arg1);
				if(result>=0) {
					printf("file %s has size %d\n",arg1,result);
				} else {
					printf("getsize failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: getsize <filename>\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"create")) {
			if(args==2) {
				result = fs_create(arg1);
				if(result==0) {
					printf("created file %s\n",arg1);
				} else {
					printf("create failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: create <filename>\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"delete")) {
			if(args==2) {
				if(!fs_delete(arg1)) {
					printf("file %s deleted.\n",arg1);
				} else {
					printf("delete failed!\n");	
			} else {
				printf("use: delete <filename>\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"cat")) {
			if(args==2) {
				if(!do_copyout(arg1,"/dev/stdout")) {
					printf("cat failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: cat <name>\n");

		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"copyin")) {
			if(args==3) {
				if(do_copyin(arg1,arg2)) {
					printf("copied file %s to  %s\n",arg1,arg2);
				} else {
					printf("copy failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: copyin <filename in host system> <filename in fs-miei-02>\n");

		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"copyout")) {
			if(args==3) {
				if(do_copyout(arg1,arg2)) {
					printf("copied myfs_file %s to file %s\n", arg1,arg2);
				} else {
					printf("copy failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: copyout <inumber> <filename>\n");

		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"help")) {
			printf("Commands are:\n");
			printf("    format\n");
			printf("    mount\n");
			printf("    debug\n");
			printf("    create\n");
			printf("    delete  <filename>\n");
			printf("    cat     <filename>\n");
			printf("    getsize <filename>\n");
			printf("    copyin  <file name in host system> <miei02-filename>\n");
			printf("    copyout <miei02-filename> <file name in host system>\n");
			printf("	dump <number_of_block_with_text_contents>\n");
			printf("    help\n");
			printf("    quit\n");
			printf("    exit\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"quit")) {
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"exit")) {
		} else if (!strcmp(cmd, "dump")){
			if(args==2) {
				int blNo = atoi(arg1);
				printf("Dumping disk block %d\n", blNo);
				char b[4096];
				disk_read( blNo, b);
				printf("%s", b);
			else {
				printf("use: dump <block_number>\n");
		} else {
			printf("unknown command: %s\n",cmd);
			printf("type 'help' for a list of commands.\n");
			result = 1;

	printf("closing emulated disk.\n");

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	char line[1024];
	char cmd[1024];
	char arg1[1024];
	char arg2[1024];
	int inumber, result, args;

	if(argc!=3) {
		printf("use: %s <diskfile> <nblocks>\n",argv[0]);
		return 1;

	if(!disk_init(argv[1],atoi(argv[2]))) {
		printf("couldn't initialize %s: %s\n",argv[1],strerror(errno));
		return 1;

	printf("opened emulated disk image %s with %d blocks\n",argv[1],disk_size());

	while(1) {
		printf(" prompt> ");

		if(!fgets(line,sizeof(line),stdin)) break;

		if(line[0]=='\n') continue;
		line[strlen(line)-1] = 0;

		args = sscanf(line,"%s %s %s",cmd,arg1,arg2);
		if(args==0) continue;

		if(!strcmp(cmd,"format")) {
			if(args==1) {
				if(fs_format()) {
					printf("disk formatted.\n");
				} else {
					printf("format failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: format\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"mount")) {
			if(args==1) {
				if(fs_mount()) {
					printf("disk mounted.\n");
				} else {
					printf("mount failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: mount\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"umount")) {
			if(args==1) {
				if(fs_umount()) {
					printf("disk umounted.\n");
				} else {
					printf("umount failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: mount\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"debug")) {
			if(args==1) {
			} else {
				printf("use: debug\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"getsize")) {
			if(args==2) {
				inumber = atoi(arg1);
				result = fs_getsize(inumber);
				if(result>=0) {
					printf("inode %d has size %d\n",inumber,result);
				} else {
					printf("getsize failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: getsize <inumber>\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"create")) {
			if(args==1) {
				inumber = fs_create();
				if(inumber>=0) {
					printf("created inode %d\n",inumber);
				} else {
					printf("create failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: create\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"delete")) {
			if(args==2) {
				inumber = atoi(arg1);
				if(fs_delete(inumber)) {
					printf("inode %d deleted.\n",inumber);
				} else {
					printf("delete failed!\n");	
			} else {
				printf("use: delete <inumber>\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"cat")) {
			if(args==2) {
				inumber = atoi(arg1);
				if(!do_copyout(inumber,"/dev/stdout")) {
					printf("cat failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: cat <inumber>\n");

		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"copyin")) {
			if(args==3) {
				inumber = atoi(arg2);
				if(do_copyin(arg1,inumber)) {
					printf("copied file %s to inode %d\n",arg1,inumber);
				} else {
					printf("copy failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: copyin <filename> <inumber>\n");

		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"copyout")) {
			if(args==3) {
				inumber = atoi(arg1);
				if(do_copyout(inumber,arg2)) {
					printf("copied inode %d to file %s\n",inumber,arg2);
				} else {
					printf("copy failed!\n");
			} else {
				printf("use: copyout <inumber> <filename>\n");

		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"help")) {
			printf("Commands are:\n");
			printf("    format\n");
			printf("    mount\n");
			printf("    umount\n");
			printf("    debug\n");
			printf("    create\n");
			printf("    delete  <inode>\n");
			printf("    getsize  <inode>\n");
			printf("    cat     <inode>\n");
			printf("    copyin  <file> <inode>\n");
			printf("    copyout <inode> <file>\n");
			printf("    help\n");
			printf("    quit\n");
			printf("    exit\n");
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"quit")) {
		} else if(!strcmp(cmd,"exit")) {
		} else {
			printf("unknown command: %s\n",cmd);
			printf("type 'help' for a list of commands.\n");
			result = 1;

	printf("closing emulated disk.\n");

	return 0;