Exemplo n.º 1
/* Load a help topic if it isn't already available */
void helploadtopic(char* topic)
	helploadmetafile();  /* Make sure the metafile is loaded */

	if (findsection(&helplist, topic) == NULL) {
		stringvector file = helploadfile(topic);

		if (file.first == NULL) {
			/* Try loading from the data directory */
			char* fullname = fullpath(helpdatapath, topic, SLASH_DEFAULT);
			file = helploadfile(fullname);
		if (file.first == NULL) {
			/* Try loading from the docs subdirectory */
			char* midname = fullpath("docs", topic, SLASH_DEFAULT);
			char* fullname = fullpath(helpdatapath, midname, SLASH_DEFAULT);
			file = helploadfile(fullname);

		/* If we loaded it, add to the list */
		if (file.first != NULL) {
			helpsection* section = (helpsection*) malloc(sizeof(helpsection));
			section->title = str_dup(topic);
			section->sv = file;

			appendsection(&helplist, section);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void irc2()
	char fname[MAXPATH];
	register struct restab *rtp;
	register char *p;
	FILE *fp;
	static char tet_rescodes_file[] = "TET_RESCODES_FILE";

	TRACE1(tet_Ttcc, 4, "irc2()");

	/* determine the name of the rescode file */
	if (tcc_modes & TCC_BUILD)
		p = getmcfg(tet_rescodes_file, TCC_BUILD);
		p = (char *) 0;
	if ((!p || !*p) && (tcc_modes & TCC_EXEC))
		p = getmcfg(tet_rescodes_file, TCC_EXEC);
	if ((!p || !*p) && (tcc_modes & TCC_CLEAN))
		p = getmcfg(tet_rescodes_file, TCC_CLEAN);
	if (!p || !*p)
		p = "tet_code";

	/* pick up the generic result code file if there is one */
	fullpath(tet_root, p, fname, sizeof fname, 0);
	if (tet_initrestab() < 0 ||
		(tet_eaccess(fname, 04) == 0 && tet_readrescodes(fname) < 0))

	/* pick up the testsuite-specific result code file if there is one */
	fullpath(tet_tsroot, p, fname, sizeof fname, 0);
	if (tet_eaccess(fname, 04) == 0 && tet_readrescodes(fname) < 0)

	** here to install the master rescode file -
	** create a temporary file and open it
	if ((rcftmp = tet_mktfname("tcc")) == (char *) 0)
	if ((fp = fopen(rcftmp, "w")) == (FILE *) 0)
		fatal(errno, "can't open combined rescode file", rcftmp);

	/* write out the default results codes */
	(void) fprintf(fp, "# master results code file\n\n");
	for (rtp = tet_restab; rtp < tet_restab + tet_nrestab; rtp++)
		if (fprintf(fp, "%d \"%s\" %s\n", rtp->rt_code, rtp->rt_name,
			rtp->rt_abrt ? "Abort" : "Continue") < 0)
				fatal(errno, "write error on", rcftmp);

	if (fclose(fp) < 0)
		fatal(errno, "close error on", rcftmp);
Exemplo n.º 3
int archivefs_rename(const char* old_path, const char* new_path) {
  char fpath_old[PATH_MAX];
  fullpath(fpath_old, old_path);

  /* pro fyzické soubory je třeba opět rozvinou nové jméno, jinak by byl
   * soubor vytvořen v pracovním adresáři procesu
  char fpath_new[PATH_MAX];
  fullpath(fpath_new, new_path);

  FileSystem* fs;
  FileNode* node;
  int ret;

  if (!getFile(fpath_old, &fs, &node)) {
    ret = rename(fpath_old, fpath_new);
    if (ret) {
      ret = errno;
      print_err("RENAME", old_path, ret);
    return -ret;

  /* Přejmenovává se celý archív */
  if (node->type == FileNode::ROOT_NODE) {
    ret = rename(fpath_old, fpath_new);
    if (ret) {
      ret = errno;
      print_err("RENAME", old_path, ret);
      return -ret;
    FusePrivate* data = PRIVATE_DATA;

    fs->archive_name = strdup(fpath_new);
    return 0;

  char* new_name;
  parsePathName(fpath_new, &new_name);
  ret = fs->rename(node, new_name);
  if (ret)
    print_err("RENAME", old_path, ret);

  return -ret;
Exemplo n.º 4
void writeSourceFile(std::ofstream & out_file, std::string & filename, const char * dirname, const char * alignment)
    std::string fullpath(dirname);
    fullpath += "/";
    fullpath += alignment;
    fullpath += "/";
    fullpath += filename;
    std::ifstream in_file(fullpath.c_str());
    std::string tmp;

    if (in_file.is_open())
        //write variable declaration:
        out_file << "const char * const " << dirname << "_" << alignment << "_" << filename.substr(0, filename.size()-3) << " = " << std::endl;

        //write source string:
        while (getline(in_file, tmp, '\n'))
            if (tmp.size() > 0)
                //out_file << "\"" << tmp.replace(tmp.end()-1, tmp.end(), "\\n\"") << std::endl;
                if ( *(tmp.end()-1) == '\r')  //Windows line delimiter, \r\n
                    out_file << "\"" << tmp.replace(tmp.end()-1, tmp.end(), "\\n\"") << std::endl;
                else //Unix line delimiter \n
                    out_file << "\"" << tmp.append("\\n\"") << std::endl;
        out_file << "; //" << dirname << "_" << alignment << "_" << filename.substr(0, filename.size()-3)  << std::endl << std::endl;

        std::cerr << "Failed to open file " << filename << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 5
int archivefs_create(const char *path, mode_t mode, struct fuse_file_info *info) {
  char fpath[PATH_MAX];
  fullpath(fpath, path);

  FileSystem* fs;
  int ret;

  if (!getFile(fpath, &fs, NULL)) {
    ret = creat(fpath, mode);
    if (ret == -1) {
      ret = errno;
      print_err("CREATE", path, ret);
      return -ret;
    info->fh = intptr_t(ret);
    return 0;

  FileNode* node;
  char* file;
  parsePathName(fpath, &file);

  struct fuse_context* context = fuse_get_context();
  if (fs->parentAccess(file, W_OK|X_OK, context->uid, context->gid))
    return -EACCES;

  ret = fs->create(file, mode, &node);
  if (ret)
    print_err("CREATE", path, ret);

  info->fh = intptr_t(new FileHandle(fs, node));
  return -ret;
Exemplo n.º 6
int archivefs_mknod(const char* path, mode_t mode, dev_t dev) {
  char fpath[PATH_MAX];
  fullpath(fpath, path);

  FileSystem* fs;
  int ret;
  if (!getFile(fpath, &fs, NULL)) {
    ret = mknod(fpath, mode, dev);
    if (ret) {
      ret = errno;
      print_err("MKNOD", fpath, ret);
    return -ret;

  char* file;
  parsePathName(fpath, &file);

  struct fuse_context* context = fuse_get_context();
  if (fs->parentAccess(file, W_OK|X_OK, context->uid, context->gid))
    return -EACCES;

  ret = fs->mknod(file, mode);
  if (ret)
    print_err("MKNOD", path, ret);

  return -ret;
Exemplo n.º 7
void Roms::add_data_roms()
    std::string system = get_raw_path("/data/multiboot");

    DIR *dp = opendir(system.c_str());
    if (!dp ) {

    auto close_dp = util::finally([&]{

    struct stat sb;

    struct dirent *ent;
    while ((ent = readdir(dp))) {
        if (strcmp(ent->d_name, "data-slot-") == 0
                || !util::starts_with(ent->d_name, "data-slot-")) {

        std::string fullpath(system);
        fullpath += "/";
        fullpath += ent->d_name;

        if (stat(fullpath.c_str(), &sb) == 0 && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) {
            roms.push_back(create_rom_data_slot(ent->d_name + 10));
Exemplo n.º 8
void Settings::loadLanguages()
	//adding translations search paths
	QStringList translation_dirs;
	translation_dirs << QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
	translation_dirs << QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()+"/translations";
	translation_dirs << QString(PROGRAM_DATA_DIR)+"/translations";
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
	translation_dirs << QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()+"/../Resources";
	//looking for qm-files in translation directories
	QStringListIterator dir_path(translation_dirs);
		QDir dir(dir_path.next());
		QStringList fileNames = dir.entryList(QStringList("znotes_*.qm"));
		for(int i=0; i < fileNames.size(); ++i)
			QString filename(fileNames[i]);
			QString fullpath(dir.absoluteFilePath(filename));
			filename.remove(0, filename.indexOf('_') + 1);
			QLocale locale(filename);
	//Setting default(English) translation path if other translation not found
Exemplo n.º 9
int archivefs_opendir(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *info) {
  char fpath[PATH_MAX];
  fullpath(fpath, path);

  /* Stejná logika jako u archivefs_open.

  DIR* dir;
  if ((dir = opendir(fpath)) != NULL) {
    info->fh = intptr_t(dir);
    return 0;

  FileSystem* fs;
  FileNode* node;

  if (!getFile(fpath, &fs, &node)) {
    print_err("OPENDIR", path, ENOENT);
    return -ENOENT;

  struct fuse_context* context = fuse_get_context();
  if (fs->access(node, R_OK, context->uid, context->gid))
    return -EACCES;

  info->fh = intptr_t(new FileHandle(fs, node));

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
void CFPF_SkiaFontMgr::ScanPath(const CFX_ByteString& path) {
  void* handle = FX_OpenFolder(path.c_str());
  if (!handle) {
  CFX_ByteString filename;
  FX_BOOL bFolder = FALSE;
  while (FX_GetNextFile(handle, filename, bFolder)) {
    if (bFolder) {
      if (filename == "." || filename == "..") {
    } else {
      CFX_ByteString ext = filename.Right(4);
      if (ext != ".ttf" && ext != ".ttc" && ext != ".otf") {
    CFX_ByteString fullpath(path);
    fullpath += "/";
    fullpath += filename;
    if (bFolder) {
    } else {
Exemplo n.º 11
// Normalize a file path.
//  remove relative path component (..\ and .\),
//  replace slashes by backslashes,
//  convert to long form.
// Returns a pointer to a memory allocated block containing the normalized string.
//   The caller is responsible for freeing the block.
//   Returns NULL if the file does not exist or if a memory allocation fails.
// Precondition: the file must exist on the file system.
// Note:
//   - the case of the root component is preserved
//   - the case of rest is set to the way it is stored on the file system
// e.g. suppose the a file "C:\foo\Bar.Pdf" exists on the file system then
//    "c:\foo\bar.pdf" becomes "c:\foo\Bar.Pdf"
//    "C:\foo\BAR.PDF" becomes "C:\foo\Bar.Pdf"
WCHAR *Normalize(const WCHAR *path)
    // convert to absolute path, change slashes into backslashes
    DWORD cch = GetFullPathName(path, 0, NULL, NULL);
    if (!cch)
        return str::Dup(path);
    ScopedMem<WCHAR> fullpath(AllocArray<WCHAR>(cch));
    GetFullPathName(path, cch, fullpath, NULL);
    // convert to long form
    cch = GetLongPathName(fullpath, NULL, 0);
    if (!cch)
        return fullpath.StealData();
    ScopedMem<WCHAR> normpath(AllocArray<WCHAR>(cch));
    GetLongPathName(fullpath, normpath, cch);
    if (cch <= MAX_PATH)
        return normpath.StealData();
    // handle overlong paths: first, try to shorten the path
    cch = GetShortPathName(fullpath, NULL, 0);
    if (cch && cch <= MAX_PATH) {
        ScopedMem<WCHAR> shortpath(AllocArray<WCHAR>(cch));
        GetShortPathName(fullpath, shortpath, cch);
        if (str::Len(path::GetBaseName(normpath)) + path::GetBaseName(shortpath) - shortpath < MAX_PATH) {
            // keep the long filename if possible
            *(WCHAR *)path::GetBaseName(shortpath) = '\0';
            return str::Join(shortpath, path::GetBaseName(normpath));
        return shortpath.StealData();
    // else mark the path as overlong
    if (str::StartsWith(normpath.Get(), L"\\\\?\\"))
        return normpath.StealData();
    return str::Join(L"\\\\?\\", normpath);
Exemplo n.º 12
FILE* fcFileOpener::try_open(const wxString &path, const wxString &name, wxString &filepath)
    wxString fullpath ( path + FC_PATH_SEP + name );
    wxFileName fn(fullpath);
    fullpath = fn.GetFullPath();
    FILE *fp = wxFopen(fullpath, "rb");
    if ( fp ) {

        _scannedfiles.insert( name );
        wxString pathPart = fn.GetPath();

        for(size_t i=0; i<_excludePaths.size(); ++i) {
            if ( pathPart.StartsWith(_excludePaths.at(i) ) ) {
                ::fclose( fp );
                return NULL;

        _matchedfiles.insert( fullpath );
        filepath = fullpath;
        return fp;
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 13
ServletConfigImpl* AppContext::addServlet(const std::string& path, const std::string& name, const std::string& dso, bool hidden, size_t maxRequestSize, size_t maxFileSize)
	std::string fullpath("/");
	if(!getServletContextName().empty()) { // avoid starting with "//"
	ServletDesc* desc = getDesc(fullpath);
	if(desc) { // Another servlet is already configured for the path in this app...
		std::cerr<<"Path "<<fullpath<<" is already used"<<std::endl;
		return 0;
	void* dsoHandle=dlopen(dso.c_str(),RTLD_LAZY);
	if(!dsoHandle) {
		std::cerr<<"Error loading library \""<<dso<<"\": "<<dlerror()<<std::endl;
		return 0;
	servletcreatefunc_t createFunc=(servletcreatefunc_t)dlsym(dsoHandle,(name + "_createServlet").c_str());
	if(!createFunc) {
		std::cerr<<"Could not locate servlet "<<name<<" in the library "<<dso<<": "<<dlerror()<<std::endl;
		return 0;
	ServletConfigImpl* config=new ServletConfigImpl(this, name);
	desc=new ServletDesc(createFunc(), config, dsoHandle, fullpath, maxRequestSize, maxFileSize, m_mime, m_enc, m_cache);
	if(!hidden) {
		if(!RequestHandler::addServlet(fullpath,getServletContainer(fullpath))) { // Another such URL exists globally
			return 0;
	return config;
Exemplo n.º 14
main_pre_dc_init( int, char*[] )
#ifdef WIN32

		// Convert the DAGMan log file name to an absolute path if it's
		// not one already, so that we'll log things to the right file
		// if we change to a different directory.
	const char *	logFile = GetEnv( "_CONDOR_DAGMAN_LOG" );
	if ( logFile && !fullpath( logFile ) ) {
		MyString	currentDir;
		if ( condor_getcwd( currentDir ) ) {
			MyString newLogFile(currentDir);
			newLogFile += DIR_DELIM_STRING;
			newLogFile += logFile;
			SetEnv( "_CONDOR_DAGMAN_LOG", newLogFile.Value() );
		} else {
			debug_printf( DEBUG_NORMAL, "ERROR: unable to get cwd: %d, %s\n",
					errno, strerror(errno) );
Exemplo n.º 15
void wxFormBuilder::OnOpenFile(clCommandEvent& e)
    // launch it with the default application
    wxFileName fullpath(e.GetFileName());
    if(fullpath.GetExt().MakeLower() != wxT("fbp")) { return; }

#ifdef __WXGTK__
    // Under Linux, use xdg-open
    wxString cmd;
    cmd << wxT("/bin/sh -c 'xdg-open \"") << fullpath.GetFullPath() << wxT("\"' 2> /dev/null");
    wxMimeTypesManager* mgr = wxTheMimeTypesManager;
    wxFileType* type = mgr->GetFileTypeFromExtension(fullpath.GetExt());
    if(type) {
        wxString cmd = type->GetOpenCommand(fullpath.GetFullPath());
        if(cmd.IsEmpty() == false) {
Exemplo n.º 16
int archivefs_truncate(const char* path, off_t size) {
  char fpath[PATH_MAX];
  fullpath(fpath, path);

  FileSystem* fs;
  FileNode* node;
  int ret;

  if (!getFile(fpath, &fs, &node)) {
    ret = truncate(fpath, size);
    if (ret) {
      ret = errno;
  } else {
    struct fuse_context* context = fuse_get_context();
    if (fs->access(node, W_OK, context->uid, context->gid))
      return -EACCES;
    ret = fs->truncate(node, size);

  if (ret)
    print_err("TRUNCATE", path, ret);

  return -ret;
Exemplo n.º 17
int archivefs_release(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *info) {

  FusePrivate* fuse_data = PRIVATE_DATA;
  FileHandle* fh;

  /* Zde je stejná logika jako u archivefs_read.
  if (fuse_data->mode == FusePrivate::ARCHIVE_MOUNTED) {
    fh = reinterpret_cast<FileHandle*>(info->fh);
    delete fh;
  } else {
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    fullpath(fpath, path);

    if (access(fpath, F_OK) == 0) {
    } else {
      fh = reinterpret_cast<FileHandle*>(info->fh);
      delete fh;
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
// Recursively deletes the file named path. If path is a file, it will be
// removed. If it is a directory, everything in it will also be deleted.
// Returns 0 on success, -1 on error, and sets errno appropriately.
static int rmtree(const char* path) {
    // TODO: Handle errors in a more intelligent fashion?
    DIR* dir = opendir(path);
    if (dir == NULL) {
        if (errno == ENOTDIR) {
            // Not a directory: unlink it instead
            return unlink(path);

        return -1;
    assert(dir != NULL);

    for (struct dirent* entry = readdir(dir); entry != NULL; entry = readdir(dir)) {
        // Skip special directories
        if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0) {

        // Recursively delete the directory entry. This handles regular files
        // and directories.
        string fullpath(path);
        fullpath += "/";
        fullpath += entry->d_name;

    int error = closedir(dir);
    assert(error == 0);

    return rmdir(path);
Exemplo n.º 19
// check if a file was transferred.
// if so, fullname will have full path in working directory.
// Otherwise, fullname will be same to file_name
VMType::isTransferedFile(const char* file_name, MyString& fullname) 
	if( !file_name || m_initial_working_files.isEmpty() ) {
		return false;

	// check if this file was transferred.
	MyString tmp_fullname;
	if( filelist_contains_file(file_name,
				&m_initial_working_files, true) ) {
		// this file was transferred.
		// make full path with workingdir
		tmp_fullname.formatstr("%s%c%s", m_workingpath.Value(), 
				DIR_DELIM_CHAR, condor_basename(file_name));
		fullname = tmp_fullname;
		return true;
	}else {
		// this file is not transferred
		if( fullpath(file_name) == false ) {
			vmprintf(D_ALWAYS, "Warning: The file(%s) doesn't have "
					"full path even though it is not "
					"transferred\n", file_name);
		fullname = file_name;
		return false;
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 20
int archivefs_getattr(const char* path, struct stat* info) {
  char fpath[PATH_MAX];
  fullpath(fpath, path);

  FileSystem* fs = NULL;
  FileNode* node;
  int ret;

  if (!getFile(fpath, &fs, &node)) {
    /* fs byl nalezen, ale soubor ne */
    if (fs != NULL) {
      print_err("GETATTR", path, ENOENT);
      return -ENOENT;

    if ((ret = stat(fpath, info)) != 0) {
      ret = errno;
      print_err("GETATTR", path, ret);
    return -ret;

  struct stat* node_info = fs->getAttr(node);
  memcpy(info, node_info, sizeof(struct stat));

//   printStat(info);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 21
int vpb::mkpath(const char *path, int mode)
    if (path==0) return 0;

    // first create a list of paths that needs to be checked/created.
    std::string fullpath(path);
    typedef std::list<std::string> Directories;
    Directories directories;
    int pos_start = 0;
    for(int pos_current = 0; pos_current<fullpath.size(); ++pos_current)
        if (fullpath[pos_current]=='\\' || fullpath[pos_current]=='/')
            int size = pos_current-pos_start;
            if (size>1)
                if (pos_current == 2 && fullpath[1]==':')
                    directories.push_back(std::string(fullpath,0, pos_current+1));
                    directories.push_back(std::string(fullpath,0, pos_current));

                pos_start = pos_current+1;
    int size = fullpath.size()-pos_start;
    if (size>1)
    // now check the diretories and create the onces that are required in turn.
    for(Directories::iterator itr = directories.begin();
        itr != directories.end();
        std::string& path = (*itr);
        int result = 0;
        osgDB::FileType type = osgDB::fileType(path);
        if (type==osgDB::REGULAR_FILE)
            log(osg::NOTICE,"Error cannot create directory %s as a conventional file already exists with that name",path.c_str());
            return 1;
        else if (type==osgDB::FILE_NOT_FOUND)
            // need to create directory.
            result = vpb::mkdir(path.c_str(), mode);
            if (result) log(osg::NOTICE,"Error could not create directory %s",path.c_str());
            else log(osg::INFO,"   created directory %s",path.c_str());
            if (result) return result;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 22
int archivefs_write(const char* path, const char* buffer, size_t len,
                    off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info* info) {

  FusePrivate* fuse_data = PRIVATE_DATA;
  FileHandle* fh = NULL;
  int ret = 0;

  if (fuse_data->mode == FusePrivate::ARCHIVE_MOUNTED) {
    fh = reinterpret_cast<FileHandle*>(info->fh);
    ret = (fh->first->write(fh->second, buffer, len, offset));
  } else {
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    fullpath(fpath, path);

    if (access(fpath, F_OK) == 0) {
      ret = pwrite(info->fh, buffer, len, offset);
      if (ret < 0) {
        ret = errno;
        print_err("WRITE", path, ret);
        return -ret;
    } else {
      fh = reinterpret_cast<FileHandle*>(info->fh);
      ret = (fh->first->write(fh->second, buffer, len, offset));
      if (ret < 0)
        print_err("WRITE", path, ret);

  return ret;
signalList(const char* dirName="", const char* pattern="", unsigned int debug=0)
  std::vector<std::string> histnames;
  TIter next(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys());
  TKey* iobj;
  unsigned int idx=0;
  while((iobj = (TKey*)next())){
    if(iobj->IsFolder()) continue;
    if(debug>2){ std::cout << "[" << ++idx << "] ...Found object: " << iobj->GetName() << " of type: " << iobj->GetClassName() << std::endl; }
    std::string fullpath(dirName); 
    fullpath += fullpath == std::string("") ? "" : "/"; fullpath += iobj->GetName();
    // why does \\w*_\\d+ not work to catch them all?!?
      std::map<const char*, const char*> dict = httDictionary();
      for(std::map<const char*, const char*>::const_iterator name = dict.begin(); name!=dict.end(); ++name){
	if(match(iobj->GetName(), (char*)name->first)){
    else if(!std::string(pattern).empty() && match(iobj->GetName(), (char*)pattern)){
  return histnames;
Exemplo n.º 24
CCTexture2D* CCTextureCache::addPVRTCImage(const char* path, int bpp, bool hasAlpha, int width)
	CCAssert(path != NULL, "TextureCache: fileimage MUST not be nill");
	CCAssert( bpp==2 || bpp==4, "TextureCache: bpp must be either 2 or 4");

	CCTexture2D * texture;
	std::string temp(path);
	if ( (texture = m_pTextures->objectForKey(temp)) )
		return texture;
	// Split up directory and filename
	std::string fullpath( CCFileUtils::fullPathFromRelativePath(path) );

	CCData * data = CCData::dataWithContentsOfFile(fullpath);
	texture = new CCTexture2D();
	texture->initWithPVRTCData(data->bytes(), 0, bpp, hasAlpha, width);
	if( texture )
		m_pTextures->setObject(texture, temp);
		CCLOG("cocos2d: Couldn't add PVRTCImage:%s in CCTextureCache",path);

	return texture;
Exemplo n.º 25
PDMBUILDER_API bool getRelyFiles(char *ws,string &ret)
	ret.assign("\n<---------------------------Get Dependence File--------------------------->\n");
	list<Dependence *> * depList = getDependences();

	for (list<Dependence *>::iterator iter=depList->begin();iter != depList->end();++iter)
		string flag = (*iter)->GetFlag();
		string server = (*iter)->GetServer();
		string repository = (*iter)->GetRepository();
		string name = (*iter)->GetName();
		string version = (*iter)->GetVersion();
		string path = (*iter)->GetPath();
		string localPath = (*iter)->GetLocalPath();

		localPath = changeSeparator(localPath);

		string pArgument = "Flag="+flag+"&Repository="+repository+"&Name="+name+"&Version="+version+"&Path="+path;

		string fullpath(ws);


		ret +=  ExeDownLoad((char *)server.c_str(),(char *)pArgument.c_str(),(char *)fullpath.c_str());
		//return TRUE;
	delete depList;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 26
JICLocal::getJobStdFile( const char* attr_name )
	char* tmp = NULL;
	MyString filename;

		// the only magic here is to make sure we have full paths for
		// these, by prepending the job's iwd if the filename doesn't
		// start with a '/'
	job_ad->LookupString( attr_name, &tmp );
	if( ! tmp ) {
		return NULL;
	if ( !nullFile(tmp) ) {
		if( ! fullpath(tmp) ) { 
			filename.formatstr( "%s%c", job_iwd, DIR_DELIM_CHAR );
		filename += tmp;
	free( tmp );
	if( filename[0] ) { 
		return strdup( filename.Value() );
	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 27
bool MakeDir(const OJString &path)
    if (!IsDirExist(path))
        fs::path            fullpath(path);
        sys::error_code     err;

        bool res = fs::create_directory(fullpath, err);

        if (!(sys::errc::success == err))
            ILogger *logger = LoggerFactory::getLogger(LoggerId::AppInitLoggerId);
            OJString msg(GetOJString("[filetool] - IMUST::MakeDir - make dir failed: "));
            msg += path;
            msg += GetOJString(" - ");
            msg += String2OJString(err.message());
            return false;

        return res;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 28
bool RemoveFile(const OJString &filename)
    if (IsFileExist(filename))
        fs::path            fullpath(filename);
        sys::error_code     err;

        bool res = fs::remove(fullpath, err);

        if (!(sys::errc::success == err))
            ILogger *logger = LoggerFactory::getLogger(LoggerId::AppInitLoggerId);
            OJString msg(GetOJString("[filetool] - IMUST::RemoveFile - remove failed: "));
            msg += filename;
            msg += GetOJString(" - ");
            msg += String2OJString(err.message());
            return false;

        return res;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 29
void QMakePlugin::OnOpenFile(wxCommandEvent &event)
    wxString *fn = (wxString*)event.GetClientData();
    if ( fn ) {
        // launch it with the default application
        wxFileName fullpath ( *fn );
        if ( fullpath.GetExt().MakeLower() != wxT("ui") ) {

        wxMimeTypesManager *mgr = wxTheMimeTypesManager;
        wxFileType *type = mgr->GetFileTypeFromExtension(fullpath.GetExt());
        if ( type ) {
            wxString cmd = type->GetOpenCommand(fullpath.GetFullPath());
            delete type;

            if ( cmd.IsEmpty() == false ) {
    // we failed, call event.Skip()
Exemplo n.º 30
int archivefs_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler,
                      off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *info) {

  FusePrivate* fuse_data = PRIVATE_DATA;
  FileHandle* fh = NULL;
  int ret;

  /* Stejná logika jako u archivefs_read.
  if (fuse_data->mode == FusePrivate::ARCHIVE_MOUNTED) {
    fh = reinterpret_cast<FileHandle*>(info->fh);
  } else {
    char fpath[PATH_MAX];
    fullpath(fpath, path);
    struct stat dir_info;
    if (stat(fpath, &dir_info) == 0 && S_ISDIR(dir_info.st_mode)) {
      DIR* dir = reinterpret_cast<DIR*>(info->fh);
      struct dirent* file;

      // Every directory contains at least two entries: . and ..  If my
      // first call to the system readdir() returns NULL I've got an
      // error; near as I can tell, that's the only condition under
      // which I can get an error from readdir()
      file = readdir(dir);
      if (file == NULL) {
        ret = errno;
        print_err("READDIR", path, ret);
        return -ret;
      } else {
        do {
          if (filler(buf, file->d_name, NULL, 0) != 0) {
            return -ENOMEM;

        } while ((file = readdir(dir)) != NULL);

        return 0;
    } else {
      fh = reinterpret_cast<FileHandle*>(info->fh);

  filler(buf, ".", NULL, 0);
  filler(buf, "..", NULL, 0);

  FileList* files = fh->first->readDir(fh->second);
  for (FileList::const_iterator it = files->begin();
       it != files->end(); ++it) {
    if (filler(buf, (*it)->name_ptr, NULL, 0) != 0) {
      print_err("READDIR", path, ENOMEM);
      return -ENOMEM;

  return 0;