Exemplo n.º 1
bool WeatherApp::getWeatherString(String& forecastStr, const WeatherForecast& aWeatherForecast, uint8_t aWeatherPeriod) {
    if (aWeatherForecast.mValid) {
        const WeatherForecastPeriod& wfp = aWeatherForecast.mWeatherForecastPeriods[aWeatherPeriod];
        RTC_date_time timestamp = RTC_clock::from_unixtime(wfp.timestamp + TIMEZONE_OFFSET);
        forecastStr = "Weather for " + getDayOfWeekString(timestamp) + " " + String(timestamp.hour) + ":" + ((timestamp.minute<10)?"0":"") + String(timestamp.minute) + "\n"; 
        forecastStr += getWeatherTypeString(wfp.weatherType) + "\n";
        forecastStr += "Temp: " + String(wfp.temperature) + " deg C\n";
        forecastStr += "Feels: " + String(wfp.feelsLikeTemperature) + " deg C\n";
        forecastStr += "Windspeed: " + String(wfp.windSpeed) + "mph\n";
        forecastStr += String(wfp.screenRelativeHumidity) + "% humidity\n";
        forecastStr += String(wfp.precipitationProbability) + "% chance of rain\n";
    } else {
        forecastStr = "Sorry, no forecast received yet. Please try later (or wiggle the joystick to check for update).";
    return aWeatherForecast.mValid;
Exemplo n.º 2
String TimeStamp::toString() const {
  char str[25];

  // snprintf_P(str, 25, PSTR("%s, %02d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"), getDayOfWeekString(), day, month, year, hours, minutes, seconds);

  strcpy(str, getDayOfWeekString());
  strcat_P(str, PSTR(", 00.00.00 00:00:00"));
  str[4]  += (day / 10);
  str[5]  += (day % 10);
  str[7]  += (month / 10);
  str[8]  += (month % 10);
  str[10] += (year / 10);
  str[11] += (year % 10);
  str[13] += (hours / 10);
  str[14] += (hours % 10);
  str[16] += (minutes / 10);
  str[17] += (minutes % 10);
  str[19] += (seconds / 10);
  str[20] += (seconds % 10);

  return String(str);