void InstantRadiosityRenderer::processPixel(uint32_t threadID, uint32_t tileID, const Vec2u& pixel) const {
    PixelSensor pixelSensor(getSensor(), pixel, getFramebufferSize());
    RaySample raySample;
    float positionPdf, directionPdf;
    auto We = pixelSensor.sampleExitantRay(getScene(), getFloat2(threadID), getFloat2(threadID), raySample, positionPdf, directionPdf);

    auto L = zero<Vec3f>();

    if(We != zero<Vec3f>() && raySample.pdf) {
        auto I = getScene().intersect(raySample.value);
        BSDF bsdf(-raySample.value.dir, I, getScene());
        if(I) {
            // Direct illumination
            for(auto& vpl: m_EmissionVPLBuffer) {
                RaySample shadowRay;
                auto Le = vpl.pLight->sampleDirectIllumination(getScene(), vpl.emissionVertexSample, I, shadowRay);

                if(shadowRay.pdf) {
                    auto contrib = We * Le * bsdf.eval(shadowRay.value.dir) * abs(dot(I.Ns, shadowRay.value.dir)) /
                            (vpl.lightPdf * shadowRay.pdf * m_nLightPathCount * raySample.pdf);

                    if(contrib != zero<Vec3f>()) {
                        if(!getScene().occluded(shadowRay.value)) {
                            L += contrib;

            // Indirect illumination
            for(auto& vpl: m_SurfaceVPLBuffer) {
                auto dirToVPL = vpl.intersection.P - I.P;
                auto dist = length(dirToVPL);

                if(dist > 0.f) {
                    dirToVPL /= dist;

                    auto fs1 = bsdf.eval(dirToVPL);
                    auto fs2 = vpl.bsdf.eval(-dirToVPL);
                    auto geometricFactor = abs(dot(I.Ns, dirToVPL)) * abs(dot(vpl.intersection.Ns, -dirToVPL)) / sqr(dist);

                    auto contrib = We * vpl.power * fs1 * fs2 * geometricFactor / raySample.pdf;
                    if(contrib != zero<Vec3f>()) {
                        Ray shadowRay(I, vpl.intersection, dirToVPL, dist);
                        if(!getScene().occluded(shadowRay)) {
                            L += contrib;

    accumulate(0, getPixelIndex(pixel.x, pixel.y), Vec4f(L, 1.f));
void UniformResamplingRecursiveMISBPTRenderer::connectLightVerticesToSensor(uint32_t threadID, uint32_t tileID, const Vec4u& viewport) const {
    auto rcpPathCount = 1.f / m_nLightPathCount;

    auto mis = [&](float v) {
        return Mis(v);

    for(const auto& directImportanceSample: m_DirectImportanceSampleTilePartitionning[tileID]) {
        auto pLightVertex = &m_LightPathBuffer[directImportanceSample.m_nLightVertexIndex];

        auto totalDepth = 1 + pLightVertex->m_nDepth;
        if(!acceptPathDepth(totalDepth) || totalDepth > m_nMaxDepth) {

        auto pixel = directImportanceSample.m_Pixel;
        auto pixelID = BnZ::getPixelIndex(pixel, getFramebufferSize());

        PixelSensor sensor(getSensor(), pixel, getFramebufferSize());

        auto contrib = rcpPathCount * connectVertices(*pLightVertex,
                                       SensorVertex(&sensor, directImportanceSample.m_LensSample),
                                       getScene(), m_nLightPathCount, mis);

        if(isInvalidMeasurementEstimate(contrib)) {
            reportInvalidContrib(threadID, tileID, pixelID, [&]() {
                debugLog() << "s = " << (pLightVertex->m_nDepth + 1) << ", t = " << 1 << std::endl;

        accumulate(FINAL_RENDER, pixelID, Vec4f(contrib, 0.f));
        accumulate(FINAL_RENDER_DEPTH1 + totalDepth - 1u, pixelID, Vec4f(contrib, 0.f));

        auto strategyOffset = computeBPTStrategyOffset(totalDepth + 1, pLightVertex->m_nDepth + 1);
        accumulate(BPT_STRATEGY_s0_t2 + strategyOffset, pixelID, Vec4f(contrib, 0));
void UniformResamplingRecursiveMISBPTRenderer::buildDirectImportanceSampleTilePartitionning() {
    ThreadRNG rng(*this, 0u);
                [&](std::size_t i) {
                    return m_LightPathBuffer[i].m_Intersection;
                [&](std::size_t i) {
                    return m_LightPathBuffer[i].m_Intersection && m_LightPathBuffer[i].m_fPathPdf > 0.f;
    void processSample(uint32_t threadID, uint32_t pixelID, uint32_t sampleID,
                       uint32_t x, uint32_t y) const {
        PixelSensor sensor(getSensor(), Vec2u(x, y), getFramebufferSize());

        auto pixelSample = getPixelSample(threadID, sampleID);
        auto lensSample = getFloat2(threadID);

        RaySample raySample;
        Intersection I;


        auto ray = raySample.value;

        accumulate(0, pixelID, Vec4f(ray.dir, 1.f));
Exemplo n.º 5
void kwe::WorldEditorState::update(const double& ms)
  // Begin internal update
  auto win = this->m_application->getWindow();
  auto resolution = win->getFramebufferSize();
  // Update mouse offset
  glm::vec2 currMousePosition = this->m_application->getWindow()->getMousePosition();
  this->m_mouseOffset = m_lastMousePosition - currMousePosition;
  this->m_lastMousePosition = currMousePosition;

  // Render UI

  // Initialize dragmode as false each frame
  this->m_isDragging = false;

  for(auto currComponent : this->m_components)
    currComponent->update(ms, this->m_mouseOffset);

  // Update shadow  distance 
  //glm::distance(this->m_cameraComponent.getOrigin(), this->m_cameraComponent.getCamera()->getPosition()); WHY I DO THIS I HAVE DISTANCE!!!!!
  this->m_sunLight->setMaxShadowDistance(this->m_cameraComponent.getDistance() + 5.0f);
  // End internal update
  if (this->m_isDragging && !this->m_wasDragging)
  else if (this->m_wasDragging && !this->m_isDragging)
  this->m_wasDragging = this->m_isDragging;
void UniformResamplingRecursiveMISBPTRenderer::processSample(uint32_t threadID, uint32_t tileID, uint32_t pixelID, uint32_t sampleID,
                       uint32_t x, uint32_t y) const {
    auto mis = [&](float v) {
        return Mis(v);
    ThreadRNG rng(*this, threadID);

    PixelSensor pixelSensor(getSensor(), Vec2u(x, y), getFramebufferSize());

    auto pixelSample = getPixelSample(threadID, sampleID);
    auto sensorSample = getFloat2(threadID);

    auto fImportanceScale = 1.f / getSppCount();
    BDPTPathVertex eyeVertex(getScene(), pixelSensor, sensorSample, pixelSample, m_nLightPathCount, mis);

    if(eyeVertex.m_Power == zero<Vec3f>() || !eyeVertex.m_fPathPdf) {

    // Sample the light path to connect with the eye path
    auto lightPathIdx = clamp(std::size_t(getFloat(threadID) * m_nLightPathCount),
                              m_nLightPathCount - 1);
    auto pLightPath = m_LightPathBuffer.getSlicePtr(lightPathIdx);

    auto maxEyePathDepth = getMaxEyePathDepth();
    auto maxLightPathDepth = getMaxLightPathDepth();

    auto extendEyePath = [&]() -> bool {
        return eyeVertex.m_nDepth < maxEyePathDepth &&
            eyeVertex.extend(eyeVertex, getScene(), getSppCount(), false, rng, mis);

    // Iterate over an eye path
    do {
        // Intersection with light source
        auto totalLength = eyeVertex.m_nDepth;
        if(acceptPathDepth(totalLength) && totalLength <= m_nMaxDepth) {
            auto contrib = fImportanceScale * computeEmittedRadiance(eyeVertex, getScene(), m_LightSampler, getSppCount(), mis);

            if(isInvalidMeasurementEstimate(contrib)) {
                reportInvalidContrib(threadID, tileID, pixelID, [&]() {
                    debugLog() << "s = " << 0 << ", t = " << (eyeVertex.m_nDepth + 1) << std::endl;

            accumulate(FINAL_RENDER, pixelID, Vec4f(contrib, 0));
            accumulate(FINAL_RENDER_DEPTH1 + totalLength - 1u, pixelID, Vec4f(contrib, 0));

            auto strategyOffset = computeBPTStrategyOffset(totalLength + 1, 0u);
            accumulate(BPT_STRATEGY_s0_t2 + strategyOffset, pixelID, Vec4f(contrib, 0));

        // Connections
        if(eyeVertex.m_Intersection) {
            // Direct illumination
            auto totalLength = eyeVertex.m_nDepth + 1;
            if(acceptPathDepth(totalLength) && totalLength <= m_nMaxDepth) {
                float lightPdf;
                auto pLight = m_LightSampler.sample(getScene(), getFloat(threadID), lightPdf);
                auto s2D = getFloat2(threadID);
                auto contrib = fImportanceScale * connectVertices(eyeVertex, EmissionVertex(pLight, lightPdf, s2D), getScene(), getSppCount(), mis);

                if(isInvalidMeasurementEstimate(contrib)) {
                    reportInvalidContrib(threadID, tileID, pixelID, [&]() {
                        debugLog() << "s = " << 1 << ", t = " << (eyeVertex.m_nDepth + 1) << std::endl;

                accumulate(FINAL_RENDER, pixelID, Vec4f(contrib, 0));
                accumulate(FINAL_RENDER_DEPTH1 + totalLength - 1u, pixelID, Vec4f(contrib, 0));

                auto strategyOffset = computeBPTStrategyOffset(totalLength + 1, 1);
                accumulate(BPT_STRATEGY_s0_t2 + strategyOffset, pixelID, Vec4f(contrib, 0));

            // Connection with each light vertex
            for(auto j = 0u; j < maxLightPathDepth; ++j) {
                auto pLightVertex = pLightPath + j;
                auto totalLength = eyeVertex.m_nDepth + pLightVertex->m_nDepth + 1;

                if(pLightVertex->m_fPathPdf > 0.f && acceptPathDepth(totalLength) && totalLength <= m_nMaxDepth) {
                    auto contrib = fImportanceScale * connectVertices(eyeVertex, *pLightVertex, getScene(), getSppCount(), mis);

                    if(isInvalidMeasurementEstimate(contrib)) {
                        reportInvalidContrib(threadID, tileID, pixelID, [&]() {
                            debugLog() << "s = " << (pLightVertex->m_nDepth + 1) << ", t = " << (eyeVertex.m_nDepth + 1) << std::endl;

                    accumulate(FINAL_RENDER, pixelID, Vec4f(contrib, 0));
                    accumulate(FINAL_RENDER_DEPTH1 + totalLength - 1u, pixelID, Vec4f(contrib, 0));

                    auto strategyOffset = computeBPTStrategyOffset(totalLength + 1, pLightVertex->m_nDepth + 1);
                    accumulate(BPT_STRATEGY_s0_t2 + strategyOffset, pixelID, Vec4f(contrib, 0));
    } while(extendEyePath());
Exemplo n.º 7
void GLFWView::bind() {
    setViewport(0, 0, getFramebufferSize());
Exemplo n.º 8
void GLFWView::updateAssumedState() {
    assumeViewport(0, 0, getFramebufferSize());