Exemplo n.º 1
void IdbOrderBy::initialize(const RowGroup& rg)
	// initialize rows

	uint64_t newSize = fRowsPerRG * rg.getRowSize();
	if (!fRm->getMemory(newSize))
		cerr << IDBErrorInfo::instance()->errorMsg(fErrorCode)
			 << " @" << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__;
		throw IDBExcept(fErrorCode);
	fMemSize += newSize;
	fData.reinit(fRowGroup, fRowsPerRG);
	fRowGroup.getRow(0, &fRow0);

	// set compare functors
	fRule.compileRules(fOrderByCond, fRowGroup);

	if (fDistinct)
		fDistinctMap.reset(new DistinctMap_t(10, Hasher(this, getKeyLength()), Eq(this, getKeyLength())));
Exemplo n.º 2
skey_t CTimeSetMember::get_key() const
	skey_t skey = 0;

	if(getKeyLength() == 4)
#ifdef PGSQL_ORM
		unpack4((char*)&skey, (char*)key);
		DWORD t;
		memcpy(&t, key, sizeof(DWORD));
		skey = (skey_t)t;
#ifdef PGSQL_ORM
		unpack8((char*)&skey, (char*)key);
		time_t t;
		memcpy(&t, key, sizeof(time_t));
		skey = t;

	return skey;
Exemplo n.º 3
void CTimeSetMember::UpdateKeyVal(time_t new_key)
	if(getKeyLength() == 4)
#ifdef PGSQL_ORM
		pack4((char*)key, (char*)&new_key);
		DWORD t = (DWORD)new_key;
		memcpy(key, &t, sizeof(DWORD));
#ifdef PGSQL_ORM
		pack8((char*)key, (char*)&new_key);
		memcpy(key, &new_key, sizeof(time_t));
Exemplo n.º 4
void * getValAddr(Message * m) {
  return ((char*)getKeyAddr(m)) + getKeyLength(m);     /* key address + key length. */
Exemplo n.º 5
   The client side function that 'does everything'  

   @param request_type  The type of request to be run.

   @param response_type The expected response type.  Returns 1 if this
                        remote state is returned, 0 otherwise.  (TODO:
                        Double check this documentation.)

   @param xid The (stateMachine) transaction id.  Set to a random
              number when calling BEGIN.  To prevent deadlock, it's
              best to choose a number unlikely to correspond to an
              active transaction.  (A random number within 2^32 of the
              highest 64-bit integer will work.)

   @param reply_type When should the local call return?  The choices
                     are AWAIT_ARRIVAL, which returns after hearing
                     back from the coordinator, AWAIT_COMMIT_POINT to
                     wait until after the transaction commits/aborts,
                     AWAIT_RESULT, which waits for the actual result
                     from one of the replicas.

   @param key, key_size, value, value_size depend on the value of request_type.

   @return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
static int _chtEval(DfaSet * dfaSet, 
	     unsigned char request_type, 
	     unsigned char response_type,
	     state_machine_id * xid,
	     clusterHashTable_t * ht, 
	     void * key,   size_t * key_size,
	     void * value, size_t * value_size) {
  /* Fill out a message payload. */

  Message m;
  if(ht != NULL) {
    DEBUG("_chtEval(request=%d, response=%d, xid=%ld, ht=%d ", request_type, response_type, *xid, ht->id);
  } else {
    DEBUG("_chtEval(request=%d, response=%d, xid=%ld, ht=NULL ", request_type, response_type, *xid);
  if(key == NULL) {
  } else {
    DEBUG("key=%d)\n", *(int*)key);
  * requestType(&m) = request_type;
  m.response_type = response_type;

  setKeyLength(&m, *key_size);
  setValLength(&m, *value_size);

  if(key_size != 0) {
    memcpy(getKeyAddr(&m), key, *key_size);
  if(value_size != 0) {
    memcpy(getValAddr(&m), value, *value_size);
  if(ht != NULL) {
    memcpy(&(__header_ptr(&m)->hashTable), ht, sizeof(clusterHashTable_t));
  } else { 

    //memset(&(__header_ptr(&m)->hashTable), 0, sizeof(clusterHashTable_t));

  /*  printf("%s <- %s\n", __header_ptr(&m)->initiator, dfaSet->networkSetup.localhost); */

  /* Synchronously run the request */
  request(dfaSet, response_type, "bc:0", *xid, &m);

  if(!checkPayload(&m)) {
    printf("_chtEval failed: Invalid response.\n");

  /* Copy message contents back into caller's buffers, even if the
     request failed.  (There may be app-specific information in the
     response...) */

  if(ht != NULL) {
    memcpy(ht, &(__header_ptr(&m)->hashTable), sizeof(clusterHashTable_t));
  if (*key_size != 0) {
    /*    printf("\n+%x<-%x+, length %d value=%s and %s\n", (unsigned int) value, (unsigned int)getValAddr(&m), getValLength(&m), value, getValAddr(&m)); */
    memcpy(value, getValAddr(&m), getValLength(&m));
  if (*value_size != 0) {
    memcpy(key, getKeyAddr(&m), getKeyLength(&m));
  *value_size = getValLength(&m);
  *key_size = getKeyLength(&m);
  *xid = m.to_machine_id;

  DEBUG("+chtEval returning %d\n", m.type);

  //  return m.type;
  return 1;