Exemplo n.º 1
bool Plugin::init( const std::string& libraryName )
    if( !_dso.open( libraryName ))
        return false;        
    getNumCompressors = ( GetNumCompressors_t )
        ( _dso.getFunctionPointer( "EqCompressorGetNumCompressors" ));
    GetInfo_t getInfo = ( GetInfo_t )
        ( _dso.getFunctionPointer( "EqCompressorGetInfo" ));
    compress = ( Compress_t )
        ( _dso.getFunctionPointer( "EqCompressorCompress" ));
    decompress = ( Decompress_t )
        ( _dso.getFunctionPointer( "EqCompressorDecompress" ));

    getNumResults = ( GetNumResults_t )
        ( _dso.getFunctionPointer( "EqCompressorGetNumResults" ));
    getResult = ( GetResult_t )
        ( _dso.getFunctionPointer( "EqCompressorGetResult" ));
    deleteDecompressor = ( DeleteDecompressor_t )
        ( _dso.getFunctionPointer( "EqCompressorDeleteDecompressor" ));
    deleteCompressor = ( DeleteCompressor_t )
        ( _dso.getFunctionPointer( "EqCompressorDeleteCompressor" ));
    newCompressor = ( NewCompressor_t )
        ( _dso.getFunctionPointer( "EqCompressorNewCompressor" ));
    newDecompressor = ( NewDecompressor_t )
        ( _dso.getFunctionPointer( "EqCompressorNewDecompressor" ));

    isCompatible = ( IsCompatible_t )
        ( _dso.getFunctionPointer( "EqCompressorIsCompatible" ));
    download = ( Download_t )
        ( _dso.getFunctionPointer( "EqCompressorDownload" ));

    startDownload = ( StartDownload_t )
        ( _dso.getFunctionPointer( "EqCompressorStartDownload" ));

    finishDownload = ( FinishDownload_t )
        ( _dso.getFunctionPointer( "EqCompressorFinishDownload" ));

    upload = ( Upload_t )
        ( _dso.getFunctionPointer( "EqCompressorUpload" ));
    const bool foundBase = newDecompressor && newCompressor &&
        deleteCompressor && deleteDecompressor && getInfo && getNumCompressors;
    const bool foundCPU = getResult && getNumResults && decompress && compress;
    const bool foundGPU = isCompatible && download && upload;

    if( !foundBase || ( !foundCPU && !foundGPU ))
        LBWARN << "Initializing compression DSO " << libraryName 
           << " failed, at least one entry point missing" << std::endl;
        return false;

    const size_t nCompressors = getNumCompressors();
    if( nCompressors == 0 )
        LBWARN << "Initializing compression DSO " << libraryName 
           << " failed, 0 compression engines reported" << std::endl;
        return false;

    _infos.resize( nCompressors );

    for( size_t i = 0; i < nCompressors; ++i )
        CompressorInfo& info = _infos[ i ];
        info.version = EQ_COMPRESSOR_VERSION;
        info.outputTokenType = EQ_COMPRESSOR_DATATYPE_NONE;
        info.outputTokenSize = 0;
        getInfo( i, &info );

        if(( info.capabilities & EQ_COMPRESSOR_USE_ASYNC_DOWNLOAD ) &&
            ( !startDownload || !finishDownload ))
            LBWARN << "Download plugin claims to support async readback " <<
                      "but corresponding functions are missing" << std::endl;
            return false;
        if( !( info.capabilities & EQ_COMPRESSOR_TRANSFER ))
            if( info.outputTokenType == EQ_COMPRESSOR_DATATYPE_NONE )
                // Set up CPU compressor output to be input type
                info.outputTokenType = info.tokenType;
                LBASSERT( info.outputTokenSize == 0 );
                LBASSERT( info.outputTokenSize != 0 );
#ifndef NDEBUG // Check that each compressor exist once
        for( size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j )
            LBASSERTINFO( info.name != _infos[j].name,
                          "Compressors " << i << " and " << j << " in '" <<
                          libraryName << "' use the same name" );


    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
Plugin::Plugin( const std::string& libraryName )
    : DSO( libraryName )
    , getNumCompressors( getFunctionPointer< GetNumCompressors_t >(
                             "EqCompressorGetNumCompressors" ))
    , newCompressor( getFunctionPointer< NewCompressor_t >(
                         "EqCompressorNewCompressor" ))
    , newDecompressor( getFunctionPointer< NewDecompressor_t >(
                           "EqCompressorNewDecompressor" ))
    , deleteCompressor( getFunctionPointer< DeleteCompressor_t >(
                            "EqCompressorDeleteCompressor" ))
    , deleteDecompressor( getFunctionPointer< DeleteDecompressor_t >(
                              "EqCompressorDeleteDecompressor" ))
    , compress( getFunctionPointer< Compress_t >( "EqCompressorCompress" ))
    , decompress( getFunctionPointer< Decompress_t >( "EqCompressorDecompress"))
    , getNumResults( getFunctionPointer< GetNumResults_t >(
                         "EqCompressorGetNumResults" ))
    , getResult( getFunctionPointer< GetResult_t >( "EqCompressorGetResult" ))
    , isCompatible( getFunctionPointer< IsCompatible_t >(
                        "EqCompressorIsCompatible" ))
    , download( getFunctionPointer< Download_t >( "EqCompressorDownload" ))
    , upload( getFunctionPointer< Upload_t >( "EqCompressorUpload" ))
    , startDownload( getFunctionPointer< StartDownload_t >(
                         "EqCompressorStartDownload" ))
    , finishDownload( getFunctionPointer< FinishDownload_t >(
                          "EqCompressorFinishDownload" ))
    , impl_( new detail::Plugin )
    if( !isOpen( ))

    const GetInfo_t getInfo =
        getFunctionPointer< GetInfo_t >( "EqCompressorGetInfo" );

    const bool hasBase = newDecompressor && newCompressor && deleteCompressor &&
                         deleteDecompressor && getInfo && getNumCompressors;
    const bool hasCPU = getResult && getNumResults && decompress && compress;
    const bool hasGPU = isCompatible && download && upload;
    if( !hasBase || ( !hasCPU && !hasGPU ))
        LBWARN << "Initializing compression DSO " << libraryName
               << " failed, at least one entry point missing" << std::endl;

    const size_t nCompressors = getNumCompressors();
    if( nCompressors == 0 )
        LBWARN << "Initializing compression DSO " << libraryName
               << " failed, 0 compression engines reported" << std::endl;

    impl_->infos.resize( nCompressors );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < nCompressors; ++i )
        CompressorInfo& info = impl_->infos[ i ];
        info.version = EQ_COMPRESSOR_VERSION;
        info.outputTokenType = EQ_COMPRESSOR_DATATYPE_NONE;
        info.outputTokenSize = 0;
        getInfo( i, &info );

        if(( info.capabilities & EQ_COMPRESSOR_USE_ASYNC_DOWNLOAD ) &&
            ( !startDownload || !finishDownload ))
            LBWARN << "Download plugin claims to support async readback " <<
                      "but corresponding functions are missing" << std::endl;
        info.ratingAlpha = powf( info.speed, .3f ) / info.ratio;
        info.ratingNoAlpha = info.ratingAlpha;

        if( info.capabilities & EQ_COMPRESSOR_IGNORE_ALPHA )
            switch( info.tokenType )
              case EQ_COMPRESSOR_DATATYPE_4_BYTE:
              case EQ_COMPRESSOR_DATATYPE_4_FLOAT:
                  info.ratingNoAlpha /= .75f;

              case EQ_COMPRESSOR_DATATYPE_RGB10_A2:
                  info.ratingNoAlpha /= .9375f; // 30/32


        if( !( info.capabilities & EQ_COMPRESSOR_TRANSFER ))
            if( info.outputTokenType == EQ_COMPRESSOR_DATATYPE_NONE )
                // Set up CPU compressor output to be input type
                info.outputTokenType = info.tokenType;
                LBASSERT( info.outputTokenSize == 0 );
                LBASSERT( info.outputTokenSize != 0 );
#ifndef NDEBUG // Check that each compressor exist once
        for( size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j )
            LBASSERTINFO( info.name != impl_->infos[j].name,
                          "Compressors " << i << " and " << j << " in '" <<
                          libraryName << "' use the same name" );

    if( nCompressors == 0 )
        LBERROR << "No plugins found in  " << libraryName << std::endl;
        LBDEBUG << "Loaded " << nCompressors << " plugins from " << libraryName
                << std::endl;