Exemplo n.º 1
 void sendRenderData(magnet::GL::Context& context)
     (getPointData(), false, 0, 3 * _N * sizeof(cl_float), &_particleData[0]);
     (getDirectionData(), false, 0, 3 * _N * sizeof(cl_float), &_particleData[3 * _N]);
Exemplo n.º 2
 void sendRenderData(magnet::CL::CLGLState& CLState)
     (getPointData(), false, 0, 3 * _N * sizeof(cl_float), &_particleData[0]);
     (getDirectionData(), false, 0, 3 * _N * sizeof(cl_float), &_particleData[3 * _N]);
Exemplo n.º 3
XMLInputReader::XMLInputReader(std::string filename)
  XMLdoc = new tinyxml2::XMLDocument();
  targetView = -1;
  targetWidth = 0.0;
  targetHeight = 0.0;
  createImages = false;
  inputXMLFile = filename;
  if (XMLdoc->LoadFile(filename.c_str()) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS)
      tinyxml2::XMLElement *pRoot, *pParm;
      pRoot = XMLdoc->FirstChildElement("SEGMENTATION");
      if (pRoot == NULL)
          std::cout << "The input xml file does not have element SEGMENTATION " << filename << std::endl;
          throw -1;
      if (pRoot)
          outputDirectory = std::string("NOT FOUND");
          modelName = std::string("NOT_FOUND");
          pParm = pRoot->FirstChildElement("OUTPUTDIRECTORY");
          if (pParm)
              outputDirectory = std::string(pParm->GetText());
              const char* attr = pParm->Attribute("JPEGS");
              if (attr != NULL)
                  if (std::string(attr) == "TRUE" || std::string(attr) == "true")
                      createImages = true;

          pParm = pRoot->FirstChildElement("MODELNAME");
          if (pParm)
              modelName = std::string(pParm->GetText());

          pParm = pRoot->FirstChildElement("NUMBEROFFRAMES");
          numberOfFrames = maxcapframes;
          if (pParm)
              numberOfFrames = atoi(pParm->GetText());
          pParm = pRoot->FirstChildElement("TARGETHEIGHT");
          if (pParm)
              targetHeight = atof(pParm->GetText());
          pParm = pRoot->FirstChildElement("TARGETWIDTH");
          if (pParm)
              targetWidth = atof(pParm->GetText());
          pParm = pRoot->FirstChildElement("TARGETVIEW");
          if (pParm)
              targetView = std::string(pParm->GetText());

          pParm = pRoot->FirstChildElement("BASE");
          if (pParm)
              double * b = getPointData(pParm);
              base[0] = b[0];
              base[1] = b[1];
              base[2] = b[2];
              delete[] b;
          pParm = pRoot->FirstChildElement("APEX");
          if (pParm)
              double * a = getPointData(pParm);
              apex[0] = a[0];
              apex[1] = a[1];
              apex[2] = a[2];
              delete[] a;
          pParm = pRoot->FirstChildElement("RVINSERTS");
          if (pParm)
              tinyxml2::XMLNode* child = pParm->FirstChild();
              while (child != 0)
                  double* rvInsert = getPointData(child->ToElement());
                  child = child->NextSibling();
          pParm = pRoot->FirstChildElement("MARKERS"); //Returns all xml elements from the first element names MARKERS
          for (; pParm; pParm = pParm->NextSiblingElement())
              if (std::string(pParm->Name()) != "MARKERS")
                  continue; //Only process if the tag is of type "MARKERS"

                  bool edset = false;
                  bool ecset = false;

                  std::string viewType = boost::to_upper_copy(std::string(pParm->Attribute("VIEW")));
                  std::string markerType("ENDO");
                  if (pParm->Attribute("TYPE"))
                      markerType = boost::to_upper_copy(std::string(pParm->Attribute("TYPE")));
                  std::string recordType = viewType + markerType;
                  this->viewType[recordType] = viewType;
                  this->markerType[recordType] = markerType;
                  if (pParm->Attribute("ED"))
                      ed[recordType] = atoi(pParm->Attribute("ED"));
                      edset = true;
                  if (pParm->Attribute("EC"))
                      ec[recordType] = atoi(pParm->Attribute("EC"));
                      ecset = true;

                  if (pParm->Attribute("BPM"))
                      bpm[recordType] = (double) atof(pParm->Attribute("BPM"));
                      ecset = true;

                  if (edset)
                      if (!ecset)
                        std::cout << " EC has not been set for " << recordType << " program may fail" << std::endl;
                  if (ecset)
                      if (!edset)
                        std::cout << " ED has not been set for " << recordType << " program may fail" << std::endl;

                  tinyxml2::XMLElement* uri = pParm->FirstChildElement("URI");
                  if (uri)
                      fileuri[recordType] = std::string(uri->GetText());
                      std::ostringstream ss;
                      ss << "FATAL: No URI associated with view " << viewType << " marker type " << markerType;
                      throw SegmentationAndFittingException(ss.str());

                  std::vector<double*> fmarkers(100); //Resize to correct no of markers
                  tinyxml2::XMLElement* child = pParm->FirstChildElement("MARKS");
                  int ctr = 0;
                  while (child != 0)
                	  if (std::string(child->Name()) == "MARKS"){
						  int myID = -1; //marker ids start from 1
						  child->QueryIntAttribute("ID", &myID);
						  if (myID > -1)
							  double* point = getPointData(child);
							  fmarkers[myID] = point;
							  std::cout << "Failed to load the node "<< std::cout;
					  child = child->NextSiblingElement();
                  fmarkers.resize(ctr + 1);
                  markers[recordType] = fmarkers;
                  //Check if ESframe information is available and if so load it
                  child = pParm->FirstChildElement("ESFRAME");
                	  int esframe = -1;
                	  child->QueryIntAttribute("ESFRAMENO", &esframe);
                	  std::vector<double*> baseplane(2);
                	  tinyxml2::XMLElement* fchild = child->FirstChildElement("MARKS");
                      while (fchild != 0)
                    	  if (std::string(fchild->Name()) == "MARKS"){
    						  int myID = -1; //marker ids start from 1
    						  fchild->QueryIntAttribute("ID", &myID);
    						  if (myID > -1)
    							  double* point = getPointData(fchild);
    							  baseplane[myID-1] = point;
    							  std::cout << "Failed to load the node " << std::cout;
						  fchild = fchild->NextSiblingElement();
                      es[recordType] = esframe;
                      esbaseplane[recordType] = baseplane;

#ifdef debug
                  std::cout<<"Markers for "<<viewType<<"\t";
                  for(int i=1;i<ctr;i++)
                      std::cout<<fmarkers[i][0]<<" ,"<<fmarkers[i][1]<<" ";
              catch (std::exception& ex)
                  std::cout << " The input xml file does not seem to be in the appropriate format ";
                  std::cout << ex.what();
                  throw ex;

      std::cout << "Unable to load the input file " << filename << std::endl;
      throw -1;
Exemplo n.º 4
Vector3r TraceVisRep::pyPt_get(int i) const {
	Vector3r pt; Real scalar;
	bool ok=getPointData(pyIndexConvert(i,"point"),pt,scalar);
	if(!ok) throw std::logic_error("TraceVisRep::pyPt_get: getPointData error for i="+to_string(i)+"?");
	return pt;
Exemplo n.º 5
vector<Real> TraceVisRep::pyScalars_get() const{
	size_t i=0; vector<Real> ret; ret.reserve(countPointData());
	Vector3r pt; Real scalar;
	while(getPointData(i++,pt,scalar)) ret.push_back(scalar);
	return ret;