Exemplo n.º 1
size_t readValue(const char* buf, sqlite_value* val)
	u8 type = buf[0];
	val->type = type;
	void* data = (void*)(buf);

	size_t read = 1;

		val->data1.iVal = sessionGetI64((u8*)data);
		read += 8;
		int64_t iVal = sessionGetI64((u8*)data);
		val->data1.dVal = *(double*)(&iVal);
		read += 8;

	case SQLITE_TEXT: {
		u32 textLen;
		u8 varIntLen = getVarint32((u8*)data, textLen);

		val->data1.iVal = textLen;
		val->data2 = (char*)data + varIntLen;

		read += textLen + varIntLen;
	case SQLITE_BLOB: {
		u32 blobLen;
		u8 varIntLen = getVarint32((u8*)data, blobLen);

		val->data1.iVal = blobLen;
		val->data2 = (char*)data + varIntLen;

		read += blobLen + varIntLen;
	case 0:
		val->type = 0;
		val->type = -1;
		return 0;

	return read;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* Read the next position from a position list.
 * Returns the position, or -1 at the end of the list. */
static int readPosition(DocListReader *pReader){
  int i;
  int iType = pReader->pDoclist->iType;
  assert( iType>=DL_POSITIONS );
  assert( !readerAtEnd(pReader) );

  pReader->p += getVarint32(pReader->p, &i);
  if( i==0 ){
    pReader->iLastPos = -1;
    return -1;
  pReader->iLastPos += ((int) i)-1;
    /* Skip over offsets, ignoring them for now. */
    int iStart, iEnd;
    pReader->p += getVarint32(pReader->p, &iStart);
    pReader->p += getVarint32(pReader->p, &iEnd);
  return pReader->iLastPos;
Exemplo n.º 3
** Advance iterator pIter to the next key in its PMA. Return SQLITE_OK if
** no error occurs, or an SQLite error code if one does.
static int vdbeSorterIterNext(
  sqlite3 *db,                    /* Database handle (for sqlite3DbMalloc() ) */
  VdbeSorterIter *pIter           /* Iterator to advance */
  int rc;                         /* Return Code */
  int nRead;                      /* Number of bytes read */
  int nRec = 0;                   /* Size of record in bytes */
  int iOff = 0;                   /* Size of serialized size varint in bytes */

  assert( pIter->iEof>=pIter->iReadOff );
  if( pIter->iEof-pIter->iReadOff>5 ){
    nRead = 5;
    nRead = (int)(pIter->iEof - pIter->iReadOff);
  if( nRead<=0 ){
    /* This is an EOF condition */
    vdbeSorterIterZero(db, pIter);
    return SQLITE_OK;

  rc = sqlite3OsRead(pIter->pFile, pIter->aAlloc, nRead, pIter->iReadOff);
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    iOff = getVarint32(pIter->aAlloc, nRec);
    if( (iOff+nRec)>nRead ){
      int nRead2;                   /* Number of extra bytes to read */
      if( (iOff+nRec)>pIter->nAlloc ){
        int nNew = pIter->nAlloc*2;
        while( (iOff+nRec)>nNew ) nNew = nNew*2;
        pIter->aAlloc = sqlite3DbReallocOrFree(db, pIter->aAlloc, nNew);
        if( !pIter->aAlloc ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
        pIter->nAlloc = nNew;
      nRead2 = iOff + nRec - nRead;
      rc = sqlite3OsRead(
          pIter->pFile, &pIter->aAlloc[nRead], nRead2, pIter->iReadOff+nRead

  assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || nRec>0 );
  pIter->iReadOff += iOff+nRec;
  pIter->nKey = nRec;
  pIter->aKey = &pIter->aAlloc[iOff];
  return rc;
Exemplo n.º 4
** usage:   varint_test  START  MULTIPLIER  COUNT  INCREMENT
** This command tests the putVarint() and getVarint()
** routines, both for accuracy and for speed.
** An integer is written using putVarint() and read back with
** getVarint() and varified to be unchanged.  This repeats COUNT
** times.  The first integer is START*MULTIPLIER.  Each iteration
** increases the integer by INCREMENT.
** This command returns nothing if it works.  It returns an error message
** if something goes wrong.
static int btree_varint_test(
  void *NotUsed,
  Tcl_Interp *interp,    /* The TCL interpreter that invoked this command */
  int argc,              /* Number of arguments */
  const char **argv      /* Text of each argument */
  u32 start, mult, count, incr;
  u64 in, out;
  int n1, n2, i, j;
  unsigned char zBuf[100];
  if( argc!=5 ){
    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0],
    return TCL_ERROR;
  if( Tcl_GetInt(interp, argv[1], (int*)&start) ) return TCL_ERROR;
  if( Tcl_GetInt(interp, argv[2], (int*)&mult) ) return TCL_ERROR;
  if( Tcl_GetInt(interp, argv[3], (int*)&count) ) return TCL_ERROR;
  if( Tcl_GetInt(interp, argv[4], (int*)&incr) ) return TCL_ERROR;
  in = start;
  in *= mult;
  for(i=0; i<count; i++){
    char zErr[200];
    n1 = putVarint(zBuf, in);
    if( n1>9 || n1<1 ){
      sprintf(zErr, "putVarint returned %d - should be between 1 and 9", n1);
      Tcl_AppendResult(interp, zErr, 0);
      return TCL_ERROR;
    n2 = getVarint(zBuf, &out);
    if( n1!=n2 ){
      sprintf(zErr, "putVarint returned %d and getVarint returned %d", n1, n2);
      Tcl_AppendResult(interp, zErr, 0);
      return TCL_ERROR;
    if( in!=out ){
      sprintf(zErr, "Wrote 0x%016llx and got back 0x%016llx", in, out);
      Tcl_AppendResult(interp, zErr, 0);
      return TCL_ERROR;
    if( (in & 0xffffffff)==in ){
      u32 out32;
      n2 = getVarint32(zBuf, out32);
      out = out32;
      if( n1!=n2 ){
        sprintf(zErr, "putVarint returned %d and GetVarint32 returned %d", 
                  n1, n2);
        Tcl_AppendResult(interp, zErr, 0);
        return TCL_ERROR;
      if( in!=out ){
        sprintf(zErr, "Wrote 0x%016llx and got back 0x%016llx from GetVarint32",
            in, out);
        Tcl_AppendResult(interp, zErr, 0);
        return TCL_ERROR;

    /* In order to get realistic timings, run getVarint 19 more times.
    ** This is because getVarint is called about 20 times more often
    ** than putVarint.
    for(j=0; j<19; j++){
      getVarint(zBuf, &out);
    in += incr;
  return TCL_OK;
Exemplo n.º 5
static int statDecodePage(Btree *pBt, StatPage *p){
  int nUnused;
  int iOff;
  int nHdr;
  int isLeaf;
  int szPage;

  u8 *aData = sqlite3PagerGetData(p->pPg);
  u8 *aHdr = &aData[p->iPgno==1 ? 100 : 0];

  p->flags = aHdr[0];
  p->nCell = get2byte(&aHdr[3]);
  p->nMxPayload = 0;

  isLeaf = (p->flags==0x0A || p->flags==0x0D);
  nHdr = 12 - isLeaf*4 + (p->iPgno==1)*100;

  nUnused = get2byte(&aHdr[5]) - nHdr - 2*p->nCell;
  nUnused += (int)aHdr[7];
  iOff = get2byte(&aHdr[1]);
  while( iOff ){
    nUnused += get2byte(&aData[iOff+2]);
    iOff = get2byte(&aData[iOff]);
  p->nUnused = nUnused;
  p->iRightChildPg = isLeaf ? 0 : sqlite3Get4byte(&aHdr[8]);
  szPage = sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(pBt);

  if( p->nCell ){
    int i;                        /* Used to iterate through cells */
    int nUsable;                  /* Usable bytes per page */

    nUsable = szPage - sqlite3BtreeGetReserveNoMutex(pBt);
    p->aCell = sqlite3_malloc64((p->nCell+1) * sizeof(StatCell));
    if( p->aCell==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
    memset(p->aCell, 0, (p->nCell+1) * sizeof(StatCell));

    for(i=0; i<p->nCell; i++){
      StatCell *pCell = &p->aCell[i];

      iOff = get2byte(&aData[nHdr+i*2]);
      if( !isLeaf ){
        pCell->iChildPg = sqlite3Get4byte(&aData[iOff]);
        iOff += 4;
      if( p->flags==0x05 ){
        /* A table interior node. nPayload==0. */
        u32 nPayload;             /* Bytes of payload total (local+overflow) */
        int nLocal;               /* Bytes of payload stored locally */
        iOff += getVarint32(&aData[iOff], nPayload);
        if( p->flags==0x0D ){
          u64 dummy;
          iOff += sqlite3GetVarint(&aData[iOff], &dummy);
        if( nPayload>(u32)p->nMxPayload ) p->nMxPayload = nPayload;
        getLocalPayload(nUsable, p->flags, nPayload, &nLocal);
        pCell->nLocal = nLocal;
        assert( nLocal>=0 );
        assert( nPayload>=(u32)nLocal );
        assert( nLocal<=(nUsable-35) );
        if( nPayload>(u32)nLocal ){
          int j;
          int nOvfl = ((nPayload - nLocal) + nUsable-4 - 1) / (nUsable - 4);
          pCell->nLastOvfl = (nPayload-nLocal) - (nOvfl-1) * (nUsable-4);
          pCell->nOvfl = nOvfl;
          pCell->aOvfl = sqlite3_malloc64(sizeof(u32)*nOvfl);
          if( pCell->aOvfl==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
          pCell->aOvfl[0] = sqlite3Get4byte(&aData[iOff+nLocal]);
          for(j=1; j<nOvfl; j++){
            int rc;
            u32 iPrev = pCell->aOvfl[j-1];
            DbPage *pPg = 0;
            rc = sqlite3PagerGet(sqlite3BtreePager(pBt), iPrev, &pPg, 0);
            if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
              assert( pPg==0 );
              return rc;
            pCell->aOvfl[j] = sqlite3Get4byte(sqlite3PagerGetData(pPg));

  return SQLITE_OK;
Exemplo n.º 6
int readChangeset(const char* buf, size_t size, InstrCallback instr_callback, void* context)
	const char* const bufStart = buf;
	const char* const bufEnd = buf + size;

	double lastPos = .0;
	auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

	while(buf < bufEnd) {
		char op = buf[0];

		// Read OP
		if (op != 'T') {

		// Read number of columns
		u32 nCol;
		u8 varintLen = getVarint32((u8*)buf, nCol);
		buf += varintLen;

		// Read Primary Key flags
		std::vector<int> PKs(nCol);
		for (u32 i=0; i < nCol; i++) {
			PKs[i] = (bool) buf[i];
		buf += nCol;

		// Read table name
		const char* tableName = buf;
		size_t tableNameLen = std::strlen(tableName);
		buf += tableNameLen + 1;

		size_t instrRead = 0;

		TableInfo table;
		table.PKs = PKs.data();
		table.nCol = nCol;
		table.tableName = tableName;

		Instruction instr;
		instr.table = &table;
		instr.values = new sqlite_value[nCol*2];

		while (buf < bufEnd && buf[0] != 'T') {
			instrRead = readInstructionFromBuffer(buf, &instr);
			if (instrRead == 0) {
				std::cerr << "Error reading instruction from buffer." << std::endl;
				delete[] instr.values;

			int rc;
			if (instr_callback && (rc = instr_callback(&instr, context))) {
				std::cerr << "Error applying instruction. Callback returned " << rc << std::endl;
				delete[] instr.values;

			buf += instrRead;

			double pos = (double)(buf - bufStart) / (bufEnd - bufStart) * 100;
			if ((pos - lastPos) > 0.1) {
				auto t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
				auto time_span = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(t2 - t1);
				std::cerr << pos << "%, " << (time_span.count() / pos) * 100 << std::endl;
				lastPos = pos;

		delete[] instr.values;

	return 0;