Exemplo n.º 1
step search(void){

	getVisited(start) = 1;
	while (queueIsNotEmpty){
		step curr = pop();

		if (isEnd(curr)) return curr;

		int i, j;
		for (i = 0; i < MOVENUM; i++){
			step next = curr;
			next.parent = qs-1; // popped index
			next.move = i+1;
			for (j = 0; j < CLOCKNUM; j++){
				next.clocks[j] += moves[i][j];
				next.clocks[j] %= STATENUM;
			if (!getVisited(next)){
				getVisited(next) = 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
BMP MazeGen::Generate()
	// Create a vertex with coordinates within (1, 1) and (Width-1, Height-1), 
	// and set it's visited member to true.
	Vertex current;
	current.x = (rand() % (Width / 2)) * 2 + 1;
	current.y = (rand() % (Height/ 2)) * 2 + 1;

	// Push the starting cell to the stack

		// Get all neighbors of the current cell
		std::vector<Vertex> neighbors = GetNeighbors(current);
		// Get a random unvisited neighbor of the current cell, or discover that there are no unvisited neighbors
		int randomNeighbor = rand() % neighbors.size();
		// While neighbors[randomNeighbor] is a cell that has been visited already:
		while( getVisited(mazeArray[neighbors[randomNeighbor].x][neighbors[randomNeighbor].y]) == true)
			// Remove that random neighbor from the vector of neighbors
			neighbors.erase(neighbors.begin() + randomNeighbor);

			// If there are no neighbors left, break the loop
			if(neighbors.empty()) break;

			// Pick a new random neighbor
			randomNeighbor = rand() % neighbors.size();

		// If there are no unvisited neighbors of the current cell
			// Go back a step, popping the last cell off the stack and setting it to the current cell, 
			// then repeating the whole process
			current = stk.top();

		// If there was an unvisited neighbor of of the current cell
			// Remove the 'wall' between the current cell and it's neighbor, drawing a line between the two cells
			RemoveWall(current, neighbors[randomNeighbor]);
			// Set the current vertex to the randomly selected neighbor
			current = neighbors[randomNeighbor];

			// Mark it as visted

			// Push it to the stack

	return maze;