Exemplo n.º 1
/** \brief Save rotator configuration.
 * \param conf Pointer to the rotator configuration.
 * This function saves the rotator configuration stored in conf to a
 * .rig file. conf->name must contain the file name of the configuration
 * (no path, just file name and without the .rot extension).
void rotor_conf_save (rotor_conf_t *conf)
    GKeyFile *cfg = NULL;
    gchar    *confdir;
    gchar    *fname;
    if (conf->name == NULL)
    /* create a config structure */
    cfg = g_key_file_new();
    g_key_file_set_string  (cfg, GROUP, KEY_HOST, conf->host);
    g_key_file_set_integer (cfg, GROUP, KEY_PORT, conf->port);
    g_key_file_set_integer (cfg, GROUP, KEY_AZTYPE, conf->aztype);
    g_key_file_set_double  (cfg, GROUP, KEY_MINAZ, conf->minaz);
    g_key_file_set_double  (cfg, GROUP, KEY_MAXAZ, conf->maxaz);
    g_key_file_set_double  (cfg, GROUP, KEY_MINEL, conf->minel);
    g_key_file_set_double  (cfg, GROUP, KEY_MAXEL, conf->maxel);
    /* build filename */
    confdir = get_hwconf_dir();
    fname = g_strconcat (confdir, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S,
                         conf->name, ".rot", NULL);
    g_free (confdir);
    /* save information */
    gpredict_save_key_file (cfg, fname);

    /* cleanup */
    g_free (fname);
    g_key_file_free (cfg);
Exemplo n.º 2
/** \brief Save rotator configuration.
 * \param conf Pointer to the rotator configuration.
 * This function saves the rotator configuration stored in conf to a
 * .rig file. conf->name must contain the file name of the configuration
 * (no path, just file name and without the .rot extension).
void rotor_conf_save (rotor_conf_t *conf)
    GKeyFile *cfg = NULL;
    gchar    *confdir;
    gchar    *fname;
    gchar    *data;
    gsize     len;
    if (conf->name == NULL)
    /* create a config structure */
    cfg = g_key_file_new();
    g_key_file_set_string  (cfg, GROUP, KEY_HOST, conf->host);
    g_key_file_set_integer (cfg, GROUP, KEY_PORT, conf->port);
    g_key_file_set_integer (cfg, GROUP, KEY_AZTYPE, conf->aztype);
    g_key_file_set_double  (cfg, GROUP, KEY_MINAZ, conf->minaz);
    g_key_file_set_double  (cfg, GROUP, KEY_MAXAZ, conf->maxaz);
    g_key_file_set_double  (cfg, GROUP, KEY_MINEL, conf->minel);
    g_key_file_set_double  (cfg, GROUP, KEY_MAXEL, conf->maxel);
    /* convert to text sdata */
    data = g_key_file_to_data (cfg, &len, NULL);
    confdir = get_hwconf_dir();
    fname = g_strconcat (confdir, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S,
                         conf->name, ".rot", NULL);
    g_free (confdir);
    g_file_set_contents (fname, data, len, NULL);
    g_free (fname);
    g_free (data);
    g_key_file_free (cfg);
Exemplo n.º 3
/** \brief Read rotator configuration.
 * \param conf Pointer to a rotor_conf_t structure where the data will be
 *             stored.
 * This function reads a rotoator configuration from a .rot file into conf.
 * conf->name must contain the file name of the configuration (no path, just
 * file name and without the .rot extension).
gboolean rotor_conf_read (rotor_conf_t *conf)
    GKeyFile *cfg = NULL;
    gchar    *confdir;
    gchar    *fname;
    GError   *error = NULL;
    if (conf->name == NULL) {
        sat_log_log (SAT_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
                     _("%s: NULL configuration name!"),
        return FALSE;
    confdir = get_hwconf_dir();
    fname = g_strconcat (confdir, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S,
                         conf->name, ".rot", NULL);
    g_free (confdir);
    /* open .grc file */
    cfg = g_key_file_new ();
    g_key_file_load_from_file(cfg, fname, 0, NULL);
    if (cfg == NULL) {
        sat_log_log (SAT_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
                     _("%s: Could not load file %s\n"),
                     __func__, fname);
        g_free (fname);
        return FALSE;
    g_free (fname);
    /* read parameters */
    conf->host = g_key_file_get_string (cfg, GROUP, KEY_HOST, &error);
    if (error != NULL) {
        sat_log_log (SAT_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
                     _("%s: Error reading rotor conf from %s (%s)."),
                       __func__, conf->name, error->message);
        g_clear_error (&error);
        g_key_file_free (cfg);
        return FALSE;
    conf->port = g_key_file_get_integer (cfg, GROUP, KEY_PORT, &error);
    if (error != NULL) {
        sat_log_log (SAT_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
                     _("%s: Error reading rotor conf from %s (%s)."),
                       __func__, conf->name, error->message);
        g_clear_error (&error);
        g_key_file_free (cfg);
        return FALSE;
    conf->aztype = g_key_file_get_integer (cfg, GROUP, KEY_AZTYPE, &error);
    if (error != NULL) {
        sat_log_log (SAT_LOG_LEVEL_WARN,
                     _("%s: Az type not defined for %s. Assuming 0..360\302\260"),
                       __func__, conf->name);
        g_clear_error (&error);
        conf->aztype = ROT_AZ_TYPE_360;
    conf->minaz = g_key_file_get_double (cfg, GROUP, KEY_MINAZ, &error);
    if (error != NULL) {
        sat_log_log (SAT_LOG_LEVEL_WARN,
                     _("%s: MinAz not defined for %s. Assuming 0\302\260."),
                       __func__, conf->name);
        g_clear_error (&error);
        conf->minaz = 0.0;
    conf->maxaz = g_key_file_get_double (cfg, GROUP, KEY_MAXAZ, &error);
    if (error != NULL) {
        sat_log_log (SAT_LOG_LEVEL_WARN,
                     _("%s: MaxAz not defined for %s. Assuming 360\302\260."),
                       __func__, conf->name);
        g_clear_error (&error);
        conf->maxaz = 360.0;
    conf->minel = g_key_file_get_double (cfg, GROUP, KEY_MINEL, &error);
    if (error != NULL) {
        sat_log_log (SAT_LOG_LEVEL_WARN,
                     _("%s: MinEl not defined for %s. Assuming 0\302\260."),
                       __func__, conf->name);
        g_clear_error (&error);
        conf->minel = 0.0;
    conf->maxel = g_key_file_get_double (cfg, GROUP, KEY_MAXEL, &error);
    if (error != NULL) {
        sat_log_log (SAT_LOG_LEVEL_WARN,
                     _("%s: MaxEl not defined for %s. Assuming 90\302\260."),
                       __func__, conf->name);
        g_clear_error (&error);
        conf->maxel = 90.0;
    g_key_file_free (cfg);
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 4
/** \brief User pressed OK. Any changes should be stored in config.
 * First, all .rot files are deleted, whereafter the rotator configurations in
 * the rotlist are saved one by one.
void sat_pref_rot_ok     ()
    GDir         *dir = NULL;   /* directory handle */
    GError       *error = NULL; /* error flag and info */
    gchar        *buff,*dirname;
    const gchar  *filename;
    GtkTreeIter   iter;      /* new item added to the list store */
    GtkTreeModel *model;
    guint         i,n;
    rotor_conf_t conf = {
        .name  = NULL,
        .host = NULL,
        .port  = 4533,
        .minaz = 0,
        .maxaz = 360,
        .minel = 0,
        .maxel = 90,
        .aztype = ROT_AZ_TYPE_360,

    /* delete all .rot files */
    dirname = get_hwconf_dir ();
    dir = g_dir_open (dirname, 0, &error);
    if (dir) {
        /* read each .rot file */
        while ((filename = g_dir_read_name (dir))) {

            if (g_str_has_suffix (filename, ".rot")) {

                buff = g_strconcat (dirname, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, filename, NULL);
                g_remove (buff);
                g_free (buff);

    g_free (dirname);
    g_dir_close (dir);
    /* create new .rot files for the radios in the rotlist */
    model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (rotlist));
    n = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (model, NULL);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        /* get radio conf */
        if (gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child (model, &iter, NULL, i)) {
            /* store conf */
            gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter,
                                ROT_LIST_COL_NAME, &conf.name,
                                ROT_LIST_COL_HOST, &conf.host,
                                ROT_LIST_COL_PORT, &conf.port,
                                ROT_LIST_COL_MINAZ, &conf.minaz,
                                ROT_LIST_COL_MAXAZ, &conf.maxaz,
                                ROT_LIST_COL_MINEL, &conf.minel,
                                ROT_LIST_COL_MAXEL, &conf.maxel,
                                ROT_LIST_COL_AZTYPE, &conf.aztype,
            rotor_conf_save (&conf);
            /* free conf buffer */
            if (conf.name)
                g_free (conf.name);
            if (conf.host)
                g_free (conf.host);
        else {
            sat_log_log (SAT_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
                         _("%s: Failed to get ROT %s"),
                           __func__, i);

/** \brief Add a new rotor configuration
 * \param button Pointer to the Add button.
 * \param data User data (null).
 * This function executes the rotor configuration editor.
static void add_cb    (GtkWidget *button, gpointer data)
    GtkTreeIter  item;      /* new item added to the list store */
    GtkListStore *liststore;
    (void) button; /* avoid unused parameter compiler warning */
    (void) data; /* avoid unused parameter compiler warning */
    rotor_conf_t conf = {
        .name  = NULL,
        .host  = NULL,
        .port  = 4533,
        .minaz = 0,
        .maxaz = 360,
        .minel = 0,
        .maxel = 90,
        .aztype = ROT_AZ_TYPE_360,
    /* run rot conf editor */
    sat_pref_rot_editor_run (&conf);
    /* add new rot to the list */
    if (conf.name != NULL) {
        liststore = GTK_LIST_STORE (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (rotlist)));
        gtk_list_store_append (liststore, &item);
        gtk_list_store_set (liststore, &item,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_NAME, conf.name,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_HOST, conf.host,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_PORT, conf.port,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_MINAZ, conf.minaz,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_MAXAZ, conf.maxaz,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_MINEL, conf.minel,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_MAXEL, conf.maxel,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_AZTYPE, conf.aztype,
        g_free (conf.name);
        if (conf.host != NULL)
            g_free (conf.host);

/** \brief Add a new rotor configuration
 * \param button Pointer to the Add button.
 * \param data User data (null).
 * This function executes the rotor configuration editor.
static void edit_cb   (GtkWidget *button, gpointer data)
    GtkTreeModel     *model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW(rotlist));
    GtkTreeModel     *selmod;
    GtkTreeSelection *selection;
    GtkTreeIter       iter;
    (void) button; /* avoid unused parameter compiler warning */
    (void) data; /* avoid unused parameter compiler warning */

    rotor_conf_t conf = {
        .name  = NULL,
        .host  = NULL,
        .port  = 4533,
        .minaz = 0,
        .maxaz = 360,
        .minel = 0,
        .maxel = 90,
        .aztype = ROT_AZ_TYPE_360,

    /* If there are no entries, we have a bug since the button should 
    have been disabled. */
    if (gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (model, NULL) < 1) {

        sat_log_log (SAT_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
                     _("%s:%s: Edit button should have been disabled."),
                       __FILE__, __func__);
        //gtk_widget_set_sensitive (button, FALSE);
    /* get selected row
    FIXME: do we really need to work with two models?
    selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (rotlist));
    if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected(selection, &selmod, &iter)) {
        gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_NAME, &conf.name,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_HOST, &conf.host,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_PORT, &conf.port,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_MINAZ, &conf.minaz,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_MAXAZ, &conf.maxaz,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_MINEL, &conf.minel,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_MAXEL, &conf.maxel,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_AZTYPE, &conf.aztype,

    else {
        GtkWidget *dialog;
        dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (window),
                                         GTK_DIALOG_MODAL |
                                        _("Select the rotator you want to edit\n"\
                                          "and try again!"));
        gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
        gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);


    /* run radio configuration editor */
    sat_pref_rot_editor_run (&conf);
    /* apply changes */
    if (conf.name != NULL) {
        gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE(model), &iter,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_NAME, conf.name,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_HOST, conf.host,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_PORT, conf.port,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_MINAZ, conf.minaz,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_MAXAZ, conf.maxaz,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_MINEL, conf.minel,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_MAXEL, conf.maxel,
                            ROT_LIST_COL_AZTYPE, conf.aztype,

    /* clean up memory */
    if (conf.name)
        g_free (conf.name);
    if (conf.host != NULL)
        g_free (conf.host);


/** \brief Delete selected rotator configuration
 * This function is called when the user clicks the Delete button.
static void delete_cb (GtkWidget *button, gpointer data)
    GtkTreeModel     *model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW(rotlist));
    GtkTreeSelection *selection;
    GtkTreeIter       iter;

    (void) button; /* avoid unused parameter compiler warning */
    (void) data; /* avoid unused parameter compiler warning */

    /* If there are no entries, we have a bug since the button should 
       have been disabled. */
    if (gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (model, NULL) < 1) {

        sat_log_log (SAT_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
                     _("%s:%s: Delete button should have been disabled."),
                     __FILE__, __func__);
        //gtk_widget_set_sensitive (button, FALSE);
    /* get selected row */
    selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (rotlist));
    if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected(selection, NULL, &iter)) {
        gtk_list_store_remove (GTK_LIST_STORE(model), &iter);
    else {
        GtkWidget *dialog;
        dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (window),
                                         GTK_DIALOG_MODAL |
                                         _("Select the rotator you want to delete\n"\
                                           "and try again!"));
        gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
        gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);

Exemplo n.º 5
/** \brief Create data storage for rotator configuration list. */
static GtkTreeModel *create_and_fill_model ()
    GtkListStore *liststore;    /* the list store data structure */
    GtkTreeIter  item;      /* new item added to the list store */
    GDir         *dir = NULL;   /* directory handle */
    GError       *error = NULL; /* error flag and info */
    gchar        *dirname;      /* directory name */
    gchar       **vbuff;
    const gchar  *filename;     /* file name */
    rotor_conf_t  conf;

    /* create a new list store */
    liststore = gtk_list_store_new (ROT_LIST_COL_NUM,
                                    G_TYPE_STRING,    // name
                                    G_TYPE_STRING,    // host
                                    G_TYPE_INT,       // port
                                    G_TYPE_DOUBLE,    // Min Az
                                    G_TYPE_DOUBLE,    // Max Az
                                    G_TYPE_DOUBLE,    // Min El
                                    G_TYPE_DOUBLE,    // Max El
                                    G_TYPE_INT        // Az type
     gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id( GTK_TREE_SORTABLE(liststore),ROT_LIST_COL_NAME,GTK_SORT_ASCENDING);
    /* open configuration directory */
    dirname = get_hwconf_dir ();
    dir = g_dir_open (dirname, 0, &error);
    if (dir) {
        /* read each .rot file */
        while ((filename = g_dir_read_name (dir))) {
            if (g_str_has_suffix (filename, ".rot")) {
                vbuff = g_strsplit (filename, ".rot", 0);
                conf.name = g_strdup (vbuff[0]);
                g_strfreev (vbuff);
                if (rotor_conf_read (&conf)) {
                    /* insert conf into liststore */
                    gtk_list_store_append (liststore, &item);
                    gtk_list_store_set (liststore, &item,
                                        ROT_LIST_COL_NAME, conf.name,
                                        ROT_LIST_COL_HOST, conf.host,
                                        ROT_LIST_COL_PORT, conf.port,
                                        ROT_LIST_COL_MINAZ, conf.minaz,
                                        ROT_LIST_COL_MAXAZ, conf.maxaz,
                                        ROT_LIST_COL_MINEL, conf.minel,
                                        ROT_LIST_COL_MAXEL, conf.maxel,
                                        ROT_LIST_COL_AZTYPE, conf.aztype,
                    sat_log_log (SAT_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,
                                 _("%s:%d: Read %s"),
                                 __FILE__, __LINE__, filename);
                    /* clean up memory */
                    if (conf.name)
                        g_free (conf.name);
                    if (conf.host)
                        g_free (conf.host);
                else {
                    /* there was an error */
                    sat_log_log (SAT_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
                                 _("%s:%d: Failed to read %s"),
                                 __FILE__, __LINE__, conf.name);
                    g_free (conf.name);
    else {
        sat_log_log (SAT_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
                     _("%s:%d: Failed to open hwconf dir (%s)"),
                       __FILE__, __LINE__, error->message);
        g_clear_error (&error);

    g_free (dirname);
    g_dir_close (dir);

    return GTK_TREE_MODEL (liststore);