Exemplo n.º 1
gnc_bi_import_gui_ok_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
    BillImportGui *gui = data;
    gchar *filename = g_strdup( gtk_entry_get_text( GTK_ENTRY(gui->entryFilename) ) );
    bi_import_stats stats;
    bi_import_result res;
    guint n_fixed, n_deleted, n_invoices_created, n_invoices_updated;
    GString *info;

    // import
    info = g_string_new("");

    gtk_list_store_clear (gui->store);
    res = gnc_bi_import_read_file (filename, gui->regexp->str, gui->store, 0, &stats);
    if (res == RESULT_OK)
        gnc_bi_import_fix_bis (gui->store, &n_fixed, &n_deleted, info, gui->type);
        if (info->len > 0)
            gnc_info_dialog (gui->dialog, "%s", info->str);
        g_string_free( info, TRUE );
        gnc_bi_import_create_bis (gui->store, gui->book, &n_invoices_created, &n_invoices_updated, gui->type, gui->open_mode);
        gnc_info_dialog (gui->dialog, _("Import results:\n%i lines were ignored\n%i lines imported:\n   %u fixes\n   %u ignored (not fixable)\n\n   %u created\n   %u updated (based on id)"), stats.n_ignored, stats.n_imported, n_fixed, n_deleted, n_invoices_created, n_invoices_updated);

        if (stats.n_ignored > 0)
            gnc_info2_dialog (gui->dialog, _("These lines were ignored during import"), stats.ignored_lines->str);

        g_string_free (stats.ignored_lines, TRUE);
        gnc_close_gui_component (gui->component_id);
    else if (res ==  RESULT_OPEN_FAILED)
        gnc_error_dialog (gui->dialog, _("The input file can not be opened."));
    else if (res ==  RESULT_ERROR_IN_REGEXP)
        //gnc_error_dialog (gui->dialog, "The regular expression is faulty:\n\n%s", stats.err->str);
gnc_customer_import_gui_ok_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
    CustomerImportGui *gui = data;
    gchar *filename = g_strdup( gtk_entry_get_text( GTK_ENTRY(gui->entryFilename) ) );
    customer_import_stats stats;
    customer_import_result res;
    guint n_fixed, n_deleted, n_customers_created, n_customers_updated;
    gchar *cv_type_text;

    // import
    if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (gui->type, "CUSTOMER") == 0) cv_type_text = _("customers");
    else cv_type_text = _("vendors");

    gtk_list_store_clear (gui->store);
    res = gnc_customer_import_read_file (filename, gui->regexp->str, gui->store, 0, &stats);
    if (res == CI_RESULT_OK)
        gnc_customer_import_fix_customers (gui->store, &n_fixed, &n_deleted, gui->type);
        gnc_customer_import_create_customers (gui->store, gui->book, &n_customers_created, &n_customers_updated, gui->type);
        gnc_info_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (gui->dialog), _("Import results:\n%i lines were ignored\n%i lines imported:\n   %u %s fixed\n   %u %s ignored (not fixable)\n\n   %u %s created\n   %u %s updated (based on id)"), \
                         stats.n_ignored, stats.n_imported, n_fixed, cv_type_text, n_deleted, cv_type_text, n_customers_created, cv_type_text, n_customers_updated, cv_type_text);

        if (stats.n_ignored > 0)
            gnc_info2_dialog (gui->dialog, _("These lines were ignored during import"), stats.ignored_lines->str);

        g_string_free (stats.ignored_lines, TRUE);
        gnc_close_gui_component (gui->component_id);
    else if (res == CI_RESULT_OPEN_FAILED)
        gnc_error_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (gui->dialog), _("The input file can not be opened."));
    else if (res == CI_RESULT_ERROR_IN_REGEXP)
        //gnc_error_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (gui->dialog), "The regular expression is faulty:\n\n%s", stats.err->str);