Exemplo n.º 1
xaccLotFill (GNCLot *lot)
    Account *acc;
    Split *split;
    GNCPolicy *pcy;

    if (!lot) return;
    acc = gnc_lot_get_account(lot);
    pcy = gnc_account_get_policy(acc);

    ENTER ("(lot=%s, acc=%s)", gnc_lot_get_title(lot), xaccAccountGetName(acc));

    /* If balance already zero, we have nothing to do. */
    if (gnc_lot_is_closed (lot)) return;

    split = pcy->PolicyGetSplit (pcy, lot);
    if (!split) return;   /* Handle the common case */

    /* Reject voided transactions */
    if (gnc_numeric_zero_p(split->amount) &&
            xaccTransGetVoidStatus(split->parent)) return;

    xaccAccountBeginEdit (acc);

    /* Loop until we've filled up the lot, (i.e. till the
     * balance goes to zero) or there are no splits left.  */
    while (1)
        Split *subsplit;

        subsplit = xaccSplitAssignToLot (split, lot);
        if (subsplit == split)
            PERR ("Accounting Policy gave us a split that "
                  "doesn't fit into this lot\n"
                  "lot baln=%s, isclosed=%d, aplit amt=%s",
                  gnc_num_dbg_to_string (gnc_lot_get_balance(lot)),
                  gnc_lot_is_closed (lot),
                  gnc_num_dbg_to_string (split->amount));

        if (gnc_lot_is_closed (lot)) break;

        split = pcy->PolicyGetSplit (pcy, lot);
        if (!split) break;
    xaccAccountCommitEdit (acc);
    LEAVE ("(lot=%s, acc=%s)", gnc_lot_get_title(lot), xaccAccountGetName(acc));
Exemplo n.º 2
xaccSplitScrub (Split *split)
    Account *account;
    Transaction *trans;
    gnc_numeric value, amount;
    gnc_commodity *currency, *acc_commodity;
    int scu;

    if (!split) return;
    ENTER ("(split=%p)", split);

    trans = xaccSplitGetParent (split);
    if (!trans)
        LEAVE("no trans");

    account = xaccSplitGetAccount (split);

    /* If there's no account, this split is an orphan.
     * We need to fix that first, before proceeding.
    if (!account)
        xaccTransScrubOrphans (trans);
        account = xaccSplitGetAccount (split);

    /* Grrr... the register gnc_split_register_load() line 203 of
     *  src/register/ledger-core/split-register-load.c will create
     * free-floating bogus transactions. Ignore these for now ...
    if (!account)
        PINFO ("Free Floating Transaction!");
        LEAVE ("no account");

    /* Split amounts and values should be valid numbers */
    value = xaccSplitGetValue (split);
    if (gnc_numeric_check (value))
        value = gnc_numeric_zero();
        xaccSplitSetValue (split, value);

    amount = xaccSplitGetAmount (split);
    if (gnc_numeric_check (amount))
        amount = gnc_numeric_zero();
        xaccSplitSetAmount (split, amount);

    currency = xaccTransGetCurrency (trans);

    /* If the account doesn't have a commodity,
     * we should attempt to fix that first.
    acc_commodity = xaccAccountGetCommodity(account);
    if (!acc_commodity)
        xaccAccountScrubCommodity (account);
    if (!acc_commodity || !gnc_commodity_equiv(acc_commodity, currency))
        LEAVE ("(split=%p) inequiv currency", split);

    scu = MIN (xaccAccountGetCommoditySCU (account),
               gnc_commodity_get_fraction (currency));

    if (gnc_numeric_same (amount, value, scu, GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND_HALF_UP))
        LEAVE("(split=%p) different values", split);

     * This will be hit every time you answer yes to the dialog "The
     * current transaction has changed. Would you like to record it.
    PINFO ("Adjusted split with mismatched values, desc=\"%s\" memo=\"%s\""
           " old amount %s %s, new amount %s",
           trans->description, split->memo,
           gnc_num_dbg_to_string (xaccSplitGetAmount(split)),
           gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic (currency),
           gnc_num_dbg_to_string (xaccSplitGetValue(split)));

    xaccTransBeginEdit (trans);
    xaccSplitSetAmount (split, value);
    xaccTransCommitEdit (trans);
    LEAVE ("(split=%p)", split);
Exemplo n.º 3
xaccTransScrubCurrency (Transaction *trans)
    SplitList *node;
    gnc_commodity *currency;

    if (!trans) return;

    /* If there are any orphaned splits in a transaction, then the
     * this routine will fail.  Therefore, we want to make sure that
     * there are no orphans (splits without parent account).
    xaccTransScrubOrphans (trans);

    currency = xaccTransGetCurrency (trans);
    if (currency && gnc_commodity_is_currency(currency)) return;

    currency = xaccTransFindCommonCurrency (trans, qof_instance_get_book(trans));
    if (currency)
        xaccTransBeginEdit (trans);
        xaccTransSetCurrency (trans, currency);
        xaccTransCommitEdit (trans);
        if (NULL == trans->splits)
            PWARN ("Transaction \"%s\" has no splits in it!", trans->description);
            SplitList *node;
            char guid_str[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH + 1];
            guid_to_string_buff(xaccTransGetGUID(trans), guid_str);
            PWARN ("no common transaction currency found for trans=\"%s\" (%s);",
                   trans->description, guid_str);

            for (node = trans->splits; node; node = node->next)
                Split *split = node->data;
                if (NULL == split->acc)
                    PWARN (" split=\"%s\" is not in any account!", split->memo);
		    gnc_commodity *currency = xaccAccountGetCommodity(split->acc);
                    PWARN ("setting to split=\"%s\" account=\"%s\" commodity=\"%s\"",
                           split->memo, xaccAccountGetName(split->acc),

		    xaccTransBeginEdit (trans);
		    xaccTransSetCurrency (trans, currency);
		    xaccTransCommitEdit (trans);

    for (node = trans->splits; node; node = node->next)
        Split *sp = node->data;

        if (!gnc_numeric_equal(xaccSplitGetAmount (sp),
                               xaccSplitGetValue (sp)))
            gnc_commodity *acc_currency;

            acc_currency = sp->acc ? xaccAccountGetCommodity(sp->acc) : NULL;
            if (acc_currency == currency)
                /* This Split needs fixing: The transaction-currency equals
                 * the account-currency/commodity, but the amount/values are
                 * inequal i.e. they still correspond to the security
                 * (amount) and the currency (value). In the new model, the
                 * value is the amount in the account-commodity -- so it
                 * needs to be set to equal the amount (since the
                 * account-currency doesn't exist anymore).
                 * Note: Nevertheless we lose some information here. Namely,
                 * the information that the 'amount' in 'account-old-security'
                 * was worth 'value' in 'account-old-currency'. Maybe it would
                 * be better to store that information in the price database?
                 * But then, for old currency transactions there is still the
                 * 'other' transaction, which is going to keep that
                 * information. So I don't bother with that here. -- cstim,
                 * 2002/11/20. */

                PWARN ("Adjusted split with mismatched values, desc=\"%s\" memo=\"%s\""
                       " old amount %s %s, new amount %s",
                       trans->description, sp->memo,
                       gnc_num_dbg_to_string (xaccSplitGetAmount(sp)),
                       gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic (currency),
                       gnc_num_dbg_to_string (xaccSplitGetValue(sp)));
                xaccTransBeginEdit (trans);
                xaccSplitSetAmount (sp, xaccSplitGetValue(sp));
                xaccTransCommitEdit (trans);
              PINFO ("Ok: Split '%s' Amount %s %s, value %s %s",
              xaccSplitGetMemo (sp),
              gnc_num_dbg_to_string (amount),
              gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic (currency),
              gnc_num_dbg_to_string (value),
              gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic (acc_currency));

Exemplo n.º 4
xaccScrubSubSplitPrice (Split *split, int maxmult, int maxamtscu)
    gnc_numeric src_amt, src_val;
    SplitList *node;

    if (FALSE == is_subsplit (split)) return;

    ENTER (" ");
    /* Get 'price' of the indicated split */
    src_amt = xaccSplitGetAmount (split);
    src_val = xaccSplitGetValue (split);

    /* Loop over splits, adjust each so that it has the same
     * ratio (i.e. price).  Change the value to get things
     * right; do not change the amount */
    for (node = split->parent->splits; node; node = node->next)
        Split *s = node->data;
        Transaction *txn = s->parent;
        gnc_numeric dst_amt, dst_val, target_val;
        gnc_numeric frac, delta;
        int scu;

        /* Skip the reference split */
        if (s == split) continue;

        scu = gnc_commodity_get_fraction (txn->common_currency);

        dst_amt = xaccSplitGetAmount (s);
        dst_val = xaccSplitGetValue (s);
        frac = gnc_numeric_div (dst_amt, src_amt,
                                GNC_DENOM_AUTO, GNC_HOW_DENOM_REDUCE);
        target_val = gnc_numeric_mul (frac, src_val,
                                      scu, GNC_HOW_DENOM_EXACT | GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND_HALF_UP);
        if (gnc_numeric_check (target_val))
            PERR ("Numeric overflow of value\n"
                  "\tAcct=%s txn=%s\n"
                  "\tdst_amt=%s src_val=%s src_amt=%s\n",
                  xaccAccountGetName (s->acc),

        /* If the required price changes are 'small', do nothing.
         * That is a case that the user will have to deal with
         * manually.  This routine is really intended only for
         * a gross level of synchronization.
        delta = gnc_numeric_sub_fixed (target_val, dst_val);
        delta = gnc_numeric_abs (delta);
        if (maxmult * delta.num  < delta.denom) continue;

        /* If the amount is small, pass on that too */
        if ((-maxamtscu < dst_amt.num) && (dst_amt.num < maxamtscu)) continue;

        /* Make the actual adjustment */
        xaccTransBeginEdit (txn);
        xaccSplitSetValue (s, target_val);
        xaccTransCommitEdit (txn);
    LEAVE (" ");
Exemplo n.º 5
xaccLotScrubDoubleBalance (GNCLot *lot)
    gnc_commodity *currency = NULL;
    SplitList *snode;
    GList *node;
    gnc_numeric zero = gnc_numeric_zero();
    gnc_numeric value = zero;

    if (!lot) return;

    ENTER ("lot=%s", kvp_frame_get_string (gnc_lot_get_slots (lot), "/title"));

    for (snode = gnc_lot_get_split_list(lot); snode; snode = snode->next)
        Split *s = snode->data;
        xaccSplitComputeCapGains (s, NULL);

    /* We double-check only closed lots */
    if (FALSE == gnc_lot_is_closed (lot)) return;

    for (snode = gnc_lot_get_split_list(lot); snode; snode = snode->next)
        Split *s = snode->data;
        Transaction *trans = s->parent;

        /* Check to make sure all splits in the lot have a common currency */
        if (NULL == currency)
            currency = trans->common_currency;
        if (FALSE == gnc_commodity_equiv (currency, trans->common_currency))
            /* This lot has mixed currencies. Can't double-balance.
             * Silently punt */
            PWARN ("Lot with multiple currencies:\n"
                   "\ttrans=%s curr=%s", xaccTransGetDescription(trans),

        /* Now, total up the values */
        value = gnc_numeric_add (value, xaccSplitGetValue (s),
                                 GNC_DENOM_AUTO, GNC_HOW_DENOM_EXACT);
        PINFO ("Split=%p value=%s Accum Lot value=%s", s,
               gnc_num_dbg_to_string (s->value),
               gnc_num_dbg_to_string (value));


    if (FALSE == gnc_numeric_equal (value, zero))
        /* Unhandled error condition. Not sure what to do here,
         * Since the ComputeCapGains should have gotten it right.
         * I suppose there might be small rounding errors, a penny or two,
         * the ideal thing would to figure out why there's a rounding
         * error, and fix that.
        PERR ("Closed lot fails to double-balance !! lot value=%s",
              gnc_num_dbg_to_string (value));
        for (node = gnc_lot_get_split_list(lot); node; node = node->next)
            Split *s = node->data;
            PERR ("s=%p amt=%s val=%s", s,

    LEAVE ("lot=%s", kvp_frame_get_string (gnc_lot_get_slots (lot), "/title"));