Exemplo n.º 1
static  GNCPrice*
load_single_price (GncSqlBackend* be, GncSqlRow* row)
    GNCPrice* pPrice;

    g_return_val_if_fail (be != NULL, NULL);
    g_return_val_if_fail (row != NULL, NULL);

    pPrice = gnc_price_create (be->book);

    gnc_price_begin_edit (pPrice);
    gnc_sql_load_object (be, row, GNC_ID_PRICE, pPrice, col_table);
    gnc_price_commit_edit (pPrice);

    return pPrice;
gnc_stock_split_assistant_finish (GtkAssistant *assistant,
                                  gpointer user_data)
    StockSplitInfo *info = user_data;
    GList *account_commits;
    GList *node;

    gnc_numeric amount;
    Transaction *trans;
    Account *account;
    Split *split;
    time64 date;

    account = info->acct;
    g_return_if_fail (account != NULL);

    amount = gnc_amount_edit_get_amount
             (GNC_AMOUNT_EDIT (info->distribution_edit));
    g_return_if_fail (!gnc_numeric_zero_p (amount));

    gnc_suspend_gui_refresh ();

    trans = xaccMallocTransaction (gnc_get_current_book ());

    xaccTransBeginEdit (trans);

    xaccTransSetCurrency (trans, gnc_default_currency ());

    date = gnc_date_edit_get_date (GNC_DATE_EDIT (info->date_edit));
    xaccTransSetDatePostedSecsNormalized (trans, date);

        const char *description;

        description = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (info->description_entry));
        xaccTransSetDescription (trans, description);

    split = xaccMallocSplit (gnc_get_current_book ());

    xaccAccountBeginEdit (account);
    account_commits = g_list_prepend (NULL, account);

    xaccTransAppendSplit (trans, split);

    xaccAccountInsertSplit (account, split);

    xaccSplitSetAmount (split, amount);
    xaccSplitMakeStockSplit (split);
    /* Set split-action with gnc_set_num_action which is the same as
     * xaccSplitSetAction with these arguments */
    /* Translators: This string has a disambiguation prefix */
    gnc_set_num_action (NULL, split, NULL, Q_("Action Column|Split"));

    amount = gnc_amount_edit_get_amount (GNC_AMOUNT_EDIT (info->price_edit));
    if (gnc_numeric_positive_p (amount))
        QofBook *book;
        GNCPrice *price;
        GNCPriceDB *pdb;
        GNCCurrencyEdit *ce;
        Timespec ts;

        ce = GNC_CURRENCY_EDIT (info->price_currency_edit);

        ts.tv_sec = date;
        ts.tv_nsec = 0;

        price = gnc_price_create (gnc_get_current_book ());

        gnc_price_begin_edit (price);
        gnc_price_set_commodity (price, xaccAccountGetCommodity (account));
        gnc_price_set_currency (price, gnc_currency_edit_get_currency (ce));
        gnc_price_set_time (price, ts);
        gnc_price_set_source (price, PRICE_SOURCE_STOCK_SPLIT);
        gnc_price_set_typestr (price, PRICE_TYPE_UNK);
        gnc_price_set_value (price, amount);
        gnc_price_commit_edit (price);

        book = gnc_get_current_book ();
        pdb = gnc_pricedb_get_db (book);

        if (!gnc_pricedb_add_price (pdb, price))
            gnc_error_dialog (info->window, "%s", _("Error adding price."));


    amount = gnc_amount_edit_get_amount (GNC_AMOUNT_EDIT (info->cash_edit));
    if (gnc_numeric_positive_p (amount))
        const char *memo;

        memo = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (info->memo_entry));

        /* asset split */
        account = gnc_tree_view_account_get_selected_account (GNC_TREE_VIEW_ACCOUNT(info->asset_tree));

        split = xaccMallocSplit (gnc_get_current_book ());

        xaccAccountBeginEdit (account);
        account_commits = g_list_prepend (account_commits, account);

        xaccAccountInsertSplit (account, split);

        xaccTransAppendSplit (trans, split);

        xaccSplitSetAmount (split, amount);
        xaccSplitSetValue (split, amount);

        xaccSplitSetMemo (split, memo);

        /* income split */
        account = gnc_tree_view_account_get_selected_account (GNC_TREE_VIEW_ACCOUNT(info->income_tree));

        split = xaccMallocSplit (gnc_get_current_book ());

        xaccAccountBeginEdit (account);
        account_commits = g_list_prepend (account_commits, account);

        xaccAccountInsertSplit (account, split);

        xaccTransAppendSplit (trans, split);

        xaccSplitSetAmount (split, gnc_numeric_neg (amount));
        xaccSplitSetValue (split, gnc_numeric_neg (amount));

        xaccSplitSetMemo (split, memo);

    xaccTransCommitEdit (trans);

    for (node = account_commits; node; node = node->next)
        xaccAccountCommitEdit (node->data);
    g_list_free (account_commits);

    gnc_resume_gui_refresh ();

    gnc_close_gui_component_by_data (ASSISTANT_STOCK_SPLIT_CM_CLASS, info);
static gboolean
price_parse_xml_end_handler(gpointer data_for_children,
                            GSList* data_from_children,
                            GSList* sibling_data,
                            gpointer parent_data,
                            gpointer global_data,
                            gpointer *result,
                            const gchar *tag)
    gboolean ok = TRUE;
    xmlNodePtr price_xml = (xmlNodePtr) data_for_children;
    xmlNodePtr child;
    GNCPrice *p = NULL;
    gxpf_data *gdata = global_data;
    QofBook *book = gdata->bookdata;

    /* we haven't been handed the *top* level node yet... */
    if (parent_data) return TRUE;

    *result = NULL;

    if (!price_xml) return FALSE;
    if (price_xml->next)
        ok = FALSE;
        goto cleanup_and_exit;
    if (price_xml->prev)
        ok = FALSE;
        goto cleanup_and_exit;
    if (!price_xml->xmlChildrenNode)
        ok = FALSE;
        goto cleanup_and_exit;

    p = gnc_price_create(book);
    if (!p)
        ok = FALSE;
        goto cleanup_and_exit;

    for (child = price_xml->xmlChildrenNode; child; child = child->next)
        switch (child->type)
        case XML_COMMENT_NODE:
        case XML_TEXT_NODE:
        case XML_ELEMENT_NODE:
            if (!price_parse_xml_sub_node(p, child, book))
                ok = FALSE;
                goto cleanup_and_exit;
            PERR("Unknown node type (%d) while parsing gnc-price xml.", child->type);
            child = NULL;
            ok = FALSE;
            goto cleanup_and_exit;

    if (ok)
        *result = p;
        *result = NULL;
    return ok;