Exemplo n.º 1
static void
exit_program(int val)
	char buf[64];

	debug(RPT_DEBUG, "%s(val=%d)", __FUNCTION__, val);

	/* TODO: These things shouldn't be so interdependent.  The order
	 * things are shut down in shouldn't matter...

	if (val > 0) {
		strncpy(buf, "Server shutting down on ", sizeof(buf));
		switch(val) {
			case 1: strcat(buf, "SIGHUP"); break;
			case 2: strcat(buf, "SIGINT"); break;
			case 15: strcat(buf, "SIGTERM"); break;
			default: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Server shutting down on signal %d", val); break;
				 /* Other values should not be seen, but just in case.. */
		report(RPT_NOTICE, buf);	/* report it */

	/* Set emergency reporting and flush all messages if not done already. */
	if (report_level == UNSET_INT)
		report_level = DEFAULT_REPORTLEVEL;
	if (report_dest == UNSET_INT)
		report_dest = DEFAULT_REPORTDEST;
	set_reporting("LCDd", report_level, report_dest);

	goodbye_screen();		/* display goodbye screen on LCD display */
	drivers_unload_all();		/* release driver memory and file descriptors */

	/* Shutdown things if server start was complete */
	clients_shutdown();		/* shutdown clients (must come first) */
	screenlist_shutdown();		/* shutdown screens (must come after client_shutdown) */
	input_shutdown();		/* shutdown key input part */
        sock_shutdown();                /* shutdown the sockets server */

	report(RPT_INFO, "Exiting.");
Exemplo n.º 2
int main (int argc, char **argv)
  // this increases the size on windows dox boxes

  setup_console ();

  const time_t proc_start = time (NULL);

  // hashcat main context

  hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx = (hashcat_ctx_t *) malloc (sizeof (hashcat_ctx_t));

  const int rc_hashcat_init = hashcat_init (hashcat_ctx, event);

  if (rc_hashcat_init == -1) return -1;

  // install and shared folder need to be set to recognize "make install" use

  char *install_folder = NULL;
  char *shared_folder  = NULL;

  #if defined (INSTALL_FOLDER)
  install_folder = INSTALL_FOLDER;

  #if defined (SHARED_FOLDER)
  shared_folder = SHARED_FOLDER;

  // initialize the user options with some defaults (you can override them later)

  const int rc_options_init = user_options_init (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_options_init == -1) return -1;

  // parse commandline parameters and check them

  const int rc_options_getopt = user_options_getopt (hashcat_ctx, argc, argv);

  if (rc_options_getopt == -1) return -1;

  const int rc_options_sanity = user_options_sanity (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_options_sanity == -1) return -1;

  // some early exits

  user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options;

  if (user_options->version == true)
    printf ("%s\n", VERSION_TAG);

    return 0;

  if (user_options->usage == true)
    usage_big_print (PROGNAME);

    return 0;

  // init a hashcat session; this initializes opencl devices, hwmon, etc

  welcome_screen (hashcat_ctx, VERSION_TAG);

  const int rc_session_init = hashcat_session_init (hashcat_ctx, install_folder, shared_folder, argc, argv, COMPTIME);

  int rc_final = -1;

  if (rc_session_init == 0)
    if (user_options->opencl_info == true)
      // if this is just opencl_info, no need to execute some real cracking session

      opencl_info (hashcat_ctx);

      rc_final = 0;
      // now execute hashcat

      opencl_info_compact (hashcat_ctx);

      rc_final = hashcat_session_execute (hashcat_ctx);

  // finish the hashcat session, this shuts down opencl devices, hwmon, etc

  hashcat_session_destroy (hashcat_ctx);

  // finished with hashcat, clean up

  const time_t proc_stop = time (NULL);

  goodbye_screen (hashcat_ctx, proc_start, proc_stop);

  hashcat_destroy (hashcat_ctx);

  free (hashcat_ctx);

  return rc_final;