Exemplo n.º 1
QString FormattedMessage::saveInImagesPath(const QString &filePath)
	QFileInfo fileInfo(filePath);
	if (!fileInfo.exists())
		return filePath;

	QFileInfo imagesPathInfo(ChatImageService::imagesPath());
	if (!imagesPathInfo.isDir() && !QDir().mkdir(imagesPathInfo.absolutePath()))
		return filePath;

	// if already in imagesPath, it'd be a waste to copy it in the same dir
	if (fileInfo.absolutePath() == imagesPathInfo.absolutePath())
		return fileInfo.fileName();

	QString copyFileName = QUuid::createUuid().toString();
	// Make this file name less exotic. First, get rid of '{' and '}' on edges.
	if (copyFileName.length() > 2)
		copyFileName = copyFileName.mid(1, copyFileName.length() - 2);
	// Second, try to add extension.
	QString ext = fileInfo.completeSuffix();
	if (!ext.isEmpty())
		copyFileName += '.' + ext;

	if (QFile::copy(filePath, imagesPathInfo.absolutePath() + '/' + copyFileName))
		return copyFileName;

	return filePath;
Exemplo n.º 2
QString ImageStorageServiceImpl::storeImage(const QString &imageFilePath)
    QFileInfo fileInfo(imageFilePath);
    if (!fileInfo.exists())
        return imageFilePath;

    QFileInfo imagesPathInfo(storagePath());
    if (fileInfo.absolutePath() == imagesPathInfo.absolutePath())
        return fileInfo.fileName();

    if (!imagesPathInfo.isDir() && !QDir().mkdir(imagesPathInfo.absolutePath()))
        return imageFilePath;

    QString copyFileName = QUuid::createUuid().toString();
    // Make this file name less exotic. First, get rid of '{' and '}' on edges.
    if (copyFileName.length() > 2)
        copyFileName = copyFileName.mid(1, copyFileName.length() - 2);

    // Second, try to add extension.
    QString ext = fileInfo.completeSuffix();
    if (!ext.isEmpty())
        copyFileName += '.' + ext;

    if (QFile::copy(imageFilePath, imagesPathInfo.absolutePath() + '/' + copyFileName))
        return copyFileName;

    return imageFilePath;