Exemplo n.º 1
 * @brief	Return the IP address information of the remote end of a client connection.
 * @param	con		the input client connection.
 * @param	output	a pointer to an ip_t structure to receive the remote IP address, which is allocated for the caller if output is NULL.
 * @return	NULL on error, or a pointer to the IP address of the remote host.
ip_t * con_addr(connection_t *con, ip_t *output) {

//	ip_t *result;
//	struct sockaddr *address = MEMORYBUF(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6));
//	socklen_t len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);

//	if (!(result = output) && !(result = mm_alloc(sizeof(ip_t)))) {
//		log_pedantic("The output buffer memory allocation request failed. { requested = %zu }", sizeof(ip_t));
//		return NULL;
//	}
//	// Extract the socket structure.
//	else if (getpeername(con->network.sockd, address, &len)) {
//		if (!output) {
//			mm_free(result);
//		}
//		return NULL;
//	}

	// Classify and copy to the IP information.
//	else if (len == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6) && ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)address)->sin6_family == AF_INET6) {
//		mm_copy(&(result->ip6), &(((struct sockaddr_in6 *)address)->sin6_addr), sizeof(struct in6_addr));
//		result->family = AF_INET6;
//	}
//	else if (len == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) && ((struct sockaddr_in *)address)->sin_family == AF_INET) {
//		mm_copy(&(result->ip4), &(((struct sockaddr_in *)address)->sin_addr), sizeof(struct in_addr));
//		result->family = AF_INET;
//	}

	ip_t *result = NULL;

	// We only attempt the copy if a valid IP address is available.
	if (con && con->network.reverse.ip) {

		// If the output pointer is NULL, we need to allocate a buffer.
		if (!output && (result = mm_alloc(sizeof(ip_t)))) {
			ip_copy(result, con->network.reverse.ip);
		// Otherwise, if the output buffer is valid, we use that instead. We could also end up
		// here if the allocation attempt, fails. So we check that output isn't NULL to avoid an error.
		else if (output) {
			result = ip_copy(output, con->network.reverse.ip);


	return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * @brief	Create a new session for a given web connection.
 * @note	The session stores the following data points: remote IP address, request path, application name, the specified http hostname,
 * 			the remote client's user agent string, the server's host number, a unique session id, the server's current timestamp, a randomly-
 * 			generated session key for authentication, and an encrypted token for the session returned to the user as a cookie.
 * @param	con			a pointer to the connection underlying the web session.
 * @param	path		a pointer to a managed string containing the pathname of the generating request (should be "/portal/camel").
 * @param	application	a pointer to a managed string containing the name of the parent application of the session (should be "portal").
 * @return	NULL on failure or a pointer to a newly allocated session object for the specified connection.
session_t *sess_create(connection_t *con, stringer_t *path, stringer_t *application) {

	session_t *output;
	multi_t key = { .type = M_TYPE_UINT64, .val.u64 = 0 };

	if (!(output = mm_alloc(sizeof(session_t)))) {
		log_pedantic("Unable to allocate %zu bytes for a session context.", sizeof(session_t));
		return NULL;
	else if (pthread_mutex_init(&(output->lock), NULL) != 0) {
		log_pedantic("Unable to initialize reference lock for new user session.");
		return NULL;
	} else if (!(output->compositions = inx_alloc(M_INX_LINKED, &sess_release_composition))) {
		log_pedantic("Unable to allocate space for user session's compositions.");
		return NULL;

	if (!(ip_copy(&(output->warden.ip), con_addr(con, MEMORYBUF(64)))) ||
		(path && !(output->request.path = st_dupe_opts(MANAGED_T | HEAP | CONTIGUOUS, path))) ||
		(application && !(output->request.application = st_dupe_opts(MANAGED_T | HEAP | CONTIGUOUS, application))) ||
		(con->http.host && !(output->request.host = st_dupe_opts(MANAGED_T | HEAP | CONTIGUOUS, con->http.host))) ||
		(con->http.agent && !(output->warden.agent = st_dupe_opts(MANAGED_T | HEAP | CONTIGUOUS, con->http.agent))) ||
		!(output->warden.host = magma.host.number) || !(key.val.u64 = output->warden.number = sess_number()) ||
		!(output->warden.stamp = time(NULL)) || !(output->warden.key = sess_key()) || !(output->warden.token = sess_token(output))) {
		log_pedantic("Unable to initialize the session warden context.");
		return NULL;

	output->request.httponly = true;
	output->request.secure = (con_secure(con) == 1 ? true : false);


	if (inx_insert(objects.sessions, key, output) != 1) {
		log_pedantic("Unable to insert the session into the global context.");
		return NULL;

	return output;

 * @brief	Try to retrieve the session associated with a client connection's supplied cookie.
 * @param	con				a pointer to the connection object sending the cookie.
 * @param	application		a managed string containing the application associated with the session.
 * @param	path			a managed string containing the path associated with the session.
 * @param	token			the encrypted user token retrieved from the supplied http cookie.
 * @return	1 if the cookie was found and valid, or one of the following values on failure:
 * 			 0 = Session not found.
 *			-1 = Server error.
 *			-2 = Invalid token.
 *			-3 = Security violation / incorrect user-agent.
 *			-4 = Security violation / incorrect session key.
 *			-5 = Security violation / incorrect source address.
 *			-6 = Session terminated by logout.
 *			-7 = Session timed out.
int_t sess_get(connection_t *con, stringer_t *application, stringer_t *path, stringer_t *token) {

	uint64_t *numbers;
	scramble_t *scramble;
	stringer_t *binary, *encrypted;
	multi_t key = { .type = M_TYPE_UINT64, .val.u64 = 0 };
	int_t result = 1;

	/// Most session attributes need simple equality comparison, except for timeout checking. Make sure not to validate against a stale session that should have already timed out (which will have to be determined dynamically).
	encrypted = zbase32_decode(token);
	scramble = scramble_import(encrypted);
	binary = scramble_decrypt(magma.secure.sessions, scramble);


	if (!binary) {
		return 0;

	numbers = st_data_get(binary);

	// QUESTION: Is this necessary? doesn't inx_find() lock the inx?

	key.val.u64 = *(numbers + 2);

	if ((con->http.session = inx_find(objects.sessions, key))) {


	// Return if we didn't find the session or user.
	if (!con->http.session || !con->http.session->user) {
		return 0;

	// We need to do full validation against the cookie and associated session.
	// First, the cookie.
	if ((*numbers != con->http.session->warden.host) || (*(numbers + 1) != con->http.session->warden.stamp) ||
			(*(numbers + 2) != con->http.session->warden.number)) {
		log_error("Received mismatched cookie for authenticated session { user = %s }", st_char_get(con->http.session->user->username));
		result = -2;
	} else if (*(numbers + 3) != con->http.session->warden.key) {
		log_error("Cookie contained an incorrect session key { user = %s }", st_char_get(con->http.session->user->username));
		result = -4;
	} else if (st_cmp_cs_eq(application, con->http.session->request.application)) {
		log_error("Cookie did not match session's application { user = %s }", st_char_get(con->http.session->user->username));
		result = -2;
	} else if (st_cmp_cs_eq(path, con->http.session->request.path)) {
		log_error("Cookie did not match session's path { user = %s }", st_char_get(con->http.session->user->username));
		result = -2;
	} else if (st_cmp_cs_eq(con->http.agent, con->http.session->warden.agent)) {
		log_error("Cookie contained a mismatched user agent { user = %s }", st_char_get(con->http.session->user->username));
		result = -3;
	} else if (con->http.session->request.secure != (con_secure(con) ? 1 : 0)) {
		log_error("Cookie was submitted from a mismatched transport layer { user = %s }", st_char_get(con->http.session->user->username));
		result = -5;
	} else if (!ip_address_equal(&(con->http.session->warden.ip), (ip_t *)con_addr(con, MEMORYBUF(64)))) {
		log_error("Cookie was submitted from a mismatched IP address { user = %s }", st_char_get(con->http.session->user->username));
		result = -5;

	// Finally, do comparisons to see that we haven't timed out.
	/* Did we expire? */
	if (magma.http.session_timeout <= (time(NULL) - con->http.session->warden.stamp)) {
		log_pedantic("User submitted expired or invalidated cookie; marking for deletion { user = %s }", st_char_get(con->http.session->user->username));
		result = -7;

	// QUESTION: This destruction needs a second look.
	if (result < 0) {

		if (!inx_delete(objects.sessions, key)) {
			log_pedantic("Unexpected error occurred attempting to delete expired cookie { user = %s }", st_char_get(con->http.session->user->username));

		con->http.session = NULL;
	// Otherwise, if the last session status update is more than 10 minutes ago, check now to see if things are current.
	// QUESTION: Why is it 600 here and 120 elsewhere?
	else if ((time(NULL) - sess_refresh_stamp(con->http.session)) > 600) {

	return result;