Exemplo n.º 1
fbstring IOBuf::moveToFbString() {
  // malloc-allocated buffers are just fine, everything else needs
  // to be turned into one.
  if (!sharedInfo() ||         // user owned, not ours to give up
      sharedInfo()->freeFn ||  // not malloc()-ed
      headroom() != 0 ||       // malloc()-ed block doesn't start at beginning
      tailroom() == 0 ||       // no room for NUL terminator
      isShared() ||            // shared
      isChained()) {           // chained
    // We might as well get rid of all head and tailroom if we're going
    // to reallocate; we need 1 byte for NUL terminator.
    coalesceAndReallocate(0, computeChainDataLength(), this, 1);

  // Ensure NUL terminated
  *writableTail() = 0;
  fbstring str(reinterpret_cast<char*>(writableData()),
               length(),  capacity(),

  if (flags() & kFlagFreeSharedInfo) {
    delete sharedInfo();

  // Reset to a state where we can be deleted cleanly
  flagsAndSharedInfo_ = 0;
  buf_ = nullptr;
  return str;
Exemplo n.º 2
void IOBuf::coalesceSlow(size_t maxLength) {
  // coalesceSlow() should only be called if we are part of a chain of multiple
  // IOBufs.  The caller should have already verified this.
  DCHECK_LT(length_, maxLength);

  // Compute the length of the entire chain
  uint64_t newLength = 0;
  IOBuf* end = this;
  while (true) {
    newLength += end->length_;
    end = end->next_;
    if (newLength >= maxLength) {
    if (end == this) {
      throw std::overflow_error("attempted to coalesce more data than "

  coalesceAndReallocate(newLength, end);
  // We should have the requested length now
  DCHECK_GE(length_, maxLength);
Exemplo n.º 3
IOBuf IOBuf::cloneCoalescedAsValue() const {
  if (!isChained()) {
    return cloneOneAsValue();
  // Coalesce into newBuf
  const uint64_t newLength = computeChainDataLength();
  const uint64_t newHeadroom = headroom();
  const uint64_t newTailroom = prev()->tailroom();
  const uint64_t newCapacity = newLength + newHeadroom + newTailroom;
  IOBuf newBuf{CREATE, newCapacity};

  auto current = this;
  do {
    if (current->length() > 0) {
      DCHECK_LE(current->length(), newBuf.tailroom());
      memcpy(newBuf.writableTail(), current->data(), current->length());
    current = current->next();
  } while (current != this);

  DCHECK_EQ(newLength, newBuf.length());
  DCHECK_EQ(newHeadroom, newBuf.headroom());
  DCHECK_LE(newTailroom, newBuf.tailroom());

  return newBuf;
Exemplo n.º 4
void IOBuf::coalesceSlow() {
  // coalesceSlow() should only be called if we are part of a chain of multiple
  // IOBufs.  The caller should have already verified this.

  // Compute the length of the entire chain
  uint64_t newLength = 0;
  IOBuf* end = this;
  do {
    newLength += end->length_;
    end = end->next_;
  } while (end != this);

  coalesceAndReallocate(newLength, end);
  // We should be only element left in the chain now
Exemplo n.º 5
void IOBuf::makeManagedChained() {

  IOBuf* current = this;
  while (true) {
    current = current->next_;
    if (current == this) {
Exemplo n.º 6
void IOBuf::coalesceAndReallocate(size_t newHeadroom,
                                  size_t newLength,
                                  IOBuf* end,
                                  size_t newTailroom) {
  uint64_t newCapacity = newLength + newHeadroom + newTailroom;
  if (newCapacity > UINT32_MAX) {
    throw std::overflow_error("IOBuf chain too large to coalesce");

  // Allocate space for the coalesced buffer.
  // We always convert to an external buffer, even if we happened to be an
  // internal buffer before.
  uint8_t* newBuf;
  SharedInfo* newInfo;
  uint32_t actualCapacity;
  allocExtBuffer(newCapacity, &newBuf, &newInfo, &actualCapacity);

  // Copy the data into the new buffer
  uint8_t* newData = newBuf + newHeadroom;
  uint8_t* p = newData;
  IOBuf* current = this;
  size_t remaining = newLength;
  do {
    assert(current->length_ <= remaining);
    remaining -= current->length_;
    memcpy(p, current->data_, current->length_);
    p += current->length_;
    current = current->next_;
  } while (current != end);
  assert(remaining == 0);

  // Point at the new buffer

  // Make sure kFlagUserOwned, kFlagMaybeShared, and kFlagFreeSharedInfo
  // are all cleared.
  flags_ = 0;

  capacity_ = actualCapacity;
  type_ = kExtAllocated;
  buf_ = newBuf;
  sharedInfo_ = newInfo;
  data_ = newData;
  length_ = newLength;

  // Separate from the rest of our chain.
  // Since we don't store the unique_ptr returned by separateChain(),
  // this will immediately delete the returned subchain.
  if (isChained()) {
    (void)separateChain(next_, current->prev_);
Exemplo n.º 7
void IOBuf::coalesceAndReallocate(size_t newHeadroom,
                                  size_t newLength,
                                  IOBuf* end,
                                  size_t newTailroom) {
  uint64_t newCapacity = newLength + newHeadroom + newTailroom;

  // Allocate space for the coalesced buffer.
  // We always convert to an external buffer, even if we happened to be an
  // internal buffer before.
  uint8_t* newBuf;
  SharedInfo* newInfo;
  uint64_t actualCapacity;
  allocExtBuffer(newCapacity, &newBuf, &newInfo, &actualCapacity);

  // Copy the data into the new buffer
  uint8_t* newData = newBuf + newHeadroom;
  uint8_t* p = newData;
  IOBuf* current = this;
  size_t remaining = newLength;
  do {
    if (current->length_ > 0) {
      assert(current->length_ <= remaining);
      assert(current->data_ != nullptr);
      remaining -= current->length_;
      memcpy(p, current->data_, current->length_);
      p += current->length_;
    current = current->next_;
  } while (current != end);
  assert(remaining == 0);

  // Point at the new buffer

  // Make sure kFlagMaybeShared and kFlagFreeSharedInfo are all cleared.
  setFlagsAndSharedInfo(0, newInfo);

  capacity_ = actualCapacity;
  buf_ = newBuf;
  data_ = newData;
  length_ = newLength;

  // Separate from the rest of our chain.
  // Since we don't store the unique_ptr returned by separateChain(),
  // this will immediately delete the returned subchain.
  if (isChained()) {
    (void)separateChain(next_, current->prev_);
Exemplo n.º 8
void IOBuf::unshareChained() {
  // unshareChained() should only be called if we are part of a chain of
  // multiple IOBufs.  The caller should have already verified this.

  IOBuf* current = this;
  while (true) {
    if (current->isSharedOne()) {
      // we have to unshare

    current = current->next_;
    if (current == this) {
      // None of the IOBufs in the chain are shared,
      // so return without doing anything

  // We have to unshare.  Let coalesceSlow() do the work.