Exemplo n.º 1
ASTfunction_call::print (std::ostream &out, int indentlevel) const 
    ASTNode::print (out, indentlevel);
#if 0
    if (is_user_function()) { 
        out << "\n";
        user_function()->print (out, indentlevel+1);
        out << "\n";
Exemplo n.º 2
ASTfunction_call::typecheck (TypeSpec expected)
    typecheck_children ();

    bool match = false;

    // Look for an exact match, including expected return type
    m_typespec = typecheck_all_poly (expected, false);
    if (m_typespec != TypeSpec())
        match = true;

    // Now look for an exact match on args, but any assignable return type
    if (! match && expected != TypeSpec()) {
        m_typespec = typecheck_all_poly (TypeSpec(), false);
        if (m_typespec != TypeSpec())
            match = true;

    // Now look for a coercible match of args, exact march on return type
    if (! match) {
        m_typespec = typecheck_all_poly (expected, true);
        if (m_typespec != TypeSpec())
            match = true;

    // All that failed, try for a coercible match on everything
    if (! match && expected != TypeSpec()) {
        m_typespec = typecheck_all_poly (TypeSpec(), true);
        if (m_typespec != TypeSpec())
            match = true;

    if (match) {
        if (! is_user_function ())
            typecheck_builtin_specialcase ();
        return m_typespec;

    // Couldn't find any way to match any polymorphic version of the
    // function that we know about.  OK, at least try for helpful error
    // message.
    std::string choices ("");
    for (FunctionSymbol *poly = func();  poly;  poly = poly->nextpoly()) {
        const char *code = poly->argcodes().c_str();
        int advance;
        TypeSpec returntype = m_compiler->type_from_code (code, &advance);
        code += advance;
        if (choices.length())
            choices += "\n";
        choices += Strutil::format ("\t%s %s (%s)",
                              type_c_str(returntype), m_name.c_str(),

    std::string actualargs;
    for (ASTNode::ref arg = args();  arg;  arg = arg->next()) {
        if (actualargs.length())
            actualargs += ", ";
        actualargs += arg->typespec().string();

    error ("No matching function call to '%s (%s)'\n    Candidates are:\n%s", 
           m_name.c_str(), actualargs.c_str(), choices.c_str());
    return TypeSpec();