Exemplo n.º 1
int tur_target_within_sight(turret_t *turret, int target_x, int target_y)
	int x, y;
	int map_x, map_y;
	turret_t *tp;
	game_data_t *gd;
	fixed angle, dx, dy;
	float bx, by;
	int i;
	int px, py, pc;
	dx = itofix((turret->x * 32 + 16) - target_x);
    dy = itofix((turret->y * 32 + 16) - target_y);    
    angle = fatan2(dy, dx) - itofix(64);
	x = turret->x * 32;
	y = turret->y * 32;
 	bx = x + turret->bitmap->w/2;
	by = y + turret->bitmap->h/2;

	gd = get_game_data_pointer();

	for (i = 0; i < turret->range / 15; i++) {
		float result;
		result = fixtof(fixcos(angle));
		by -= result * 15;
		result = fixtof(fixsin(angle));
		bx += result * 15;
		map_x = (int) bx / 32;
		map_y = (int) by / 32;
		if (map_x == target_x/32 && map_y == target_y/32)
			return 1;

		//putpixel(screen, bx, by, makecol(255,255,255));		
		tp = gd->turret;
		for (;;) {
			if (tp == NULL)
			if (tp != turret && (tp->x == map_x && tp->y == map_y)) {
				/* found a turret in this tile, check for pixel value */
				px = (int)bx - (map_x * 32);
				py = (int)by - (map_y * 32);
				pc = getpixel(tp->bitmap, px, py);
				if (pc != makecol(255, 0, 255)) {
					return 0;
			tp = tp->next;

	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
void Splash(int32_t tx, int32_t ty, int32_t amt, C4Object *pByObj) {
  // Splash only if there is free space above
  if (GBackSemiSolid(tx, ty - 15))
  // get back mat
  int32_t iMat = GBackMat(tx, ty);
  // check liquid
  if (MatValid(iMat))
    if (DensityLiquid(Game.Material.Map[iMat].Density) &&
        Game.Material.Map[iMat].Instable) {
      int32_t sy = ty;
      while (GBackLiquid(tx, sy) && sy > ty - 20 && sy >= 0)
      // Splash bubbles and liquid
      for (int32_t cnt = 0; cnt < amt; cnt++) {
        BubbleOut(tx + Random(16) - 8, ty + Random(16) - 6);
        if (GBackLiquid(tx, ty) && !GBackSemiSolid(tx, sy))
          Game.PXS.Create(Game.Landscape.ExtractMaterial(tx, ty), itofix(tx),
                          itofix(sy), FIXED100(Random(151) - 75),
  // Splash sound
  if (amt >= 20)
    StartSoundEffect("Splash2", false, 100, pByObj);
  else if (amt > 1)
    StartSoundEffect("Splash1", false, 100, pByObj);
Exemplo n.º 3
/* draw_object just draws a single object at a fixed position, although
this can easily be modified to allow for more objects.
bmp = bitmap to draw to. obj = sprite for the object.
angle, cx, cy define the camera position.
void draw_object (BITMAP *bmp, BITMAP *obj, fixed angle, fixed cx, fixed cy, MODE_7_PARAMS params)
    int width, height;
    int screen_y, screen_x;

    // The object in this case is at a fixed position of (160, 100).
    // Calculate the position relative to the camera.
    fixed obj_x = itofix(160) - cx;
    fixed obj_y = itofix(100) - cy;

    // use a rotation transformation to rotate the object by the camera
    // angle
    fixed space_x = fmul (obj_x, fcos (angle)) + fmul (obj_y, fsin (angle));
    fixed space_y = -fmul (obj_x, fsin (angle)) + fmul (obj_y, fcos (angle));

    // calculate the screen coordinates that go with these space coordinates
    // by dividing everything by space_x (the distance)
    screen_x = bmp->w/2 + fixtoi (fmul (fdiv (params.scale_x, space_x), space_y));
    screen_y = fixtoi (fdiv (fmul (params.space_z, params.scale_y), space_x)) - params.horizon;

    // the size of the object has to be scaled according to the distance
    height = fixtoi (obj->h * fdiv(params.obj_scale_y, space_x));
    width = fixtoi (obj->w * fdiv(params.obj_scale_x, space_x));

    // draw the object
    stretch_sprite (bmp, obj, screen_x - width / 2, screen_y - height, width, height);
Exemplo n.º 4
bool ObjectComJump(C4Object *cObj) // by ObjectComUp, ExecCMDFMoveTo, FnJump
    // Only if walking
    if (cObj->GetProcedure()!=DFA_WALK) return false;
    // Calculate direction & forces
    C4Real TXDir=Fix0;
    C4PropList *pActionWalk = cObj->GetAction();
    C4Real iPhysicalWalk = C4REAL100(pActionWalk->GetPropertyInt(P_Speed)) * itofix(cObj->GetCon(), FullCon);
    C4Real iPhysicalJump = C4REAL100(cObj->GetPropertyInt(P_JumpSpeed)) * itofix(cObj->GetCon(), FullCon);

    if (cObj->Action.ComDir==COMD_Left || cObj->Action.ComDir==COMD_UpLeft)  TXDir=-iPhysicalWalk;
    else if (cObj->Action.ComDir==COMD_Right || cObj->Action.ComDir==COMD_UpRight) TXDir=+iPhysicalWalk;
    C4Real x = cObj->fix_x, y = cObj->fix_y;
    // find bottom-most vertex, correct starting position for simulation
    int32_t iBtmVtx = cObj->Shape.GetBottomVertex();
    if (iBtmVtx != -1) {
        x += cObj->Shape.GetVertexX(iBtmVtx);
        y += cObj->Shape.GetVertexY(iBtmVtx);
    // Try dive
    if (cObj->Shape.ContactDensity > C4M_Liquid)
        if (SimFlightHitsLiquid(x,y,TXDir,-iPhysicalJump))
            if (ObjectActionDive(cObj,TXDir,-iPhysicalJump))
                return true;
    // Regular jump
    return ObjectActionJump(cObj,TXDir,-iPhysicalJump,true);
Exemplo n.º 5
static t_int *osc_perform(t_int *w)
    t_osc *x = (t_osc *)(w[1]);
    t_sample *in = (t_sample *)(w[2]);
    t_sample *out = (t_sample *)(w[3]);
    int n = (int)(w[4]);
    t_sample *tab = cos_table;
    unsigned int phase = x->x_phase;
    int conv = x->x_conv;
    int off;
    int frac;
    while (n--) {
	 phase+= mult(conv ,(*in++));
	 phase &= (itofix(1) -1);
	 off =  fixtoi((long long)phase<<ILOGCOSTABSIZE);

	 *out = *(tab+off);
//	 frac = phase & (itofix(1)-1);
	 frac = phase & ((1<<ILOGCOSTABSIZE)-1);
         frac <<= (fix1-ILOGCOSTABSIZE);
	 *out = mult(*(tab + off),(itofix(1) - frac)) + 
	      mult(*(tab + off + 1),frac);	 
    x->x_phase = phase;

    return (w+5);
Exemplo n.º 6
void C4Object::Stabilize()
	// def allows stabilization?
	if (Def->NoStabilize) return;
	// normalize angle
	C4Real nr = fix_r;
	while (nr < itofix(-180)) nr += 360;
	while (nr > itofix(180)) nr -= 360;
	if (nr != Fix0)
		if (Inside<C4Real>(nr,itofix(-StableRange),itofix(+StableRange)))
			// Save step undos
			C4Real lcobjr=fix_r;
			C4Shape lshape=Shape;
			// Try rotation
			if (ContactCheck(GetX(),GetY()))
			{ // Undo rotation
			{ // Stabilization okay
Exemplo n.º 7
BOOL ObjectActionCornerScale(C4Object *cObj)
	int32_t iRangeX,iRangeY;
	// Scaling: check range max to min
	if (cObj->GetProcedure()==DFA_SCALE)
		if (!CheckCornerScale(cObj,iRangeX,iRangeY)) return FALSE;
	// Swimming: check range min to max
		while (!CornerScaleOkay(cObj,iRangeY,iRangeY))
			{ iRangeY++; if (iRangeY>CornerRange) return FALSE; }
  // Do corner scale
  if (!cObj->SetActionByName("KneelUp"))
  //if (cObj->Action.Dir==DIR_Left) cObj->Action.ComDir=COMD_Left; else cObj->Action.ComDir=COMD_Right;
  if (cObj->Action.Dir==DIR_Left) cObj->fix_x-=itofix(iRangeX); 
	else cObj->fix_x+=itofix(iRangeX);
  cObj->x=fixtoi(cObj->fix_x); cObj->y=fixtoi(cObj->fix_y);
  return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 8
static int grproc_xadvance( INSTANCE * my, int * params )
    int angle = params[0] ;
    LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, COORDX ) += fixtoi( fmul( fcos( angle ), itofix( params[1] ) ) ) ;
    LOCINT32( mod_grproc, my, COORDY ) -= fixtoi( fmul( fsin( angle ), itofix( params[1] ) ) ) ;
    return 1 ;
Exemplo n.º 9
void IntroSequence::DrawZoomedLogoInCenter(int y1, int y2) {
  int logowidth = fixtoi(fixmul(itofix(al_get_bitmap_width(iLogo)), iZoom));
  int logoheight = fixtoi(fixmul(itofix(al_get_bitmap_height(iLogo)), iZoom));
  int targetwidth = width;
  int targetheight = y2 - y1;

  int xs, ys, ws, hs;
  int xd, yd, wd, hd;

  if (logowidth > targetwidth) {
    ws = fixtoi(fixdiv(itofix(targetwidth), iZoom));
    xs = (al_get_bitmap_width(iLogo) - ws) / 2;
    xd = 0;
    wd = targetwidth;
  } else {
    xs = 0;
    ws = al_get_bitmap_width(iLogo);
    xd = (targetwidth - logowidth) / 2;
    wd = logowidth;

  if (logoheight > targetheight) {
    hs = fixtoi(fixdiv(itofix(targetheight), iZoom));
    ys = (al_get_bitmap_height(iLogo) - hs) / 2;
    yd = 0;
    hd = targetheight;
  } else {
    ys = 0;
    hs = al_get_bitmap_height(iLogo);
    yd = (targetheight - logoheight) / 2;
    hd = logoheight;

  stretch_blit(iLogo, iDoublebuffer, xs, ys, ws, hs, xd, yd, wd, hd);
Exemplo n.º 10
void fuel_shield_calcul(int nbvaisseau, struct vaisseau_data *v, double dt) {
  while (nbvaisseau--) {
    v->refueling = false;
    if (v->fire_delay)
      v->fuel -= 3 * (dt / 0.025);
    if (!(v->landed || v->rebound) && (v->thrust != itofix(0)) && (v->fuel > 0))
      v->fuel -= v->speed_fuel_down * (dt / 0.025);
    else if ((v->landed || v->rebound) && (v->thrust == itofix(0)) &&
             (v->fuel < v->max_fuel)) {
      v->fuel += v->speed_fuel_up * (dt / 0.025);
      v->refueling = true;
    if (v->fuel < 0)
      v->fuel = 0;
    if (v->fuel > v->max_fuel)
      v->fuel = v->max_fuel;

    if (v->shield && v->shield_force > 0)
      v->shield_force -= v->speed_shield_force_down * (dt / 0.025);
    else if (!v->shield && v->shield_force < v->max_shield_force)
      v->shield_force += v->speed_shield_force_up * (dt / 0.025);

    if (v->shield_force < 0)
      v->shield_force = 0;
    if (v->shield_force > v->max_shield_force)
      v->shield_force = v->max_shield_force;

Exemplo n.º 11
void Splash(int32_t tx, int32_t ty, int32_t amt, C4Object *pByObj)
	// Splash only if there is free space above
	if (GBackSemiSolid(tx, ty - 15)) return;
	// get back mat
	int32_t iMat = GBackMat(tx, ty);
	// check liquid
	if (MatValid(iMat))
		if (DensityLiquid(::MaterialMap.Map[iMat].Density) && ::MaterialMap.Map[iMat].Instable)
			int32_t sy = ty;
			while (GBackLiquid(tx, sy) && sy > ty - 20 && sy >= 0) sy--;
			// Splash bubbles and liquid
			for (int32_t cnt=0; cnt<amt; cnt++)
				int32_t bubble_x = tx+Random(16)-8;
				int32_t bubble_y = ty+Random(16)-6;
				if (GBackLiquid(tx,ty) && !GBackSemiSolid(tx, sy))
					C4Real xdir = C4REAL100(Random(151)-75);
					C4Real ydir = C4REAL100(-Random(200));
	// Splash sound
	if (amt>=20)
	else if (amt>1) StartSoundEffect("Splash1",false,100,pByObj);
Exemplo n.º 12
bool C4Object::Exit(int32_t iX, int32_t iY, int32_t iR, C4Real iXDir, C4Real iYDir, C4Real iRDir, bool fCalls)
	// 1. Exit the current container.
	// 2. Update Contents of container object and set Contained to nullptr.
	// 3. Set offset position/motion if desired.
	// 4. Call Ejection for container and Departure for object.

	// Not contained
	C4Object *pContainer=Contained;
	if (!pContainer) return false;
	// Remove object from container
	// No container
	// Position/motion
	fix_x=itofix(iX); fix_y=itofix(iY);
	BoundsCheck(fix_x, fix_y);
	xdir=iXDir; ydir=iYDir; rdir=iRDir;
	// Misc updates
	// Object list callback (before script callbacks, because script callbacks may enter again)
	ObjectListChangeListener.OnObjectContainerChanged(this, pContainer, nullptr);
	// Engine calls
	if (fCalls) pContainer->Call(PSF_Ejection,&C4AulParSet(this));
	if (fCalls) Call(PSF_Departure,&C4AulParSet(pContainer));
	// Success (if the obj wasn't "re-entered" by script)
	return !Contained;
Exemplo n.º 13
BOOL ObjectComJump(C4Object *cObj) // by ObjectComUp, ExecCMDFMoveTo, FnJump
	// Only if walking
	if (cObj->GetProcedure()!=DFA_WALK) return FALSE;
	// Calculate direction & forces
	FIXED TXDir=Fix0;
	C4PhysicalInfo *pPhysical=cObj->GetPhysical();
	FIXED iPhysicalWalk = ValByPhysical(280, pPhysical->Walk) * itofix(cObj->GetCon(), FullCon);
	FIXED iPhysicalJump = ValByPhysical(1000, pPhysical->Jump) * itofix(cObj->GetCon(), FullCon);
	if (cObj->Action.ComDir==COMD_Left || cObj->Action.ComDir==COMD_UpLeft)  TXDir=-iPhysicalWalk;
	else if (cObj->Action.ComDir==COMD_Right || cObj->Action.ComDir==COMD_UpRight) TXDir=+iPhysicalWalk;
		if (cObj->Action.Dir==DIR_Left)  TXDir=-iPhysicalWalk;
		if (cObj->Action.Dir==DIR_Right) TXDir=+iPhysicalWalk;
	FIXED x = cObj->fix_x, y = cObj->fix_y;
	// find bottom-most vertex, correct starting position for simulation
	int32_t iBtmVtx = cObj->Shape.GetBottomVertex();
	if(iBtmVtx != -1) { x += cObj->Shape.GetVertexX(iBtmVtx); y += cObj->Shape.GetVertexY(iBtmVtx); }
	// Try dive
	if(cObj->Shape.ContactDensity > C4M_Liquid)
		if (SimFlightHitsLiquid(x,y,TXDir,-iPhysicalJump))
			if (ObjectActionDive(cObj,TXDir,-iPhysicalJump))
				return TRUE;
  // Regular jump
  return ObjectActionJump(cObj,TXDir,-iPhysicalJump,true);
/* calculates the distance between two curve_nodes */
fixed curve_node_dist(curve_node n1, curve_node n2)
#define SCALE  64

    fixed dx = itofix(n1.x - n2.x) / SCALE;
    fixed dy = itofix(n1.y - n2.y) / SCALE;

    return fixsqrt(fixmul(dx, dx) + fixmul(dy, dy)) * SCALE;
Exemplo n.º 15
/* calculates the distance between two nodes */
fixed node_dist(NODE n1, NODE n2)
   #define SCALE  64

   fixed dx = itofix(n1.x - n2.x) / SCALE;
   fixed dy = itofix(n1.y - n2.y) / SCALE;

   return fixsqrt(fixmul(dx, dx) + fixmul(dy, dy)) * SCALE;
Exemplo n.º 16
void BulletArray::add(Fixed _x, Fixed _y, Fixed _dx, Fixed _dy, int imgID, bool _p, bool _h)
	if(bulletCount < MAX_BULLET)
		unsigned short *img = image_entries[imgID];
		data[bulletCount].activate(_x - itofix(img[0] / 2), _y - itofix(img[1] / 2), _dx, _dy, imgID, _p, _h);
C4MapScriptAlgoRotate::C4MapScriptAlgoRotate(const C4PropList *props) : C4MapScriptAlgoModifier(props,1,1)
	// Get MAPALGO_Rotate properties
	int32_t r = props->GetPropertyInt(P_R);
	sr=fixtoi(Sin(itofix(r)), Precision);
	cr=fixtoi(Cos(itofix(r)), Precision);
	ox = props->GetPropertyInt(P_OffX);
	oy = props->GetPropertyInt(P_OffY);
Exemplo n.º 18
void ExpParticle::activate(Fixed _x, Fixed _y, Fixed _dx, Fixed _dy, Fixed _g)
	x = itofix(_x);
	y = itofix(_y);
	dx = _dx;
	dy = _dy;
	gravity = _g;
	cIndex = 254;
	active = true;
Exemplo n.º 19
void Animation::drawRotatedFrame(BITMAP *dest, int frame, int x, int y, int angle, bool vflip)
	BITMAP *src = getFrame(frame);

	if (vflip) {
		rotate_sprite_v_flip(dest, src, x, y, itofix(angle));
	} else {
		rotate_sprite(dest, src, x, y, itofix(angle));
Exemplo n.º 20
bool C4ValueProviderAbsRDir::Execute()
	// Object might have been removed
	if(!Object) return false;

	C4Real val = (Abs(Object->rdir) - MinRDir) / (MaxRDir - MinRDir);

	Value = Begin + (End - Begin) * Clamp<C4Real>(val, itofix(0), itofix(1));
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 21
void draw_crusher(BITMAP *bmp)
  static fixed angle = 0;
  int x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2;

  x = crusher.x+crusher.w/2-get_bitmap(BMP_CRUSHER)->w/2;
  y = crusher.y+crusher.h/2-get_bitmap(BMP_CRUSHER)->h/2+8;

  /* crusher body */
  draw_sprite(bmp, get_bitmap(BMP_CRUSHER), x, y);

  /* crusher motor */
  draw_sprite(bmp, get_bitmap(BMP_CRUSHER_MOTOR),
    x1 = x-get_bitmap(BMP_CRUSHER_MOTOR)->w+1+rand()%3-1,
    y1 = y+rand()%3-1);

  /* crusher pulley */
  rotate_sprite(bmp, get_bitmap(BMP_CRUSHER_PULLEY),
    x2 = x+17-get_bitmap(BMP_CRUSHER_PULLEY)->w/2+rand()%3-1,
    y2 = y+13-get_bitmap(BMP_CRUSHER_PULLEY)->h/2+rand()%3-1,

  /* strap */
  do_line(bmp, x1+12, y1+8,
    x2+get_bitmap(BMP_CRUSHER_PULLEY)->w/2-1, y2,
    makecol(0, 0, 0), strap_proc);

  do_line(bmp, x1+12, y1+18,
    makecol(0, 0, 0), strap_proc);

  angle = fadd(angle, itofix(16));
  if (angle > itofix(256))
    angle = fsub(angle, itofix(256));

  /* scorer */
  draw_sprite(bmp, get_bitmap(BMP_SCORER),

  /* alarm */
  if (alarm_time_blue >= 0) {
    masked_blit(get_bitmap(BMP_SCORER_ALARM), bmp, 0, 0,
      y+get_bitmap(BMP_CRUSHER)->h-get_bitmap(BMP_SCORER)->h+27, 8, 9);

  if (alarm_time_red >= 0) {
    masked_blit(get_bitmap(BMP_SCORER_ALARM), bmp,
      get_bitmap(BMP_SCORER_ALARM)->w-8, 0,
      y+get_bitmap(BMP_CRUSHER)->h-get_bitmap(BMP_SCORER)->h+27, 8, 9);
Exemplo n.º 22
Arquivo: spline.c Projeto: ifilex/SRC
/* calc_spline:
 *  Calculates a set of pixels for the bezier spline defined by the four
 *  points specified in the points array. The required resolution
 *  is specified by the npts parameter, which controls how many output
 *  pixels will be stored in the x and y arrays.
void calc_spline(int points[8], int npts, int *x, int *y)
   int i;
   fixed denom;

   for (i=0; i<npts; i++) {
      denom = fdiv(itofix(i), itofix(npts-1));
      x[i] = fixtoi(bezval(denom, points));
      y[i] = fixtoi(bezval(denom, points+1));
Exemplo n.º 23
void C4Sky::Execute()
	// surface exists?
	if (!Surface) return;
	// advance pos
	x+=xdir; y+=ydir;
	// clip by bounds
	if (x>=itofix(Width)) x-=itofix(Width);
	if (y>=itofix(Height)) y-=itofix(Height);
	// update speed
	if (ParallaxMode == C4SkyPM_Wind) xdir=C4REAL100(::Weather.Wind);
Exemplo n.º 24
/* calculates a set of node tangents */
void calc_tangents(void)
   int i;

   nodes[0] = dummy_node(nodes[1], nodes[2]);
   nodes[node_count] = dummy_node(nodes[node_count-1], nodes[node_count-2]);

   for (i=1; i<node_count-1; i++)
      nodes[i].tangent = fixatan2(itofix(nodes[i+1].y - nodes[i-1].y),
				  itofix(nodes[i+1].x - nodes[i-1].x));
Exemplo n.º 25
void alienrocket::fireRocket(int dx, int dy, int a){
     angle = rand()% 360;
     targetX = itofix(dx);
     targetY = itofix(dy);
     fired = true;
     int r1;   //randomly picks an x coorinate in the general direction of the target
     int r2;   //randomly picks a y coordinate in the general direction of the target
     r1 = (dx - 100) + int(200.0 * rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
     r2 = (dy - 100)+ int(200.0 * rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
     angle = a;
     angle = fatan2(itofix(r2) - y, itofix(r1)- x);
Exemplo n.º 26
bool ObjectActionCornerScale(C4Object *cObj)
	int32_t iRangeX = 1, iRangeY = 1;
	if (!CornerScaleOkay(cObj,iRangeX,iRangeY)) return false;
	// Do corner scale
	if (!cObj->SetActionByName("KneelUp"))
	if (cObj->Action.Dir==DIR_Left) cObj->fix_x-=itofix(iRangeX);
	else cObj->fix_x+=itofix(iRangeX);
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 27
static inline void tur_rotate(turret_t *turret) {
	fixed dx, dy;
	int i;
	int dir_n, dir_p;
	int x, y;
	int rotate_direction;
	x = turret->x * 32;
	y = turret->y * 32;
	rotate_direction = 0;

	/* rotate: get desired angle from target */
	if (turret->target_monster != NULL) {
		dx = itofix((x + 16) - (int)(turret->target_monster->x + 16));
		dy = itofix((y + 16) - (int)(turret->target_monster->y + 16));    
		turret->desired_angle = fatan2(dy, dx) - itofix(64);
		turret->desired_angle = itofix(-420);
	if (turret->target_monster != NULL) {    		

		if (fixtoi(turret->angle) != fixtoi(turret->desired_angle) && tur_target_within_range(turret,(int)turret->target_monster->x + 16,(int)turret->target_monster->y + 16)) {

			dir_n = 0;
			dir_p = 0;

			/* calculate travel distances */
			i = fixtoi(turret->angle);
			for (;;) {
				i--; dir_n++;
				if (i < -192) i = 64;
				if (i > 64) i = -192;
				if (i == fixtoi(turret->desired_angle))
			i = fixtoi(turret->angle);
			for (;;) {
				i++; dir_p++;
				if (dir_p > dir_n) 
				if (i < -192) i = 64;
				if (i > 64) i = -192;
				if (i == fixtoi(turret->desired_angle))

			/* rotate */
			if (dir_n < dir_p) rotate_direction = 1;
			else rotate_direction = 2;
			if (rotate_direction == 1) turret->angle = itofix(fixtoi(turret->angle) - 1);
			if (rotate_direction == 2) turret->angle = itofix(fixtoi(turret->angle) + 1);
			if (fixtoi(turret->angle) > 64) turret->angle = itofix(-192);
			if (fixtoi(turret->angle) < -192) turret->angle = itofix(64);

	} /* rotate */
Exemplo n.º 28
void draw_donkeys(BITMAP *bmp)
  int x1, y1, x2, y2;
  DONKEY *donkey;
  int i, x, y;

  /* draw normal donkeys */
  for (donkey=donkey_list; donkey; donkey=donkey->next) {
      (move_time) < ((FRAMES_PER_SECOND/2)*move_freq/1000)?
        get_bitmap(BMP_DONKEY): get_bitmap(BMP_DONKEY_WALK),
      donkey->color, donkey->flip, itofix(1), itofix(1));

  /* draw the death donkeys */
  for (i=0; i<death_donkey_count; i++) {
    if (death_donkey[i].time < FRAMES_PER_SECOND/2) {
      x1 = death_donkey[i].x;
      y1 = death_donkey[i].y;
      x2 = death_donkey[i].x;
      y2 = death_donkey[i].y+BLOCK_HEIGHT;

      x = x1 + (x2-x1) * (death_donkey[i].time) / (FRAMES_PER_SECOND/2);
      y = y1 + (y2-y1) * (death_donkey[i].time) / (FRAMES_PER_SECOND/2);
    else {
      x1 = death_donkey[i].x;
      y1 = death_donkey[i].y+BLOCK_HEIGHT;
      x2 = crusher.x+crusher.w/2-get_bitmap(BMP_DONKEY_DEATH)->w/2;
      y2 = crusher.y+crusher.h/2-get_bitmap(BMP_DONKEY_DEATH)->h/2;//+BLOCK_HEIGHT;

      x = x1 + (x2-x1) * (death_donkey[i].time-(FRAMES_PER_SECOND/2)) / (FRAMES_PER_SECOND/2);
      y = y1 + (y2-y1) * (death_donkey[i].time-(FRAMES_PER_SECOND/2)) / (FRAMES_PER_SECOND/2);

      (death_donkey[i].time < FRAMES_PER_SECOND/2)?
        (itofix(256) * (death_donkey[i].time-(FRAMES_PER_SECOND/2)) / (FRAMES_PER_SECOND/2))
        * ((death_donkey[i].clockwise)? 1: -1),
Exemplo n.º 29
NPCBlack1::NPCBlack1(int x, int y, int HP, std::string bullet_path, BITMAP* sprite)
    this->pos_x = itofix(x);
    this->pos_y = itofix(y);
    this->speed_vector = itofix(1);
    this->angle = itofix(0);
    this->HP = HP;
    this->fire = false;
    this->moviendo = false;
    this->ship = sprite;
    this->bullet = new Proyectil(pos_x,pos_y, bullet_path);

    //std::cout << x << ", " << y << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 30
Arquivo: cube.c Projeto: puyo/tankdemo
/* update shape positions */
void move_shape()
   int c;

   shape.z += shape.dz;

   if ((shape.z > itofix(1024)) || (shape.z < itofix(192)))
     shape.dz = -shape.dz;

   shape.drx = 0;
   shape.dry = 0;
   shape.drz = 0;

   if (key[KEY_UP])
     shape.drx = itofix(1);
   if (key[KEY_DOWN])
     shape.drx = itofix(-1);
   if (key[KEY_LEFT])
     shape.dry = itofix(1);
   if (key[KEY_RIGHT])
     shape.dry = itofix(-1);
   if (key[KEY_COMMA])
     shape.drz = itofix(1);
   if (key[KEY_STOP])
     shape.drz = itofix(-1);

   shape.rx += shape.drx;
   shape.ry += shape.dry;
   shape.rz += shape.drz;