Exemplo n.º 1
	//calculates angle+flighttime for a given velocity
	//returns true if shot possible, else false
	//There are 2 possible (angle,time) pairs for a given speed
	//works with negative speeds too
	bool CalculateAngle ( double StartVelocity, GLfloat &angle_deg1, GLfloat &time1, GLfloat &angle_deg2, GLfloat &time2, double gravity, double player_x, double player_y, double target_x, double target_y )	{
		//default values that will be returned if shot impossible

		double dX = target_x - player_x;
		double dY = target_y - player_y;

		double StartVelocitySquared = StartVelocity * StartVelocity;
		double StartVelocityQuad = StartVelocitySquared * StartVelocitySquared;
		double delta = StartVelocityQuad -gravity* dX * dX - 2 * dY * StartVelocitySquared;

		if ( delta<0 ) {
			cerr<<"impossible shot: delta<0"<<endl;
			return ( false );

		double num1 = StartVelocitySquared + sqrt ( delta );
		double num2 = StartVelocitySquared - sqrt ( delta );
		double denom = gravity * dX;
		double angle_rad1 = atan2 ( num1,denom );
		double angle_rad2 = atan2 ( num2,denom );

		//special add-on for negative speeds
		if ( StartVelocity < 0 ) {
			angle_rad1 += M_PI;
			angle_rad2 += M_PI;

		double V0x1=StartVelocity * cos ( angle_rad1 );
		double V0x2=StartVelocity * cos ( angle_rad2 );

		if ( V0x1 == 0 ) {
			cerr<<"impossible shot: V0x1==0"<<endl;
			return ( false );
		time1 = dX / V0x1;

		if ( V0x2 == 0 ) {
			cerr<<"impossible shot: V0x2==0"<<endl;
			return ( false );
		time2 = dX / V0x2;

		angle_deg1 = limit_angle ( rad2deg ( angle_rad1 ) );
		angle_deg2 = limit_angle ( rad2deg ( angle_rad2 ) );
		return ( true );
Exemplo n.º 2
void stations_update(station *stacje, int n)
	float station_speed = 2e-4 * 2 * pi; // szybkość kątowa stacji
	unsigned char liczba_martwych = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		if (!stacje[i].zywa)

		if (stacje[i].hp <= 0)
			stacje[i].zywa = 0;
			liczba_punktow -= 1000;

		stacje[i].a += station_speed;
		stacje[i].a = limit_angle(stacje[i].a);
Exemplo n.º 3
void player_bullets_update(player p, player_bullet *b, int *liczba, char mb)
// mb - wciśnięte przyciski myszy
	// zasięg pocisków
	float bullet_reach = 2.0;

	// ustawienia pocisków
	float rot_speed = 1e-2 * 2 * pi; // prędkość kątowa animowanych obrotów
	float linear_speed = 1e-2; // prędkość postępowa

	// strzelanie - tworzenie nowych pocisków
	static char this_click_processed = 0;
	if ((!this_click_processed) && (mb & 0x1) && (*liczba < 100))
		b[*liczba] = player_bullet_init(p);
		this_click_processed = 1;
		liczba_punktow -= 1;
	else if (this_click_processed && !(mb & 0x1))
		this_click_processed = 0;

	// aktualizacje każdego z pocisków
	for (int i = 0; i < *liczba; i++)
		if (b[i].h > bullet_reach)
			destroy_player_bullet(b, i, liczba);

		// aktualizacja współrzędnych
		b[i].rot += rot_speed;
		b[i].h += linear_speed;

		b[i].a = limit_angle(b[i].a);
		b[i].rot = limit_angle(b[i].rot);
Exemplo n.º 4
	//calculates velocity+angle for a given flighttime (useful for bombs)
	//returns true if shot possible, else false
	//works with negative flighttimes too because it is equivalent to -vector(v0)
	bool CalculateVector ( double time, GLfloat &angle_deg, GLfloat &StartVelocity, double gravity, double player_x, double player_y, double target_x, double target_y ) {
		//default values that will be returned if shot impossible
		StartVelocity = 0;
		angle_deg = 0;

		double dX = target_x - player_x;
		double dY = target_y - player_y;

		double TimeSquared = time*time;
		double Ypart = dY - 0.5 * gravity * TimeSquared;

		if ( TimeSquared == 0 ) {
			cerr<<"impossible shot: TimeSquared==0"<<endl;
			return ( false );
		StartVelocity = sqrt ( ( dX * dX + Ypart * Ypart ) /TimeSquared );
		double angle_rad = atan2 ( -Ypart,dX ); //-Ypart because the V0y=-V0*sin(a)
		angle_deg = limit_angle ( rad2deg ( angle_rad ) );
		return ( true );
Exemplo n.º 5
void sodinv(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2, double re,
            int flbg21, double *gcd, double *brg12, double *brg21)

	/* local variables */
	double ln1, ln2, bsgn12, bsgn21, dlond;
	double lat1r, lat2r, sl1, cl1, sl2, cl2;
	double cdlon, srore, crore, rore;
	double dlon, cbrg12, cbrg21;

	/* process inputs */
	lat1r = lat1 * D2R;
	lat2r = lat2 * D2R;
	sl1 = sin(lat1r);
	cl1 = cos(lat1r);
	sl2 = sin(lat2r);
	cl2 = cos(lat2r);
	ln1 = limit_angle(lon1,180.0) + 180.0;	/* 0 to 360 */
	dlond = lon2 - lon1;
	dlon = dlond * D2R;
	cdlon = cos(dlon);

	/* great circle distance between points 1 and 2 */
	crore = sl2 * sl1 + cl2 * cl1 * cdlon;
	crore = limit(crore, -1.0, 1.0);
	rore = acos(crore);
	srore = sin(rore);
	*gcd = re * rore;

	/* bearing from point 1 to point 2 */
	if (*gcd >= 1.0e-38)
		cbrg12 = (sl2 - sl1 * crore) / (cl1 * srore);
		cbrg12 = limit(cbrg12, -1.0, 1.0);
		/* note: the acos function returns an angle between 0 and 180 degrees */
		*brg12 = acos(cbrg12) * R2D;
		if (dlond > 180.0)
			if (dlond >= 0.0)
				bsgn12 = -1.0;
				bsgn12 = 1.0;
		else if (dlond < 180.0)
			if (dlond >= 0.0)
				bsgn12 = 1.0;
				bsgn12 = -1.0;
			bsgn12 = 1.0;

		*brg12 = bsgn12 * (*brg12);

		/* bearing from point 2 to point 1 */
		if (flbg21 == 1)
			bsgn21 = -bsgn12;
			cbrg21 = (sl1 - sl2 * crore) / (cl2 * srore);
			cbrg21 = limit(cbrg21, -1.0, 1.0);
			*brg21 = acos(cbrg21) * R2D;
			*brg21 = bsgn21 * (*brg21);
		/* no bearings if great circle distance is zero */
	  /* because brg12 and brg21 may not both be used by the user
             user may pass a NULL character for one ... make sure you 
             don't write to a NULL pointer -SFC */
	  if(brg12 != NULL)
		*brg12 = 0.0;
          if(brg21 != NULL)
		*brg21 = 0.0;

		*gcd = 0.0;
