Exemplo n.º 1
 value_t compute(const  FUNC &f, const input_t& a, const input_t& b)
   typedef typename details::fudge<FUNC,1,vtab_t,input_t,test> fudge1;
   typedef typename details::fudge<FUNC,13,vtab_t,input_t,test> fudge13;
   input_t d =  b-a;
   real_t e = nt2::eps(nt2::abs(d));
   input_t c = nt2::average(a, b);
   input_t h = d*Half<real_t>();
   input_t se = e*sign(d);
   const real_t cs[] = {real_t(.942882415695480), nt2::Sqrt_2o_3<real_t>(),
                        nt2::Sqrt_1o_5<real_t>(), real_t(.236383199662150)};
   rtab_t s(nt2::of_size(1, 5), &cs[0], &cs[5]);
   itab_t z = h*s;
   itab_t x = nt2::cath(nt2::cath(nt2::cath(nt2::cath(a, c-z), c), c+nt2::fliplr(z)), b);
   vtab_t  y = f(x);
   fcnt_ = 13;
   fudge1::fdg(f, y, fcnt_, singular_a_, a,  se); // Fudge a to avoid infinities.
   fudge13::fdg(f, y, fcnt_, singular_b_, b, -se); // Fudge b to avoid infinities.
   // Call the recursive core integrator.
   // Increase tolerance if refinement appears to be effective.
   value_t Q1 = h*nt2::globalsum(lobatto()*y(nt2::_(1,4,13)))*c245_;
   value_t Q2 = h*nt2::globalsum(kronrod()*y(nt2::_(1,2,13)));
   const real_t cs1[] = {real_t(.0158271919734802),real_t(.094273840218850),real_t(.155071987336585),
   rtab_t s1(nt2::of_size(1, 6), &cs1[0], &cs1[6]);
   rtab_t w = nt2::cath(nt2::cath(s1, real_t(.242611071901408)), nt2::fliplr(s1));
   value_t Q0 = h*nt2::globalsum(w*y)*c1470_;
   real_t r = nt2::abs((Q2-Q0)/(Q1-Q0+nt2::Smallestposval<real_t>()));
   if (r > 0 && r < 1) tol_ /= r;
   tol_*= c1470_;
   // Call the recursive core integrator.
   hmin_ = fast_ldexp(e, -10); //e/1024
   return quadlstep(f,a,b,y(1),y(13))/c1470_;
Exemplo n.º 2
 value_t quadlstep(const FUNC & f, const input_t & a,  const input_t & b,
                   const value_t &fa, const value_t& fb)
   //  recursive core routine for function quadl.
   //  Evaluate integrand five times in interior of subinterval [a,b].
   input_t d = b-a;
   input_t c = nt2::average(a, b);
   input_t h = d*Half<real_t>();
   if (abs(h) < hmin_ || c == a || c == b ) //Minimum step size reached; singularity possible.
     setwarn(1); return h*(fa+fb);
   itab_t x = h*c1();
   x = c+x;
   vtab_t y = f(x);
   fcnt_ += 5;
   if (fcnt_ > maxfcnt_){ setwarn(2); return h*(fa+fb); }    // Maximum function count exceeded; singularity likely.
   itab_t x1 = nt2::cath(nt2::cath(a, x), b);  x = x1;
   vtab_t y1 = nt2::cath(nt2::cath(fa, y), fb);y = y1;
   value_t Q1 = h*nt2::globalsum(lobatto()*y(_(1, 2, 7)))*c245_; // Four point Lobatto quadrature times 1470.
   value_t Q = h*nt2::globalsum(kronrod()*y);                    // Seven point Kronrod refinement times 1470.
   if (nt2::is_invalid(Q)) { setwarn(3); return Q; }        // Infinite or Not-a-Number function value encountered.
   //  Check accuracy of integral over this subinterval.
   real_t curerr = nt2::abs(Q1 - Q);
   if (curerr <= tol_*nt2::abs(h))
     err_+= curerr;
     setwarn(0);  return Q;
   else //     % Subdivide into six subintervals.
     Q = Zero<value_t>();
     for(size_t k = 1; k <= 6; ++k)
       Q += quadlstep(f, x(k), x(k+1), y(k), y(k+1));
     return Q;
Exemplo n.º 3
KNDdeTorusCollocation::KNDdeTorusCollocation(KNExprSystem& sys_, size_t ndeg1_, size_t ndeg2_, size_t nint1_, size_t nint2_) :
    ndim(sys_.ndim()), ntau(sys_.ntau()), npar(sys_.npar()),
    ndeg1(ndeg1_), ndeg2(ndeg2_), nint1(nint1_), nint2(nint2_),
    col1(ndeg1_),    col2(ndeg2_),
    mesh1(ndeg1_ + 1), mesh2(ndeg2_ + 1),
    lgr1(ndeg1_ + 1, ndeg1_ + 1), lgr2(ndeg2_ + 1, ndeg2_ + 1),
    dlg1(ndeg1_ + 1, ndeg1_ + 1), dlg2(ndeg2_ + 1, ndeg2_ + 1),
    I1((ndeg1_ + 1), (ndeg1_ + 1)),
    ID1((ndeg1_ + 1), (ndeg1_ + 1)),
    I2((ndeg2_ + 1), (ndeg2_ + 1)),
    ID2((ndeg2_ + 1), (ndeg2_ + 1)),
    mlg1((ndeg1_ + 1)*(ndeg1_ + 1)),
    mlg2((ndeg2_ + 1)*(ndeg2_ + 1)),
    mlgd1((ndeg1_ + 1)*(ndeg1_ + 1)),
    mlgd2((ndeg2_ + 1)*(ndeg2_ + 1)),
    ilg1((ndeg1_ + 1)*(ndeg1_ + 1) + 1),
    ilg2((ndeg2_ + 1)*(ndeg2_ + 1) + 1),
    ilgd1((ndeg1_ + 1)*(ndeg1_ + 1) + 1),
    ilgd2((ndeg2_ + 1)*(ndeg2_ + 1) + 1),
    time1(ndeg1*ndeg2*nint1*nint2), time2(ndeg1*ndeg2*nint1*nint2),
    kk((ntau+1)*(ndeg1+1)*(ndeg2+1), ndeg1*ndeg2*nint1*nint2),
    ee((ntau+1)*(ndeg1+1)*(ndeg2+1), ndeg1*ndeg2*nint1*nint2),
    rr((ntau+1)*(ndeg1+1)*(ndeg2+1), ndeg1*ndeg2*nint1*nint2),
    p_tau(ntau, ndeg1*ndeg2*nint1*nint2), p_dtau(ntau, ndeg1*ndeg2*nint1*nint2),
    p_xx(ndim, ntau+2*(ntau+1), ndeg1*ndeg2*nint1*nint2),
    p_fx(ndim, ndeg1*ndeg2*nint1*nint2),
    p_dfp(ndim, 1, ndeg1*ndeg2*nint1*nint2),
    p_dfx(ndim, ndim, ndeg1*ndeg2*nint1*nint2),
    p_dummy(0, 0, ndeg1*ndeg2*nint1*nint2)
  for (size_t i = 0; i < mesh1.size(); i++)
    poly_coeff_lgr(lgr1(i), mesh1, i);
    poly_coeff_diff(dlg1(i), lgr1(i));
  for (size_t i = 0; i < mesh2.size(); i++)
    poly_coeff_lgr(lgr2(i), mesh2, i);
    poly_coeff_diff(dlg2(i), lgr2(i));

  // here comes the phase condition for par(OMEGA0) and par(OMEGA1)
  // the integration in the bottom border
  // construct the diffint matrix
  for (size_t i = 0; i < ndeg1 + 1; i++)
    for (size_t k = 0; k < ndeg1 + 1; k++)
      poly_coeff_mul(mlg1,  lgr1(i), lgr1(k));
      poly_coeff_mul(mlgd1, dlg1(i), lgr1(k));
      poly_coeff_int(ilg1,  mlg1);
      poly_coeff_int(ilgd1,  mlgd1);
      I1(i, k) = (poly_eval(ilg1, 1.0)-poly_eval(ilg1, 0.0)) / nint1;
      ID1(i, k) = poly_eval(ilgd1, 1.0);
  for (size_t j = 0; j < ndeg2 + 1; j++)
    for (size_t l = 0; l < ndeg2 + 1; l++)
      poly_coeff_mul(mlg2,  lgr2(j), lgr2(l));
      poly_coeff_mul(mlgd2, dlg2(j), lgr2(l));
      poly_coeff_int(ilg2,  mlg2);
      poly_coeff_int(ilgd2,  mlgd2);
      I2(j, l) = (poly_eval(ilg2, 1.0) - poly_eval(ilg2, 0.0))/ nint2;
      ID2(j, l) = poly_eval(ilgd2, 1.0);
Exemplo n.º 4
void fill_trans_matrices(TransMatrix trans_matrix_left, 
                         TransMatrix trans_matrix_right)
    fprintf(stderr, "Filling transformation matrices...");
    int max_order = 2*MAX_P;
    const int max_fns_num = MAX_P + 1;
    ProjMatrix proj_matrix;
    fill_proj_matrix(max_fns_num, max_order, &proj_matrix);

    // prepare quadrature in (-1, 0) and (0, 1)
    double phys_x_left[MAX_QUAD_PTS_NUM];                     // quad points
    double phys_x_right[MAX_QUAD_PTS_NUM];                    // quad points
    double phys_weights_left[MAX_QUAD_PTS_NUM];               // quad weights
    double phys_weights_right[MAX_QUAD_PTS_NUM];              // quad weights
    int    pts_num_left = 0;
    int    pts_num_right = 0;
    create_phys_element_quadrature(-1, 0, max_order, phys_x_left, phys_weights_left,
    create_phys_element_quadrature(0, 1, max_order, phys_x_right, phys_weights_right,

    // loop over shape functions on coarse element
    for (int j=0; j < max_fns_num; j++) {
        // backup of projectionmatrix
        double** mat_left = new_matrix<double>(max_fns_num, max_fns_num);
        double** mat_right = new_matrix<double>(max_fns_num, max_fns_num);
        for (int r=0; r < max_fns_num; r++) {
          for (int s=0; s < max_fns_num; s++) {
            mat_left[r][s] += proj_matrix[r][s];
            mat_right[r][s] += proj_matrix[r][s];
        // fill right-hand side vectors f_left and f_right for j-th 
        // Lobatto shape function on (-1, 0) and (0, 1), respectively
        double f_left[max_fns_num];
        double f_right[max_fns_num];
        for (int i=0; i < max_fns_num; i++) {
          f_left[i] = 0;
          f_right[i] = 0;
          for (int k=0; k < pts_num_left; k++) {
            f_left[i] += phys_weights_left[k] * lobatto(j, phys_x_left[k]) *
                                                lobatto_left(i, phys_x_left[k]);
          for (int k=0; k < pts_num_right; k++) {
            f_right[i] += phys_weights_right[k] * lobatto(j, phys_x_right[k]) *
                                                  lobatto_right(i, phys_x_right[k]);
        // for each 'j' we get a new column in the 
        // transformation matrices

        int *indx = new int[max_fns_num];
        double d;
        ludcmp(mat_left, max_fns_num, indx, &d);
        // solve system
        lubksb(mat_left, max_fns_num, indx, f_left);

        ludcmp(mat_right, max_fns_num, indx, &d);
        // solve system
        lubksb(mat_right, max_fns_num, indx, f_right);

        for (int i=0; i < max_fns_num; i++) {
            trans_matrix_left[i][j] = f_left[i];
            trans_matrix_right[i][j] = f_right[i];
        delete [] mat_left;
        delete [] mat_right;
    /* DEBUG
    for (int i=0; i < n; i++) {
        for (int j=0; j < p+1; j++) {
            printf("transf_matrix_left[%d][%d] = %g\n", i, j, transf_matrix_left[i][j]);
            printf("transf_matrix_right[%d][%d] = %g\n", i, j, transf_matrix_right[i][j]);
    fprintf(stderr, "done.\n");