Exemplo n.º 1
  double BLM::log_likelihood(const Vec & beta, Vec *g, Mat *h,
                             bool initialize_derivs)const{
    const BLM::DatasetType &data(dat());
    if(initialize_derivs){if(g){ *g=0; if(h){ *h=0;}}}

    double ans = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i){
      // y and n had been defined as uint's but y-n*p was computing
      // -n, which overflowed
      int y = data[i]->y();
      int n = data[i]->n();
      const Vec & x(data[i]->x());
      double eta = x.dot(beta) - log_alpha_;
      double p = logit_inv(eta);
      double loglike = dbinom(y, n, p, true);
      ans += loglike;
        g->axpy(x, y-n*p);  // g += (y-n*p) * x;
        if(h){ h->add_outer(x,x, -n*p*(1-p)); // h += -npq * x x^T
    return ans;
Exemplo n.º 2
 double BLM::logp(uint y, uint n, const Vec &x, bool logscale)const{
   double eta = predict(x);
   double p = logit_inv(eta);
   return dbinom(y, n, p, logscale);
Exemplo n.º 3
 static inline bool keep_flip(double logp_old, double logp_new){
   if(!std::isfinite(logp_new)) return false;
   double pflip = logit_inv(logp_new - logp_old);
   double u = runif(0,1);
   return u < pflip ? true : false;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: logit.hpp Projeto: cran/Boom
 // Element-by-element application of the inverse logit function.
 // Args:
 //   logits: A vector of real numbers, each representing the chance of an
 //     event on the logit scale.
 // Returns:
 //   The probability associated with each element of the argument, computed
 //   using the inverse logit transformation.
 inline Vector logit_inv(const Vector &logits) {
   Vector ans(logits);
   for (int i = 0; i < ans.size(); ++i) ans[i] = logit_inv(ans[i]);
   return ans;