Exemplo n.º 1
 * get_procs - Return the count of procs on this system
 * Input: procs - buffer for the CPU count
 * Output: procs - filled in with CPU count, "1" if error
 *         return code - 0 if no error, otherwise errno
extern int
get_procs(uint16_t *procs)
	/* AIX 5.3 only */
	lpar_info_format2_t info;

	*procs = 1;
	if (lpar_get_info(LPAR_INFO_FORMAT2, &info, sizeof(info)) != 0) {
		error("lpar_get_info() failed");
		return EINVAL;

	*procs = (uint16_t) info.online_vcpus;
#else /* !LPAR_INFO_FORMAT2 */

	int my_proc_tally;

	*procs = 1;
	my_proc_tally = (int)sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
	if (my_proc_tally < 1) {
		error ("get_procs: error running sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN)");
		return EINVAL;

	*procs = (uint16_t) my_proc_tally;
#  else
	int ncpu;
	size_t len = sizeof(ncpu);

	*procs = 1;
	if (sysctlbyname("hw.ncpus", &ncpu, &len, NULL, 0) == -1) {
		error("get_procs: error running sysctl(HW_NCPU)");
		return EINVAL;
	*procs = (uint16_t) ncpu;
#    else /* !HAVE_SYSCTLBYNAME */
	*procs = 1;
#    endif /* HAVE_SYSCTLBYNAME */
#  endif /* _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN */
#endif /* LPAR_INFO_FORMAT2 */

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
	uint64_t module_count;
	proc_module_info_t *buffer = NULL;
	struct lpar_info_format1_t  lpar_data1;
	struct utsname my_uname;
	int rc;
	int i;
	char *progname;
	char iobuf[BUFSIZ];

	setvbuf(stdout, iobuf, _IOFBF, sizeof(iobuf));

	progname=(char*)strdup((const char*)basename(argv[0]));
	if (!progname)
		fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: Buffer allocation failed at (%s:%d): %s, error code %d\n",
		 __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno), errno);
		return EXIT_FAILURE;


	/* Retrieve the total count of modules on the system */
	rc = lpar_get_info(NUM_PROC_MODULE_TYPES, &module_count, sizeof(uint64_t));
	if (rc)
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: lpar_get_info(NUM_PROC_MODULES_TYPES, ...) failed at (%s:%d):  %s, error code %d\n",
		 progname, __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno), errno);
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	/* Allocate buffer of exact size to accomodate module information */
	buffer = malloc(module_count * sizeof(proc_module_info_t));
	if (!buffer)
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Buffer allocation failed at (%s:%d): %s, error code %d\n",
		 progname, __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno), errno);
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	rc = lpar_get_info(PROC_MODULE_INFO, buffer, (module_count * sizeof(proc_module_info_t)));
	if (rc)
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: lpar_get_info(PROC_MODULE_INFO, ...) failed at (%s:%d):  %s, error code %d\n",
		 progname, __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno), errno);
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	/* Retrieve the static LPAR structure */
	rc = lpar_get_info(LPAR_INFO_FORMAT1, &lpar_data1, sizeof(lpar_data1));
	if (rc)
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: lpar_get_info(LPAR_INFO_FORMAT1, ...) failed at (%s:%d):  %s, error code %d\n",
		 progname, __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno), errno);
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	/*  If rc is 0, then buffer contains an array of proc_module_info_t
	 *  structures with module_count elements.  For an element of 
	 *  index i:
	 *      buffer[i].nsockets is the total number of sockets
	 *      buffer[i].nchips   is the number of chips per socket		 
	 *      buffer[i].ncores   is the number of cores per chip
	  "Nodename     %-." QUOTE(SYS_NMLN) "s\n"
	  "LPAR         %-." QUOTE(LPAR_NAME_LEN1) "s\n"
	  "Machine      %-." QUOTE(SYS_NMLN) "s\n"
	  "Sysname      %-." QUOTE(SYS_NMLN) "s\n"
	  "Version      %-." QUOTE(SYS_NMLN) "s\n"
	  "Release      %-." QUOTE(SYS_NMLN) "s\n"
	  "SMT threads  %hu\n",

	for (i=0 ; i < module_count ; i++)
		  "Sockets      %d\n"
		  "Chips/Socket %d\n"
		  "Cores/Chip   %d\n"
		  "Cores/Socket %d\n",
		  buffer[i].ncores * buffer[i].nchips);
	return 0;