Exemplo n.º 1
// combine Training and Validation networks
network combine_train_valid_networks(network net_train, network net_map)
    network net_combined = make_network(net_train.n);
    layer *old_layers = net_combined.layers;
    net_combined = net_train;
    net_combined.layers = old_layers;
    net_combined.batch = 1;

    int k;
    for (k = 0; k < net_train.n; ++k) {
        layer *l = &(net_train.layers[k]);
        net_combined.layers[k] = net_train.layers[k];
        net_combined.layers[k].batch = 1;

        if (l->type == CONVOLUTIONAL) {
#ifdef CUDNN
            net_combined.layers[k].normTensorDesc = net_map.layers[k].normTensorDesc;
            net_combined.layers[k].normDstTensorDesc = net_map.layers[k].normDstTensorDesc;
            net_combined.layers[k].normDstTensorDescF16 = net_map.layers[k].normDstTensorDescF16;

            net_combined.layers[k].srcTensorDesc = net_map.layers[k].srcTensorDesc;
            net_combined.layers[k].dstTensorDesc = net_map.layers[k].dstTensorDesc;

            net_combined.layers[k].srcTensorDesc16 = net_map.layers[k].srcTensorDesc16;
            net_combined.layers[k].dstTensorDesc16 = net_map.layers[k].dstTensorDesc16;
#endif // CUDNN
    return net_combined;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Neural Network -------------------------------------------------------------
// Load the snapshot of the CNN we are going to run.
Network* construct_gtsrb_net() {
  fprintf(stderr, "Constructing GTSRB Network \n");
  Network* net = make_network(12);

  network_add(net, make_conv_layer(48, 48, 3, 3, 100, 1, 0));
  network_add(net, make_relu_layer(net->layers[0]->out_sx, net->layers[0]->out_sy, net->layers[0]->out_depth));
  network_add(net, make_max_pool_layer(net->layers[1]->out_sx, net->layers[1]->out_sy, net->layers[1]->out_depth, 2, 2));
  network_add(net, make_conv_layer(net->layers[2]->out_sx, net->layers[2]->out_sy, net->layers[2]->out_depth, 4, 150, 1, 0));
  network_add(net, make_relu_layer(net->layers[3]->out_sx, net->layers[3]->out_sy, net->layers[3]->out_depth));
  network_add(net, make_max_pool_layer(net->layers[4]->out_sx, net->layers[4]->out_sy, net->layers[4]->out_depth, 2, 2));
  network_add(net, make_conv_layer(net->layers[5]->out_sx, net->layers[5]->out_sy, net->layers[5]->out_depth, 3, 250, 1, 0));
  network_add(net, make_relu_layer(net->layers[6]->out_sx, net->layers[6]->out_sy, net->layers[6]->out_depth));
  network_add(net, make_max_pool_layer(net->layers[7]->out_sx, net->layers[7]->out_sy, net->layers[7]->out_depth, 2, 2));
  network_add(net, make_fc_layer(net->layers[8]->out_sx, net->layers[8]->out_sy, net->layers[8]->out_depth, 200));
  network_add(net, make_fc_layer(net->layers[9]->out_sx, net->layers[9]->out_sy, net->layers[9]->out_depth, 43));
  network_add(net, make_softmax_layer(net->layers[10]->out_sx, net->layers[10]->out_sy, net->layers[10]->out_depth));

  // load pre-trained weights
  conv_load(net->layers[0], conv1_params, conv1_data);
  conv_load(net->layers[3], conv2_params, conv2_data);
  conv_load(net->layers[6], conv3_params, conv3_data);
  fc_load(net->layers[9], ip1_params, ip1_data);
  fc_load(net->layers[10], ip2_params, ip2_data);
  return net;
Exemplo n.º 3
// Load the snapshot of the CNN we are going to run.
network_t* load_cnn_snapshot() {
  network_t* net = make_network();
  conv_load(net->l0, "../data/snapshot/layer1_conv.txt");
  conv_load(net->l3, "../data/snapshot/layer4_conv.txt");
  conv_load(net->l6, "../data/snapshot/layer7_conv.txt");
  fc_load(net->l9, "../data/snapshot/layer10_fc.txt");
  return net;  
Exemplo n.º 4
// Model referenced in paper: http://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/2750000/2744788/a108-cavigelli.pdf?ip=
// Used as a benchmark in Origami paper
Network* construct_scene_labeling_net() {
  Network* net = make_network(1);

  network_add(net, make_conv_layer(28, 28, 1, 5, 6, 1, 0));
  network_add(net, make_max_pool_layer(net->layers[0]->out_sx, net->layers[0]->out_sy, net->layers[0]->out_depth, 2, 2));
  network_add(net, make_relu_layer(net->layers[1]->out_sx, net->layers[1]->out_sy, net->layers[1]->out_depth));

  network_add(net, make_conv_layer(net->layers[2]->out_sx, net->layers[2]->out_sy, net->layers[2]->out_depth, 7, 64, 1, 0));
  network_add(net, make_max_pool_layer(net->layers[3]->out_sx, net->layers[3]->out_sy, net->layers[3]->out_depth, 2, 2));
  network_add(net, make_relu_layer(net->layers[4]->out_sx, net->layers[4]->out_sy, net->layers[4]->out_depth));

  network_add(net, make_conv_layer(net->layers[5]->out_sx, net->layers[5]->out_sy, net->layers[5]->out_depth, 7, 256, 1, 0));
  network_add(net, make_relu_layer(net->layers[6]->out_sx, net->layers[6]->out_sy, net->layers[6]->out_depth));

  network_add(net, make_fc_layer(net->layers[7]->out_sx, net->layers[7]->out_sy, net->layers[7]->out_depth, 64));
  network_add(net, make_relu_layer(net->layers[8]->out_sx, net->layers[8]->out_sy, net->layers[8]->out_depth));
  network_add(net, make_fc_layer(net->layers[9]->out_sx, net->layers[9]->out_sy, net->layers[9]->out_depth, 8));
  network_add(net, make_softmax_layer(net->layers[10]->out_sx, net->layers[10]->out_sy, net->layers[10]->out_depth));
  return net;
Exemplo n.º 5
network parse_network_cfg(char *filename)
    list *sections = read_cfg(filename);
    node *n = sections->front;
    if(!n) error("Config file has no sections");
    network net = make_network(sections->size - 1);
    size_params params;

    section *s = (section *)n->val;
    list *options = s->options;
    if(!is_network(s)) error("First section must be [net] or [network]");
    parse_net_options(options, &net);

    params.h = net.h;
    params.w = net.w;
    params.c = net.c;
    params.inputs = net.inputs;
    params.batch = net.batch;

    n = n->next;
    int count = 0;
        fprintf(stderr, "%d: ", count);
        s = (section *)n->val;
        options = s->options;
        layer l = {0};
            l = parse_convolutional(options, params);
        }else if(is_deconvolutional(s)){
            l = parse_deconvolutional(options, params);
        }else if(is_connected(s)){
            l = parse_connected(options, params);
        }else if(is_crop(s)){
            l = parse_crop(options, params);
        }else if(is_cost(s)){
            l = parse_cost(options, params);
        }else if(is_detection(s)){
            l = parse_detection(options, params);
        }else if(is_softmax(s)){
            l = parse_softmax(options, params);
        }else if(is_normalization(s)){
            l = parse_normalization(options, params);
        }else if(is_maxpool(s)){
            l = parse_maxpool(options, params);
        }else if(is_avgpool(s)){
            l = parse_avgpool(options, params);
        }else if(is_route(s)){
            l = parse_route(options, params, net);
        }else if(is_dropout(s)){
            l = parse_dropout(options, params);
            l.output = net.layers[count-1].output;
            l.delta = net.layers[count-1].delta;
            #ifdef GPU
            l.output_gpu = net.layers[count-1].output_gpu;
            l.delta_gpu = net.layers[count-1].delta_gpu;
            fprintf(stderr, "Type not recognized: %s\n", s->type);
        l.dontload = option_find_int_quiet(options, "dontload", 0);
        net.layers[count] = l;
        n = n->next;
            params.h = l.out_h;
            params.w = l.out_w;
            params.c = l.out_c;
            params.inputs = l.outputs;
    net.outputs = get_network_output_size(net);
    net.output = get_network_output(net);
    return net;
Exemplo n.º 6
network parse_network_cfg(char *filename)
    list *sections = read_cfg(filename);
    node *n = sections->front;
    if(!n) error("Config file has no sections");
    network net = make_network(sections->size - 1);
    net.gpu_index = gpu_index;
    size_params params;

    section *s = (section *)n->val;
    list *options = s->options;
    if(!is_network(s)) error("First section must be [net] or [network]");
    parse_net_options(options, &net);

    params.h = net.h;
    params.w = net.w;
    params.c = net.c;
    params.inputs = net.inputs;
    params.batch = net.batch;
    params.time_steps = net.time_steps;
    params.net = net;

    size_t workspace_size = 0;
    n = n->next;
    int count = 0;
    fprintf(stderr, "layer     filters    size              input                output\n");
        params.index = count;
        fprintf(stderr, "%5d ", count);
        s = (section *)n->val;
        options = s->options;
        layer l = {0};
        LAYER_TYPE lt = string_to_layer_type(s->type);
        if(lt == CONVOLUTIONAL){
            l = parse_convolutional(options, params);
        }else if(lt == LOCAL){
            l = parse_local(options, params);
        }else if(lt == ACTIVE){
            l = parse_activation(options, params);
        }else if(lt == RNN){
            l = parse_rnn(options, params);
        }else if(lt == GRU){
            l = parse_gru(options, params);
        }else if(lt == CRNN){
            l = parse_crnn(options, params);
        }else if(lt == CONNECTED){
            l = parse_connected(options, params);
        }else if(lt == CROP){
            l = parse_crop(options, params);
        }else if(lt == COST){
            l = parse_cost(options, params);
        }else if(lt == REGION){
            l = parse_region(options, params);
        }else if(lt == DETECTION){
            l = parse_detection(options, params);
        }else if(lt == SOFTMAX){
            l = parse_softmax(options, params);
            net.hierarchy = l.softmax_tree;
        }else if(lt == NORMALIZATION){
            l = parse_normalization(options, params);
        }else if(lt == BATCHNORM){
            l = parse_batchnorm(options, params);
        }else if(lt == MAXPOOL){
            l = parse_maxpool(options, params);
        }else if(lt == REORG){
            l = parse_reorg(options, params);
        }else if(lt == AVGPOOL){
            l = parse_avgpool(options, params);
        }else if(lt == ROUTE){
            l = parse_route(options, params, net);
        }else if(lt == SHORTCUT){
            l = parse_shortcut(options, params, net);
        }else if(lt == DROPOUT){
            l = parse_dropout(options, params);
            l.output = net.layers[count-1].output;
            l.delta = net.layers[count-1].delta;
#ifdef GPU
            l.output_gpu = net.layers[count-1].output_gpu;
            l.delta_gpu = net.layers[count-1].delta_gpu;
            fprintf(stderr, "Type not recognized: %s\n", s->type);
        l.dontload = option_find_int_quiet(options, "dontload", 0);
        l.dontloadscales = option_find_int_quiet(options, "dontloadscales", 0);
        net.layers[count] = l;
        if (l.workspace_size > workspace_size) workspace_size = l.workspace_size;
        n = n->next;
            params.h = l.out_h;
            params.w = l.out_w;
            params.c = l.out_c;
            params.inputs = l.outputs;
    net.outputs = get_network_output_size(net);
    net.output = get_network_output(net);
        //printf("%ld\n", workspace_size);
#ifdef GPU
        if(gpu_index >= 0){
            net.workspace = cuda_make_array(0, (workspace_size-1)/sizeof(float)+1);
        }else {
            net.workspace = calloc(1, workspace_size);
        net.workspace = calloc(1, workspace_size);
    return net;
Exemplo n.º 7
network *parse_network_cfg(char *filename)
    list *sections = read_cfg(filename);
    node *n = sections->front;
    if(!n) error("Config file has no sections");
    network *net = make_network(sections->size - 1);
    net->gpu_index = gpu_index;
    size_params params;

    section *s = (section *)n->val;
    list *options = s->options;
    if(!is_network(s)) error("First section must be [net] or [network]");
    parse_net_options(options, net);

    params.h = net->h;
    params.w = net->w;
    params.c = net->c;
    params.inputs = net->inputs;
    params.batch = net->batch;
    params.time_steps = net->time_steps;
    params.net = net;

    size_t workspace_size = 0;
    n = n->next;
    int count = 0;
    fprintf(stderr, "layer     filters    size              input                output\n");
        params.index = count;
        fprintf(stderr, "%5d ", count);
        s = (section *)n->val;
        options = s->options;
        layer l = {0};
        LAYER_TYPE lt = string_to_layer_type(s->type);
        if(lt == CONVOLUTIONAL){
            l = parse_convolutional(options, params);
        }else if(lt == DECONVOLUTIONAL){
            l = parse_deconvolutional(options, params);
        }else if(lt == LOCAL){
            l = parse_local(options, params);
        }else if(lt == ACTIVE){
            l = parse_activation(options, params);
        }else if(lt == LOGXENT){
            l = parse_logistic(options, params);
        }else if(lt == L2NORM){
            l = parse_l2norm(options, params);
        }else if(lt == RNN){
            l = parse_rnn(options, params);
        }else if(lt == GRU){
            l = parse_gru(options, params);
        }else if (lt == LSTM) {
            l = parse_lstm(options, params);
        }else if(lt == CRNN){
            l = parse_crnn(options, params);
        }else if(lt == CONNECTED){
            l = parse_connected(options, params);
        }else if(lt == CROP){
            l = parse_crop(options, params);
        }else if(lt == COST){
            l = parse_cost(options, params);
        }else if(lt == REGION){
            l = parse_region(options, params);
        }else if(lt == YOLO){
            l = parse_yolo(options, params);
        }else if(lt == ISEG){
            l = parse_iseg(options, params);
        }else if(lt == DETECTION){
            l = parse_detection(options, params);
        }else if(lt == SOFTMAX){
            l = parse_softmax(options, params);
            net->hierarchy = l.softmax_tree;
        }else if(lt == NORMALIZATION){
            l = parse_normalization(options, params);
        }else if(lt == BATCHNORM){
            l = parse_batchnorm(options, params);
        }else if(lt == MAXPOOL){
            l = parse_maxpool(options, params);
        }else if(lt == REORG){
            l = parse_reorg(options, params);
        }else if(lt == AVGPOOL){
            l = parse_avgpool(options, params);
        }else if(lt == ROUTE){
            l = parse_route(options, params, net);
        }else if(lt == UPSAMPLE){
            l = parse_upsample(options, params, net);
        }else if(lt == SHORTCUT){
            l = parse_shortcut(options, params, net);
        }else if(lt == DROPOUT){
            l = parse_dropout(options, params);
            l.output = net->layers[count-1].output;
            l.delta = net->layers[count-1].delta;
#ifdef GPU
            l.output_gpu = net->layers[count-1].output_gpu;
            l.delta_gpu = net->layers[count-1].delta_gpu;
            fprintf(stderr, "Type not recognized: %s\n", s->type);
        l.clip = net->clip;
        l.truth = option_find_int_quiet(options, "truth", 0);
        l.onlyforward = option_find_int_quiet(options, "onlyforward", 0);
        l.stopbackward = option_find_int_quiet(options, "stopbackward", 0);
        l.dontsave = option_find_int_quiet(options, "dontsave", 0);
        l.dontload = option_find_int_quiet(options, "dontload", 0);
        l.numload = option_find_int_quiet(options, "numload", 0);
        l.dontloadscales = option_find_int_quiet(options, "dontloadscales", 0);
        l.learning_rate_scale = option_find_float_quiet(options, "learning_rate", 1);
        l.smooth = option_find_float_quiet(options, "smooth", 0);
        net->layers[count] = l;
        if (l.workspace_size > workspace_size) workspace_size = l.workspace_size;
        n = n->next;
            params.h = l.out_h;
            params.w = l.out_w;
            params.c = l.out_c;
            params.inputs = l.outputs;
    layer out = get_network_output_layer(net);
    net->outputs = out.outputs;
    net->truths = out.outputs;
    if(net->layers[net->n-1].truths) net->truths = net->layers[net->n-1].truths;
    net->output = out.output;
    net->input = calloc(net->inputs*net->batch, sizeof(float));
    net->truth = calloc(net->truths*net->batch, sizeof(float));
#ifdef GPU
    net->output_gpu = out.output_gpu;
    net->input_gpu = cuda_make_array(net->input, net->inputs*net->batch);
    net->truth_gpu = cuda_make_array(net->truth, net->truths*net->batch);
        //printf("%ld\n", workspace_size);
#ifdef GPU
        if(gpu_index >= 0){
            net->workspace = cuda_make_array(0, (workspace_size-1)/sizeof(float)+1);
        }else {
            net->workspace = calloc(1, workspace_size);
        net->workspace = calloc(1, workspace_size);
    return net;
Exemplo n.º 8
network parse_network_cfg(char *filename)
    list *sections = read_cfg(filename);
    node *n = sections->front;
    if(!n) error("Config file has no sections");
    network net = make_network(sections->size - 1);
    size_params params;

    section *s = (section *)n->val;
    list *options = s->options;
    if(!is_network(s)) error("First section must be [net] or [network]");
    parse_net_options(options, &net);

    params.h = net.h;
    params.w = net.w;
    params.c = net.c;
    params.inputs = net.inputs;
    params.batch = net.batch;
    params.time_steps = net.time_steps;

    size_t workspace_size = 0;
    n = n->next;
    int count = 0;
        params.index = count;
        fprintf(stderr, "%d: ", count);
        s = (section *)n->val;
        options = s->options;
        layer l = {0};
            l = parse_convolutional(options, params);
        }else if(is_local(s)){
            l = parse_local(options, params);
        }else if(is_activation(s)){
            l = parse_activation(options, params);
        }else if(is_deconvolutional(s)){
            l = parse_deconvolutional(options, params);
        }else if(is_rnn(s)){
            l = parse_rnn(options, params);
        }else if(is_gru(s)){
            l = parse_gru(options, params);
        }else if(is_crnn(s)){
            l = parse_crnn(options, params);
        }else if(is_connected(s)){
            l = parse_connected(options, params);
        }else if(is_crop(s)){
            l = parse_crop(options, params);
        }else if(is_cost(s)){
            l = parse_cost(options, params);
        }else if(is_detection(s)){
            l = parse_detection(options, params);
        }else if(is_softmax(s)){
            l = parse_softmax(options, params);
        }else if(is_normalization(s)){
            l = parse_normalization(options, params);
        }else if(is_batchnorm(s)){
            l = parse_batchnorm(options, params);
        }else if(is_maxpool(s)){
            l = parse_maxpool(options, params);
        }else if(is_avgpool(s)){
            l = parse_avgpool(options, params);
        }else if(is_route(s)){
            l = parse_route(options, params, net);
        }else if(is_shortcut(s)){
            l = parse_shortcut(options, params, net);
        }else if(is_dropout(s)){
            l = parse_dropout(options, params);
            l.output = net.layers[count-1].output;
            l.delta = net.layers[count-1].delta;
#ifdef GPU
            l.output_gpu = net.layers[count-1].output_gpu;
            l.delta_gpu = net.layers[count-1].delta_gpu;
            fprintf(stderr, "Type not recognized: %s\n", s->type);
        l.dontload = option_find_int_quiet(options, "dontload", 0);
        l.dontloadscales = option_find_int_quiet(options, "dontloadscales", 0);
        net.layers[count] = l;
        if (l.workspace_size > workspace_size) workspace_size = l.workspace_size;
        n = n->next;
            params.h = l.out_h;
            params.w = l.out_w;
            params.c = l.out_c;
            params.inputs = l.outputs;
    net.outputs = get_network_output_size(net);
    net.output = get_network_output(net);
    //printf("%ld\n", workspace_size);
#ifdef GPU
        net.workspace = cuda_make_array(0, (workspace_size-1)/sizeof(float)+1);
        net.workspace = calloc(1, workspace_size);
    return net;