Exemplo n.º 1
extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean MYMR_AmbientOcclusion(
		miColor *result ,
		miState *state, 
		struct MYMR_AmbientOcclusion_p *paras)
	miUint samples = * mi_eval_integer(&paras->samples);
	miVector trace_direction;
	miUshort dimension = 2;
	int instance = 0, found=0;
	double amb_exp;
	double sample[dimension];
	//Try to get samples to random places monte carlo style
	while (mi_sample(sample,&instance,state,dimension,&samples)){
		// get the direction of the ray given the sample
		if (mi_trace_probe(state, &trace_direction, &state->point)){
	printf("%d %d\n",found,samples);
	amb_exp = 1.0 - ((double)found/(double)samples);
	result->r = result->g  = result->b = amb_exp;
	return miTRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
static miBoolean    miao_trace_the_ray(
        miState    *state,
        miVector   *dir,
        miVector   *point,
        miao_trace_info *ti)
    int label = 0, childlabel = 0;
    miVector  base_point = *point;
    miScalar  base_dist  = 0;
    miBoolean result     = miFALSE;

    /* Trace the ray */
    result = mi_trace_probe(state, dir, &base_point);    
    /* If a miss, or compatible mode - then simply return */
    if (!result || ti->compatible) return result;

    childlabel = miao_get_label(state->child->instance);

    /* Test non-self-occlusion. A hit on this object id that
       originates on the same object id is considered a total 
       miss, i.e. the environment */
    if (ti->id_nonself > 0)
        int label = miao_get_label(state->instance);

        /* Compare parent AND child labels */
        if (label      == ti->id_nonself &&
            childlabel == ti->id_nonself)
            return miFALSE;

    /* Test the include/exclude. However, a miss here causes
       the ray to continue to be traced, in case of a hit */

    /* Positive inclexcl == include */
    if (ti->id_inclexcl > 0 && childlabel != ti->id_inclexcl)
        result = miFALSE;

    /* Negative inclexcl == exclude */
    if (ti->id_inclexcl < 0 && childlabel == -ti->id_inclexcl)
        result = miFALSE;

    /* Was this hit rejected? */
    if (!result)
        /* Remember distance traced so far */
        base_dist += state->child->dist;

        /* Advance the point */
        base_point.x  += base_dist * dir->x;
        base_point.y  += base_dist * dir->y;
        base_point.z  += base_dist * dir->z;

        /* Keep tracing ray */
        goto play_it_again;

    /* Plug originals back, if necessary */
    /* state->child->dist += base_dist; */

    return result;