Exemplo n.º 1
static int
ref_modinv (mp_limb_t *rp, const mp_limb_t *ap, const mp_limb_t *mp, mp_size_t mn)
  mp_limb_t tp[4*(mn+1)];
  mp_limb_t *up = tp;
  mp_limb_t *vp = tp + mn+1;
  mp_limb_t *gp = tp + 2*(mn+1);
  mp_limb_t *sp = tp + 3*(mn+1);
  mp_size_t gn, sn;

  mpn_copyi (up, ap, mn);
  mpn_copyi (vp, mp, mn);
  gn = mpn_gcdext (gp, sp, &sn, up, mn, vp, mn);
  if (gn != 1 || gp[0] != 1)
    return 0;
  if (sn < 0)
    mpn_sub (sp, mp, mn, sp, -sn);
  else if (sn < mn)
    /* Zero-pad. */
    mpn_zero (sp + sn, mn - sn);

  mpn_copyi (rp, sp, mn);
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* Computes R -= A * B. Result must be non-negative. Normalized down
   to size an, and resulting size is returned. */
static mp_size_t
submul (mp_ptr rp, mp_size_t rn,
	mp_srcptr ap, mp_size_t an, mp_srcptr bp, mp_size_t bn)
  mp_ptr tp;

  ASSERT (bn > 0);
  ASSERT (an >= bn);
  ASSERT (rn >= an);
  ASSERT (an + bn <= rn + 1);

  tp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (an + bn);

  mpn_mul (tp, ap, an, bp, bn);
  if (an + bn > rn)
      ASSERT (tp[rn] == 0);
  ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_sub (rp, rp, rn, tp, an + bn));

  while (rn > an && (rp[rn-1] == 0))

  return rn;
Exemplo n.º 3
static int
modinv_gcd (const struct ecc_curve *ecc,
	    mp_limb_t *rp, mp_limb_t *ap, mp_limb_t *tp)
  mp_size_t size = ecc->p.size;
  mp_limb_t *up = tp;
  mp_limb_t *vp = tp + size+1;
  mp_limb_t *gp = tp + 2*(size+1);
  mp_limb_t *sp = tp + 3*(size+1);
  mp_size_t gn, sn;

  mpn_copyi (up, ap, size);
  mpn_copyi (vp, ecc->p.m, size);
  gn = mpn_gcdext (gp, sp, &sn, up, size, vp, size);
  if (gn != 1 || gp[0] != 1)
    return 0;
  if (sn < 0)
    mpn_sub (sp, ecc->p.m, size, sp, -sn);
  else if (sn < size)
    /* Zero-pad. */
    mpn_zero (sp + sn, size - sn);

  mpn_copyi (rp, sp, size);
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: fmpz.c Projeto: hperl/flint
void fmpz_add(fmpz_t coeffs_out, const fmpz_t in1, const fmpz_t in2)
   fmpz_t coeffs1 = in1;
   fmpz_t coeffs2 = in2;
   long carry;
   unsigned long size1 = ABS(coeffs1[0]);
   unsigned long size2 = ABS(coeffs2[0]);
   if (size1 < size2) 
      SWAP_PTRS(coeffs1, coeffs2);
      size1 = ABS(coeffs1[0]);
      size2 = ABS(coeffs2[0]);
   if (!size1)
      if (!size2) coeffs_out[0] = 0L;
         if (coeffs_out != coeffs2) F_mpn_copy(coeffs_out, coeffs2, size2+1);
   } else if (!size2)
      if (coeffs_out != coeffs1) F_mpn_copy(coeffs_out, coeffs1, size1+1);
   } else if ((long) (coeffs1[0] ^ coeffs2[0]) >= 0L)
      coeffs_out[0] = coeffs1[0];
      carry = mpn_add(coeffs_out+1, coeffs1+1, size1, coeffs2+1, size2);
      if (carry) 
         coeffs_out[size1+1] = carry;
         if ((long) coeffs_out[0] < 0L) coeffs_out[0]--;
         else coeffs_out[0]++;
   } else
      carry = 0;
      if (size1 != size2) carry = 1;
      else carry = mpn_cmp(coeffs1+1, coeffs2+1, size1); 
      if (carry == 0) coeffs_out[0] = 0L;
      else if (carry > 0) 
         mpn_sub(coeffs_out+1, coeffs1+1, size1, coeffs2+1, size2);
         coeffs_out[0] = coeffs1[0];
         mpn_sub_n(coeffs_out+1, coeffs2+1, coeffs1+1, size1);
         coeffs_out[0] = -coeffs1[0];
Exemplo n.º 5
void Inv(modp& ans,const modp& x,const Zp_Data& ZpD)
  mp_limb_t g[MAX_MOD_SZ],xx[MAX_MOD_SZ],yy[MAX_MOD_SZ];
  mp_size_t sz;
  if (sz<0)
    { mpn_sub(ans.x,ZpD.prA,ZpD.t,ans.x,-sz); 
    { for (int i=sz; i<ZpD.t; i++) { ans.x[i]=0; } }
  if (ZpD.montgomery)
    { ZpD.Mont_Mult(ans.x,ans.x,ZpD.R3); }
Exemplo n.º 6
void _tc4_add(mp_ptr rp, mp_size_t * rn, mp_srcptr r1, mp_size_t r1n, 
                                                 mp_srcptr r2, mp_size_t r2n)
   mp_limb_t cy;
   mp_size_t s1 = ABS(r1n);
   mp_size_t s2 = ABS(r2n);
   if (!s1)
      *rn = 0;
   } else if (!s2)
      if (rp != r1) MPN_COPY(rp, r1, s1);
		*rn = r1n;
   } else if ((r1n ^ r2n) >= 0)
      *rn = r1n;
      cy = mpn_add(rp, r1, s1, r2, s2);
      if (cy) 
         rp[s1] = cy;
         if ((*rn) < 0) (*rn)--;
         else (*rn)++;
   } else
      mp_size_t ct;
		if (s1 != s2) ct = 1;
		else MPN_CMP(ct, r1, r2, s1); 
      if (!ct) *rn = 0;
      else if (ct > 0) 
         mpn_sub(rp, r1, s1, r2, s2);
         *rn = s1;
         MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, (*rn));
			if (r1n < 0) *rn = -(*rn);
         mpn_sub_n(rp, r2, r1, s1);
         *rn = s1;
         MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, (*rn));
			if (r1n > 0) *rn = -(*rn);
Exemplo n.º 7
void gcdext_get_t(mp_ptr t, mp_size_t * tn, mp_ptr gp, mp_size_t gn, mp_ptr ap, 
					mp_size_t an, mp_ptr bp, mp_size_t n, mp_ptr s, mp_size_t sn, mp_ptr tp)
	mp_size_t ss = ABS(sn);
	mp_limb_t cy;
	if (ss >= an)
		mpn_mul(tp, s, ss, ap, an);
      mpn_mul(tp, ap, an, s, ss);

	(*tn) = ss + an;
	(*tn) -= (tp[(*tn) - 1] == 0);

	/* We must have s*ap >= gp and we really want to compute -t */

	if (sn > 0)
		mpn_sub(tp, tp, *tn, gp, gn);
	   MPN_NORMALIZE(tp, (*tn));
	} else 
		cy = mpn_add(tp, tp, *tn, gp, gn);
		if (cy) tp[(*tn)++] = cy;

	if ((*tn) == 0) 

	mpn_tdiv_qr(t, tp, 0, tp, (*tn), bp, n);


   (*tn) -= (n - 1);
	(*tn) -= (t[(*tn) - 1] == 0);
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: gcdext.c Projeto: qsnake/mpir
/* Computes |v| = |(g - u a)| / b, where u may be positive or
   negative, and v is of the opposite sign. a, b are of size n, u and
   v at most size n, and v must have space for n+1 limbs. */
static mp_size_t
compute_v (mp_ptr vp,
	   mp_srcptr ap, mp_srcptr bp, mp_size_t n,
	   mp_srcptr gp, mp_size_t gn,
	   mp_srcptr up, mp_size_t usize,
	   mp_ptr tp)
  mp_size_t size;
  mp_size_t an;
  mp_size_t bn;
  mp_size_t vn;

  ASSERT (n > 0);
  ASSERT (gn > 0);
  ASSERT (usize != 0);

  size = ABS (usize);
  ASSERT (size <= n);

  an = n;
  MPN_NORMALIZE (ap, an);

  if (an >= size)
    mpn_mul (tp, ap, an, up, size);
    mpn_mul (tp, up, size, ap, an);

  size += an;
  size -= tp[size - 1] == 0;

  ASSERT (gn <= size);

  if (usize > 0)
      /* |v| = -v = (u a - g) / b */

      ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_sub (tp, tp, size, gp, gn));
      MPN_NORMALIZE (tp, size);
      if (size == 0)
	return 0;
    { /* usize < 0 */
      /* |v| = v = (c - u a) / b = (c + |u| a) / b */
      mp_limb_t cy = mpn_add (tp, tp, size, gp, gn);
      if (cy)
	tp[size++] = cy;

  /* Now divide t / b. There must be no remainder */
  bn = n;
  MPN_NORMALIZE (bp, bn);
  ASSERT (size >= bn);

  vn = size + 1 - bn;
  ASSERT (vn <= n + 1);

  mpn_divexact (vp, tp, size, bp, bn);
  vn -= (vp[vn-1] == 0);

  return vn;
Exemplo n.º 9
mpf_sub (mpf_ptr r, mpf_srcptr u, mpf_srcptr v)
  mp_srcptr up, vp;
  mp_ptr rp, tp;
  mp_size_t usize, vsize, rsize;
  mp_size_t prec;
  mp_exp_t exp;
  mp_size_t ediff;
  int negate;

  usize = u->_mp_size;
  vsize = v->_mp_size;

  /* Handle special cases that don't work in generic code below.  */
  if (usize == 0)
      mpf_neg (r, v);
  if (vsize == 0)
      if (r != u)
        mpf_set (r, u);

  /* If signs of U and V are different, perform addition.  */
  if ((usize ^ vsize) < 0)
      __mpf_struct v_negated;
      v_negated._mp_size = -vsize;
      v_negated._mp_exp = v->_mp_exp;
      v_negated._mp_d = v->_mp_d;
      mpf_add (r, u, &v_negated);


  /* Signs are now known to be the same.  */
  negate = usize < 0;

  /* Make U be the operand with the largest exponent.  */
  if (u->_mp_exp < v->_mp_exp)
      mpf_srcptr t;
      t = u; u = v; v = t;
      negate ^= 1;
      usize = u->_mp_size;
      vsize = v->_mp_size;

  usize = ABS (usize);
  vsize = ABS (vsize);
  up = u->_mp_d;
  vp = v->_mp_d;
  rp = r->_mp_d;
  prec = r->_mp_prec + 1;
  exp = u->_mp_exp;
  ediff = u->_mp_exp - v->_mp_exp;

  /* If ediff is 0 or 1, we might have a situation where the operands are
     extremely close.  We need to scan the operands from the most significant
     end ignore the initial parts that are equal.  */
  if (ediff <= 1)
      if (ediff == 0)
	  /* Skip leading limbs in U and V that are equal.  */
	  if (up[usize - 1] == vp[vsize - 1])
	      /* This loop normally exits immediately.  Optimize for that.  */

		  if (usize == 0)
                      /* u cancels high limbs of v, result is rest of v */
		      negate ^= 1;
                      /* strip high zeros before truncating to prec */
                      while (vsize != 0 && vp[vsize - 1] == 0)
		      if (vsize > prec)
			  vp += vsize - prec;
			  vsize = prec;
                      MPN_COPY_INCR (rp, vp, vsize);
                      rsize = vsize;
                      goto done;
		  if (vsize == 0)
                      vp = up;
                      vsize = usize;
                      goto cancellation;
	      while (up[usize - 1] == vp[vsize - 1]);

	  if (up[usize - 1] < vp[vsize - 1])
	      /* For simplicity, swap U and V.  Note that since the loop above
		 wouldn't have exited unless up[usize - 1] and vp[vsize - 1]
		 were non-equal, this if-statement catches all cases where U
		 is smaller than V.  */
	      MPN_SRCPTR_SWAP (up,usize, vp,vsize);
	      negate ^= 1;
	      /* negating ediff not necessary since it is 0.  */

	  /* Check for
	     x+1 00000000 ...
	      x  ffffffff ... */
	  if (up[usize - 1] != vp[vsize - 1] + 1)
	    goto general_case;
      else /* ediff == 1 */
	  /* Check for
	     1 00000000 ...
	     0 ffffffff ... */

	  if (up[usize - 1] != 1 || vp[vsize - 1] != GMP_NUMB_MAX
	      || (usize >= 2 && up[usize - 2] != 0))
	    goto general_case;


      /* Skip sequences of 00000000/ffffffff */
      while (vsize != 0 && usize != 0 && up[usize - 1] == 0
	     && vp[vsize - 1] == GMP_NUMB_MAX)

      if (usize == 0)
	  while (vsize != 0 && vp[vsize - 1] == GMP_NUMB_MAX)

      if (usize > prec - 1)
	  up += usize - (prec - 1);
	  usize = prec - 1;
      if (vsize > prec - 1)
	  vp += vsize - (prec - 1);
	  vsize = prec - 1;

      tp = (mp_ptr) TMP_ALLOC (prec * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB);
	mp_limb_t cy_limb;
	if (vsize == 0)
	    mp_size_t size, i;
	    size = usize;
	    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
	      tp[i] = up[i];
	    tp[size] = 1;
	    rsize = size + 1;
	    goto normalize;
	if (usize == 0)
	    mp_size_t size, i;
	    size = vsize;
	    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
	      tp[i] = ~vp[i] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
	    cy_limb = 1 - mpn_add_1 (tp, tp, vsize, (mp_limb_t) 1);
	    rsize = vsize;
	    if (cy_limb == 0)
		tp[rsize] = 1;
	    goto normalize;
	if (usize >= vsize)
	    /* uuuu     */
	    /* vv       */
	    mp_size_t size;
	    size = usize - vsize;
	    MPN_COPY (tp, up, size);
	    cy_limb = mpn_sub_n (tp + size, up + size, vp, vsize);
	    rsize = usize;
	else /* (usize < vsize) */
	    /* uuuu     */
	    /* vvvvvvv  */
	    mp_size_t size, i;
	    size = vsize - usize;
	    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
	      tp[i] = ~vp[i] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
	    cy_limb = mpn_sub_n (tp + size, up, vp + size, usize);
	    cy_limb+= mpn_sub_1 (tp + size, tp + size, usize, (mp_limb_t) 1);
	    cy_limb-= mpn_add_1 (tp, tp, vsize, (mp_limb_t) 1);
	    rsize = vsize;
	if (cy_limb == 0)
	    tp[rsize] = 1;
	goto normalize;

  /* If U extends beyond PREC, ignore the part that does.  */
  if (usize > prec)
      up += usize - prec;
      usize = prec;

  /* If V extends beyond PREC, ignore the part that does.
     Note that this may make vsize negative.  */
  if (vsize + ediff > prec)
      vp += vsize + ediff - prec;
      vsize = prec - ediff;

  /* Allocate temp space for the result.  Allocate
     just vsize + ediff later???  */
  tp = (mp_ptr) TMP_ALLOC (prec * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB);

  if (ediff >= prec)
      /* V completely cancelled.  */
      if (tp != up)
	MPN_COPY (rp, up, usize);
      rsize = usize;
      /* Locate the least significant non-zero limb in (the needed
	 parts of) U and V, to simplify the code below.  */
      for (;;)
	  if (vsize == 0)
	      MPN_COPY (rp, up, usize);
	      rsize = usize;
	      goto done;
	  if (vp[0] != 0)
	  vp++, vsize--;
      for (;;)
	  if (usize == 0)
	      MPN_COPY (rp, vp, vsize);
	      rsize = vsize;
	      negate ^= 1;
	      goto done;
	  if (up[0] != 0)
	  up++, usize--;

      /* uuuu     |  uuuu     |  uuuu     |  uuuu     |  uuuu    */
      /* vvvvvvv  |  vv       |    vvvvv  |    v      |       vv */

      if (usize > ediff)
	  /* U and V partially overlaps.  */
	  if (ediff == 0)
	      /* Have to compare the leading limbs of u and v
		 to determine whether to compute u - v or v - u.  */
	      if (usize >= vsize)
		  /* uuuu     */
		  /* vv       */
		  mp_size_t size;
		  size = usize - vsize;
		  MPN_COPY (tp, up, size);
		  mpn_sub_n (tp + size, up + size, vp, vsize);
		  rsize = usize;
	      else /* (usize < vsize) */
		  /* uuuu     */
		  /* vvvvvvv  */
		  mp_size_t size, i;
		  size = vsize - usize;
		  tp[0] = -vp[0] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
		  for (i = 1; i < size; i++)
		    tp[i] = ~vp[i] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
		  mpn_sub_n (tp + size, up, vp + size, usize);
		  mpn_sub_1 (tp + size, tp + size, usize, (mp_limb_t) 1);
		  rsize = vsize;
	      if (vsize + ediff <= usize)
		  /* uuuu     */
		  /*   v      */
		  mp_size_t size;
		  size = usize - ediff - vsize;
		  MPN_COPY (tp, up, size);
		  mpn_sub (tp + size, up + size, usize - size, vp, vsize);
		  rsize = usize;
		  /* uuuu     */
		  /*   vvvvv  */
		  mp_size_t size, i;
		  size = vsize + ediff - usize;
		  tp[0] = -vp[0] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
		  for (i = 1; i < size; i++)
		    tp[i] = ~vp[i] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
		  mpn_sub (tp + size, up, usize, vp + size, usize - ediff);
		  mpn_sub_1 (tp + size, tp + size, usize, (mp_limb_t) 1);
		  rsize = vsize + ediff;
	  /* uuuu     */
	  /*      vv  */
	  mp_size_t size, i;
	  size = vsize + ediff - usize;
	  tp[0] = -vp[0] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
	  for (i = 1; i < vsize; i++)
	    tp[i] = ~vp[i] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
	  for (i = vsize; i < size; i++)
	    tp[i] = GMP_NUMB_MAX;
	  mpn_sub_1 (tp + size, up, usize, (mp_limb_t) 1);
	  rsize = size + usize;

      /* Full normalize.  Optimize later.  */
      while (rsize != 0 && tp[rsize - 1] == 0)
      MPN_COPY (rp, tp, rsize);

  r->_mp_size = negate ? -rsize : rsize;
  if (rsize == 0)
    exp = 0;
  r->_mp_exp = exp;
Exemplo n.º 10
/* Check divide and conquer division routine. */
check_dc_divappr_q (void)
   mp_limb_t np[2*MAX_LIMBS];
   mp_limb_t np2[2*MAX_LIMBS];
   mp_limb_t rp[2*MAX_LIMBS];
   mp_limb_t dp[MAX_LIMBS];
   mp_limb_t qp[2*MAX_LIMBS];
   mp_limb_t dip;

   mp_size_t nn, rn, dn, qn;

   gmp_randstate_t rands;

   int i, j, s;
   for (i = 0; i < ITERS; i++)
      dn = (random() % (MAX_LIMBS - 5)) + 6;
      nn = (random() % (MAX_LIMBS - 3)) + dn + 3;
      mpn_rrandom (np, rands, nn);
      mpn_rrandom (dp, rands, dn);
      dp[dn-1] |= GMP_LIMB_HIGHBIT;

      MPN_COPY(np2, np, nn);
      mpir_invert_pi1(dip, dp[dn - 1], dp[dn - 2]);
      qn = nn - dn + 1;
      qp[qn - 1] = mpn_dc_divappr_q(qp, np, nn, dp, dn, dip);

      MPN_NORMALIZE(qp, qn);

      if (qn)
         if (qn >= dn) mpn_mul(rp, qp, qn, dp, dn);
         else mpn_mul(rp, dp, dn, qp, qn);

         rn = dn + qn;
         MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, rn);

         s = (rn < nn) ? -1 : (rn > nn) ? 1 : mpn_cmp(rp, np2, nn);
         if (s <= 0) 
            mpn_sub(rp, np2, nn, rp, rn);
            rn = nn;
            MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, rn);
         } else 
            mpn_sub(rp, rp, rn, np2, nn);
            MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, rn);
      } else
         rn = nn;
         MPN_COPY(rp, np, nn);
      s = (rn < dn) ? -1 : (rn > dn) ? 1 : mpn_cmp(rp, dp, dn);
      if (s >= 0)
         printf ("failed:\n");
         printf ("nn = %lu, dn = %lu, qn = %lu, rn = %lu\n\n", nn, dn, qn, rn);
         gmp_printf (" np: %Nx\n\n", np2, nn);
         gmp_printf (" dp: %Nx\n\n", dp, dn);
         gmp_printf (" qp: %Nx\n\n", qp, qn);
         gmp_printf (" rp: %Nx\n\n", rp, rn);
         abort ();

Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: hgcd.c Projeto: qsnake/mpir
/* Multiplies the least significant p limbs of (a;b) by M^-1.
   Temporary space needed: 2 * (p + M->n)*/
mpn_hgcd_matrix_adjust (struct hgcd_matrix *M,
            mp_size_t n, mp_ptr ap, mp_ptr bp,
            mp_size_t p, mp_ptr tp)
  /* M^-1 (a;b) = (r11, -r01; -r10, r00) (a ; b)
     = (r11 a - r01 b; - r10 a + r00 b */

  mp_ptr t0 = tp;
  mp_ptr t1 = tp + p + M->n;
  mp_limb_t ah, bh;
  mp_limb_t cy;

  ASSERT (p + M->n  < n);

  /* First compute the two values depending on a, before overwriting a */

  if (M->n >= p)
      mpn_mul (t0, M->p[1][1], M->n, ap, p);
      mpn_mul (t1, M->p[1][0], M->n, ap, p);
      mpn_mul (t0, ap, p, M->p[1][1], M->n);
      mpn_mul (t1, ap, p, M->p[1][0], M->n);

  /* Update a */
  MPN_COPY (ap, t0, p);
  ah = mpn_add (ap + p, ap + p, n - p, t0 + p, M->n);

  if (M->n >= p)
    mpn_mul (t0, M->p[0][1], M->n, bp, p);
    mpn_mul (t0, bp, p, M->p[0][1], M->n);

  cy = mpn_sub (ap, ap, n, t0, p + M->n);
  ASSERT (cy <= ah);
  ah -= cy;

  /* Update b */
  if (M->n >= p)
    mpn_mul (t0, M->p[0][0], M->n, bp, p);
    mpn_mul (t0, bp, p, M->p[0][0], M->n);

  MPN_COPY (bp, t0, p);
  bh = mpn_add (bp + p, bp + p, n - p, t0 + p, M->n);
  cy = mpn_sub (bp, bp, n, t1, p + M->n);
  ASSERT (cy <= bh);
  bh -= cy;

  if (ah > 0 || bh > 0)
      ap[n] = ah;
      bp[n] = bh;
      /* The subtraction can reduce the size by at most one limb. */
      if (ap[n-1] == 0 && bp[n-1] == 0)
  ASSERT (ap[n-1] > 0 || bp[n-1] > 0);
  return n;
Exemplo n.º 12
/* Input: A = {ap, n} with most significant bit set.
   Output: X = B^n + {xp, n} where B = 2^GMP_NUMB_BITS.

   X is a lower approximation of B^(2n)/A with implicit msb.
   More precisely, one has:

              A*X < B^(2n) <= A*(X+1)

   or X = ceil(B^(2n)/A) - 1.
mpn_invert (mp_ptr xp, mp_srcptr ap, mp_size_t n)
  if (n == 1)
      /* invert_limb returns min(B-1, floor(B^2/ap[0])-B),
	 which is B-1 when ap[0]=B/2, and 1 when ap[0]=B-1.
	 For X=B+xp[0], we have A*X < B^2 <= A*(X+1) where
	 the equality holds only when A=B/2.

	 We thus have A*X < B^2 <= A*(X+1).
      invert_limb (xp[0], ap[0]);
  else if (n == 2)
      mp_limb_t tp[4], up[2], sp[2], cy;

      tp[0] = ZERO;
      invert_limb (xp[1], ap[1]);
      tp[3] = mpn_mul_1 (tp + 1, ap, 2, xp[1]);
      cy = mpn_add_n (tp + 2, tp + 2, ap, 2);
      while (cy) /* Xh is too large */
	  xp[1] --;
	  cy -= mpn_sub (tp + 1, tp + 1, 3, ap, 2);
      /* tp[3] should be 111...111 */

      mpn_com_n (sp, tp + 1, 2);
      cy = mpn_add_1 (sp, sp, 2, ONE);
      /* cy should be 0 */

      up[1] = mpn_mul_1 (up, sp + 1, 1, xp[1]);
      cy = mpn_add_1 (up + 1, up + 1, 1, sp[1]);
      /* cy should be 0 */
      xp[0] = up[1];

      /* update tp */
      cy = mpn_addmul_1 (tp, ap, 2, xp[0]);
      cy = mpn_add_1 (tp + 2, tp + 2, 2, cy);
	  cy = mpn_add (tp, tp, 4, ap, 2);
	  if (cy == ZERO)
	    mpn_add_1 (xp, xp, 2, ONE);
      while (cy == ZERO);

      /* now A*X < B^4 <= A*(X+1) */
      mp_size_t l, h;
      mp_ptr tp, up;
      mp_limb_t cy, th;
      int special = 0;

      l = (n - 1) / 2;
      h = n - l;

      mpn_invert (xp + l, ap + l, h);

      tp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (n + h);
      up = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (2 * h);

      if (n <= WRAP_AROUND_BOUND)
          mpn_mul (tp, ap, n, xp + l, h);
          cy = mpn_add_n (tp + h, tp + h, ap, n);
          mp_size_t m = n + 1;
          mpir_ui k;
          int cc;

          if (m >= FFT_MULMOD_2EXPP1_CUTOFF)
             m = mpir_fft_adjust_limbs (m);
          /* we have m >= n + 1 by construction, thus m > h */
          ASSERT(m < n + h);
          cy = mpn_mulmod_Bexpp1_fft (tp, m, ap, n, xp + l, h);
          /* cy, {tp, m} = A * {xp + l, h} mod (B^m+1) */
          cy += mpn_add_n (tp + h, tp + h, ap, m - h);
          cc = mpn_sub_n (tp, tp, ap + m - h, n + h - m);
          cc = mpn_sub_1 (tp + n + h - m, tp + n + h - m, 2 * m - n - h, cc);
          if (cc > cy) /* can only occur if cc=1 and cy=0 */
            cy = mpn_add_1 (tp, tp, m, ONE);
            cy -= cc;
          /* cy, {tp, m} = A * Xh */

          /* add B^(n+h) + B^(n+h-m) */
          MPN_ZERO (tp + m, n + h - m);
          tp[m] = cy;
          /* note: since tp[n+h-1] is either 0, or cy<=1 if m=n+h-1,
             the mpn_incr_u() below cannot produce a carry */
          mpn_incr_u (tp + n + h - m, ONE);
          cy = 1;
          do /* check if T >= B^(n+h) + 2*B^n */
              mp_size_t i;

              if (cy == ZERO)
                break; /* surely T < B^(n+h) */
              if (cy == ONE)
                  for (i = n + h - 1; tp[i] == ZERO && i > n; i--);
                  if (i == n && tp[i] < (mp_limb_t) 2)
              /* subtract B^m+1 */
              cy -= mpn_sub_1 (tp, tp, n + h, ONE);
              cy -= mpn_sub_1 (tp + m, tp + m, n + h - m, ONE);
          while (1);

      while (cy)
	  mpn_sub_1 (xp + l, xp + l, h, ONE);
	  cy -= mpn_sub (tp, tp, n + h, ap, n);

      mpn_not (tp, n);
      th = ~tp[n] + mpn_add_1 (tp, tp, n, ONE);
      mpn_mul_n (up, tp + l, xp + l, h);
      cy = mpn_add_n (up + h, up + h, tp + l, h);
      if (th != ZERO)
         cy += ONE + mpn_add_n (up + h, up + h, xp + l, h);
      if (up[2*h-l-1] + 4 <= CNST_LIMB(3)) special = 1;
      MPN_COPY (xp, up + 2 * h - l, l);
      mpn_add_1 (xp + l, xp + l, h, cy);
      if ((special) && !mpn_is_invert(xp, ap, n))
         mpn_add_1 (xp, xp, n, 1);
Exemplo n.º 13
REGPARM_ATTR (1) static void
mpz_aorsmul (mpz_ptr w, mpz_srcptr x, mpz_srcptr y, mp_size_t sub)
    mp_size_t  xsize, ysize, tsize, wsize, wsize_signed;
    mp_ptr     wp, tp;
    mp_limb_t  c, high;

    /* w unaffected if x==0 or y==0 */
    xsize = SIZ(x);
    ysize = SIZ(y);
    if (xsize == 0 || ysize == 0)

    /* make x the bigger of the two */
    if (ABS(ysize) > ABS(xsize))
        MPZ_SRCPTR_SWAP (x, y);
        MP_SIZE_T_SWAP (xsize, ysize);

    sub ^= ysize;
    ysize = ABS(ysize);

    /* use mpn_addmul_1/mpn_submul_1 if possible */
    if (ysize == 1)
        mpz_aorsmul_1 (w, x, PTR(y)[0], sub);

    sub ^= xsize;
    xsize = ABS(xsize);

    wsize_signed = SIZ(w);
    sub ^= wsize_signed;
    wsize = ABS(wsize_signed);

    tsize = xsize + ysize;
    wp = MPZ_REALLOC (w, MAX (wsize, tsize) + 1);

    if (wsize_signed == 0)
        /* Nothing to add to, just set w=x*y.  No w==x or w==y overlap here,
        since we know x,y!=0 but w==0.  */
        high = mpn_mul (wp, PTR(x),xsize, PTR(y),ysize);
        tsize -= (high == 0);
        SIZ(w) = (sub >= 0 ? tsize : -tsize);

    tp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (tsize);

    high = mpn_mul (tp, PTR(x),xsize, PTR(y),ysize);
    tsize -= (high == 0);
    ASSERT (tp[tsize-1] != 0);
    if (sub >= 0)
        mp_srcptr up    = wp;
        mp_size_t usize = wsize;

        if (usize < tsize)
            up	= tp;
            usize = tsize;
            tp	= wp;
            tsize = wsize;

            wsize = usize;

        c = mpn_add (wp, up,usize, tp,tsize);
        wp[wsize] = c;
        wsize += (c != 0);
        mp_srcptr up    = wp;
        mp_size_t usize = wsize;

        if (mpn_cmp_twosizes_lt (up,usize, tp,tsize))
            up	= tp;
            usize = tsize;
            tp	= wp;
            tsize = wsize;

            wsize = usize;
            wsize_signed = -wsize_signed;

        ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_sub (wp, up,usize, tp,tsize));
        wsize = usize;
        MPN_NORMALIZE (wp, wsize);

    SIZ(w) = (wsize_signed >= 0 ? wsize : -wsize);

Exemplo n.º 14
/* Check schoolboy division routine. */
check_sb_div_q (void)
   mp_limb_t np[2*MAX_LIMBS];
   mp_limb_t np2[2*MAX_LIMBS];
   mp_limb_t rp[2*MAX_LIMBS+1];
   mp_limb_t dp[MAX_LIMBS];
   mp_limb_t qp[2*MAX_LIMBS];
   mp_limb_t dip, cy;

   mp_size_t nn, rn, dn, qn;

   gmp_randstate_t rands;

   int i, j, s;
   for (i = 0; i < ITERS; i++)
      dn = (random() % (MAX_LIMBS - 2)) + 3;
      nn = (random() % MAX_LIMBS) + dn;
      mpn_rrandom (np, rands, nn);
      mpn_rrandom (dp, rands, dn);
      dp[dn-1] |= GMP_LIMB_HIGHBIT;

      MPN_COPY(np2, np, nn);
      mpir_invert_pi2(dip, dp[dn - 1], dp[dn - 2]);
      qn = nn - dn + 1;
      qp[qn - 1] = mpn_sb_div_q(qp, np, nn, dp, dn, dip);

      MPN_NORMALIZE(qp, qn);

      if (qn)
         if (qn >= dn) mpn_mul(rp, qp, qn, dp, dn);
         else mpn_mul(rp, dp, dn, qp, qn);
         rn = dn + qn;
         MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, rn);
         if (rn > nn)
            printf("failed: q*d has too many limbs\n");
         if (mpn_cmp(rp, np2, nn) > 0)
            printf("failed: remainder negative\n");
         mpn_sub(rp, np2, nn, rp, rn);
         rn = nn;
         MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, rn);
      } else
         rn = nn;
         MPN_COPY(rp, np, nn);
      s = (rn < dn) ? -1 : (rn > dn) ? 1 : mpn_cmp(rp, dp, dn);
      if (s >= 0)
         printf ("failed:\n");
         printf ("nn = %lu, dn = %lu, qn = %lu, rn = %lu\n\n", nn, dn, qn, rn);
         gmp_printf (" np: %Nx\n\n", np2, nn);
         gmp_printf (" dp: %Nx\n\n", dp, dn);
         gmp_printf (" qp: %Nx\n\n", qp, qn);
         gmp_printf (" rp: %Nx\n\n", rp, rn);
         abort ();

Exemplo n.º 15
mpf_ui_sub (mpf_ptr r, unsigned long int u, mpf_srcptr v)
  mp_srcptr up, vp;
  mp_ptr rp, tp;
  mp_size_t usize, vsize, rsize;
  mp_size_t prec;
  mp_exp_t uexp;
  mp_size_t ediff;
  int negate;
  mp_limb_t ulimb;

  vsize = v->_mp_size;

  /* Handle special cases that don't work in generic code below.  */
  if (u == 0)
      mpf_neg (r, v);
  if (vsize == 0)
      mpf_set_ui (r, u);

  /* If signs of U and V are different, perform addition.  */
  if (vsize < 0)
      __mpf_struct v_negated;
      v_negated._mp_size = -vsize;
      v_negated._mp_exp = v->_mp_exp;
      v_negated._mp_d = v->_mp_d;
      mpf_add_ui (r, &v_negated, u);


  /* Signs are now known to be the same.  */

  ulimb = u;
  /* Make U be the operand with the largest exponent.  */
  if (1 < v->_mp_exp)
      negate = 1;
      usize = ABS (vsize);
      vsize = 1;
      up = v->_mp_d;
      vp = &ulimb;
      rp = r->_mp_d;
      prec = r->_mp_prec + 1;
      uexp = v->_mp_exp;
      ediff = uexp - 1;
      negate = 0;
      usize = 1;
      vsize = ABS (vsize);
      up = &ulimb;
      vp = v->_mp_d;
      rp = r->_mp_d;
      prec = r->_mp_prec;
      uexp = 1;
      ediff = 1 - v->_mp_exp;

  /* Ignore leading limbs in U and V that are equal.  Doing
     this helps increase the precision of the result.  */
  if (ediff == 0)
      /* This loop normally exits immediately.  Optimize for that.  */
      for (;;)
	  if (up[usize] != vp[vsize])
	  if (usize == 0)
	    goto Lu0;
	  if (vsize == 0)
	    goto Lv0;
      /* Note that either operand (but not both operands) might now have
	 leading zero limbs.  It matters only that U is unnormalized if
	 vsize is now zero, and vice versa.  And it is only in that case
	 that we have to adjust uexp.  */
      if (vsize == 0)
	while (usize != 0 && up[usize - 1] == 0)
	  usize--, uexp--;
      if (usize == 0)
	while (vsize != 0 && vp[vsize - 1] == 0)
	  vsize--, uexp--;

  /* If U extends beyond PREC, ignore the part that does.  */
  if (usize > prec)
      up += usize - prec;
      usize = prec;

  /* If V extends beyond PREC, ignore the part that does.
     Note that this may make vsize negative.  */
  if (vsize + ediff > prec)
      vp += vsize + ediff - prec;
      vsize = prec - ediff;

  /* Allocate temp space for the result.  Allocate
     just vsize + ediff later???  */
  tp = (mp_ptr) TMP_ALLOC (prec * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB);

  if (ediff >= prec)
      /* V completely cancelled.  */
      if (tp != up)
	MPN_COPY (rp, up, usize);
      rsize = usize;
      /* Locate the least significant non-zero limb in (the needed
	 parts of) U and V, to simplify the code below.  */
      for (;;)
	  if (vsize == 0)
	      MPN_COPY (rp, up, usize);
	      rsize = usize;
	      goto done;
	  if (vp[0] != 0)
	  vp++, vsize--;
      for (;;)
	  if (usize == 0)
	      MPN_COPY (rp, vp, vsize);
	      rsize = vsize;
	      negate ^= 1;
	      goto done;
	  if (up[0] != 0)
	  up++, usize--;

      /* uuuu     |  uuuu     |  uuuu     |  uuuu     |  uuuu    */
      /* vvvvvvv  |  vv       |    vvvvv  |    v      |       vv */

      if (usize > ediff)
	  /* U and V partially overlaps.  */
	  if (ediff == 0)
	      /* Have to compare the leading limbs of u and v
		 to determine whether to compute u - v or v - u.  */
	      if (usize > vsize)
		  /* uuuu     */
		  /* vv       */
		  int cmp;
		  cmp = mpn_cmp (up + usize - vsize, vp, vsize);
		  if (cmp >= 0)
		      mp_size_t size;
		      size = usize - vsize;
		      MPN_COPY (tp, up, size);
		      mpn_sub_n (tp + size, up + size, vp, vsize);
		      rsize = usize;
		      /* vv       */  /* Swap U and V. */
		      /* uuuu     */
		      mp_size_t size, i;
		      size = usize - vsize;
		      tp[0] = -up[0] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
		      for (i = 1; i < size; i++)
			tp[i] = ~up[i] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
		      mpn_sub_n (tp + size, vp, up + size, vsize);
		      mpn_sub_1 (tp + size, tp + size, vsize, (mp_limb_t) 1);
		      negate ^= 1;
		      rsize = usize;
	      else if (usize < vsize)
		  /* uuuu     */
		  /* vvvvvvv  */
		  int cmp;
		  cmp = mpn_cmp (up, vp + vsize - usize, usize);
		  if (cmp > 0)
		      mp_size_t size, i;
		      size = vsize - usize;
		      tp[0] = -vp[0] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
		      for (i = 1; i < size; i++)
			tp[i] = ~vp[i] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
		      mpn_sub_n (tp + size, up, vp + size, usize);
		      mpn_sub_1 (tp + size, tp + size, usize, (mp_limb_t) 1);
		      rsize = vsize;
		      /* vvvvvvv  */  /* Swap U and V. */
		      /* uuuu     */
		      /* This is the only place we can get 0.0.  */
		      mp_size_t size;
		      size = vsize - usize;
		      MPN_COPY (tp, vp, size);
		      mpn_sub_n (tp + size, vp + size, up, usize);
		      negate ^= 1;
		      rsize = vsize;
		  /* uuuu     */
		  /* vvvv     */
		  int cmp;
		  cmp = mpn_cmp (up, vp + vsize - usize, usize);
		  if (cmp > 0)
		      mpn_sub_n (tp, up, vp, usize);
		      rsize = usize;
		      mpn_sub_n (tp, vp, up, usize);
		      negate ^= 1;
		      rsize = usize;
		      /* can give zero */
	      if (vsize + ediff <= usize)
		  /* uuuu     */
		  /*   v      */
		  mp_size_t size;
		  size = usize - ediff - vsize;
		  MPN_COPY (tp, up, size);
		  mpn_sub (tp + size, up + size, usize - size, vp, vsize);
		  rsize = usize;
		  /* uuuu     */
		  /*   vvvvv  */
		  mp_size_t size, i;
		  size = vsize + ediff - usize;
		  tp[0] = -vp[0] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
		  for (i = 1; i < size; i++)
		    tp[i] = ~vp[i] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
		  mpn_sub (tp + size, up, usize, vp + size, usize - ediff);
		  mpn_sub_1 (tp + size, tp + size, usize, (mp_limb_t) 1);
		  rsize = vsize + ediff;
	  /* uuuu     */
	  /*      vv  */
	  mp_size_t size, i;
	  size = vsize + ediff - usize;
	  tp[0] = -vp[0] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
	  for (i = 1; i < vsize; i++)
	    tp[i] = ~vp[i] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
	  for (i = vsize; i < size; i++)
	    tp[i] = GMP_NUMB_MAX;
	  mpn_sub_1 (tp + size, up, usize, (mp_limb_t) 1);
	  rsize = size + usize;

      /* Full normalize.  Optimize later.  */
      while (rsize != 0 && tp[rsize - 1] == 0)
      MPN_COPY (rp, tp, rsize);

  r->_mp_size = negate ? -rsize : rsize;
  r->_mp_exp = uexp;
Exemplo n.º 16
/* Temporary storage: Needs n limbs for the quotient, at qp. tp must
   point to an area large enough for the resulting cofactor, plus one
   limb extra. All in all, 2N + 1 if N is a bound for both inputs and
   outputs. */
mpn_gcdext_subdiv_step (mp_ptr gp, mp_size_t *gn, mp_ptr up, mp_size_t *usizep,
			mp_ptr ap, mp_ptr bp, mp_size_t n,
			mp_ptr u0, mp_ptr u1, mp_size_t *unp,
			mp_ptr qp, mp_ptr tp)
  mp_size_t an, bn, un;
  mp_size_t qn;
  mp_size_t u0n;

  int swapped;

  an = bn = n;

  ASSERT (an > 0);
  ASSERT (ap[an-1] > 0 || bp[an-1] > 0);

  MPN_NORMALIZE (ap, an);
  MPN_NORMALIZE (bp, bn);

  un = *unp;

  swapped = 0;

  if (UNLIKELY (an == 0))
      MPN_COPY (gp, bp, bn);
      *gn = bn;

      MPN_NORMALIZE (u0, un);
      MPN_COPY (up, u0, un);

      *usizep = swapped ? un : -un;

      return 0;
  else if (UNLIKELY (bn == 0))
      MPN_COPY (gp, ap, an);
      *gn = an;

      MPN_NORMALIZE (u1, un);
      MPN_COPY (up, u1, un);

      *usizep = swapped ? -un : un;

      return 0;

  /* Arrange so that a > b, subtract an -= bn, and maintain
     normalization. */
  if (an < bn)
      MPN_PTR_SWAP (ap, an, bp, bn);
      MP_PTR_SWAP (u0, u1);
      swapped ^= 1;
  else if (an == bn)
      int c;
      MPN_CMP (c, ap, bp, an);
      if (UNLIKELY (c == 0))
	  MPN_COPY (gp, ap, an);
	  *gn = an;

	  /* Must return the smallest cofactor, +u1 or -u0 */
	  MPN_CMP (c, u0, u1, un);
	  ASSERT (c != 0 || (un == 1 && u0[0] == 1 && u1[0] == 1));

	  if (c < 0)
	      MPN_NORMALIZE (u0, un);
	      MPN_COPY (up, u0, un);
	      swapped ^= 1;
	      MPN_NORMALIZE_NOT_ZERO (u1, un);
	      MPN_COPY (up, u1, un);

	  *usizep = swapped ? -un : un;
	  return 0;
      else if (c < 0)
	  MP_PTR_SWAP (ap, bp);
	  MP_PTR_SWAP (u0, u1);
	  swapped ^= 1;
  /* Reduce a -= b, u1 += u0 */
  ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_sub (ap, ap, an, bp, bn));
  MPN_NORMALIZE (ap, an);
  ASSERT (an > 0);

  u1[un] = mpn_add_n (u1, u1, u0, un);
  un += (u1[un] > 0);

  /* Arrange so that a > b, and divide a = q b + r */
  if (an < bn)
      MPN_PTR_SWAP (ap, an, bp, bn);
      MP_PTR_SWAP (u0, u1);
      swapped ^= 1;
  else if (an == bn)
      int c;
      MPN_CMP (c, ap, bp, an);
      if (UNLIKELY (c == 0))
	goto return_b;
      else if (c < 0)
	  MP_PTR_SWAP (ap, bp);
	  MP_PTR_SWAP (u0, u1);
	  swapped ^= 1;

  /* Reduce a -= q b, u1 += q u0 */
  qn = an - bn + 1;
  mpn_tdiv_qr (qp, ap, 0, ap, an, bp, bn);

  if (mpn_zero_p (ap, bn))
    goto return_b;

  n = bn;

  /* Update u1 += q u0 */
  u0n = un;
  MPN_NORMALIZE (u0, u0n);

  if (u0n > 0)
      qn -= (qp[qn - 1] == 0);

      if (qn > u0n)
	mpn_mul (tp, qp, qn, u0, u0n);
	mpn_mul (tp, u0, u0n, qp, qn);

      if (qn + u0n > un)
	  mp_size_t u1n = un;
	  un = qn + u0n;
	  un -= (tp[un-1] == 0);
	  u1[un] = mpn_add (u1, tp, un, u1, u1n);
	  u1[un] = mpn_add (u1, u1, un, tp, qn + u0n);

      un += (u1[un] > 0);

  *unp = un;
  return n;
Exemplo n.º 17
mpn_toom22_mul (mp_ptr pp,
		mp_srcptr ap, mp_size_t an,
		mp_srcptr bp, mp_size_t bn,
		mp_ptr scratch)
  mp_size_t n, s, t;
  int vm1_neg;
  mp_limb_t cy, cy2;
  mp_ptr asm1;
  mp_ptr bsm1;

#define a0  ap
#define a1  (ap + n)
#define b0  bp
#define b1  (bp + n)

  s = an >> 1;
  n = an - s;
  t = bn - n;

  ASSERT (an >= bn);

  ASSERT (0 < s && s <= n);
  ASSERT (0 < t && t <= s);

  asm1 = pp;
  bsm1 = pp + n;

  vm1_neg = 0;

  /* Compute asm1.  */
  if (s == n)
      if (mpn_cmp (a0, a1, n) < 0)
	  mpn_sub_n (asm1, a1, a0, n);
	  vm1_neg = 1;
	  mpn_sub_n (asm1, a0, a1, n);
      if (mpn_zero_p (a0 + s, n - s) && mpn_cmp (a0, a1, s) < 0)
	  mpn_sub_n (asm1, a1, a0, s);
	  MPN_ZERO (asm1 + s, n - s);
	  vm1_neg = 1;
	  mpn_sub (asm1, a0, n, a1, s);

  /* Compute bsm1.  */
  if (t == n)
      if (mpn_cmp (b0, b1, n) < 0)
	  mpn_sub_n (bsm1, b1, b0, n);
	  vm1_neg ^= 1;
	  mpn_sub_n (bsm1, b0, b1, n);
      if (mpn_zero_p (b0 + t, n - t) && mpn_cmp (b0, b1, t) < 0)
	  mpn_sub_n (bsm1, b1, b0, t);
	  MPN_ZERO (bsm1 + t, n - t);
	  vm1_neg ^= 1;
	  mpn_sub (bsm1, b0, n, b1, t);

#define v0	pp				/* 2n */
#define vinf	(pp + 2 * n)			/* s+t */
#define vm1	scratch				/* 2n */
#define scratch_out	scratch + 2 * n

  /* vm1, 2n limbs */
  TOOM22_MUL_N_REC (vm1, asm1, bsm1, n, scratch_out);

  if (s > t)  TOOM22_MUL_REC (vinf, a1, s, b1, t, scratch_out);
  else        TOOM22_MUL_N_REC (vinf, a1, b1, s, scratch_out);

  /* v0, 2n limbs */
  TOOM22_MUL_N_REC (v0, ap, bp, n, scratch_out);

  /* H(v0) + L(vinf) */
  cy = mpn_add_n (pp + 2 * n, v0 + n, vinf, n);

  /* L(v0) + H(v0) */
  cy2 = cy + mpn_add_n (pp + n, pp + 2 * n, v0, n);

  /* L(vinf) + H(vinf) */
  cy += mpn_add (pp + 2 * n, pp + 2 * n, n, vinf + n, s + t - n);

  if (vm1_neg)
    cy += mpn_add_n (pp + n, pp + n, vm1, 2 * n);
    cy -= mpn_sub_n (pp + n, pp + n, vm1, 2 * n);

  ASSERT (cy + 1  <= 3);
  ASSERT (cy2 <= 2);

  mpn_incr_u (pp + 2 * n, cy2);
  if (LIKELY (cy <= 2))
    mpn_incr_u (pp + 3 * n, cy);
    mpn_decr_u (pp + 3 * n, 1);
Exemplo n.º 18
/* Check divide and conquer division routine. */
check_dc_div_qr_n (void)
   mp_limb_t np[2*MAX_LIMBS];
   mp_limb_t np2[2*MAX_LIMBS];
   mp_limb_t rp[2*MAX_LIMBS+1];
   mp_limb_t dp[MAX_LIMBS];
   mp_limb_t qp[2*MAX_LIMBS];
   mp_limb_t tp[DC_DIVAPPR_Q_N_ITCH(MAX_LIMBS)];
   mp_limb_t dip, cy;

   mp_size_t rn, dn, qn;

   gmp_randstate_t rands;

   int i, j, s;
   for (i = 0; i < ITERS; i++)
      dn = (random() % (MAX_LIMBS - 5)) + 6;
      mpn_rrandom (np, rands, 2*dn);
      mpn_rrandom (dp, rands, dn);
      dp[dn-1] |= GMP_LIMB_HIGHBIT;

      MPN_COPY(np2, np, 2*dn);
      invert_1(dip, dp[dn - 1], dp[dn - 2]);
      qn = dn + 1;
      qp[qn - 1] = mpn_dc_div_qr_n(qp, np, dp, dn, dip, tp);

      MPN_NORMALIZE(qp, qn);

      if (qn)
         if (qn >= dn) mpn_mul(rp, qp, qn, dp, dn);
         else mpn_mul(rp, dp, dn, qp, qn);
         rn = dn + qn;
         MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, rn);
         if (rn > 2*dn)
            printf("failed: q*d has too many limbs\n");
         if (mpn_cmp(rp, np2, 2*dn) > 0)
            printf("failed: remainder negative\n");
         mpn_sub(rp, np2, 2*dn, rp, rn);
         rn = 2*dn;
         MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, rn);
      } else
         rn = 2*dn;
         MPN_COPY(rp, np, 2*dn);
      s = (rn < dn) ? -1 : (rn > dn) ? 1 : mpn_cmp(rp, dp, dn);
      if (s >= 0)
         printf ("failed:\n");
         printf ("dn = %lu, qn = %lu, rn = %lu\n\n", dn, qn, rn);
         gmp_printf (" np: %Nx\n\n", np2, 2*dn);
         gmp_printf (" dp: %Nx\n\n", dp, dn);
         gmp_printf (" qp: %Nx\n\n", qp, qn);
         gmp_printf (" rp: %Nx\n\n", rp, rn);
         abort ();

      if (mpn_cmp(rp, np, rn) != 0)
         printf("failed: remainder does not match\n");
         gmp_printf (" np: %Nx\n\n", np2, 2*dn);
         gmp_printf (" dp: %Nx\n\n", dp, dn);
         gmp_printf (" qp: %Nx\n\n", qp, qn);
         gmp_printf (" rp: %Nx\n\n", rp, rn);        
         gmp_printf (" rp2: %Nx\n\n", np, rn);        

Exemplo n.º 19
mpn_dcpi1_bdiv_q (mp_ptr qp,
		  mp_ptr np, mp_size_t nn,
		  mp_srcptr dp, mp_size_t dn,
		  mp_limb_t dinv)
  mp_size_t qn;
  mp_limb_t cy;
  mp_ptr tp;


  ASSERT (dn >= 2);
  ASSERT (nn - dn >= 0);
  ASSERT (dp[0] & 1);

  tp = TMP_SALLOC_LIMBS (dn);

  qn = nn;

  if (qn > dn)
      /* Reduce qn mod dn in a super-efficient manner.  */
	qn -= dn;
      while (qn > dn);

      /* Perform the typically smaller block first.  */
	cy = mpn_sbpi1_bdiv_qr (qp, np, 2 * qn, dp, qn, dinv);
	cy = mpn_dcpi1_bdiv_qr_n (qp, np, dp, qn, dinv, tp);

      if (qn != dn)
	  if (qn > dn - qn)
	    mpn_mul (tp, qp, qn, dp + qn, dn - qn);
	    mpn_mul (tp, dp + qn, dn - qn, qp, qn);
	  mpn_incr_u (tp + qn, cy);

	  mpn_sub (np + qn, np + qn, nn - qn, tp, dn);
	  cy = 0;

      np += qn;
      qp += qn;

      qn = nn - qn;
      while (qn > dn)
	  mpn_sub_1 (np + dn, np + dn, qn - dn, cy);
	  cy = mpn_dcpi1_bdiv_qr_n (qp, np, dp, dn, dinv, tp);
	  qp += dn;
	  np += dn;
	  qn -= dn;
      mpn_dcpi1_bdiv_q_n (qp, np, dp, dn, dinv, tp);
	mpn_sbpi1_bdiv_q (qp, np, qn, dp, qn, dinv);
	mpn_dcpi1_bdiv_q_n (qp, np, dp, qn, dinv, tp);

Exemplo n.º 20
/* Computes |v| = |(g - u a)| / b, where u may be positive or
   negative, and v is of the opposite sign. a, b are of size n, u and
   v at most size n, and v must have space for n+1 limbs. */
static mp_size_t
compute_v (mp_ptr vp,
	   mp_srcptr ap, mp_srcptr bp, mp_size_t n,
	   mp_srcptr gp, mp_size_t gn,
	   mp_srcptr up, mp_size_t usize,
	   mp_ptr tp)
  mp_size_t size;
  mp_size_t an;
  mp_size_t bn;
  mp_size_t vn;

  ASSERT (n > 0);
  ASSERT (gn > 0);
  ASSERT (usize != 0);

  size = ABS (usize);
  ASSERT (size <= n);

  an = n;
  MPN_NORMALIZE (ap, an);

  if (an >= size)
    mpn_mul (tp, ap, an, up, size);
    mpn_mul (tp, up, size, ap, an);

  size += an;

  ASSERT (gn <= size);

  if (usize > 0)
      /* |v| = -v = (u a - g) / b */

      ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_sub (tp, tp, size, gp, gn));
      MPN_NORMALIZE (tp, size);
      if (size == 0)
	return 0;
    { /* usize < 0 */
      /* |v| = v = (c - u a) / b = (c + |u| a) / b */
      mp_limb_t cy = mpn_add (tp, tp, size, gp, gn);
      if (cy)
	tp[size++] = cy;

  /* Now divide t / b. There must be no remainder */
  bn = n;
  MPN_NORMALIZE (bp, bn);
  ASSERT (size >= bn);

  vn = size + 1 - bn;
  ASSERT (vn <= n + 1);

  /* FIXME: Use divexact. Or do the entire calculation mod 2^{n *
     GMP_NUMB_BITS}. */
  mpn_tdiv_qr (vp, tp, 0, tp, size, bp, bn);
  vn -= (vp[vn-1] == 0);

  /* Remainder must be zero */
    mp_size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < bn; i++)
	ASSERT (tp[i] == 0);
  return vn;
Exemplo n.º 21
mpn_toom2_sqr (mp_ptr pp,
	       mp_srcptr ap, mp_size_t an,
	       mp_ptr scratch)
  mp_size_t n, s;
  mp_limb_t cy, cy2;
  mp_ptr asm1;

#define a0  ap
#define a1  (ap + n)

  s = an >> 1;
  n = an - s;

  ASSERT (0 < s && s <= n);

  asm1 = pp;

  /* Compute asm1.  */
  if (s == n)
      if (mpn_cmp (a0, a1, n) < 0)
	  mpn_sub_n (asm1, a1, a0, n);
	  mpn_sub_n (asm1, a0, a1, n);
      if (mpn_zero_p (a0 + s, n - s) && mpn_cmp (a0, a1, s) < 0)
	  mpn_sub_n (asm1, a1, a0, s);
	  MPN_ZERO (asm1 + s, n - s);
	  mpn_sub (asm1, a0, n, a1, s);

#define v0	pp				/* 2n */
#define vinf	(pp + 2 * n)			/* s+s */
#define vm1	scratch				/* 2n */
#define scratch_out	scratch + 2 * n

  /* vm1, 2n limbs */
  TOOM2_SQR_REC (vm1, asm1, n, scratch_out);

  /* vinf, s+s limbs */
  TOOM2_SQR_REC (vinf, a1, s, scratch_out);

  /* v0, 2n limbs */
  TOOM2_SQR_REC (v0, ap, n, scratch_out);

  /* H(v0) + L(vinf) */
  cy = mpn_add_n (pp + 2 * n, v0 + n, vinf, n);

  /* L(v0) + H(v0) */
  cy2 = cy + mpn_add_n (pp + n, pp + 2 * n, v0, n);

  /* L(vinf) + H(vinf) */
  cy += mpn_add (pp + 2 * n, pp + 2 * n, n, vinf + n, s + s - n);

  cy -= mpn_sub_n (pp + n, pp + n, vm1, 2 * n);

  ASSERT (cy + 1  <= 3);
  ASSERT (cy2 <= 2);

  mpn_incr_u (pp + 2 * n, cy2);
  if (LIKELY (cy <= 2))
    mpn_incr_u (pp + 3 * n, cy);
    mpn_decr_u (pp + 3 * n, 1);
Exemplo n.º 22
mpn_toom_interpolate_7pts (mp_ptr rp, mp_size_t n, enum toom7_flags flags,
			   mp_ptr w1, mp_ptr w3, mp_ptr w4, mp_ptr w5,
			   mp_size_t w6n, mp_ptr tp)
  mp_size_t m;
  mp_limb_t cy;

  m = 2*n + 1;
#define w0 rp
#define w2 (rp + 2*n)
#define w6 (rp + 6*n)

  ASSERT (w6n > 0);
  ASSERT (w6n <= 2*n);

  /* Using formulas similar to Marco Bodrato's

     W5 = W5 + W4
     W1 =(W4 - W1)/2
     W4 = W4 - W0
     W4 =(W4 - W1)/4 - W6*16
     W3 =(W2 - W3)/2
     W2 = W2 - W3

     W5 = W5 - W2*65      May be negative.
     W2 = W2 - W6 - W0
     W5 =(W5 + W2*45)/2   Now >= 0 again.
     W4 =(W4 - W2)/3
     W2 = W2 - W4

     W1 = W5 - W1         May be negative.
     W5 =(W5 - W3*8)/9
     W3 = W3 - W5
     W1 =(W1/15 + W5)/2   Now >= 0 again.
     W5 = W5 - W1

     where W0 = f(0), W1 = f(-2), W2 = f(1), W3 = f(-1),
	   W4 = f(2), W5 = f(1/2), W6 = f(oo),

     Note that most intermediate results are positive; the ones that
     may be negative are represented in two's complement. We must
     never shift right a value that may be negative, since that would
     invalidate the sign bit. On the other hand, divexact by odd
     numbers work fine with two's complement.

  mpn_add_n (w5, w5, w4, m);
  if (flags & toom7_w1_neg)
#ifdef HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_rsh1add_n
      mpn_rsh1add_n (w1, w1, w4, m);
      mpn_add_n (w1, w1, w4, m);  ASSERT (!(w1[0] & 1));
      mpn_rshift (w1, w1, m, 1);
#ifdef HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_rsh1sub_n
      mpn_rsh1sub_n (w1, w4, w1, m);
      mpn_sub_n (w1, w4, w1, m);  ASSERT (!(w1[0] & 1));
      mpn_rshift (w1, w1, m, 1);
  mpn_sub (w4, w4, m, w0, 2*n);
  mpn_sub_n (w4, w4, w1, m);  ASSERT (!(w4[0] & 3));
  mpn_rshift (w4, w4, m, 2); /* w4>=0 */

  tp[w6n] = mpn_lshift (tp, w6, w6n, 4);
  mpn_sub (w4, w4, m, tp, w6n+1);

  if (flags & toom7_w3_neg)
#ifdef HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_rsh1add_n
      mpn_rsh1add_n (w3, w3, w2, m);
      mpn_add_n (w3, w3, w2, m);  ASSERT (!(w3[0] & 1));
      mpn_rshift (w3, w3, m, 1);
#ifdef HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_rsh1sub_n
      mpn_rsh1sub_n (w3, w2, w3, m);
      mpn_sub_n (w3, w2, w3, m);  ASSERT (!(w3[0] & 1));
      mpn_rshift (w3, w3, m, 1);

  mpn_sub_n (w2, w2, w3, m);

  mpn_submul_1 (w5, w2, m, 65);
  mpn_sub (w2, w2, m, w6, w6n);
  mpn_sub (w2, w2, m, w0, 2*n);

  mpn_addmul_1 (w5, w2, m, 45);  ASSERT (!(w5[0] & 1));
  mpn_rshift (w5, w5, m, 1);
  mpn_sub_n (w4, w4, w2, m);

  mpn_divexact_by3 (w4, w4, m);
  mpn_sub_n (w2, w2, w4, m);

  mpn_sub_n (w1, w5, w1, m);
  mpn_lshift (tp, w3, m, 3);
  mpn_sub_n (w5, w5, tp, m);
  mpn_divexact_by9 (w5, w5, m);
  mpn_sub_n (w3, w3, w5, m);

  mpn_divexact_by15 (w1, w1, m);
  mpn_add_n (w1, w1, w5, m);  ASSERT (!(w1[0] & 1));
  mpn_rshift (w1, w1, m, 1); /* w1>=0 now */
  mpn_sub_n (w5, w5, w1, m);

  /* These bounds are valid for the 4x4 polynomial product of toom44,
   * and they are conservative for toom53 and toom62. */
  ASSERT (w1[2*n] < 2);
  ASSERT (w2[2*n] < 3);
  ASSERT (w3[2*n] < 4);
  ASSERT (w4[2*n] < 3);
  ASSERT (w5[2*n] < 2);

  /* Addition chain. Note carries and the 2n'th limbs that need to be
   * added in.
   * Special care is needed for w2[2n] and the corresponding carry,
   * since the "simple" way of adding it all together would overwrite
   * the limb at wp[2*n] and rp[4*n] (same location) with the sum of
   * the high half of w3 and the low half of w4.
   *         7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0
   *    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
   *                  ||w3 (2n+1)|
   *             ||w4 (2n+1)|
   *        ||w5 (2n+1)|        ||w1 (2n+1)|
   *  + | w6 (w6n)|        ||w2 (2n+1)| w0 (2n) |  (share storage with r)
   *  -----------------------------------------------
   *  r |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
   *        c7   c6   c5   c4   c3                 Carries to propagate

  cy = mpn_add_n (rp + n, rp + n, w1, m);
  MPN_INCR_U (w2 + n + 1, n , cy);
  cy = mpn_add_n (rp + 3*n, rp + 3*n, w3, n);
  MPN_INCR_U (w3 + n, n + 1, w2[2*n] + cy);
  cy = mpn_add_n (rp + 4*n, w3 + n, w4, n);
  MPN_INCR_U (w4 + n, n + 1, w3[2*n] + cy);
  cy = mpn_add_n (rp + 5*n, w4 + n, w5, n);
  MPN_INCR_U (w5 + n, n + 1, w4[2*n] + cy);
  if (w6n > n + 1)
    ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_add (rp + 6*n, rp + 6*n, w6n, w5 + n, n + 1));
      ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_add_n (rp + 6*n, rp + 6*n, w5 + n, w6n));
	mp_size_t i;
	for (i = w6n; i <= n; i++)
	  ASSERT (w5[n + i] == 0);
Exemplo n.º 23
void compute_A(QS_t * qs_inf, poly_t * poly_inf)
   unsigned long min = poly_inf->min;
   unsigned long span = poly_inf->span;
   unsigned long s = poly_inf->s;
   unsigned long * A_ind = poly_inf->A_ind;
   unsigned long * A = poly_inf->A;
   unsigned long * target_A = poly_inf->target_A;
   unsigned long * current_A = (unsigned long *) flint_stack_alloc(qs_inf->prec+1);  
   unsigned long * diff = (unsigned long *) flint_stack_alloc(qs_inf->prec+1);  
   unsigned long * best_diff = (unsigned long *) flint_stack_alloc(qs_inf->prec+1);  
   prime_t * factor_base = qs_inf->factor_base;
   unsigned long factor, p;
   unsigned long best1, best2, best3;
   unsigned long odds = s - 3;
   mp_limb_t msl;
   int taken;
   long i, j, k;
   A[0] = 1;
   A[1] = 1;
   for (i = 0; i < odds; i++) // Randomly choose the first s-3 prime factors of A with odd indices
         taken = 0;
         A_ind[i] = ((z_randint(span) + min) | 1);
         if (A_ind[i] == min + span) A_ind[i] -= 2;
         for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
            if (A_ind[i] == A_ind[j]) taken = 1;
      } while (taken);
      msl = mpn_mul_1(A+1, A+1, A[0], factor_base[A_ind[i]].p);
      if (msl) // Compute the product of these s-3 primes
         A[A[0]+1] = msl;
   for (k = 0; k < 30; k++) // Now try 8 different sets of even index primes as the remaining factors
      F_mpn_copy(current_A, A, A[0] + 1);
      for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) // Randomly choose the last 3 prime factors of A with even indices
            taken = 0;
            A_ind[s-3+i] = ((z_randint(span) + min) & -2L);
            if (A_ind[s-3+i] < min) A_ind[s-3+i] += 2;
            for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
               if (A_ind[s-3+i] == A_ind[s-3+j]) taken = 1;
         } while (taken);

         msl = mpn_mul_1(current_A+1, current_A+1, current_A[0], factor_base[A_ind[s-3+i]].p);
         if (msl) // Compute the product of these s-3 primes and the odd indexed primes
            current_A[current_A[0]+1] = msl;
      if (k == 0)  // Just store the first difference as the best one
         if (target_A[0] >= current_A[0]) // Compute the difference with the target A
            msl = mpn_sub(best_diff+1, target_A+1, target_A[0], current_A+1, current_A[0]);
            best_diff[0] = target_A[0];
            msl = mpn_sub(best_diff+1, current_A+1, current_A[0], target_A+1, target_A[0]);
            best_diff[0] = current_A[0];
         if (msl) F_mpn_negate(best_diff+1, best_diff+1, best_diff[0]);
         while ((!best_diff[best_diff[0]]) && (best_diff[0])) best_diff[0]--; // Normalise best_diff
         best1 = A_ind[s-3];
         best2 = A_ind[s-2];
         best3 = A_ind[s-1];

      if (target_A[0] >= current_A[0]) // Compute the difference with the target A
         msl = mpn_sub(diff+1, target_A+1, target_A[0], current_A+1, current_A[0]);
         diff[0] = target_A[0];
         msl = mpn_sub(diff+1, current_A+1, current_A[0], target_A+1, target_A[0]);
         diff[0] = current_A[0];
      if (msl) F_mpn_negate(diff+1, diff+1, diff[0]);
      while ((!diff[diff[0]]) && (diff[0])) diff[0]--; // Normalise diff

      if ((diff[0] < best_diff[0]) || ((diff[0] == best_diff[0]) && (mpn_cmp(diff+1, best_diff+1, diff[0]) < 0)))  // The new diff is better
         F_mpn_copy(best_diff, diff, diff[0]+1);
         best1 = A_ind[s-3];
         best2 = A_ind[s-2];
         best3 = A_ind[s-1];         

   A_ind[s-3] = best1; // Multiply A by the product of these 3 primes and store their indices
   A_ind[s-2] = best2;
   A_ind[s-1] = best3;   
   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) 
      msl = mpn_mul_1(A+1, A+1, A[0], factor_base[A_ind[s+i-3]].p);
      if (msl) 
         A[A[0]+1] = msl;
#if POLY_A
   mpz_t A_disp, targ_A;
   fmpz_to_mpz(A_disp, A);
   fmpz_to_mpz(targ_A, target_A);
   gmp_printf("A = %Zd, target A = %Zd\n", A_disp, targ_A);
   /*for (i = 0; i < s; i++)
      p = factor_base[A_ind[i]].p;
      poly_inf->inv_p2[i] = z_precompute_inverse(p*p);
   } */

   fmpz_to_mpz(poly_inf->A_mpz, A);
   flint_stack_release(); // release current_A
   flint_stack_release(); // release diff
   flint_stack_release(); // release best_diff     
Exemplo n.º 24
mpn_toom22_mul (mp_ptr pp,
                mp_srcptr ap, mp_size_t an,
                mp_srcptr bp, mp_size_t bn,
                mp_ptr scratch)
    const int __gmpn_cpuvec_initialized = 1;
    mp_size_t n, s, t;
    int vm1_neg;
    mp_limb_t cy, cy2;
    mp_ptr asm1;
    mp_ptr bsm1;

#define a0  ap
#define a1  (ap + n)
#define b0  bp
#define b1  (bp + n)

    s = an >> 1;
    n = an - s;
    t = bn - n;

    ASSERT (an >= bn);

    ASSERT (0 < s && s <= n && s >= n - 1);
    ASSERT (0 < t && t <= s);

    asm1 = pp;
    bsm1 = pp + n;

    vm1_neg = 0;

    /* Compute asm1.  */
    if (s == n)
        if (mpn_cmp (a0, a1, n) < 0)
            mpn_sub_n (asm1, a1, a0, n);
            vm1_neg = 1;
            mpn_sub_n (asm1, a0, a1, n);
    else /* n - s == 1 */
        if (a0[s] == 0 && mpn_cmp (a0, a1, s) < 0)
            mpn_sub_n (asm1, a1, a0, s);
            asm1[s] = 0;
            vm1_neg = 1;
            asm1[s] = a0[s] - mpn_sub_n (asm1, a0, a1, s);

    /* Compute bsm1.  */
    if (t == n)
        if (mpn_cmp (b0, b1, n) < 0)
            mpn_sub_n (bsm1, b1, b0, n);
            vm1_neg ^= 1;
            mpn_sub_n (bsm1, b0, b1, n);
        if (mpn_zero_p (b0 + t, n - t) && mpn_cmp (b0, b1, t) < 0)
            mpn_sub_n (bsm1, b1, b0, t);
            MPN_ZERO (bsm1 + t, n - t);
            vm1_neg ^= 1;
            mpn_sub (bsm1, b0, n, b1, t);

#define v0	pp				/* 2n */
#define vinf	(pp + 2 * n)			/* s+t */
#define vm1	scratch				/* 2n */
#define scratch_out	scratch + 2 * n

    /* vm1, 2n limbs */
    TOOM22_MUL_N_REC (vm1, asm1, bsm1, n, scratch_out);

    if (s > t)  TOOM22_MUL_REC (vinf, a1, s, b1, t, scratch_out);
    else        TOOM22_MUL_N_REC (vinf, a1, b1, s, scratch_out);

    /* v0, 2n limbs */
    TOOM22_MUL_N_REC (v0, ap, bp, n, scratch_out);

    /* H(v0) + L(vinf) */
    cy = mpn_add_n (pp + 2 * n, v0 + n, vinf, n);

    /* L(v0) + H(v0) */
    cy2 = cy + mpn_add_n (pp + n, pp + 2 * n, v0, n);

    /* L(vinf) + H(vinf) */
    cy += mpn_add (pp + 2 * n, pp + 2 * n, n, vinf + n, s + t - n);

    if (vm1_neg)
        cy += mpn_add_n (pp + n, pp + n, vm1, 2 * n);
        cy -= mpn_sub_n (pp + n, pp + n, vm1, 2 * n);

    ASSERT (cy + 1  <= 3);
    ASSERT (cy2 <= 2);

    MPN_INCR_U (pp + 2 * n, s + t, cy2);
    if (LIKELY (cy <= 2))
        /* if s+t==n, cy is zero, but we should not acces pp[3*n] at all. */
        MPN_INCR_U (pp + 3 * n, s + t - n, cy);
        MPN_DECR_U (pp + 3 * n, s + t - n, 1);
Exemplo n.º 25
/* Computes {rp,MIN(rn,an+bn)} <- {ap,an}*{bp,bn} Mod(B^rn-1)
 * The result is expected to be ZERO if and only if one of the operand
 * already is. Otherwise the class [0] Mod(B^rn-1) is represented by
 * B^rn-1. This should not be a problem if mulmod_bnm1 is used to
 * combine results and obtain a natural number when one knows in
 * advance that the final value is less than (B^rn-1).
 * Moreover it should not be a problem if mulmod_bnm1 is used to
 * compute the full product with an+bn <= rn, because this condition
 * implies (B^an-1)(B^bn-1) < (B^rn-1) .
 * Requires 0 < bn <= an <= rn and an + bn > rn/2
 * Scratch need: rn + (need for recursive call OR rn + 4). This gives
 * S(n) <= rn + MAX (rn + 4, S(n/2)) <= 2rn + 4
mpn_mulmod_bnm1 (mp_ptr rp, mp_size_t rn, mp_srcptr ap, mp_size_t an, mp_srcptr bp, mp_size_t bn, mp_ptr tp)
  ASSERT (0 < bn);
  ASSERT (bn <= an);
  ASSERT (an <= rn);

  if ((rn & 1) != 0 || BELOW_THRESHOLD (rn, MULMOD_BNM1_THRESHOLD))
      if (UNLIKELY (bn < rn))
	  if (UNLIKELY (an + bn <= rn))
	      mpn_mul (rp, ap, an, bp, bn);
	      mp_limb_t cy;
	      mpn_mul (tp, ap, an, bp, bn);
	      cy = mpn_add (rp, tp, rn, tp + rn, an + bn - rn);
	      MPN_INCR_U (rp, rn, cy);
	mpn_bc_mulmod_bnm1 (rp, ap, bp, rn, tp);
      mp_size_t n;
      mp_limb_t cy;
      mp_limb_t hi;

      n = rn >> 1;

      /* We need at least an + bn >= n, to be able to fit one of the
	 recursive products at rp. Requiring strict inequality makes
	 the coded slightly simpler. If desired, we could avoid this
	 restriction by initially halving rn as long as rn is even and
	 an + bn <= rn/2. */

      ASSERT (an + bn > n);

      /* Compute xm = a*b mod (B^n - 1), xp = a*b mod (B^n + 1)
	 and crt together as

	 x = -xp * B^n + (B^n + 1) * [ (xp + xm)/2 mod (B^n-1)]

#define a0 ap
#define a1 (ap + n)
#define b0 bp
#define b1 (bp + n)

#define xp  tp	/* 2n + 2 */
      /* am1  maybe in {xp, n} */
      /* bm1  maybe in {xp + n, n} */
#define sp1 (tp + 2*n + 2)
      /* ap1  maybe in {sp1, n + 1} */
      /* bp1  maybe in {sp1 + n + 1, n + 1} */

	mp_srcptr am1, bm1;
	mp_size_t anm, bnm;
	mp_ptr so;

	bm1 = b0;
	bnm = bn;
	if (LIKELY (an > n))
	    am1 = xp;
	    cy = mpn_add (xp, a0, n, a1, an - n);
	    MPN_INCR_U (xp, n, cy);
	    anm = n;
	    so = xp + n;
	    if (LIKELY (bn > n))
		bm1 = so;
		cy = mpn_add (so, b0, n, b1, bn - n);
		MPN_INCR_U (so, n, cy);
		bnm = n;
		so += n;
	    so = xp;
	    am1 = a0;
	    anm = an;

	mpn_mulmod_bnm1 (rp, n, am1, anm, bm1, bnm, so);

	int       k;
	mp_srcptr ap1, bp1;
	mp_size_t anp, bnp;

	bp1 = b0;
	bnp = bn;
	if (LIKELY (an > n)) {
	  ap1 = sp1;
	  cy = mpn_sub (sp1, a0, n, a1, an - n);
	  sp1[n] = 0;
	  MPN_INCR_U (sp1, n + 1, cy);
	  anp = n + ap1[n];
	  if (LIKELY (bn > n)) {
	    bp1 = sp1 + n + 1;
	    cy = mpn_sub (sp1 + n + 1, b0, n, b1, bn - n);
	    sp1[2*n+1] = 0;
	    MPN_INCR_U (sp1 + n + 1, n + 1, cy);
	    bnp = n + bp1[n];
	} else {
	  ap1 = a0;
	  anp = an;

	    int mask;
	    k = mpn_fft_best_k (n, 0);
	    mask = (1<<k) - 1;
	    while (n & mask) {k--; mask >>=1;};
	if (k >= FFT_FIRST_K)
	  xp[n] = mpn_mul_fft (xp, n, ap1, anp, bp1, bnp, k);
	else if (UNLIKELY (bp1 == b0))
	    ASSERT (anp + bnp <= 2*n+1);
	    ASSERT (anp + bnp > n);
	    ASSERT (anp >= bnp);
	    mpn_mul (xp, ap1, anp, bp1, bnp);
	    anp = anp + bnp - n;
	    ASSERT (anp <= n || xp[2*n]==0);
	    anp-= anp > n;
	    cy = mpn_sub (xp, xp, n, xp + n, anp);
	    xp[n] = 0;
	    MPN_INCR_U (xp, n+1, cy);
	  mpn_bc_mulmod_bnp1 (xp, ap1, bp1, n, xp);

      /* Here the CRT recomposition begins.

	 xm <- (xp + xm)/2 = (xp + xm)B^n/2 mod (B^n-1)
	 Division by 2 is a bitwise rotation.

	 Assumes xp normalised mod (B^n+1).

	 The residue class [0] is represented by [B^n-1]; except when
	 both input are ZERO.

#if HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_rsh1add_n || HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_rsh1add_nc
#if HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_rsh1add_nc
      cy = mpn_rsh1add_nc(rp, rp, xp, n, xp[n]); /* B^n = 1 */
      hi = cy << (GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1);
      cy = 0;
      /* next update of rp[n-1] will set cy = 1 only if rp[n-1]+=hi
	 overflows, i.e. a further increment will not overflow again. */
#else /* ! _nc */
      cy = xp[n] + mpn_rsh1add_n(rp, rp, xp, n); /* B^n = 1 */
      hi = (cy<<(GMP_NUMB_BITS-1))&GMP_NUMB_MASK; /* (cy&1) << ... */
      cy >>= 1;
      /* cy = 1 only if xp[n] = 1 i.e. {xp,n} = ZERO, this implies that
	 the rsh1add was a simple rshift: the top bit is 0. cy=1 => hi=0. */
#if GMP_NAIL_BITS == 0
      add_ssaaaa(cy, rp[n-1], cy, rp[n-1], 0, hi);
      cy += (hi & rp[n-1]) >> (GMP_NUMB_BITS-1);
      rp[n-1] ^= hi;
#else /* ! HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_rsh1add_n */
#if HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_add_nc
      cy = mpn_add_nc(rp, rp, xp, n, xp[n]);
#else /* ! _nc */
      cy = xp[n] + mpn_add_n(rp, rp, xp, n); /* xp[n] == 1 implies {xp,n} == ZERO */
      cy += (rp[0]&1);
      mpn_rshift(rp, rp, n, 1);
      ASSERT (cy <= 2);
      hi = (cy<<(GMP_NUMB_BITS-1))&GMP_NUMB_MASK; /* (cy&1) << ... */
      cy >>= 1;
      /* We can have cy != 0 only if hi = 0... */
      ASSERT ((rp[n-1] & GMP_NUMB_HIGHBIT) == 0);
      rp[n-1] |= hi;
      /* ... rp[n-1] + cy can not overflow, the following INCR is correct. */
      ASSERT (cy <= 1);
      /* Next increment can not overflow, read the previous comments about cy. */
      ASSERT ((cy == 0) || ((rp[n-1] & GMP_NUMB_HIGHBIT) == 0));
      MPN_INCR_U(rp, n, cy);

      /* Compute the highest half:
	 ([(xp + xm)/2 mod (B^n-1)] - xp ) * B^n
      if (UNLIKELY (an + bn < rn))
	  /* Note that in this case, the only way the result can equal
	     zero mod B^{rn} - 1 is if one of the inputs is zero, and
	     then the output of both the recursive calls and this CRT
	     reconstruction is zero, not B^{rn} - 1. Which is good,
	     since the latter representation doesn't fit in the output
	  cy = mpn_sub_n (rp + n, rp, xp, an + bn - n);

	  /* FIXME: This subtraction of the high parts is not really
	     necessary, we do it to get the carry out, and for sanity
	     checking. */
	  cy = xp[n] + mpn_sub_nc (xp + an + bn - n, rp + an + bn - n,
				   xp + an + bn - n, rn - (an + bn), cy);
	  ASSERT (an + bn == rn - 1 ||
		  mpn_zero_p (xp + an + bn - n + 1, rn - 1 - (an + bn)));
	  cy = mpn_sub_1 (rp, rp, an + bn, cy);
	  ASSERT (cy == (xp + an + bn - n)[0]);
	  cy = xp[n] + mpn_sub_n (rp + n, rp, xp, n);
	  /* cy = 1 only if {xp,n+1} is not ZERO, i.e. {rp,n} is not ZERO.
	     DECR will affect _at most_ the lowest n limbs. */
	  MPN_DECR_U (rp, 2*n, cy);
#undef a0
#undef a1
#undef b0
#undef b1
#undef xp
#undef sp1
Exemplo n.º 26
mpn_rootrem (mp_ptr rootp, mp_ptr remp,
	     mp_srcptr up, mp_size_t un, mp_limb_t nth)
  mp_ptr pp, qp, xp;
  mp_size_t pn, xn, qn;
  unsigned long int unb, xnb, bit;
  unsigned int cnt;
  mp_size_t i;
  unsigned long int n_valid_bits, adj;


  /* The extra factor 1.585 = log(3)/log(2) here is for the worst case
     overestimate of the root, i.e., when the code rounds a root that is
     2+epsilon to 3, and then powers this to a potentially huge power.  We
     could generalize the code for detecting root=1 a few lines below to deal
     with xnb <= k, for some small k.  For example, when xnb <= 2, meaning
     the root should be 1, 2, or 3, we could replace this factor by the much
     smaller log(5)/log(4).  */

#define PP_ALLOC (2 + (mp_size_t) (un*1.585))

  count_leading_zeros (cnt, up[un - 1]);
  unb = un * GMP_NUMB_BITS - cnt + GMP_NAIL_BITS;

  xnb = (unb - 1) / nth + 1;
  if (xnb == 1)
      if (remp == NULL)
	remp = pp;
      mpn_sub_1 (remp, up, un, (mp_limb_t) 1);
      MPN_NORMALIZE (remp, un);
      rootp[0] = 1;
      return un;

  xn = (xnb + GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1) / GMP_NUMB_BITS;

  xp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (xn + 1);

  /* Set initial root to only ones.  This is an overestimate of the actual root
     by less than a factor of 2.  */
  for (i = 0; i < xn; i++)
    xp[i] = GMP_NUMB_MAX;
  xp[xnb / GMP_NUMB_BITS] = ((mp_limb_t) 1 << (xnb % GMP_NUMB_BITS)) - 1;

  /* Improve the initial approximation, one bit at a time.  Keep the
     approximations >= root(U,nth).  */
  bit = xnb - 2;
  n_valid_bits = 0;
  for (i = 0; (nth >> i) != 0; i++)
      mp_limb_t xl = xp[bit / GMP_NUMB_BITS];
      xp[bit / GMP_NUMB_BITS] = xl ^ (mp_limb_t) 1 << bit % GMP_NUMB_BITS;
      pn = mpn_pow_1 (pp, xp, xn, nth, qp);
      /* If the new root approximation is too small, restore old value.  */
      if (! (un < pn || (un == pn && mpn_cmp (up, pp, pn) < 0)))
	xp[bit / GMP_NUMB_BITS] = xl;		/* restore old value */
      n_valid_bits += 1;
      if (bit == 0)
	goto done;

  adj = n_valid_bits - 1;

  /* Newton loop.  Converges downwards towards root(U,nth).  Currently we use
     full precision from iteration 1.  Clearly, we should use just n_valid_bits
     of precision in each step, and thus save most of the computations.  */
  while (n_valid_bits <= xnb)
      mp_limb_t cy;

      pn = mpn_pow_1 (pp, xp, xn, nth - 1, qp);
      qp[xn - 1] = 0;		/* pad quotient to make it always xn limbs */
      mpn_tdiv_qr (qp, pp, (mp_size_t) 0, up, un, pp, pn); /* junk remainder */
      cy = mpn_addmul_1 (qp, xp, xn, nth - 1);
      if (un - pn == xn)
	  cy += qp[xn];
	  if (cy == nth)
	      for (i = xn - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		qp[i] = GMP_NUMB_MAX;
	      cy = nth - 1;

      qp[xn] = cy;
      qn = xn + (cy != 0);

      mpn_divrem_1 (xp, (mp_size_t) 0, qp, qn, nth);
      n_valid_bits = n_valid_bits * 2 - adj;

  /* The computed result might be one unit too large.  Adjust as necessary.  */
  pn = mpn_pow_1 (pp, xp, xn, nth, qp);
  if (un < pn || (un == pn && mpn_cmp (up, pp, pn) < 0))
      mpn_decr_u (xp, 1);
      pn = mpn_pow_1 (pp, xp, xn, nth, qp);

      ASSERT_ALWAYS (! (un < pn || (un == pn && mpn_cmp (up, pp, pn) < 0)));

  if (remp == NULL)
    remp = pp;
  mpn_sub (remp, up, un, pp, pn);
  MPN_NORMALIZE (remp, un);
  MPN_COPY (rootp, xp, xn);
  return un;
Exemplo n.º 27
mpz_powm_ui (mpz_ptr r, mpz_srcptr b, unsigned long int el, mpz_srcptr m)
  mp_ptr xp, tp, qp, mp, bp;
  mp_size_t xn, tn, mn, bn;
  int m_zero_cnt;
  int c;
  mp_limb_t e;

  mp = PTR(m);
  mn = ABSIZ(m);
  if (mn == 0)

  if (el == 0)
      /* Exponent is zero, result is 1 mod MOD, i.e., 1 or 0
	 depending on if MOD equals 1.  */
      SIZ(r) = (mn == 1 && mp[0] == 1) ? 0 : 1;
      PTR(r)[0] = 1;


  /* Normalize m (i.e. make its most significant bit set) as required by
     division functions below.  */
  count_leading_zeros (m_zero_cnt, mp[mn - 1]);
  m_zero_cnt -= GMP_NAIL_BITS;
  if (m_zero_cnt != 0)
      mp_ptr new_mp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (mn);
      mpn_lshift (new_mp, mp, mn, m_zero_cnt);
      mp = new_mp;

  bn = ABSIZ(b);
  bp = PTR(b);
  if (bn > mn)
      /* Reduce possibly huge base.  Use a function call to reduce, since we
	 don't want the quotient allocation to live until function return.  */
      mp_ptr new_bp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (mn);
      reduce (new_bp, bp, bn, mp, mn);
      bp = new_bp;
      bn = mn;
      /* Canonicalize the base, since we are potentially going to multiply with
	 it quite a few times.  */
      MPN_NORMALIZE (bp, bn);

  if (bn == 0)
      SIZ(r) = 0;

  tp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (2 * mn + 1);
  xp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (mn);

  qp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (mn + 1);

  MPN_COPY (xp, bp, bn);
  xn = bn;

  e = el;
  count_leading_zeros (c, e);
  e = (e << c) << 1;		/* shift the exp bits to the left, lose msb */
  c = BITS_PER_MP_LIMB - 1 - c;

  /* Main loop. */

  /* If m is already normalized (high bit of high limb set), and b is the
     same size, but a bigger value, and e==1, then there's no modular
     reductions done and we can end up with a result out of range at the
     end. */
  if (c == 0)
      if (xn == mn && mpn_cmp (xp, mp, mn) >= 0)
        mpn_sub_n (xp, xp, mp, mn);
      goto finishup;

  while (c != 0)
      mpn_sqr_n (tp, xp, xn);
      tn = 2 * xn; tn -= tp[tn - 1] == 0;
      if (tn < mn)
	  MPN_COPY (xp, tp, tn);
	  xn = tn;
	  mpn_tdiv_qr (qp, xp, 0L, tp, tn, mp, mn);
	  xn = mn;

      if ((mp_limb_signed_t) e < 0)
	  mpn_mul (tp, xp, xn, bp, bn);
	  tn = xn + bn; tn -= tp[tn - 1] == 0;
	  if (tn < mn)
	      MPN_COPY (xp, tp, tn);
	      xn = tn;
	      mpn_tdiv_qr (qp, xp, 0L, tp, tn, mp, mn);
	      xn = mn;
      e <<= 1;

  /* We shifted m left m_zero_cnt steps.  Adjust the result by reducing
     it with the original MOD.  */
  if (m_zero_cnt != 0)
      mp_limb_t cy;
      cy = mpn_lshift (tp, xp, xn, m_zero_cnt);
      tp[xn] = cy; xn += cy != 0;

      if (xn < mn)
	  MPN_COPY (xp, tp, xn);
	  mpn_tdiv_qr (qp, xp, 0L, tp, xn, mp, mn);
	  xn = mn;
      mpn_rshift (xp, xp, xn, m_zero_cnt);
  MPN_NORMALIZE (xp, xn);

  if ((el & 1) != 0 && SIZ(b) < 0 && xn != 0)
      mp = PTR(m);			/* want original, unnormalized m */
      mpn_sub (xp, mp, mn, xp, xn);
      xn = mn;
      MPN_NORMALIZE (xp, xn);
  MPZ_REALLOC (r, xn);
  SIZ (r) = xn;
  MPN_COPY (PTR(r), xp, xn);

Exemplo n.º 28
mpz_powm_sec (mpz_ptr r, mpz_srcptr b, mpz_srcptr e, mpz_srcptr m)
  mp_size_t n;
  mp_ptr rp, tp;
  mp_srcptr bp, ep, mp;
  mp_size_t rn, bn, es, en;

  n = ABSIZ(m);

  mp = PTR(m);

  if (UNLIKELY ((n == 0) || (mp[0] % 2 == 0)))

  es = SIZ(e);
  if (UNLIKELY (es <= 0))
      if (es == 0)
	  /* b^0 mod m,  b is anything and m is non-zero.
	     Result is 1 mod m, i.e., 1 or 0 depending on if m = 1.  */
	  SIZ(r) = n != 1 || mp[0] != 1;
	  PTR(r)[0] = 1;
  en = es;

  bn = ABSIZ(b);

  if (UNLIKELY (bn == 0))
      SIZ(r) = 0;

  tp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (n + mpn_sec_powm_itch (bn, en * GMP_NUMB_BITS, n));

  rp = tp;  tp += n;

  bp = PTR(b);
  ep = PTR(e);

  mpn_sec_powm (rp, bp, bn, ep, en * GMP_NUMB_BITS, mp, n, tp);

  rn = n;

  MPN_NORMALIZE (rp, rn);

  if ((ep[0] & 1) && SIZ(b) < 0 && rn != 0)
      mpn_sub (rp, PTR(m), n, rp, rn);
      rn = n;
      MPN_NORMALIZE (rp, rn);

  MPZ_REALLOC (r, rn);
  SIZ(r) = rn;
  MPN_COPY (PTR(r), rp, rn);

Exemplo n.º 29
_gst_mpz_add (gst_mpz *sum, const gst_mpz *u, const gst_mpz *v)
    mp_srcptr up, vp;
    mp_ptr sump;
    mp_size_t usize, vsize, sumsize;
    mp_size_t abs_usize;
    mp_size_t abs_vsize;

    usize = u->size;
    vsize = v->size;
    abs_usize = ABS (usize);
    abs_vsize = ABS (vsize);

    if (abs_usize < abs_vsize)
        /* Swap U and V.  */
            const gst_mpz *t = u;
            u = v;
            v = t;
            mp_size_t t = usize;
            usize = vsize;
            vsize = t;
            mp_size_t t = abs_usize;
            abs_usize = abs_vsize;
            abs_vsize = t;

    /* True: abs(USIZE) >= abs(VSIZE) */

    /* If not space for sum (and possible carry), increase space.  */
    sumsize = abs_usize + 1;
    if (sum->alloc < sumsize)
        gst_mpz_realloc (sum, sumsize);

    /* These must be after realloc (u or v may be the same as sum).  */
    up = u->d;
    vp = v->d;
    sump = sum->d;

    if (usize >= 0)
        if (vsize >= 0)
            sumsize = mpn_add (sump, up, abs_usize, vp, abs_vsize);
            if (sumsize != 0)
                sump[abs_usize] = 1;
            sumsize = sumsize + abs_usize;
            /* The signs are different.  Need exact comparision to determine
               which operand to subtract from which.  */
            if (abs_usize == abs_vsize && mpn_cmp (up, vp, abs_usize) < 0)
                sumsize = -(abs_usize
                            + mpn_sub (sump, vp, abs_usize, up, abs_usize));
                sumsize = (abs_usize
                           + mpn_sub (sump, up, abs_usize, vp, abs_vsize));
        if (vsize >= 0)
            /* The signs are different.  Need exact comparision to determine
               which operand to subtract from which.  */
            if (abs_usize == abs_vsize && mpn_cmp (up, vp, abs_usize) < 0)
                sumsize = (abs_usize
                           + mpn_sub (sump, vp, abs_usize, up, abs_usize));
                sumsize = -(abs_usize
                            + mpn_sub (sump, up, abs_usize, vp, abs_vsize));
            sumsize = mpn_add (sump, up, abs_usize, vp, abs_vsize);
            if (sumsize != 0)
                sump[abs_usize] = 1;
            sumsize = -(sumsize + abs_usize);

    sum->size = sumsize;
Exemplo n.º 30
/* if approx is non-zero, does not compute the final remainder */
static mp_size_t
mpn_rootrem_internal (mp_ptr rootp, mp_ptr remp, mp_srcptr up, mp_size_t un,
		      mp_limb_t k, int approx)
  mp_ptr qp, rp, sp, wp, scratch;
  mp_size_t qn, rn, sn, wn, nl, bn;
  mp_limb_t save, save2, cy;
  unsigned long int unb; /* number of significant bits of {up,un} */
  unsigned long int xnb; /* number of significant bits of the result */
  unsigned int cnt;
  unsigned long b, kk;
  unsigned long sizes[GMP_NUMB_BITS + 1];
  int ni, i;
  int c;
  int logk;


  /* qp and wp need enough space to store S'^k where S' is an approximate
     root. Since S' can be as large as S+2, the worst case is when S=2 and
     S'=4. But then since we know the number of bits of S in advance, S'
     can only be 3 at most. Similarly for S=4, then S' can be 6 at most.
     So the worst case is S'/S=3/2, thus S'^k <= (3/2)^k * S^k. Since S^k
     fits in un limbs, the number of extra limbs needed is bounded by
     ceil(k*log2(3/2)/GMP_NUMB_BITS). */
#define EXTRA 2 + (mp_size_t) (0.585 * (double) k / (double) GMP_NUMB_BITS)
  qp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (un + EXTRA); /* will contain quotient and remainder
					of R/(k*S^(k-1)), and S^k */
  if (remp == NULL)
      rp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (un + 1);     /* will contain the remainder */
      scratch = rp;			 /* used by mpn_div_q */
      scratch = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (un + 1); /* used by mpn_div_q */
      rp = remp;
  sp = rootp;
  wp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (un + EXTRA); /* will contain S^(k-1), k*S^(k-1),
					and temporary for mpn_pow_1 */
  count_leading_zeros (cnt, up[un - 1]);
  unb = un * GMP_NUMB_BITS - cnt + GMP_NAIL_BITS;
  /* unb is the number of bits of the input U */

  xnb = (unb - 1) / k + 1;	/* ceil (unb / k) */
  /* xnb is the number of bits of the root R */

  if (xnb == 1) /* root is 1 */
      if (remp == NULL)
	remp = rp;
      mpn_sub_1 (remp, up, un, (mp_limb_t) 1);
      MPN_NORMALIZE (remp, un);	/* There should be at most one zero limb,
				   if we demand u to be normalized  */
      rootp[0] = 1;
      return un;

  /* We initialize the algorithm with a 1-bit approximation to zero: since we
     know the root has exactly xnb bits, we write r0 = 2^(xnb-1), so that
     r0^k = 2^(k*(xnb-1)), that we subtract to the input. */
  kk = k * (xnb - 1);		/* number of truncated bits in the input */
  rn = un - kk / GMP_NUMB_BITS; /* number of limbs of the non-truncated part */
  MPN_RSHIFT (cy, rp, up + kk / GMP_NUMB_BITS, rn, kk % GMP_NUMB_BITS);
  mpn_sub_1 (rp, rp, rn, 1);	/* subtract the initial approximation: since
				   the non-truncated part is less than 2^k, it
				   is <= k bits: rn <= ceil(k/GMP_NUMB_BITS) */
  sp[0] = 1;			/* initial approximation */
  sn = 1;			/* it has one limb */

  for (logk = 1; ((k - 1) >> logk) != 0; logk++)
  /* logk = ceil(log(k)/log(2)) */

  b = xnb - 1; /* number of remaining bits to determine in the kth root */
  ni = 0;
  while (b != 0)
      /* invariant: here we want b+1 total bits for the kth root */
      sizes[ni] = b;
      /* if c is the new value of b, this means that we'll go from a root
	 of c+1 bits (say s') to a root of b+1 bits.
	 It is proved in the book "Modern Computer Arithmetic" from Brent
	 and Zimmermann, Chapter 1, that
	 if s' >= k*beta, then at most one correction is necessary.
	 Here beta = 2^(b-c), and s' >= 2^c, thus it suffices that
	 c >= ceil((b + log2(k))/2). */
      b = (b + logk + 1) / 2;
      if (b >= sizes[ni])
	b = sizes[ni] - 1;	/* add just one bit at a time */
  sizes[ni] = 0;
  /* We have sizes[0] = b > sizes[1] > ... > sizes[ni] = 0 with
     sizes[i] <= 2 * sizes[i+1].
     Newton iteration will first compute sizes[ni-1] extra bits,
     then sizes[ni-2], ..., then sizes[0] = b. */

  wp[0] = 1; /* {sp,sn}^(k-1) = 1 */
  wn = 1;
  for (i = ni; i != 0; i--)
      /* 1: loop invariant:
	 {sp, sn} is the current approximation of the root, which has
		  exactly 1 + sizes[ni] bits.
	 {rp, rn} is the current remainder
	 {wp, wn} = {sp, sn}^(k-1)
	 kk = number of truncated bits of the input
      b = sizes[i - 1] - sizes[i]; /* number of bits to compute in that
				      iteration */

      /* Reinsert a low zero limb if we normalized away the entire remainder */
      if (rn == 0)
	  rp[0] = 0;
	  rn = 1;

      /* first multiply the remainder by 2^b */
      MPN_LSHIFT (cy, rp + b / GMP_NUMB_BITS, rp, rn, b % GMP_NUMB_BITS);
      rn = rn + b / GMP_NUMB_BITS;
      if (cy != 0)
	  rp[rn] = cy;

      kk = kk - b;

      /* 2: current buffers: {sp,sn}, {rp,rn}, {wp,wn} */

      /* Now insert bits [kk,kk+b-1] from the input U */
      bn = b / GMP_NUMB_BITS; /* lowest limb from high part of rp[] */
      save = rp[bn];
      /* nl is the number of limbs in U which contain bits [kk,kk+b-1] */
      nl = 1 + (kk + b - 1) / GMP_NUMB_BITS - (kk / GMP_NUMB_BITS);
      /* nl  = 1 + floor((kk + b - 1) / GMP_NUMB_BITS)
		 - floor(kk / GMP_NUMB_BITS)
	     <= 1 + (kk + b - 1) / GMP_NUMB_BITS
		  - (kk - GMP_NUMB_BITS + 1) / GMP_NUMB_BITS
	     = 2 + (b - 2) / GMP_NUMB_BITS
	 thus since nl is an integer:
	 nl <= 2 + floor(b/GMP_NUMB_BITS) <= 2 + bn. */
      /* we have to save rp[bn] up to rp[nl-1], i.e. 1 or 2 limbs */
      if (nl - 1 > bn)
	save2 = rp[bn + 1];
      MPN_RSHIFT (cy, rp, up + kk / GMP_NUMB_BITS, nl, kk % GMP_NUMB_BITS);
      /* set to zero high bits of rp[bn] */
      rp[bn] &= ((mp_limb_t) 1 << (b % GMP_NUMB_BITS)) - 1;
      /* restore corresponding bits */
      rp[bn] |= save;
      if (nl - 1 > bn)
	rp[bn + 1] = save2; /* the low b bits go in rp[0..bn] only, since
			       they start by bit 0 in rp[0], so they use
			       at most ceil(b/GMP_NUMB_BITS) limbs */

      /* 3: current buffers: {sp,sn}, {rp,rn}, {wp,wn} */

      /* compute {wp, wn} = k * {sp, sn}^(k-1) */
      cy = mpn_mul_1 (wp, wp, wn, k);
      wp[wn] = cy;
      wn += cy != 0;

      /* 4: current buffers: {sp,sn}, {rp,rn}, {wp,wn} */

      /* now divide {rp, rn} by {wp, wn} to get the low part of the root */
      if (rn < wn)
	  qn = 0;
	  mp_ptr tp;
	  qn = rn - wn; /* expected quotient size */
	  /* tp must have space for wn limbs.
	     The quotient needs rn-wn+1 limbs, thus quotient+remainder
	     need altogether rn+1 limbs. */
	  tp = qp + qn + 1;	/* put remainder in Q buffer */
	  mpn_div_q (qp, rp, rn, wp, wn, scratch);
	  qn += qp[qn] != 0;

      /* 5: current buffers: {sp,sn}, {qp,qn}.
	 Note: {rp,rn} is not needed any more since we'll compute it from
	 scratch at the end of the loop.

      /* Number of limbs used by b bits, when least significant bit is
	 aligned to least limb */
      bn = (b - 1) / GMP_NUMB_BITS + 1;

      /* the quotient should be smaller than 2^b, since the previous
	 approximation was correctly rounded toward zero */
      if (qn > bn || (qn == bn && (b % GMP_NUMB_BITS != 0) &&
		      qp[qn - 1] >= ((mp_limb_t) 1 << (b % GMP_NUMB_BITS))))
	  qn = b / GMP_NUMB_BITS + 1; /* b+1 bits */
	  MPN_ZERO (qp, qn);
	  qp[qn - 1] = (mp_limb_t) 1 << (b % GMP_NUMB_BITS);
	  MPN_DECR_U (qp, qn, 1);
	  qn -= qp[qn - 1] == 0;

      /* 6: current buffers: {sp,sn}, {qp,qn} */

      /* multiply the root approximation by 2^b */
      MPN_LSHIFT (cy, sp + b / GMP_NUMB_BITS, sp, sn, b % GMP_NUMB_BITS);
      sn = sn + b / GMP_NUMB_BITS;
      if (cy != 0)
	  sp[sn] = cy;

      /* 7: current buffers: {sp,sn}, {qp,qn} */

      ASSERT_ALWAYS (bn >= qn); /* this is ok since in the case qn > bn
				   above, q is set to 2^b-1, which has
				   exactly bn limbs */

      /* Combine sB and q to form sB + q.  */
      save = sp[b / GMP_NUMB_BITS];
      MPN_COPY (sp, qp, qn);
      MPN_ZERO (sp + qn, bn - qn);
      sp[b / GMP_NUMB_BITS] |= save;

      /* 8: current buffer: {sp,sn} */

      /* Since each iteration treats b bits from the root and thus k*b bits
	 from the input, and we already considered b bits from the input,
	 we now have to take another (k-1)*b bits from the input. */
      kk -= (k - 1) * b; /* remaining input bits */
      /* {rp, rn} = floor({up, un} / 2^kk) */
      MPN_RSHIFT (cy, rp, up + kk / GMP_NUMB_BITS, un - kk / GMP_NUMB_BITS, kk % GMP_NUMB_BITS);
      rn = un - kk / GMP_NUMB_BITS;
      rn -= rp[rn - 1] == 0;

      /* 9: current buffers: {sp,sn}, {rp,rn} */

     for (c = 0;; c++)
	  /* Compute S^k in {qp,qn}. */
	  if (i == 1)
	      /* Last iteration: we don't need W anymore. */
	      /* mpn_pow_1 requires that both qp and wp have enough space to
		 store the result {sp,sn}^k + 1 limb */
	      approx = approx && (sp[0] > 1);
	      qn = (approx == 0) ? mpn_pow_1 (qp, sp, sn, k, wp) : 0;
	      /* W <- S^(k-1) for the next iteration,
		 and S^k = W * S. */
	      wn = mpn_pow_1 (wp, sp, sn, k - 1, qp);
	      mpn_mul (qp, wp, wn, sp, sn);
	      qn = wn + sn;
	      qn -= qp[qn - 1] == 0;

	  /* if S^k > floor(U/2^kk), the root approximation was too large */
	  if (qn > rn || (qn == rn && mpn_cmp (qp, rp, rn) > 0))
	    MPN_DECR_U (sp, sn, 1);

      /* 10: current buffers: {sp,sn}, {rp,rn}, {qp,qn}, {wp,wn} */

      ASSERT_ALWAYS (c <= 1);
      ASSERT_ALWAYS (rn >= qn);

      /* R = R - Q = floor(U/2^kk) - S^k */
      if ((i > 1) || (approx == 0))
	  mpn_sub (rp, rp, rn, qp, qn);
	  MPN_NORMALIZE (rp, rn);
      /* otherwise we have rn > 0, thus the return value is ok */

      /* 11: current buffers: {sp,sn}, {rp,rn}, {wp,wn} */

  return rn;