void vProcessNews(XPCTcpSocket *_Socket, int _iNumComponents, char *_sMsgName) { try { // A XPCMessage object is constructed using message components sent // over the network XPCMessage newMessage(_iNumComponents, _Socket, _sMsgName); if (strcmp(_sMsgName, "BUSINESS") == 0) // A thread to process the business message is created #ifdef UNIX XPCPthread<int> businessThread(vNewsThread, (void *)&newMessage); #else XPCThread businessThread(vNewsThread, (void *)&newMessage); #endif else // A trhead to process the tech message is created #ifdef UNIX XPCPthread<int> techThread(vNewsThread, (void *)&newMessage); #else XPCThread techThread(vNewsThread, (void *)&newMessage); #endif }
void Server::readData() { qDebug()<<"Started Reading Message"; QDataStream in(tcpSocket); in.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_4_0); if (blockSize == 0) { if (tcpSocket->bytesAvailable() < (int)sizeof(quint16)) return; in >> blockSize; } if (tcpSocket->bytesAvailable() < blockSize) return; QString newLink; in >> newLink; emit newMessage(newLink); // sends link out, will be captured by downloader linked w/in main linkCombo->addItem(newLink); tcpSocket->disconnectFromHost(); blockSize = 0; }
int acquireLocks(char* serviceName, int servicePort, char* fileName, int numLocks, int64_t offsets[], int64_t lengths[]) { int i; int lockID; printf("acquiring %d locks\n", numLocks); MessageClient client = newClient(serviceName, servicePort); Message m = newMessage(); m->type = FILE_LOCK_CLIENT_SERVICE_CLIENT_MESSAGE; setStringParam(m, "functionName", "acquire"); setStringParam(m, "fileName", fileName); setIntegerParam(m, "numLocks", numLocks); createLongArrayParam(m, "offsets", numLocks); createLongArrayParam(m, "lengths", numLocks); for (i = 0; i < numLocks; ++i) { setLongArrayParamValue(m, "offsets", i, offsets[i]); setLongArrayParamValue(m, "lengths", i, lengths[i]); } //printf("acquirelocks: Message to be sent:\n"); //printMessage(m); Message reply = clientCall(client, m); clientDisconnect(client); //printf("acquirelocks: Reply:\n"); //printMessage(reply); //printf("acquirelocks: before getIntegerParam()\n"); lockID = getIntegerParam(reply, "lockID"); destroyMessage(m); destroyMessage(reply); return lockID; }
void CFullTestMotorWindow::motorAllButtonClicked() { if(!property("testFlag").toBool()) { hardwareTestFrame_0x30 b={_METER_FRAME_HARDWARE_TEST_,0x00}; setBit(b.command[0],6); QByteArray tmp=QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)&b,sizeof(b)); ((CApp*)qApp)->_tjob->sendTestData232(tmp); _motorAllButton->setText(tr("停止步进电机整体测试")); emit newMessage(tr("开始步进电机整体测试"),0); setProperty("testFlag",1); } else { hardwareTestFrame_0x30 b={_METER_FRAME_HARDWARE_TEST_,0x00}; clearBit(b.command[0],6); QByteArray tmp=QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)&b,sizeof(b)); ((CApp*)qApp)->_tjob->sendTestData232(tmp); _motorAllButton->setText(tr("开始步进电机整体测试")); setProperty("testFlag",0); } }
void Connection::dataAvailable(SocketClient *) { while (true) { int available = mClient->bytesAvailable(); assert(available >= 0); if (!mPendingRead) { if (available < static_cast<int>(sizeof(uint32_t))) break; char buf[sizeof(uint32_t)]; const int read = mClient->read(buf, 4); assert(read == 4); Deserializer strm(buf, read); strm >> mPendingRead; available -= 4; } if (available < mPendingRead) break; char buf[1024]; char *buffer = buf; if (mPendingRead > static_cast<int>(sizeof(buf))) { buffer = new char[mPendingRead]; } const int read = mClient->read(buffer, mPendingRead); assert(read == mPendingRead); Message *message = Messages::create(buffer, read); if (message) { newMessage()(message, this); delete message; } if (buffer != buf) delete[] buffer; mPendingRead = 0; // mClient->dataAvailable().disconnect(this, &Connection::dataAvailable); } }
void Connection::processData() { buffer = read(numBytesForCurrentDataType); if (buffer.size() != numBytesForCurrentDataType) { abort(); return; } switch (currentDataType) { case PlainText: emit newMessage(username, QString::fromUtf8(buffer)); break; case Code: qDebug()<<"emit code"; emit newCode(username, QString::fromUtf8(buffer)); break; default: break; } currentDataType = Undefined; numBytesForCurrentDataType = 0; buffer.clear(); }
ChatDialog::ChatDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { setupUi(this); lineEdit->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); textEdit->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); textEdit->setReadOnly(true); listWidget->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); connect(lineEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(returnPressed())); connect(lineEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(returnPressed())); connect(&client, SIGNAL(newMessage(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(appendMessage(QString,QString))); connect(&client, SIGNAL(newParticipant(QString)), this, SLOT(newParticipant(QString))); connect(&client, SIGNAL(participantLeft(QString)), this, SLOT(participantLeft(QString))); myNickName = client.nickName(); newParticipant(myNickName); tableFormat.setBorder(0); QTimer::singleShot(10 * 1000, this, SLOT(showInformation())); }
NetConsole::NetConsole() { m_outputPort = 0; connect (&m_inputSocket, &QUdpSocket::readyRead, [ = ]() { emit newMessage (QString::fromUtf8 (DS::readSocket (&m_inputSocket))); }); }
void UBWidgetAPIMessageBroker::sendMessage(const QString& pTopicName, const QString& pMessage) { emit newMessage(pTopicName, pMessage); }
MainWindow::MainWindow() : QMainWindow() { setWindowTitle("Miroslav Beta 7"); menuBar(); fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("File")); settingsMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("Settings")); connectAction = new QAction(tr("Connect..."), this); reconnectAction = new QAction(tr("Reconnect"), this); disconnectAction = new QAction(tr("Disconnect"), this); disconnectAction->setEnabled(false); closeWindowAction = new QAction(tr("Close Window"), this); quitAction = new QAction(tr("Quit"), this); fileMenu->addAction(connectAction); fileMenu->addAction(reconnectAction); fileMenu->addAction(disconnectAction); fileMenu->addSeparator(); fileMenu->addAction(closeWindowAction); fileMenu->addAction(quitAction); changeNickAction = new QAction(tr("Change Nickname..."), this); changeNickAction->setEnabled(false); changeColorAction = new QAction(tr("Change Text Color..."), this); changeColorAction->setEnabled(false); settingsMenu->addAction(changeNickAction); settingsMenu->addAction(changeColorAction); mainWidget = new MainWidget(this); setCentralWidget(mainWidget); resize(600,350); trayIcon = new TrayIcon(this); // Menu connections connect(connectAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), mainWidget, SLOT(requestConnection())); connect(reconnectAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), mainWidget, SLOT(loadSettings())); connect(disconnectAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), mainWidget, SLOT(requestDisconnect())); connect(closeWindowAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), trayIcon, SLOT(showHideWindow())); connect(quitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); connect(changeNickAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), mainWidget, SLOT(requestChangeNick())); connect(changeColorAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), mainWidget, SLOT(requestChangeColor())); // Menu activate connections connect(mainWidget, SIGNAL(canConnect(bool)), this, SLOT(canConnect(bool))); connect(mainWidget, SIGNAL(canDisconnect(bool)), this, SLOT(canDisconnect(bool))); connect(mainWidget, SIGNAL(canChangeNick(bool)), this, SLOT(canChangeNick(bool))); connect(mainWidget, SIGNAL(canChangeColor(bool)), this, SLOT(canChangeColor(bool))); // Tray Icon connections connect(trayIcon, SIGNAL(requestExit()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); connect(trayIcon, SIGNAL(showChatWindow(bool)), this, SLOT(setVisible(bool))); connect(mainWidget, SIGNAL(newMessage(QString, QString)), this, SLOT(newMessage(QString, QString))); mainWidget->loadSettings(); show(); }
void SmsClient::fetched( const QString& id, const QSMSMessage& message ) { if (!id.isEmpty()) { QMailMessage mail; QString subject; QString body; int part; // Construct a full identity for the message. This should be // unique enough to identify messages on different SIM's. QDateTime dt = message.timestamp(); QString identity = QString("sms:%1:%2%3%4%5%6%7:>%8") .arg( simIdentity ) .arg( dt.date().year(), 4 ) .arg( dt.date().month(), 2 ) .arg( dt.date().day(), 2 ) .arg( dt.time().hour(), 2 ) .arg( dt.time().minute(), 2 ) .arg( dt.time().second(), 2 ) .arg( id ); // Add it to the active list, so that we know what's on the // inserted SIM right now, as opposed to the cached copy in // the mailbox folder. activeIds += identity; timeStamps += dt; // If we already have this message in the mailbox, then ignore it. if ( account ) { QStringList list = account->getUidlList(); if ( list.contains( identity ) ) { if ( account->deleteMail() ) deleteImmediately( id ); req->nextMessage(); return; } list += identity; account->setUidlList( list ); } mail.setServerUid( identity ); // If the sender is not set, but the recipient is, then this // is probably an outgoing message that was reflected back // by the phone simulator. if( !message.sender().isEmpty() ) mail.setHeaderField( "From", message.sender() ); else if( !message.recipient().isEmpty() ) mail.setHeaderField( "From", message.recipient() ); // Extract the subject and body. extractSubjectAndBody( message.text(), subject, body ); // Set the subject from the first few words of the text. mail.setSubject( subject ); // Determine if the entire body is text, or if it contains attachments. bool hasAttachments = false; QList<QSMSMessagePart> parts = message.parts(); for ( part = 0; part < parts.count(); ++part ) { if ( !(parts[part].isText()) ) { hasAttachments = true; break; } } if( !hasAttachments ) { QMailMessageContentType type("text/plain; charset=UTF-8"); mail.setBody( QMailMessageBody::fromData( body, type, QMailMessageBody::Base64 ) ); } else { SMSDecoder::formatMessage( mail, message ); } // Set the reception date. QDateTime date = message.timestamp(); if (!date.isValid()) date = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); mail.setDate( QMailTimeStamp( date ) ); // Synthesize some other headers QString smsType; switch(message.messageType()) { case QSMSMessage::Normal: smsType = "normal"; break; case QSMSMessage::CellBroadCast: smsType = "broadcast"; break; case QSMSMessage::StatusReport: smsType = "status-report"; break; default: smsType = "unknown"; break; } mail.setHeaderField( "X-Sms-Type", smsType ); QMailId id; mail.setId( id ); mail.setStatus( QMailMessage::Incoming, true); mail.setStatus( QMailMessage::Downloaded, true); mail.setFromAccount( account->id() ); mail.setFromMailbox( "" ); mail.setMessageType( QMailMessage::Sms ); // Is this necessary? QByteArray mailStr = mail.toRfc2822(); mail.setSize( mailStr.length() ); emit newMessage(mail); // If the "deleteMail" flag is set, then delete the message // from the SIM immediately, rather than waiting for later. if ( account && account->deleteMail() ) deleteImmediately( QString::number(id.toULongLong()) ); req->nextMessage(); sawNewMessage = true; } else { smsFetching = false; if ( sawNewMessage ) { // Check again, just in case another new message arrived // while we were performing the fetch. req->check(); return; } emit allMessagesReceived(); // Make sure there are always 5 free slots on the SIM card // so there is enough space for the reception of new messages. if ( account && !account->deleteMail() && (req->totalMessages() - req->usedMessages()) < 5 && req->totalMessages() >= 5 && !timeStamps.isEmpty() ) { int toBeDeleted = 5 - (req->totalMessages() - req->usedMessages()); while ( toBeDeleted-- > 0 && activeIds.size() > 0 ) { QDateTime dt = timeStamps[0]; int index = 0; for (int i = 1; i < timeStamps.size(); ++i) { if (timeStamps[i] < dt) { dt = timeStamps[i]; index = i; } } deleteImmediately( activeIds[index] ); activeIds.removeAt( index ); timeStamps.removeAt( index ); } } } }
void dcc_send_connection::incoming_message(irc::connection& aConnection, const message& aMessage) { if (&aConnection != iConnection) return; if (aMessage.command() != message::PRIVMSG) return; typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string::const_iterator, std::string::const_iterator> > bits_t; bits_t bits; neolib::tokens(aMessage.content(), std::string("\001 "), bits); if (neolib::to_upper(neolib::to_string(bits[0])) != "DCC") return; if (iSendType == Download && neolib::to_upper(neolib::to_string(bits[1])) == "ACCEPT" && bits.size() >= 5) { if (*bits[2].first == '\"') { for (bits_t::size_type i = 3; i < bits.size(); ++i) if (*(bits[i].second - 1) == '\"') { bits[2].second = bits[i].second; bits.erase(bits.begin() + 3, bits.begin() + i + 1); break; } } std::string fileName = neolib::to_string(bits[2]); if (fileName == iResumeData->iFileName && neolib::string_to_unsigned_integer(neolib::to_string(bits[3])) == iResumeData->iPort && neolib::string_to_unsigned_integer(neolib::to_string(bits[4])) == iResumeData->iResumeFileSize) { u_long address = iResumeData->iAddress; u_short port = iResumeData->iPort; iBytesTransferred = iResumeData->iResumeFileSize; iLastBytesTransferred = iBytesTransferred; if (!connect(address, port)) { close(); return; } neolib::observable<dcc_send_connection_observer>::notify_observers(dcc_send_connection_observer::NotifyTransferStarted); if (!open_file()) return; } } else if (iSendType == Listen && neolib::to_upper(neolib::to_string(bits[1])) == "RESUME" && bits.size() >= 5) { if (*bits[2].first == '\"') { for (bits_t::size_type i = 3; i < bits.size(); ++i) if (*(bits[i].second - 1) == '\"') { bits[2].second = bits[i].second; bits.erase(bits.begin() + 3, bits.begin() + i + 1); break; } } std::string fileName = neolib::to_string(bits[2]); if (fileName == iName && neolib::string_to_unsigned_integer(neolib::to_string(bits[3])) == stream_server().local_port()) { iResumeData = resume_data_t(0, stream_server().local_port(), name(), neolib::string_to_unsigned_integer(neolib::to_string(bits[4]))); message newMessage(*iConnection, message::OUTGOING); newMessage.set_command(message::PRIVMSG); newMessage.parameters().push_back(iRemoteUser.nick_name()); newMessage.parameters().push_back("\001DCC ACCEPT "); newMessage.parameters().back() += iResumeData->iFileName + " "; newMessage.parameters().back() += neolib::unsigned_integer_to_string<char>(iResumeData->iPort) + " "; newMessage.parameters().back() += neolib::unsigned_integer_to_string<char>(iResumeData->iResumeFileSize) + "\001"; iConnection->send_message(newMessage); } } }
Private(ContactListAccountMenu* menu, ContactListAccountGroup* _account) : QObject(0) , account(_account) , menu_(menu) { connect(menu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), SLOT(updateActions())); connect(account->account(), SIGNAL(updatedActivity()), SLOT(updateActions())); connect(account->account(), SIGNAL(updatedAccount()), SLOT(updateActions())); statusMenu_ = new StatusMenu(0); statusMenu_->setTitle(tr("&Status")); connect(statusMenu_, SIGNAL(statusChanged(XMPP::Status::Type)), SLOT(statusChanged(XMPP::Status::Type))); moodAction_ = new QAction(tr("Mood"), this); connect(moodAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(setMood())); setAvatarAction_ = new QAction(tr("Set Avatar"), this); connect(setAvatarAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(setAvatar())); unsetAvatarAction_ = new QAction(tr("Unset Avatar"), this); connect(unsetAvatarAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(unsetAvatar())); bookmarksManageAction_ = new QAction(tr("Manage..."), this); connect(bookmarksManageAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(bookmarksManage())); addContactAction_ = new IconAction(tr("&Add a Contact"), this, "psi/addContact"); connect(addContactAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(addContact())); serviceDiscoveryAction_ = new IconAction(tr("Service &Discovery"), this, "psi/disco"); connect(serviceDiscoveryAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(serviceDiscovery())); newMessageAction_ = new IconAction(tr("New &Blank Message"), this, "psi/sendMessage"); connect(newMessageAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(newMessage())); xmlConsoleAction_ = new IconAction(tr("&XML Console"), this, "psi/xml"); connect(xmlConsoleAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(xmlConsole())); modifyAccountAction_ = new IconAction(tr("&Modify Account..."), this, "psi/account"); connect(modifyAccountAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(modifyAccount())); adminOnlineUsersAction_ = new IconAction(tr("Online Users"), this, "psi/disco"); connect(adminOnlineUsersAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(adminOnlineUsers())); adminSendServerMessageAction_ = new IconAction(tr("Send Server Message"), this, "psi/sendMessage"); connect(adminSendServerMessageAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(adminSendServerMessage())); adminSetMotdAction_ = new QAction(tr("Set MOTD"), this); connect(adminSetMotdAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(adminSetMotd())); adminUpdateMotdAction_ = new QAction(tr("Update MOTD"), this); connect(adminUpdateMotdAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(adminUpdateMotd())); adminDeleteMotdAction_ = new IconAction(tr("Delete MOTD"), this, "psi/remove"); connect(adminDeleteMotdAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(adminDeleteMotd())); menu->addMenu(statusMenu_); menu->addAction(moodAction_); avatarMenu_ = menu->addMenu(tr("Avatar")); avatarMenu_->addAction(setAvatarAction_); avatarMenu_->addAction(unsetAvatarAction_); bookmarksMenu_ = menu->addMenu(tr("Bookmarks")); bookmarksMenu_->addAction(bookmarksManageAction_); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(addContactAction_); menu->addAction(serviceDiscoveryAction_); menu->addAction(newMessageAction_); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(xmlConsoleAction_); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(modifyAccountAction_); adminMenu_ = menu->addMenu("&Admin"); adminMenu_->addAction(adminOnlineUsersAction_); adminMenu_->addAction(adminSendServerMessageAction_); adminMenu_->addAction(adminSetMotdAction_); adminMenu_->addAction(adminUpdateMotdAction_); adminMenu_->addAction(adminDeleteMotdAction_); updateActions(); }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); // Initial startup checks if (!FilePirate::Application().settingsLoaded) { settingsWindow.setParent(this, Qt::WindowFlags(Qt::Dialog)); settingsWindow.show(); settingsWindow.raise(); settingsWindow.activateWindow(); } // connect signals connect(ui->actionExit,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(exitClicked())); connect(ui->actionAbout_FilePirate,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(aboutClicked())); connect(ui->actionSettings,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(settingsClicked())); connect(ui->actionRefreshFileList, SIGNAL(triggered()), FilePirate::Application().fileMon, SLOT(refreshTimerEvent())); /* set up our active transfers widget */ activeTranfersWidget = new QTreeView(ui->transfersDock); activeTranfersWidget->setModel(new ActiveTransferModel(activeTranfersWidget)); ui->transfersDock->setWidget(activeTranfersWidget); /* users widget */ usersWidget = new QTreeView(); usersWidget->setModel(new UserModel(usersWidget, FilePirate::Application().userInfo)); ui->usersDock->setWidget(usersWidget); /* central widget */ mainTabs = new QTabWidget(this); this->setCentralWidget(mainTabs); /* chat tab */ chatTab = new TabChat(mainTabs); mainTabs->addTab(chatTab, QIcon(":/icons/res/text-balloon.ico"), "Chat"); connect(FilePirate::Application().ocean, SIGNAL(messageReceived(QHostAddress,QString,QString)), chatTab, SLOT(newMessage(QHostAddress,QString,QString))); connect(chatTab, SIGNAL(messageSent(QString)), FilePirate::Application().ocean, SLOT(sendChatMessage(QString))); /* helper connections */ connect(this, SIGNAL(destroyed()), FilePirate::Application().ocean, SLOT(returnToPort())); /* let everybody know we've set sail! */ FilePirate::Application().ocean->start(); FilePirate::Application().ocean->sendMessage(NET_OCEAN_SAIL, FilePirate::Application().username); FilePirate::Application().userInfo->start(); }
/** * Polls for new LibDS events and emits Qt signals as appropiate. * This function is called every 5 milliseconds. */ void DriverStation::processEvents() { DS_Event event; while (DS_PollEvent (&event)) { switch (event.type) { case DS_FMS_COMMS_CHANGED: emit fmsAddressChanged(); emit fmsCommunicationsChanged (event.fms.connected); break; case DS_RADIO_COMMS_CHANGED: emit radioAddressChanged(); emit radioCommunicationsChanged (event.radio.connected); break; case DS_NETCONSOLE_NEW_MESSAGE: emit newMessage (QString::fromUtf8 (event.netconsole.message)); break; case DS_ROBOT_ENABLED_CHANGED: emit enabledChanged (event.robot.enabled); break; case DS_ROBOT_MODE_CHANGED: emit controlModeChanged (controlMode()); break; case DS_ROBOT_COMMS_CHANGED: emit robotAddressChanged(); emit robotCommunicationsChanged (event.robot.connected); break; case DS_ROBOT_CODE_CHANGED: emit robotCodeChanged (event.robot.code); break; case DS_ROBOT_VOLTAGE_CHANGED: emit voltageChanged (event.robot.voltage); break; case DS_ROBOT_CAN_UTIL_CHANGED: emit canUsageChanged (event.robot.can_util); break; case DS_ROBOT_CPU_INFO_CHANGED: emit cpuUsageChanged (event.robot.cpu_usage); break; case DS_ROBOT_RAM_INFO_CHANGED: emit ramUsageChanged (event.robot.ram_usage); break; case DS_ROBOT_DISK_INFO_CHANGED: emit diskUsageChanged (event.robot.disk_usage); break; case DS_ROBOT_STATION_CHANGED: emit stationChanged(); emit allianceChanged (teamAlliance()); emit positionChanged (teamPosition()); break; case DS_ROBOT_ESTOP_CHANGED: emit emergencyStoppedChanged (event.robot.estopped); break; case DS_STATUS_STRING_CHANGED: emit statusChanged (QString::fromUtf8 (DS_GetStatusString())); break; default: break; } } QTimer::singleShot (5, Qt::CoarseTimer, this, SLOT (processEvents())); }
void BSCWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage *message) { switch (message->what) { case kSelectArea: { Minimize(true); BMessenger messenger(this); SelectionWindow *window = new SelectionWindow(messenger, kSelectionWindowClosed); window->Show(); break; } case kSelectionWindowClosed: { if (IsMinimized()) Minimize(false); SendNotices(kSelectionWindowClosed, message); break; } case kCmdToggleRecording: fStartStopButton->Invoke(); break; case B_OBSERVER_NOTICE_CHANGE: { int32 code; message->FindInt32("be:observe_change_what", &code); switch (code) { case B_UPDATE_STATUS_BAR: case B_RESET_STATUS_BAR: { BMessage newMessage(*message); message->what = code; PostMessage(message, fStatusBar); break; } case kMsgControllerCaptureStarted: _CaptureStarted(); break; case kMsgControllerCaptureStopped: _CaptureFinished(); break; case kMsgControllerEncodeStarted: fStringView->SetText(kEncodingString); fCardLayout->SetVisibleItem(1); break; case kMsgControllerEncodeProgress: { int32 numFiles = 0; message->FindInt32("num_files", &numFiles); fStatusBar->SetMaxValue(float(numFiles)); break; } case kMsgControllerEncodeFinished: { fStartStopButton->SetEnabled(true); //fStringView->SetText(kDoneString); fCardLayout->SetVisibleItem((int32)0); status_t status = B_OK; if (message->FindInt32("status", (int32*)&status) == B_OK && status != B_OK) { char errorString[128]; snprintf(errorString, 128, "A problem has occurred:\n" "%s", strerror(status)); (new BAlert("yo", errorString, "Ok"))->Go(); } break; } default: break; } break; } default: BWindow::MessageReceived(message); break; } }
RosterBox::RosterBox( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : QListView( parent, name ), QToolTip( viewport() ) { QSettings settings; settings.setPath( "qtlen.sf.net", "QTlen" ); settings.beginGroup( "/look" ); header()->hide(); setResizeMode( QListView::AllColumns ); addColumn( QString::null ); setTreeStepSize( 5 ); setPaletteBackgroundColor( (QColor)settings.readEntry( "/roster/background", "#eeeeee" ) ); setPaletteForegroundColor( (QColor)settings.readEntry( "/roster/foreground", "#000000" ) ); setSorting( -1 ); connect( roster_manager, SIGNAL( refreshContext() ), this, SLOT( refreshContext() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( clicked( QListViewItem * ) ), SLOT( clicked( QListViewItem * ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int ) ), SLOT( doubleClicked( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( contextMenuRequested( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int ) ), SLOT( contextMenuRequested( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( itemRenamed(QListViewItem *, int, const QString &) ), SLOT( itemRenamed(QListViewItem *, int, const QString &) ) ); menu = new QPopupMenu( this ); menu->insertItem( QIconSet( takePixmap( "msg" ) ), tr( "New &message" ), this, SLOT( newMessage() ), CTRL+Key_M ); menu->insertItem( QIconSet( takePixmap( "msg-chat" ) ), tr( "New &chat" ), this, SLOT( newChatMessage() ), CTRL+Key_C ); menu->insertSeparator(); menu->insertItem( QIconSet( takePixmap( "edit" ) ), tr( "Edit contact" ), this, SLOT( edit() ) ); menu->insertItem( QIconSet( takePixmap( "find" ) ), tr( "Check in pubdir" ), this, SLOT( pubdir() ) ); menu->insertSeparator(); menu->insertItem( QIconSet( takePixmap( "rename" ) ), tr( "Rename contect" ), this, SLOT( rename() ) ); menu->insertItem( QIconSet( takePixmap( "delete" ) ), tr( "Remove contect" ), this, SLOT( remove() ) ); settings.endGroup(); settings.beginGroup( "/roster" ); setShowOffline( settings.readBoolEntry( "/showOffline", true ) ); setShowAway( settings.readBoolEntry( "/showAway", true ) ); settings.endGroup(); }
void QYoutubeChat::onMessagesLoaded() { QNetworkReply * reply = qobject_cast< QNetworkReply * >( sender() ); const QString HTML_CONTENT_START = "<html_content><![CDATA["; const QString HTML_CONTENT_END = "]]></html_content>"; QString messagesData = reply->readAll(); int startMessagesDataPos = messagesData.indexOf( HTML_CONTENT_START ) + HTML_CONTENT_START.length(); int endMessagesDataPos = messagesData.indexOf( HTML_CONTENT_END, startMessagesDataPos ) - 1; messagesData = messagesData.mid( startMessagesDataPos, endMessagesDataPos - startMessagesDataPos + 1 ); QJsonParseError parseError; QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson( QByteArray( messagesData.toStdString().c_str() ), &parseError ); if( parseError.error == QJsonParseError::NoError ) { if( jsonDoc.isObject() ) { QJsonObject jsonObj = jsonDoc.object(); QJsonArray jsonMessagesArr = jsonObj[ "comments" ].toArray(); QList< QJsonObject > messagesList; foreach( const QJsonValue & value, jsonMessagesArr ) { messagesList.append( value.toObject() ); } qSort( messagesList.begin(), messagesList.end(), cmpJsonObjectByTimeCreated ); for( int i = 0; i < messagesList.size(); ++i ) { QJsonObject jsonMessageInfo = messagesList[ i ]; QString message = jsonMessageInfo[ "comment" ].toString(); QString nickName = jsonMessageInfo[ "author_name" ].toString(); bool blackListUser = blackList().contains( nickName ); bool supportersListUser = supportersList().contains( nickName ); if( !isRemoveBlackListUsers() || !blackListUser ) { if( blackListUser ) { //TODO: игнорируемые emit newMessage( new QChatMessage( YOUTUBE_SERVICE, nickName, message, "ignore", this ) ); } else { if( supportersListUser ) { //TODO: саппортеры emit newMessage( new QChatMessage( YOUTUBE_SERVICE, nickName, message, "supporter", this ) ); } else { if( isContainsAliases( message ) ) { //TODO: сообщение к стримеру emit newMessage( new QChatMessage( YOUTUBE_SERVICE, nickName, message, "alias", this ) ); } else { //TODO: простое сообщение emit newMessage( new QChatMessage( YOUTUBE_SERVICE, nickName, message, "", this ) ); } } } } } lastMessageTime_ = QString::number( jsonObj[ "latest_time" ].toInt() ); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char sBuf[256]; // Stores the user-entered values // Initialize the WinSock library WSADATA wsaData; if (WSAStartup(0x101, &wsaData) != 0) { cout << "Error initializing WinSock library: " << WSAGetLastError() << endl; return 0; } try { // A XPCTcpSocket object is created using socket port #6800 and // connected to the host specified on the command-line. The host // specified must be executing the PubSubServer application XPCTcpSocket techSocket((long int)6800); techSocket.vConnect(argv[1]); while(1) // Loop forever { // The user is prompted for the news message. If the user enters // "QUIT", the client exits. cout << "Enter News Item: " << flush; cin.getline(sBuf, 256); if (strcmp(sBuf, "QUIT") == 0) break; // A new XPCMessage object is created. Three CBodyComponent // objects are specified and the message is given the name of // "TECH". XPCMessage newMessage(3, "TECH", PUBLISH, &techSocket); // The user-entered news item is inserted into the XPCMessage // object and is given a label of "News" newMessage.vInsert("News", sBuf); // The source of the news item is prompted for. cout << "Enter Source: " << flush; cin.getline(sBuf, 256); // The user-entered source is inserted into the XPCMessage // object and is given a label of "Source" newMessage.vInsert("Source", sBuf); // The priority level of the news item is prompted for. cout << "Enter Priority Level: " << flush; cin.getline(sBuf, 256); // The user-entered priority is converted to an integer and // inserted into the XPCMessage object. The priority is given a // label of "Priority" newMessage.vInsert("Priority", atoi(sBuf)); // The XPCMessage object is published newMessage.vPublish(); } } catch(XPCException &exceptOb) { // All socket communication related exceptions are caught and displayed to // the user. cout << "Communication Error: " << exceptOb.sGetException() << endl; return 0; } return 1; }
void QTwitchChat::parseMessage() { if( !socket_ ) return; if( socket_->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState ) { QString line = socket_->readLine(); //qDebug() << line; //поадекватнее надо быть if( line.contains ( "376 " + DEFAULT_USER_NICK_NAME ) ) { socket_->write( QString( "JOIN #" + channelName_ + "\r\n" ).toStdString().c_str() ); getSelf(); //emit newMessage( new QChatMessage( "qrc:/resources/twitchlogo.png", TWITCH_USER, "Connecting to " + channelName_ + "...", this ) ); if( isShowSystemMessages() ) emit newMessage( new QChatMessage( TWITCH_SERVICE, TWITCH_USER, "Connected to " + channelName_ + "...", "", this ) ); getStatistic(); if( statisticTimerId_ ) statisticTimerId_ = startTimer( statisticInterval_ ); } else if( line.contains( "PING" ) ) { qDebug() << line; //socket_->write( "PONG tmi.twitch.tv\r\n" ); socket_->write( "PONG :tmi.twitch.tv\r\n" ); } else { //TODO: parse message if( line.contains( "PRIVMSG" ) && !line.contains( "HISTORYEND" ) && !line.contains( "USERCOLOR") ) { QString nickName = line.mid( 1, line.indexOf( '!' ) - 1 ); QString message = line.right( line.size() - line.indexOf( ':', 1 ) - 1 ); //\r\n message = message.left( message.size() - 2 ); //qDebug() << message; message = QChatMessage::replaceEscapeCharecters( message ); message = insertEmotIcons( message ); //message = QChatMessage::insertLinks( message ); bool blackListUser = blackList().contains( nickName ); bool supportersListUser = supportersList().contains( nickName ); if( !isRemoveBlackListUsers() || !blackListUser ) { if( blackListUser ) { emit newMessage( new QChatMessage( TWITCH_SERVICE, nickName, message, "ignore", this ) ); } else { if( supportersListUser ) { emit newMessage( new QChatMessage( TWITCH_SERVICE, nickName, message, "supporter", this ) ); } else { if( isContainsAliases( message ) ) { emit newMessage( new QChatMessage( TWITCH_SERVICE, nickName, message, "alias", this ) ); } else { emit newMessage( new QChatMessage( TWITCH_SERVICE, nickName, message, "", this ) ); } } } } } } if( socket_->canReadLine() ) { parseMessage(); } } }
void mitk::USImageLoggingFilter::AddMessageToCurrentImage(std::string message) { std::pair<int,std::string> newMessage(m_LoggedImages.size()-1,message); m_LoggedMessages.insert(newMessage); }
DriverStation::DriverStation() { m_init = false; /* Initialize private members */ m_client = new DS_Client; m_netConsole = new DS_NetConsole; m_elapsedTime = new DS_ElapsedTime; m_manager = new DS_ProtocolManager; m_protocol = Q_NULLPTR; /* Update internal values and notify object on robot status events */ connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (codeChanged (bool)), this, SLOT (updateRobotStatus (bool))); connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (communicationsChanged (DS_CommStatus)), this, SLOT (updateRobotStatus (DS_CommStatus))); connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (controlModeChanged (DS_ControlMode)), this, SLOT (resetElapsedTimer (DS_ControlMode))); connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (codeChanged (bool)), this, SIGNAL (codeChanged (bool))); connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (communicationsChanged (DS_CommStatus)), this, SIGNAL (communicationsChanged (DS_CommStatus))); connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (controlModeChanged (DS_ControlMode)), this, SIGNAL (controlModeChanged (DS_ControlMode))); connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (diskUsageChanged (int)), this, SIGNAL (diskUsageChanged (int))); connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (ramUsageChanged (int)), this, SIGNAL (ramUsageChanged (int))); connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (cpuUsageChanged (int)), this, SIGNAL (cpuUsageChanged (int))); connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (voltageChanged (QString)), this, SIGNAL (voltageChanged (QString))); connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (voltageBrownoutChanged (bool)), this, SIGNAL (voltageBrownoutChanged (bool))); connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (CANInfoReceived (DS_CAN)), this, SIGNAL (CANInfoReceived (DS_CAN))); connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (emergencyStopped (void)), this, SIGNAL (emergencyStopped (void))); connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (fmsChanged (bool)), this, SIGNAL (fmsChanged (bool))); /* Stop timer when the communications status changes */ connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (communicationsChanged (DS_CommStatus)), m_elapsedTime, SLOT (stopTimer())); /* Robot information has changed */ connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (libVersionChanged (QString)), this, SIGNAL (libVersionChanged (QString))); connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (rioVersionChanged (QString)), this, SIGNAL (rioVersionChanged (QString))); connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (pcmVersionChanged (QString)), this, SIGNAL (pcmVersionChanged (QString))); connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (pdpVersionChanged (QString)), this, SIGNAL (pdpVersionChanged (QString))); /* Sync robot address and calculated IPs automatically */ connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (robotAddressChanged (QString)), m_client, SLOT (setRobotAddress (QString))); /* Update the elapsed time text automatically */ connect (m_elapsedTime, SIGNAL (elapsedTimeChanged (QString)), this, SIGNAL (elapsedTimeChanged (QString))); /* New NetConsole message received */ connect (m_netConsole, SIGNAL (newMessage (QString)), this, SIGNAL (newMessage (QString))); /* Send and read robot packets */ connect (m_client, SIGNAL (dataReceived (QByteArray)), this, SLOT (readRobotPacket (QByteArray))); connect (DS_Timers::getInstance(), SIGNAL (timeout20()), this, SLOT (sendClientPacket())); }
int messenger() { messengerbg = oslLoadImageFilePNG("system/app/messenger/messengerbg.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888); if (!messengerbg) debugDisplay(); oslSetFont(Roboto); while (!osl_quit) { LowMemExit(); oslStartDrawing(); oslClearScreen(RGB(0,0,0)); oslIntraFontSetStyle(Roboto, fontSize, BLACK, 0, INTRAFONT_ALIGN_LEFT); controls(); oslDrawImageXY(messengerbg, 0, 0); navbarButtons(2); battery(330,2,0); digitaltime(381,4,0,hrTime); androidQuickSettings(); volumeController(); oslDrawImage(cursor); if (osl_keys->pressed.square) { powermenu(); } if (osl_keys->pressed.L) { oslPlaySound(Lock, 1); lockscreen(); } if (osl_keys->pressed.circle) { oslDeleteImage(messengerbg); appdrawer(); } if ((cursor->x >= 444 && cursor->x <= 480) && (cursor->y >= 157 && cursor->y <= 213) && (osl_keys->pressed.cross)) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); oslDeleteImage(messengerbg); appdrawer(); } if ((cursor->x >= 444 && cursor->x <= 480) && (cursor->y >= 76 && cursor->y <= 155) && (osl_keys->pressed.cross)) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); oslDeleteImage(messengerbg); home(); } if ((cursor->x >= 444 && cursor->x <= 480) && (cursor->y >= 19 && cursor->y <= 75) && (osl_keys->pressed.cross)) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); multitask(); } captureScreenshot(); if (cursor->x >= 385 && cursor->x <= 428 && cursor->y >= 210 && cursor->y <= 258 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); oslDeleteImage(messengerbg); newMessage(); } /* if (cursor->x >= 378 && cursor->x <= 434 && cursor->y >= 20 && cursor->y <= 52 && osl_keys->pressed.cross) { oslPlaySound(KeypressStandard, 1); oslDeleteImage(messengerbg); doClient(); } */ oslEndDrawing(); oslEndFrame(); oslSyncFrame(); } return 0; }
void BSCWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage *message) { switch (message->what) { case kPauseResumeCapture: fController->TogglePause(); break; case kSelectArea: { Minimize(true); SelectionWindow *window = new SelectionWindow(); window->SetTarget(this); window->SetCommand(kAreaSelected); window->Show(); break; } case kAreaSelected: { SendNotices(kAreaSelected, message); break; } case kMsgControllerAreaSelectionChanged: if (IsMinimized()) Minimize(false); break; case kMsgGUIToggleCapture: if (fCapturing) _CaptureFinished(); else _CaptureStarted(); SendNotices(kMsgGUIToggleCapture); break; case B_OBSERVER_NOTICE_CHANGE: { int32 code; message->FindInt32("be:observe_change_what", &code); switch (code) { case B_UPDATE_STATUS_BAR: case B_RESET_STATUS_BAR: { BMessage newMessage(*message); message->what = code; PostMessage(message, fStatusBar); break; } case kMsgControllerEncodeStarted: fStringView->Show(); fStatusBar->Show(); break; case kMsgControllerEncodeProgress: { int32 numFiles = 0; message->FindInt32("num_files", &numFiles); fStatusBar->SetMaxValue(float(numFiles)); break; } case kMsgControllerEncodeFinished: { fStartStopButton->SetEnabled(true); fStringView->Hide(); fStatusBar->Hide(); status_t status = B_OK; if (message->FindInt32("status", (int32*)&status) == B_OK && status != B_OK) { char errorString[128]; snprintf(errorString, 128, "A problem has occurred:\n" "%s", strerror(status)); (new BAlert("yo", errorString, "Ok"))->Go(); } break; } default: break; } } default: BWindow::MessageReceived(message); break; } }
void CAdjustTestWaterTemperatureWindow::sendBackData(CDataFrame a) { if(property("testFlag").toBool()||property("read").toInt()!=-1 || property("zero").toInt()) { QByteArray d = a.getData(); if(a._command == _METER_FRAME_INIT_PRESPONSE_ADJUST_) { if(property("read").toInt()==1) { adjustInitPResponseFrame_0x51 rt = frame51FromData(d); int num = rt.num_meter[2]; adjustSaveParaFrame_0x42_0x45 b={_METER_FRAME_SAVE_PARA_WTEMP_ADJUST_,0x00}; b.command = (0x01<<4); b.number = num; QByteArray tmp=QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)&b,sizeof(b)); ((CApp*)qApp)->_tjob->sendTestData232(tmp); } else if(property("read").toInt()==0) { //***保存到结构 adjustSaveParaFrame_0x42_0x45 b={_METER_FRAME_SAVE_PARA_WTEMP_ADJUST_,0x00}; b.command = (0x02<<4); b.number = property("number").toInt(); QByteArray tmp; for(int i=0;i<property("number").toInt();i++) { cf->value_meter["wtemp"][i] = _theoryValue[i]->text().toInt(); cf->sample_meter["wtemp"][i] = _sampleValue[i]->text().toInt(); } if(property("number").toInt()>0) { tmp = arrangeByte(_sampleValue[0]->text().toInt(),2); b.sample0[0] = tmp[0]; b.sample0[1] = tmp[1]; tmp = arrangeByte(_theoryValue[0]->text().toInt()+40,2); b.value0[0] = tmp[0]; b.value0[1] = tmp[1]; } if(property("number").toInt()>1) { tmp = arrangeByte(_sampleValue[1]->text().toInt(),2); b.sample1[0] = tmp[0]; b.sample1[1] = tmp[1]; tmp = arrangeByte(_theoryValue[1]->text().toInt()+40,2); b.value1[0] = tmp[0]; b.value1[1] = tmp[1]; } if(property("number").toInt()>2) { tmp = arrangeByte(_sampleValue[2]->text().toInt(),2); b.sample2[0] = tmp[0]; b.sample2[1] = tmp[1]; tmp = arrangeByte(_theoryValue[2]->text().toInt()+40,2); b.value2[0] = tmp[0]; b.value2[1] = tmp[1]; } if(property("number").toInt()>3) { tmp = arrangeByte(_sampleValue[3]->text().toInt(),2); b.sample3[0] = tmp[0]; b.sample3[1] = tmp[1]; tmp = arrangeByte(_theoryValue[3]->text().toInt()+40,2); b.value3[0] = tmp[0]; b.value3[1] = tmp[1]; } if(property("number").toInt()>4) { tmp = arrangeByte(_sampleValue[4]->text().toInt(),2); b.sample4[0] = tmp[0]; b.sample4[1] = tmp[1]; tmp = arrangeByte(_theoryValue[4]->text().toInt()+40,2); b.value4[0] = tmp[0]; b.value4[1] = tmp[1]; } if(property("number").toInt()>5) { tmp = arrangeByte(_sampleValue[5]->text().toInt(),2); b.sample5[0] = tmp[0]; b.sample5[1] = tmp[1]; tmp = arrangeByte(_theoryValue[5]->text().toInt()+40,2); b.value5[0] = tmp[0]; b.value5[1] = tmp[1]; } if(property("number").toInt()>6) { tmp = arrangeByte(_sampleValue[6]->text().toInt(),2); b.sample6[0] = tmp[0]; b.sample6[1] = tmp[1]; tmp = arrangeByte(_theoryValue[6]->text().toInt()+40,2); b.value6[0] = tmp[0]; b.value6[1] = tmp[1]; } if(property("number").toInt()>7) { tmp = arrangeByte(_sampleValue[7]->text().toInt(),2); b.sample7[0] = tmp[0]; b.sample7[1] = tmp[1]; tmp = arrangeByte(_theoryValue[7]->text().toInt()+40,2); b.value7[0] = tmp[0]; b.value7[1] = tmp[1]; } tmp=QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)&b,sizeof(b)); ((CApp*)qApp)->_tjob->sendTestData232(tmp); } } else if(a._command == _METER_FRAME_RSAVE_PARA_WTEMP_ADJUST_) { if(property("read").toInt()==1) { adjustSPResponseFrame_0x52_0x55 rt = frame52_55FromData(d); if(rt.number <= _MAX_MADJUST_POINT_ && rt.number>0) { vu16 value; v16 sample; for(int j=0;j<rt.number;j++) { value[j] = rt.value[j+rt.start]-40; sample[j] = rt.sample[j+rt.start]; } updateInterface(rt.number,value,sample); } else { setProperty("read",-1); newMessage(tr("参数读取错误,请确定仪表内有正确参数!"),0); } } else if(property("read").toInt()==0) { _savaStatusLabel->setText(tr("参数保存结束!")); setProperty("read",-1); for(int i=0;i<_MAX_MADJUST_POINT_;i++) { _adjustButton[i]->setEnabled(true); _currentStep[i]->setEnabled(true); } _zeroButton->setEnabled(true); _savaAllAdjustButton->setEnabled(true); _writeButton->setEnabled(true); } } else if(a._command == _METER_FRAME_CRESPONSE_ADJUST_) { if( property("zero").toInt()==1) { sendFrame(0x3,0x1,0x0); setProperty("zero",0); setProperty("wait0",1); _zeroButton->setEnabled(true); } else { adjustCResponseFrame_0x50 rt = frame50FromData(d); if(property("wait0").toInt()&&rt.sample!=0) { } else if(property("wait0").toInt()&&rt.sample==0) { setProperty("wait0",0); } else { _sampleValue[property("id").toInt()]->setText(QString::number(rt.sample)); } } } else if(a._command == _METER_FRAME_RSAVE_ADJUST_) { adjustRSaveFrame_0x5F rt = frame5FFromData(d); _savaStatusLabel->setText(tr("参数固化入仪表成功!用时 ") + rt.time + tr(" ms")); } } }
void MenuItem::mountItem(){ //Mount the device //Create the full path to the mountpoint QString deviceName = devLabel->text(); QString mntpoint = MOUNTDIR + deviceName.replace(" ","-"); //take into account spaces in the name //Create the fileystem specific command for mounting QString tmpFileSystem; QString cmd; if(filesystem=="UNKNOWN"){ //prompt for filesystem bool selected = false; tmpFileSystem = QInputDialog::getItem(0, deviceName+"("+devType+")", tr("Mount as:"), DEVCHECK->AvailableFS(), 0, false, &selected); if( !selected || tmpFileSystem.isEmpty() ){ return; } //cancelled //Now get the mount command cmd = DEVCHECK->getMountCommand(tmpFileSystem, device, mntpoint); }else{ cmd = DEVCHECK->getMountCommand(filesystem, device, mntpoint); } //Make sure the mntpoint is available QDir mpd(mntpoint); if(mpd.exists() && !rootRequired){ //Remove the existing directory (will work only if it is empty) mpd.cdUp(); mpd.rmdir(mntpoint); } //Prepare the mount command to run //QString cmd = fstype + " " +fsopts + " " + device + " " + mntpoint; qDebug() << "Mounting device" << device << "on" << mntpoint << "("<<filesystem<<")"; if(DEBUG_MODE){ qDebug() << " - command:" << cmd; } //Generate the run script QString runscript = createRunScript( mntpoint, cmd); //Now run the script bool ok = !runscript.isEmpty(); bool tryroot = false; QStringList outL("ERROR:SCRIPT"); //Run the mounting commands if(ok && !rootRequired){ outL.clear(); outL = systemCMD(runscript); //qDebug() << "Mount return code 1:" << outL; //if it could not mount device with permissions issues - try as root if( !outL.filter("Permission denied").isEmpty() || !outL.filter("not permitted").isEmpty() ){ qDebug() << " - Permissions issue, try as root"; tryroot = true; } } if( (ok && rootRequired) || tryroot ){ outL.clear(); outL = systemCMD("pc-su "+runscript); //qDebug() << "Mount return code 2:" << outL; } //Now parse the return code QString result, title; mountedHere = true; //need to set this before running isMounted to update icons right ok = isMounted(); mountedHere = ok; //now make sure it is the proper value if( ok ){ title = tr("Success"); result = QString( tr("%1 mounted at %2") ).arg(deviceName).arg(mntpoint); if(tryroot){ rootRequired = true; } //flag this as requiring root for later }else if( !outL.filter("ERROR:MOUNTPOINT").isEmpty() ){ title = tr("Failure"); result = QString( tr("Could not create mountpoint: %1") ).arg(mntpoint); }else if( !outL.filter("ERROR:MOUNTING").isEmpty() ){ title = tr("Failure"); result = QString( tr("Could not mount device %1 on %2 (%3)") ).arg(deviceName, mntpoint, filesystem); }else{ QString tmp = outL.join(""); tmp.remove("password:"******"General Error output:" << outL; title = tr("General Error"); result = tr("Could not create/run the device mounting script"); } } qDebug() << "pc-mounttray: "<<title << result; if(DEBUG_MODE){ qDebug() << " - output:" << outL; } //Output the proper signals depending upon success if(ok){ emit itemMounted(mntpoint); mountpoint = mntpoint; if( !tmpFileSystem.isEmpty() ){ filesystem = tmpFileSystem; } //this one worked - use it in the future }else{ mountpoint.clear(); } if( !checkAutomount->isChecked() && !(title.isEmpty() && result.isEmpty()) ){ emit newMessage(title, result); //suppress the output message if it was automounted } //Now remove the runscript //if(ok) //only for testing purposes QFile::remove(runscript); }
void Guitest::sendMsg(QString message){ this->message = message; emit newMessage(user, message); }
void ChatDialog::chatNewMessage(ChatWidget*) { emit newMessage(this); }
void DemodCW::demod(float *buffer, int length) { //OK int i; int c; QString message = ""; /* main decoding loop */ while(length > 0) { buffer++; length--; c = *buffer; if (c > 32767) c = 65536 - c; state->l1.demodcw.s += c; } while(state->l1.demodcw.s > state->l1.demodcw.nsamp) { --state->l1.demodcw.s; state->l1.demodcw.tt = state->l1.demodcw.tt + state->l1.demodcw.s - state->l1.demodcw.subsamp[state->l1.demodcw.bp]; state->l1.demodcw.subsamp[state->l1.demodcw.bp] = state->l1.demodcw.s; state->l1.demodcw.bp = (state->l1.demodcw.bp+1) % state->l1.demodcw.range; /* wait until we have an idea of the average signal level */ if (++state->l1.demodcw.pass <= state->l1.demodcw.range) { qDebug() << "Range pass"; continue; } state->l1.demodcw.thres = state->l1.demodcw.tt / state->l1.demodcw.range; state->l1.demodcw.bit = (10*state->l1.demodcw.s) > (12*state->l1.demodcw.thres) ? 1 : 0; if (state->l1.demodcw.bit == state->l1.demodcw.lbit) { state->l1.demodcw.run++; //qDebug() << "run++"; continue; } state->l1.demodcw.d = (10*state->l1.demodcw.run) / state->l1.demodcw.ditlength; if (state->l1.demodcw.lbit == 1) { if ((state->l1.demodcw.d > 5) && (state->l1.demodcw.d < 20)) { *state->l1.demodcw.lp++ = '.'; qDebug() << "Dot"; } if ((state->l1.demodcw.d >= 20) && (state->l1.demodcw.d < 40)) { *state->l1.demodcw.lp++ = '-'; qDebug() << "Dit"; } //*state->l1.demodcw.lp = '\0'; state->l1.demodcw.run1 = state->l1.demodcw.run; if (state->l1.demodcw.lp == &state->l1.demodcw.line[79]) state->l1.demodcw.lp--; /* prevent overflow */ } if ((state->l1.demodcw.lbit == 0) && (state->l1.demodcw.lp != state->l1.demodcw.line)) { if (state->l1.demodcw.d >= 20) { for (i=0; *morse[i+1] != '?'; i += 2) if (strcmp (morse[i+1], state->l1.demodcw.line) == 0) break; if (*morse[i+1] == '?') { message.append(state->l1.demodcw.line); qDebug() << message; } else { message.append(*morse[i]); qDebug() << message; } if (state->l1.demodcw.d > 80) { message.append(" "); qDebug() << message; emit newMessage(message); } state->l1.demodcw.lp = state->l1.demodcw.line; } /* check if a "dah-do" */ if ((state->l1.demodcw.run1 > 2) && ((state->l1.demodcw.run1) > (2*state->l1.demodcw.run))) { state->l1.demodcw.d = (state->l1.demodcw.run+state->l1.demodcw.run1) / 4; if ((state->l1.demodcw.d > (SUBSAMP/2)) && ((3*state->l1.demodcw.d) > (2*state->l1.demodcw.ditlength)) && ((2*state->l1.demodcw.d) < (3*state->l1.demodcw.ditlength))) { state->l1.demodcw.ditlength = state->l1.demodcw.d; qDebug() << state->l1.demodcw.ditlength; } state->l1.demodcw.run1=0; } } state->l1.demodcw.lbit = state->l1.demodcw.bit; state->l1.demodcw.run = 1; } }
void ChatWidget::addChatMsg(bool incoming, const QString &name, const QDateTime &sendTime, const QDateTime &recvTime, const QString &message, enumChatType chatType) { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cout << "ChatWidget::addChatMsg message : " << message.toStdString() << std::endl; #endif unsigned int formatTextFlag = RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_EMBED_LINKS | RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_OPTIMIZE; unsigned int formatFlag = 0; // embed smileys ? if (Settings->valueFromGroup(QString("Chat"), QString::fromUtf8("Emoteicons_PrivatChat"), true).toBool()) { formatTextFlag |= RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_EMBED_SMILEYS; } // Always fix colors formatTextFlag |= RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_FIX_COLORS; qreal desiredContrast = Settings->valueFromGroup("Chat", "MinimumContrast", 4.5).toDouble(); QColor backgroundColor = ui->textBrowser->palette().base().color(); // Remove font name, size, bold, italics? if (!Settings->valueFromGroup("Chat", "EnableCustomFonts", true).toBool()) { formatTextFlag |= RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_REMOVE_FONT_FAMILY; } if (!Settings->valueFromGroup("Chat", "EnableCustomFontSize", true).toBool()) { formatTextFlag |= RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_REMOVE_FONT_SIZE; } if (!Settings->valueFromGroup("Chat", "EnableBold", true).toBool()) { formatTextFlag |= RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_REMOVE_FONT_WEIGHT; } if (!Settings->valueFromGroup("Chat", "EnableItalics", true).toBool()) { formatTextFlag |= RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_REMOVE_FONT_STYLE; } ChatStyle::enumFormatMessage type; if (chatType == TYPE_OFFLINE) { type = ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_OOUTGOING; } else if (chatType == TYPE_SYSTEM) { type = ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_SYSTEM; } else if (chatType == TYPE_HISTORY) { type = incoming ? ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_HINCOMING : ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_HOUTGOING; } else { type = incoming ? ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_INCOMING : ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_OUTGOING; } if (chatType == TYPE_SYSTEM) { formatFlag |= CHAT_FORMATMSG_SYSTEM; } QString formattedMessage = RsHtml().formatText(ui->textBrowser->document(), message, formatTextFlag, backgroundColor, desiredContrast); QString formatMsg = chatStyle.formatMessage(type, name, incoming ? sendTime : recvTime, formattedMessage, formatFlag); ui->textBrowser->append(formatMsg); resetStatusBar(); if (incoming && chatType == TYPE_NORMAL) { emit newMessage(this); if (!isActive()) { newMessages = true; } emit infoChanged(this); } }