Exemplo n.º 1
ErrorType HashTable::add(Info *info){
    if (count == N) return FULLTABLE;
    if (!checkKey(info->getKey())) return WRONGKEY;
    int a0 = hashF(info->getKey());
    int a = a0;
    int i = 0;
    int k = -1;
    bool stop = false;
    while (!stop && i<N){
        switch (table[a].state){
        case FREE:
            stop = true;
        case DELETED:
            if (k == -1) k = a;
            a = nextCell(a0,i);
        case FULL:
            if (table[a].info->getKey().compare(info->getKey()) == 0) return EXISTS;
            else a = nextCell(a0,i);
    if (k == -1) k = a;
    if (table[k].state == FULL) return FULLTABLE;
    table[k].state = FULL;
    table[k].info = info;
    return NONE;
Exemplo n.º 2
int HashTable::indexOf(std::string key){
    int a0 = hashF(key);
    int i = 0,a = a0;
    while (i<N){
        switch (table[a].state){
        case FREE: return -1;
        case DELETED: a = nextCell(a0,i); break;
        case FULL:
            if (table[a].info->getKey().compare(key) == 0)
                return a;
            else a = nextCell(a0,i);
    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 3
void KWQTableView::closeEditor(QWidget * editor, QAbstractItemDelegate::EndEditHint hint)
  QTableView::closeEditor(editor, hint);
  if (hint == QAbstractItemDelegate::SubmitModelCache) {
Exemplo n.º 4
void OctreeGrid::assertIsValid() {
	// Check node adjacency relations
	for (int node1 = 0; node1 < (int) m_Nodes.size(); ++node1) {
		for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; ++axis) {
			int node0 = prevNode(node1, axis);
			int node2 = nextNode(node1, axis);
			if (m_Nodes[node1].position[axis] == 0) {
				oct_debug(node0 == -1);
			} else if (node0 != -1) {
				oct_debug(nextNode(node0, axis) == node1);
			if (m_Nodes[node1].position[axis] == m_CellGridSize[axis]) {
				oct_debug(node2 == -1);
			} else if (node2 != -1) {
				oct_debug(prevNode(node2, axis) == node1);
	// Check cell adjacency relations
	for (int cell1 = 0; cell1 < (int) m_Cells.size(); ++cell1) {
		for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; ++axis) {
			int cell0 = prevCell(cell1, axis);
			int cell2 = nextCell(cell1, axis);
			if (cellCornerPos(cell1, CORNER_X0_Y0_Z0)[axis] == 0) {
				oct_debug(cell0 == -1);
			} else {
				oct_debug(cell0 != -1);
				if (cellExtent(cell1) == cellExtent(cell0)) {
					oct_debug(nextCell(cell0, axis) == cell1);
			if (cellCornerPos(cell1, CORNER_X1_Y1_Z1)[axis] == m_CellGridSize[axis]) {
				oct_debug(cell2 == -1);
			} else {
				oct_debug(cell2 != -1);
				if (cellExtent(cell1) == cellExtent(cell2)) {
					oct_debug(prevCell(cell2, axis) == cell1);
Exemplo n.º 5
void KWQTableView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * e)
  if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Return || e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter)
    if (state() != QAbstractItemView::EditingState)
Exemplo n.º 6
// Solution for the puzzle by Backtracking
void solveSudoku(int row, int column) {
    if (row == boardSize) { // Means that all cells are filled
    if (table[row][column] != 0) { // If a cell is not a zero, it means we have to move to the next cell
        nextCell(row, column);
    }else {
        for (int counter = 1; counter <= boardSize; counter++) { // Checks if numbers 1-9 can be put on a cell
            if ((rowCheck(row, counter) == true) && (columnCheck(column, counter) == true) && (boxCheck(row, column, counter) == true)) { // If looks promising
                table[row][column] = counter; // Make tentative assignment
                nextCell(row, column);
        table[row][column] = 0; // If doesn't lead to a solution, reset to 0. This triggers the backtracking
        // Note this backtracking step, a very important step**
        // We come at this position, this step, this line when we have already checked all possible values at 
        // sudoku[i][j] and we couldn't find the solution
        // Put any value does not solves our board implies that we must have made wrong choice earlier
        // so we make this sudoku[i][j] again a vacant cell and try to correct our previous guesses/choices.
int DoubleDiagonalShoot::threeSquare(int squareNumberWidth, int squareNumberHeight)
    return nextCell(squareNumberWidth, squareNumberHeight, 3);
int DoubleDiagonalShoot::fourSquare(int squareNumberWidth, int squareNumberHeight)
    return nextCell(squareNumberWidth, squareNumberHeight, 4);
int DiagonalShoot::twoSquare(int squareNumberWidth, int squareNumberHeight)
    return nextCell(squareNumberWidth, squareNumberHeight, 2);
Exemplo n.º 10
// Subdivide a cell and add the subcells to the octree
int OctreeGrid::splitCell(int cellId, bool graded, bool paired) {
	oct_debug(cellId != -1);
	const Cell &cell = m_Cells[cellId];

	// Retrieve cell corners
	const int v0 = cell.corner(CORNER_X0_Y0_Z0);
	const int v1 = cell.corner(CORNER_X1_Y0_Z0);
	const int v2 = cell.corner(CORNER_X1_Y1_Z0);
	const int v3 = cell.corner(CORNER_X0_Y1_Z0);
	const int v4 = cell.corner(CORNER_X0_Y0_Z1);
	const int v5 = cell.corner(CORNER_X1_Y0_Z1);
	const int v6 = cell.corner(CORNER_X1_Y1_Z1);
	const int v7 = cell.corner(CORNER_X0_Y1_Z1);

	// Start by splitting incident faces
	const int f0 = splitFace(v0, v3, v4, v7, X);
	const int f1 = splitFace(v1, v2, v5, v6, X);
	const int f2 = splitFace(v0, v1, v4, v5, Y);
	const int f3 = splitFace(v3, v2, v7, v6, Y);
	const int f4 = splitFace(v0, v1, v3, v2, Z);
	const int f5 = splitFace(v4, v5, v7, v6, Z);

	// Then connect the middle points of the faces
	createNodeLinks(f0, f1, X);
	createNodeLinks(f2, f3, Y);
	createNodeLinks(f4, f5, Z);
	const int c0 = splitEdge(f0, f1, X);
	updateNodeLinks(f2, f3, c0, Y);
	updateNodeLinks(f4, f5, c0, Z);

	// Retrieve midpoint of cell edges
	const int e01 = getMidEdgeNode(v0, v1, X);
	const int e32 = getMidEdgeNode(v3, v2, X);
	const int e45 = getMidEdgeNode(v4, v5, X);
	const int e76 = getMidEdgeNode(v7, v6, X);
	const int e03 = getMidEdgeNode(v0, v3, Y);
	const int e12 = getMidEdgeNode(v1, v2, Y);
	const int e47 = getMidEdgeNode(v4, v7, Y);
	const int e56 = getMidEdgeNode(v5, v6, Y);
	const int e04 = getMidEdgeNode(v0, v4, Z);
	const int e15 = getMidEdgeNode(v1, v5, Z);
	const int e26 = getMidEdgeNode(v2, v6, Z);
	const int e37 = getMidEdgeNode(v3, v7, Z);

	// Create a new cell for each subvolume
	const int offset = (int) m_Cells.size();
	m_Cells.resize(m_Cells.size() + 8);
	m_Cells[offset+CORNER_X0_Y0_Z0].cornerNodeId = {{v0, e01, f4, e03, e04, f2, c0, f0}};
	m_Cells[offset+CORNER_X1_Y0_Z0].cornerNodeId = {{e01, v1, e12, f4, f2, e15, f1, c0}};
	m_Cells[offset+CORNER_X1_Y1_Z0].cornerNodeId = {{f4, e12, v2, e32, c0, f1, e26, f3}};
	m_Cells[offset+CORNER_X0_Y1_Z0].cornerNodeId = {{e03, f4, e32, v3, f0, c0, f3, e37}};
	m_Cells[offset+CORNER_X0_Y0_Z1].cornerNodeId = {{e04, f2, c0, f0, v4, e45, f5, e47}};
	m_Cells[offset+CORNER_X1_Y0_Z1].cornerNodeId = {{f2, e15, f1, c0, e45, v5, e56, f5}};
	m_Cells[offset+CORNER_X1_Y1_Z1].cornerNodeId = {{c0, f1, e26, f3, f5, e56, v6, e76}};
	m_Cells[offset+CORNER_X0_Y1_Z1].cornerNodeId = {{f0, c0, f3, e37, e47, f5, e76, v7}};

	// Update link to child cell
	m_Cells[cellId].firstChild = offset;

	// Update cell adjacency relations
	for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; ++axis) {
		updateSubcellLinks(cellId, axis);
		updateSubcellLinks(cellId, nextCell(cellId, axis), axis);
		updateSubcellLinks(prevCell(cellId, axis), cellId, axis);

	// Ensure proper 2:1 grading
	if (graded) {
		makeCellGraded(cellId, paired);

	// Ensure children are either all leaves, or all internal cells
	if (paired) {
		makeCellPaired(cellId, graded);

		if (cellId < m_NumRootCells) {
			// Special case for root cells: if one gets split, then we need to split all root cells
			for (int c = 0; c < m_NumRootCells; ++c) {
				if (cellIsLeaf(c)) { splitCell(c, graded, paired); }
		} else {
			// Ensure sibling cells are also properly split
			int firstSibling = m_NumRootCells + 8 * ((cellId - m_NumRootCells) / 8);
			for (int c = firstSibling; c < firstSibling + 8; ++c) {
				if (cellIsLeaf(c)) { splitCell(c, graded, paired); }


	return c0;