Exemplo n.º 1
/* Run the actual write request */
rq_write_run(NFS_WriteRequest *rq) {
	dprintf(2, "run NFS Write request\n");
	NFS_File *nf = (NFS_File *) rq->p.vnode->extra;
	nfs_write(&(nf->fh), rq->offset, rq->nbyte, rq->buf, write_cb, rq->p.token);
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: swapper.c Projeto: gz/aos10
 * This function will select a page (based on second chance)
 * and swap it out to file system. However if the selected page
 * was not dirty then we just need to mark it swapped again and
 * can return immediatly.
 * We stop the initiator thread as long as we're swapping
 * data out to the file system. The thread is restarted in the
 * write callback function (above).
 * @param initiator ID of the thread who caused the swapping to happen
 * @return	SWAPPING_PENDING in case we need to write the page to the disk
 * 			SWAPPING_COMPLETE in case the page was not dirty
 * 			OUT_OF_SWAP_SPACE if our swap space is already full
 * 			NO_PAGE_AVAILABLE if second_chance_select did not find a page
int swap_out(L4_ThreadId_t initiator) {
	page_queue_item* page = second_chance_select(&active_pages_head);
	if(page == NULL) {

	// decide where in the swap file our page will be
	if(page->swap_offset < 0 && (page->swap_offset = allocate_swap_entry()) < 0)

	dprintf(1, "swap_out: Second chance selected page: thread:0x%X vaddr:0x%X swap_offset:0x%X\n", page->tid, page->virtual_address, page->swap_offset);

	if(is_dirty(page)) {
		dprintf(1, "Selected page is dirty, need to write to swap space\n");

		page->to_swap = PAGESIZE;
		page->initiator = initiator;
		TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&swapping_pages_head, page, entries);

		file_table_entry* swap_fd = get_process(root_thread_g)->filetable[SWAP_FD];
		assert(swap_fd != NULL);

		data_ptr physical_page = pager_physical_lookup(page->tid, page->virtual_address);
		assert(physical_page != NULL);

		// write page in swap file
		assert(PAGESIZE % BATCH_SIZE == 0);
		for(int write_offset=0; write_offset < page->to_swap; write_offset += BATCH_SIZE) {
				page->swap_offset + write_offset,
				physical_page + write_offset,

	else {
		assert(page->swap_offset >= 0);
		page_table_entry* pte = pager_table_lookup(page->tid, page->virtual_address);
		mark_swapped(pte, page->swap_offset);


Exemplo n.º 3
ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count)
	if (nfs_fd_list[fd].is_nfs == 1) {
		int ret;

		LD_NFS_DPRINTF(9, "write(fd:%d count:%d)", fd, (int)count);
		if ((ret = nfs_write(nfs_fd_list[fd].nfs, nfs_fd_list[fd].fh,
				(char *)discard_const(buf))) < 0) {
			errno = -ret;
			return -1;
		return ret;
	return real_write(fd, buf, count);
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: pager.c Projeto: gapry/aos-1
 * Internal function to write a page table location to a swap location and to invoke a read
 * from swap if necessary which is invoked by the nfs write callback
static void writeToSwap(int index,int readSwapIndex,L4_ThreadId_t tid,L4_Fpage_t fpage) {
  if(!swapInitialised) {
  //Now we need to write the contents of pagetable index to swap file
  //Get a free location in the swap table
  int swap_index = head_free_swap;
  head_free_swap = swap_table[head_free_swap].next_free;

  if(swap_index >= MAX_SWAP_ENTRIES || swap_index < 0) {
    printf("Panic !!! Swap table full ! No more swapping possible!\n");

  //If a swap location was once used overwrite it to keep a constant swap file size
  if(swap_table[swap_index].offset == PTE_SENTINEL)  {
    swap_table[swap_index].offset = swap_file_size;
    swap_file_size += PAGESIZE;

  //Now we need to write the file,
  struct page_token *token_val;
  page_table[index].being_updated = 1;
  page_table[index].write_bytes_transferred = 0;
  page_table[index].error_in_transfer = 0;
  //Unmap before the first nfs write

  for(int i=0;i<PAGESIZE/NFS_WRITE_SIZE;i++) {
    //Set the token val
    token_val = (struct page_token *) malloc(sizeof(struct page_token));  
    //printf("After malloc of page_token for i %d\n",i);
    token_val -> pageIndex = index;
    token_val -> swapIndex = swap_index;
    //Send reply only if there is no read from swap
    token_val -> send_reply = (readSwapIndex == -1) ? 1 : 0 ;
    token_val -> chunk_index = i;
    token_val -> destination_tid = tid;
    token_val -> destination_page = fpage;
    token_val -> source_tid = page_table[index].tid;
    token_val -> source_page = page_table[index].pageNo;
    token_val -> swapIndexToBeReadIn = readSwapIndex;
    //All nfs writes for each chunk are issued at once
    nfs_write(swapcookie,swap_table[swap_index].offset+i*NFS_WRITE_SIZE,NFS_WRITE_SIZE,(void *)(new_low + index*PAGESIZE + i*NFS_WRITE_SIZE),pager_write_callback,(uintptr_t)token_val);
  send = 0;