Exemplo n.º 1
int main(void)

	sPlugtasticObject = (t_object*)plugtastic_new();
	ps_plugtastic = GENSYM("plugtastic");
	ps_plugtastic->s_thing = sPlugtasticObject;

	sMaxObject = _sym_max->s_thing;
	ps_objectfile				= GENSYM("objectfile");
	ps_db_object_addinternal	= GENSYM("db.object_addinternal");
	ps_oblist					= GENSYM("oblist");
	ps_db_addmetadata			= GENSYM("db.addmetadata");
	//defer_low(sMaxObject, (method)plug_setup_db, NULL, 0, NULL);
	post("Plugtastic                                            Version %s | 74Objects.com", PLUGTASTIC_VERSION);

	// This tells Max 5.0.6 and higher that we want the patcher files to be saved such that they are sorted.
	// Having the saved this way makes our SVN diffs much more meaningful.
	object_method_long(sMaxObject, GENSYM("sortpatcherdictonsave"), 1, NULL);
	// This tells Max 4.5.7 and higher to take any posts to the Max window and also make the
	// post to the system console, which greatly aids in debugging problems and crashes
	object_method_long(sMaxObject, GENSYM("setmirrortoconsole"), 1, NULL);
	if (sPlugtasticSplash) {
		char			name[MAX_FILENAME_CHARS];
		short			path = 0;
		long			type = 0;
		long			typelist[2] = {'JSON', 'TEXT'};
		short			err;
		t_dictionary*	d;
		t_object*		p;
		t_atom			a[2];
		strncpy_zero(name, "Plugtastic.maxpat", MAX_FILENAME_CHARS);
		err = locatefile_extended(name, &path, &type, typelist, 2);
		dictionary_read(name, path, &d);
		atom_setobj(a, d);
		p = (t_object*)object_new_typed(_sym_nobox, _sym_jpatcher, 1, a);
		object_attr_setlong(p, _sym_locked, 1);			// start out locked
		object_attr_setchar(p, _sym_enablehscroll, 0);		// turn off scroll bars
		object_attr_setchar(p, _sym_enablevscroll, 0);
		object_attr_setchar(p, _sym_toolbarvisible, 0);	
		object_attr_setsym(p, _sym_title, gensym("Welcome to Plugtastic"));		
		object_attr_setparse(p, _sym_rect, "271 170 799 489");
		object_attr_setparse(p, _sym_defrect, "271 170 799 489");

		object_method(p, _sym_vis);	// "vis" happens immediately, "front" is defer_lowed
		object_method(p, _sym_loadbang);

//		object_method_parse(p, _sym_window, "constrain 799 489 799 489", NULL);
		object_method_parse(p, _sym_window, "flags nozoom", NULL);
		object_method_parse(p, _sym_window, "flags nogrow", NULL);
		object_method_parse(p, _sym_window, "exec", NULL);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
void hoa_optim_dsp64(t_hoa_optim *x, t_object *dsp64, short *count, double samplerate, long maxvectorsize, long flags)
    object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, hoa_optim_perform64, 0, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 3
void make_patchline(t_connect *x)
	int connexions, valid_objects, i, j;
	valid_objects = 0;
	t_object *obj1, *obj2;
	t_hoa_err err[2];
	t_hoa_boxinfos* startobj_infos;
	t_hoa_boxinfos* endobj_infos;
	short startobj_type, endobj_type;
	long outlets, inlets;
	if (x->f_nbSelected > 1)
		for (i = 0; i < x->f_nbSelected; i++)
			obj1 = jbox_get_object(x->f_objects[i]);
			if(object_is_hoa(obj1) || is_obj_hoa_exotic(obj1))
				x->f_objects[valid_objects++] = x->f_objects[i]; // ! store BOX objects
		if (valid_objects > 1)
			startobj_infos = (t_hoa_boxinfos*) malloc( sizeof(t_hoa_boxinfos));
			endobj_infos = (t_hoa_boxinfos*) malloc( sizeof(t_hoa_boxinfos));
			for(i = 1; i < valid_objects; i++)
				obj1 = jbox_get_object(x->f_objects[i-1]);
				obj2 = jbox_get_object(x->f_objects[ i ]);
				outlets = inlets = 0;
				// referenced object or exotic hoa one;
				startobj_type = object_is_hoa(obj1);
				endobj_type	  = object_is_hoa(obj2);
				err[0] = (t_hoa_err) object_method(obj1, hoa_sym_hoa_getinfos, startobj_infos, NULL);
				err[1] = (t_hoa_err) object_method(obj2, hoa_sym_hoa_getinfos, endobj_infos, NULL);
				// get number of outlets
				if (startobj_type == 1 && err[0] == HOA_ERR_NONE)
					outlets = startobj_infos->autoconnect_outputs;
					outlets = outlet_count(obj1);
				// get number of inlets
				if (endobj_type == 1 && err[1] == HOA_ERR_NONE)
					inlets = endobj_infos->autoconnect_inputs;
					inlets = inlet_count(obj2);
				connexions = MIN(outlets, inlets);
				for(j = 0; j < connexions; j++)
					connect_connect(x->f_patcher, x->f_objects[i-1], j, x->f_objects[i], j);
		for(i = 0; i < CONNECT_MAX_TAB; i++)
			x->f_objects[i] = NULL;
		jpatcher_set_dirty(x->f_patcherview, true);
	x->f_nbSelected = 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
void decibels_dsp64(t_decibels *x, t_object *dsp64, short *count, double samplerate, long maxvectorsize, long flags)
	if (count[0] && count[1])
   		object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), (t_object*)x, decibels_perform64, 0, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 5
// we get the text, convert it to an OSC bundle, and then call the paint
// function via qelem_set which converts the OSC bundle back to text.
// We do this so that it's formatted nicely with no unnecessary whitespace
// and tabbed subbundles, etc.
void odisplay_gettext(t_odisplay *x)
	long size	= 0;
	char *text	= NULL;
	text = x->textbox->text;
	t_object *textfield = jbox_get_textfield((t_object *)x);
	object_method(textfield, gensym("gettextptr"), &text, &size);
	size = strlen(text); // the value returned in text doesn't make sense
	if(size == 0){
	char *buf = text;

	if(text[size - 1] != '\n'){
		buf = alloca(size + 2);
		memcpy(buf, text, size);
		buf[size] = '\n';
		buf[size + 1] = '\0';
		size += 2;

	t_osc_bndl_u *bndl_u = NULL;
	t_osc_err e = osc_parser_parseString(size, buf, &bndl_u);
//		x->parse_error = 1;
		object_error((t_object *)x, "error parsing bundle\n");
	t_osc_bndl_s *bs = osc_bundle_u_serialize(bndl_u);
	t_osc_bndl_s *bndl_s = NULL;
	osc_bundle_s_deepCopy(&bndl_s, bs);
	odisplay_newBundle(x, bndl_u, bndl_s);
    x->have_new_data = 1;
	jbox_redraw((t_jbox *)x);
	x->have_new_data = 1;
	if(size > 2){
		int i;
		char *r = text + 1;
		char *w = text + 1;
		char *rm1 = text;
		for(i = 0; i <= size; i++){
			if(*rm1 == ' ' && *r == ' '){
				*w++ = *r++;
Exemplo n.º 6
void randomvals_dsp64(t_randomvals *x, t_object *dsp64, short *count, double samplerate, long maxvectorsize, long flags)
	object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, randomvals_perform64, 0, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 7
// DSP Method
void OutDsp(OutPtr self, t_signal** sp, short* count)
	//TTUInt16	i; 
	TTUInt16	k=0;
	void		**audioVectors = NULL;
	MaxErr		err;
	long		result = 0;
	self->vectorSize = sp[0]->s_n;
	object_post(SELF, "dsp method called");
	/*	We need to figure out what objects are connected to what inlets to build the graph:
		1. Broadcast 'audio.reset' to every object in the patcher, to remove all existing connections.
		2. Broadcast 'audio.setup' to every object in the patcher, to tell objects to then send
			'audio.connect' messages to any objects below them.
		3. When an object received 'audio.connect', then it makes the connection.
		At this point, the graph is configured and we just need to execute it.
		We execute the graph from our perform method, which MSP calls once per signal vector.
		5. Crawl the graph from bottom to top, calling the audio graph preprocess method (prepare for process)
		6. Crawl the graph from bottom to top, calling the audio graph process method (calculate the samples)
		7. (Maybe) crawl the graph from bottom to top, calling a audio graph postprocess method
		For steps 1 & 2, we have to traverse thge patcher twice, 
		because we have to clear all connections first, then add connections.
		It won't work to do them both during the same traversal because situations arise
		Where we setup the chain and then it gets reset again by another object 
		(since the order in which we traverse objects is undefined).

	if (!self->hasReset) {
		ObjectPtr	patcher = NULL;
		ObjectPtr	parent = NULL;
		ObjectPtr	patcherview = NULL;

		// first find the top-level patcher
		err = object_obex_lookup(self, gensym("#P"), &patcher);
		parent = patcher;
		while (parent) {
			patcher = parent;
			parent = object_attr_getobj(patcher, _sym_parentpatcher);

		// now iterate recursively from the top-level patcher down through all of the subpatchers
		object_method(patcher, gensym("iterate"), (method)OutIterateResetCallback, self, PI_DEEP, &result);
		object_method(patcher, gensym("iterate"), (method)OutIterateSetupCallback, self, PI_DEEP, &result);
		// now let's attach to the patcherview to get notifications about any further changes to the patch cords
		// the patcher 'dirty' attribute is not modified for each change, but the patcherview 'dirty' attribute is
		if (!self->patcherview) {
			patcherview = jpatcher_get_firstview(patcher);
			self->patcherview = patcherview;
			self->patcher = patcher;
			object_attach_byptr_register(self, patcherview, _sym_nobox);			
	// now we want to go a step further and attach to all of the patch cords 
	// this is how we will know if one is deleted
	OutAttachToPatchlinesForPatcher(self, self->patcher);

	// Setup the perform method
	//audioVectors = (void**)sysmem_newptr(sizeof(void*) * (self->maxNumChannels + 1));
	audioVectors = (void**)sysmem_newptr(sizeof(void*) * (1));

	audioVectors[k] = self;
	//self->numChannels = 0;
	/*for (i=1; i <= self->maxNumChannels; i++) {
		audioVectors[k] = sp[i]->s_vec;
	self->numChannels = self->maxNumChannels; //[np]
	self->audioGraphObject->getUnitGenerator()->setAttributeValue(kTTSym_sampleRate, sp[0]->s_sr);
	self->sampleCount = 0;
	dsp_addv(OutPerform, k, audioVectors);
	self->initData.vectorSize = self->vectorSize;
Exemplo n.º 8
void prc_chorus_dsp64(t_prc_chorus *x, t_object *dsp64, short *count, double samplerate, long maxvectorsize, long flags)
    object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, prc_chorus_perform64, 0, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 9
void buffi_autofunc(t_buffi *x, t_floatarg minval, t_floatarg maxval, t_symbol *buffername)
    int minpoints, maxpoints, segpoints, i;
    int pointcount = 0;
    double target, lastval;
    double m1, m2;
    t_buffer_ref *tablebuf_ref;
    t_buffer_obj *dbuf;
    long b_nchans;
    long b_frames;
    float *b_samples;

    tablebuf_ref = buffer_ref_new((t_object*)x, buffername);

    dbuf = buffer_ref_getobject(tablebuf_ref);
    if(dbuf == NULL){
        object_post((t_object*)x,"%s: nonexistent buffer ( %s )",
                    OBJECT_NAME, buffername->s_name);
    b_nchans = buffer_getchannelcount(dbuf);
    b_frames = buffer_getframecount(dbuf);
    if(b_nchans != 1){
        post("%s: table must be mono",OBJECT_NAME);
    x->warpfunc = (float *)sysmem_newptr(b_frames * sizeof(float));
    minpoints = 0.05 * (float) b_frames;
    maxpoints = 0.25 * (float) b_frames;
    if( minval > 1000.0 || minval < .001 ){
        minval = 0.5;
    if( maxval < 0.01 || maxval > 1000.0 ){
        minval = 2.0;
    lastval = buffi_randf(minval, maxval);
    // post("automate: min %d max %d",minpoints, maxpoints);
    while( pointcount < b_frames ){
        target = buffi_randf(minval, maxval);
        segpoints = minpoints + (rand() % (maxpoints-minpoints));
        if( pointcount + segpoints > b_frames ){
            segpoints = b_frames - pointcount;
        for( i = 0; i < segpoints; i++ ){
            m2 = (float)i / (float) segpoints ;
            m1 = 1.0 - m2;
            x->warpfunc[ pointcount + i ] = m1 * lastval + m2 * target;
        lastval = target;
        pointcount += segpoints;
    // buffer stuffer
    b_samples = buffer_locksamples(dbuf);
    for(i = 0; i < b_frames; i++){
        b_samples[i] = x->warpfunc[i];
    sysmem_freeptr( (void *) x->warpfunc );
    object_method(dbuf, gensym("dirty"));
Exemplo n.º 10
void scope_dsp64(t_scope *x, t_object *dsp64, short *count, double samplerate, long maxvectorsize, long flags)
	object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, scope_perform64, 0, NULL);
	x->f_startclock = 1;
Exemplo n.º 11
void freeverb_dsp(t_freeverb *x, t_object *dsp, short *count, double samplerate, long maxvectorsize, long flags)
    object_method(dsp, gensym("dsp_add"), x, (method)freeverb_perform, 0, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 12
void hoa_converter_tilde_dsp(t_hoa_converter_tilde *x, t_object *dsp64, short *count, double samplerate, long maxvectorsize, long flags)
    object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, (method)hoa_converter_tilde_perform, 0, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 13
void hoa_meter_dsp64(t_hoa_meter *x, t_object *dsp64, short *count, double samplerate, long maxvectorsize, long flags)
    object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, hoa_meter_perform64, 0, NULL);
    x->f_startclock = 1;
Exemplo n.º 14
void gain_dsp(t_gain *x, t_object *dsp, short *count, double samplerate, long maxvectorsize, long flags)
    x->f_sample_rate = pd_clip_min(samplerate, 1);
    x->f_ramp_sample = pd_clip_min(x->f_ramp * x->f_sample_rate / 1000., 1);
    object_method(dsp, gensym("dsp_add"), x, (method)gain_perform, 0, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 15
void hoa_dac_assist(t_hoa_dac *x, void *b, long m, long a, char *s)
	object_method(x->f_dac, gensym("assist"), b, m, a, s);
Exemplo n.º 16
void cambio_dsp(t_cambio *x, t_object *dsp, short *count, double samplerate, long maxvectorsize, long flags)
    object_method(dsp, gensym("dsp_add"), x, cambio_perform, 0, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 17
void hoa_dac_dblclick(t_hoa_dac *x)
    object_method(x->f_dac, gensym("dblclick"), 0, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 18
void hoa_dac_dsp64(t_hoa_dac *x, t_object *dsp64, short *count, double samplerate, long maxvectorsize, long flags)
    object_method((t_object *)x->f_dac, gensym("dsp64"), dsp64, count, samplerate, maxvectorsize, flags);
Exemplo n.º 19
void HoaBinaural_dsp64(t_HoaBinaural *x, t_object *dsp64, short *count, double samplerate, long maxvectorsize, long flags)
    object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, HoaBinaural_perform64, 0, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 20
void hoa_dac_stop(t_hoa_dac *x)
	object_method(x->f_dac, gensym("stop"), NULL, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 21
void HoaSevenDotOne_dsp64(t_HoaSevenDotOne *x, t_object *dsp64, short *count, double samplerate, long maxvectorsize, long flags)
	object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, HoaSevenDotOne_perform64, 0, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 22
void hoa_dac_startwindow(t_hoa_dac *x)
	object_method(x->f_dac, gensym("startwindow"), NULL, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 23
t_max_err wrappedModularClass_attrSet(TTPtr self, t_object *attr, long argc, const t_atom *argv)
	WrappedModularInstancePtr x = (WrappedModularInstancePtr)self;
	t_symbol	*attrName = (t_symbol*)object_method(attr, _sym_getname);
	TTValue		v;
	long        ac = 0;
	t_atom		*av = NULL;
	t_max_err	m_err;
	TTErr		err;
	TTPtr		ptr;
	// for an array of wrapped object
	if (x->useInternals && !x->iterateInternals) {
		TTValue		keys;
		// temporary set x->iterateInternals to YES
		x->iterateInternals = YES;
		// then recall this method for each element of the array
		if (!x->internals->isEmpty()) {
			err = x->internals->getKeys(keys);
			if (!err) {
				for (TTUInt32 i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
					x->cursor = keys[i];
					wrappedModularClass_attrSet(self, attr, argc, argv);
		// reset x->iterateInternals to NO
		x->iterateInternals = NO;
		return MAX_ERR_NONE;
	m_err = hashtab_lookup(x->wrappedClassDefinition->maxNamesToTTNames, attrName, (t_object**)&ptr);
	if (m_err)
		return m_err;
	TTSymbol	ttAttrName(ptr);
	// set attribute's value
	if (argc && argv) {
		jamoma_ttvalue_from_Atom(v, _sym_nothing, argc, argv);
		if (selectedObject) {
			selectedObject->setAttributeValue(ttAttrName, v);
			return MAX_ERR_NONE;
			return MAX_ERR_GENERIC;
	// or get it and dumpout his value
	else {
		if (selectedObject) {
			// don't consider array case here (they should have all the same attribute value)
			selectedObject->getAttributeValue(ttAttrName, v);
			jamoma_ttvalue_to_Atom(v, &ac, &av);
			object_obex_dumpout(self, attrName, ac, av);
			return MAX_ERR_NONE;
			return MAX_ERR_GENERIC;
Exemplo n.º 24
void hoa_dac_open(t_hoa_dac *x)
	object_method(x->f_dac, gensym("open"), NULL, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 25
void jitter_dsp64(t_jitter *x, t_object *dsp64, short *count, double samplerate, long maxvectorsize, long flags)
    object_method(dsp64, gensym("dsp_add64"), x, jitter_perform64, 0, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 26
void hoa_dac_wclose(t_hoa_dac *x)
	object_method(x->f_dac, gensym("wclose"), NULL, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 27
void hoa_projector_dsp(t_hoa_projector *x, t_object *dsp, short *count, double samplerate, long maxvectorsize, long flags)
    object_method(dsp, gensym("dsp_add"), x, (method)hoa_projector_perform, 0, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 28
void hoa_dac_int(t_hoa_dac *x, long l)
	object_method(x->f_dac, l == 1 ? gensym("start") : gensym("stop"), NULL, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 29
void color_patchline(t_connect *x)
	t_object *line, *startobj;
	t_object *jb, *o;
	t_hoa_err err;
	t_jrgba* linecolor = NULL;
	int inletnum, sign;
	short startobj_type;
	t_hoa_boxinfos* startobj_infos = (t_hoa_boxinfos*) malloc( sizeof(t_hoa_boxinfos));
	line = jpatcher_get_firstline(x->f_patcher);
	while (line)
		startobj = jbox_get_object(jpatchline_get_box1(line));
		if(object_is_hoa(startobj) || is_obj_hoa_exotic(startobj))
			startobj_type = object_is_hoa(startobj);
			err = (t_hoa_err) object_method(startobj, hoa_sym_hoa_getinfos, startobj_infos, NULL);
			if (err == HOA_ERR_NONE)
				// ambisonics colors (zero | neg | pos) (ex: hoa.encoder~ => hoa.optim~)
				if (startobj_infos->autoconnect_outputs_type == HOA_CONNECT_TYPE_AMBISONICS)
					inletnum = jpatchline_get_inletnum(line);
					if (startobj_infos->object_type == HOA_OBJECT_2D)
						sign = x->f_ambi2D->getHarmonicArgument(inletnum);
					if (startobj_infos->object_type == HOA_OBJECT_3D)
						sign = x->f_ambi3D->getHarmonicArgument(inletnum);
					if (sign > 0)
						linecolor = &x->f_color_positiv;
					else if (sign < 0)
						linecolor = &x->f_color_negativ;
						linecolor = &x->f_color_zero;
					jpatchline_set_color(line, linecolor);
				// planewave color (ex: hoa.projector~ => hoa.recomposer~)
				else if (startobj_infos->autoconnect_outputs_type == HOA_CONNECT_TYPE_PLANEWAVES)
					jpatchline_set_color(line, &x->f_color_plane);
			// hoa.plug~ retro compatibility
			else if (object_classname(startobj) == hoa_sym_jpatcher)
				jb = jpatcher_get_firstobject(startobj);
					o = jbox_get_object(jb);
					if(object_classname(o) == gensym("hoa.plug_script"))
						inletnum = jpatchline_get_inletnum(line);
						if (inletnum == 0)
							jpatchline_set_color(line, &x->f_color_zero);
						else if (inletnum % 2 == 1)
							jpatchline_set_color(line, &x->f_color_negativ);
							jpatchline_set_color(line, &x->f_color_positiv);
					jb = jbox_get_nextobject(jb);
		line = jpatchline_get_nextline(line);
Exemplo n.º 30
t_max_err paramui_getRampFunction(t_paramui *x, void *attr, long *argc, t_atom **argv)
	t_symbol	*attrName = (t_symbol*)object_method(attr, _sym_getname);		
	return object_attr_getvalueof(x->obj_parameter, attrName, argc, argv);