Exemplo n.º 1
 * Display current audio volume bitmap
 * The OSD Menu audio volume bar is updated to reflect the new audio volume. Call this function
 * when the audio volume is updated outside the OSD menu command "menu up", "menu down" or "menu select".
void osd_Volume( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    osd_button_t *p_button = NULL;
    int i_volume = 0;
    int i_steps = 0;

    osd_menu_t *p_osd = osd_FindVisible( p_this );
    if( p_osd == NULL )

    if( p_osd->p_state && p_osd->p_state->p_volume )

        p_button = p_osd->p_state->p_volume;
        if( p_osd->p_state->p_volume )
            p_osd->p_state->p_visible = p_osd->p_state->p_volume;
        if( p_button && p_button->b_range )
            /* Update the volume state images to match the current volume */
            i_volume = config_GetInt( p_this, "volume" );
            i_steps = osd_VolumeStep( p_this, i_volume, p_button->i_ranges );
            p_button->p_current_state = osd_VolumeStateChange( p_button->p_states, i_steps );

            osd_UpdateState( p_osd->p_state,
                    p_button->i_x, p_button->i_y,
                    p_button->p_current_state->p_pic );
            osd_SetMenuUpdate( p_osd, true );
            osd_SetMenuVisible( p_osd, true );
    vlc_mutex_unlock( &osd_mutex );
Exemplo n.º 2
void osd_MenuShow( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    osd_button_t *p_button = NULL;

    osd_menu_t *p_osd = osd_Find( p_this );
    if( p_osd == NULL )

#if defined(OSD_MENU_DEBUG)
    msg_Dbg( p_osd, "menu on" );
    p_button = p_osd->p_state->p_visible;
    if( p_button )
        if( !p_button->b_range )
            p_button->p_current_state = osd_StateChange( p_button, OSD_BUTTON_UNSELECT );
        p_osd->p_state->p_visible = p_osd->p_button;

        if( !p_osd->p_state->p_visible->b_range )
            p_osd->p_state->p_visible->p_current_state =
                osd_StateChange( p_osd->p_state->p_visible, OSD_BUTTON_SELECT );

        osd_UpdateState( p_osd->p_state,
                p_osd->p_state->p_visible->i_x, p_osd->p_state->p_visible->i_y,
                p_osd->p_state->p_visible->p_current_state->p_pic );
        osd_SetMenuUpdate( p_osd, true );
    osd_SetMenuVisible( p_osd, true );

    vlc_mutex_unlock( &osd_mutex );
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: osd.c Projeto: paa/vlc
void osd_MenuActivate( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    osd_menu_t *p_osd;
    osd_button_t *p_button = NULL;
    vlc_mutex_t *p_lock = osd_GetMutex( p_this );

    vlc_mutex_lock( p_lock );

    p_osd = osd_Find( p_this );
    if( p_osd == NULL || !osd_isVisible( p_osd ) )
        vlc_mutex_unlock( p_lock );
        msg_Err( p_this, "osd_MenuActivate failed" );

#if defined(OSD_MENU_DEBUG)
    msg_Dbg( p_osd, "select" );
    p_button = p_osd->p_state->p_visible;
     * Is there a menu item above or below? If so, then select it.
    if( p_button && p_button->p_up )
        vlc_mutex_unlock( p_lock );
        osd_MenuUp( p_this );   /* "menu select" means go to menu item above. */
    if( p_button && p_button->p_down )
        vlc_mutex_unlock( p_lock );
        osd_MenuDown( p_this ); /* "menu select" means go to menu item below. */

    if( p_button && !p_button->b_range )
        p_button->p_current_state = osd_StateChange( p_button, OSD_BUTTON_PRESSED );
        osd_UpdateState( p_osd->p_state,
                p_button->i_x, p_button->i_y,
                p_button->p_current_state->p_pic );
        osd_SetMenuUpdate( p_osd, true );
        osd_SetMenuVisible( p_osd, true );
        osd_SetKeyPressed( VLC_OBJECT(p_osd->p_libvlc),
                           var_InheritInteger( p_osd, p_button->psz_action ) );
#if defined(OSD_MENU_DEBUG)
        msg_Dbg( p_osd, "select (%d, %s)",
                 var_InheritInteger( p_osd, p_button->psz_action ),
                 p_button->psz_action );
    vlc_mutex_unlock( p_lock );
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Display current audio volume bitmap
 * The OSD Menu audio volume bar is updated to reflect the new audio volume. Call this function
 * when the audio volume is updated outside the OSD menu command "menu up", "menu down" or "menu select".
void __osd_Volume( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    osd_menu_t *p_osd = NULL;
    osd_button_t *p_button = NULL;
    vlc_value_t lockval;
    int i_volume = 0;
    int i_steps = 0;

    p_osd = vlc_object_find( p_this, VLC_OBJECT_OSDMENU, FIND_ANYWHERE );
    if( p_osd == NULL )
        msg_Err( p_this, "OSD menu volume update failed" );

    if( p_osd->p_state && p_osd->p_state->p_volume )
        var_Get( p_this->p_libvlc, "osd_mutex", &lockval );
        vlc_mutex_lock( lockval.p_address );

        p_button = p_osd->p_state->p_volume;
        if( p_osd->p_state->p_volume )
            p_osd->p_state->p_visible = p_osd->p_state->p_volume;
        if( p_button && p_button->b_range )
            /* Update the volume state images to match the current volume */
            i_volume = config_GetInt( p_this, "volume" );
            i_steps = osd_VolumeStep( p_this, i_volume, p_button->i_ranges );
            p_button->p_current_state = osd_VolumeStateChange( p_button->p_states, i_steps );

            osd_UpdateState( p_osd->p_state,
                    p_button->i_x, p_button->i_y,
                    p_button->p_current_state->p_pic );
            osd_SetMenuUpdate( p_osd, true );
            osd_SetMenuVisible( p_osd, true );
        vlc_mutex_unlock( lockval.p_address );
    vlc_object_release( p_osd );
Exemplo n.º 5
void __osd_MenuShow( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    osd_menu_t *p_osd = NULL;
    osd_button_t *p_button = NULL;
    vlc_value_t lockval;

    p_osd = vlc_object_find( p_this, VLC_OBJECT_OSDMENU, FIND_ANYWHERE );
    if( p_osd == NULL )
        msg_Err( p_this, "osd_MenuNext failed" );

    var_Get( p_this->p_libvlc, "osd_mutex", &lockval );
    vlc_mutex_lock( lockval.p_address );

#if defined(OSD_MENU_DEBUG)
    msg_Dbg( p_osd, "menu on" );
    p_button = p_osd->p_state->p_visible;
    if( p_button )
        if( !p_button->b_range )
            p_button->p_current_state = osd_StateChange( p_button, OSD_BUTTON_UNSELECT );
        p_osd->p_state->p_visible = p_osd->p_button;

        if( !p_osd->p_state->p_visible->b_range )
            p_osd->p_state->p_visible->p_current_state =
                osd_StateChange( p_osd->p_state->p_visible, OSD_BUTTON_SELECT );

        osd_UpdateState( p_osd->p_state,
                p_osd->p_state->p_visible->i_x, p_osd->p_state->p_visible->i_y,
                p_osd->p_state->p_visible->p_current_state->p_pic );
        osd_SetMenuUpdate( p_osd, true );
    osd_SetMenuVisible( p_osd, true );

    vlc_object_release( (vlc_object_t*) p_osd );
    vlc_mutex_unlock( lockval.p_address );
Exemplo n.º 6
void __osd_MenuActivate( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    osd_menu_t *p_osd = NULL;
    osd_button_t *p_button = NULL;
    vlc_value_t lockval;

    p_osd = vlc_object_find( p_this, VLC_OBJECT_OSDMENU, FIND_ANYWHERE );
    if( p_osd == NULL )
        msg_Err( p_this, "osd_MenuNext failed" );

    if( osd_isVisible( p_osd ) == false )
        vlc_object_release( (vlc_object_t*) p_osd );

    var_Get( p_this->p_libvlc, "osd_mutex", &lockval );
    vlc_mutex_lock( lockval.p_address );

#if defined(OSD_MENU_DEBUG)
    msg_Dbg( p_osd, "select" );
    p_button = p_osd->p_state->p_visible;
     * Is there a menu item above or below? If so, then select it.
    if( p_button && p_button->p_up )
        vlc_object_release( (vlc_object_t*) p_osd );
        vlc_mutex_unlock( lockval.p_address );
        __osd_MenuUp( p_this );   /* "menu select" means go to menu item above. */
    if( p_button && p_button->p_down )
        vlc_object_release( (vlc_object_t*) p_osd );
        vlc_mutex_unlock( lockval.p_address );
        __osd_MenuDown( p_this ); /* "menu select" means go to menu item below. */

    if( p_button && !p_button->b_range )
        p_button->p_current_state = osd_StateChange( p_button, OSD_BUTTON_PRESSED );
        osd_UpdateState( p_osd->p_state,
                p_button->i_x, p_button->i_y,
                p_button->p_current_state->p_pic );
        osd_SetMenuUpdate( p_osd, true );
        osd_SetMenuVisible( p_osd, true );
        osd_SetKeyPressed( VLC_OBJECT(p_osd->p_libvlc), config_GetInt( p_osd, p_button->psz_action ) );
#if defined(OSD_MENU_DEBUG)
        msg_Dbg( p_osd, "select (%d, %s)", config_GetInt( p_osd, p_button->psz_action ), p_button->psz_action );
    vlc_object_release( (vlc_object_t*) p_osd );
    vlc_mutex_unlock( lockval.p_address );