Exemplo n.º 1
/* --------------------------------------------
 * p_attempt_locate_at_current_offset
 * --------------------------------------------
static void
p_attempt_locate_at_current_offset(Context *context, gint32 px, gint32 py)
  GimpPixelRgn refPR;
  GimpPixelRgn targetPR;
  gpointer  pr;
  gint      rx1, ry1, rWidth, rHeight;
  gint      tx1, ty1, tWidth, tHeight;
  gint      commonAreaWidth, commonAreaHeight;
  gint      fullShapeWidth,  fullShapeHeight;
  gint      rWidthRequired, rHeightRequired;
  gboolean  isIntersect;

  gint    leftShapeRadius;
  gint    upperShapeRadius;

  if (context->isFinishedFlag)
  fullShapeWidth = (2 * context->refShapeRadius);
  fullShapeHeight = (2 * context->refShapeRadius);

  /* calculate processing relevant intersecting reference / target rectangles */  

  isIntersect =
   gimp_rectangle_intersect((context->refX - context->refShapeRadius)  /* origin1 */
                          , (context->refY - context->refShapeRadius)
                          , fullShapeWidth               /*  width1 */
                          , fullShapeHeight              /* height1 */
  if (!isIntersect)
  leftShapeRadius = context->refX - rx1;
  upperShapeRadius = context->refY - ry1;

  isIntersect =
   gimp_rectangle_intersect((px - leftShapeRadius)  /* origin1 */
                          , (py - upperShapeRadius)
                          , rWidth               /*  width1 */
                          , rHeight               /* height1 */
  if (!isIntersect)
  commonAreaWidth = tWidth;
  commonAreaHeight = tHeight;

  // TODO test if 2/3 of the fullShapeWidth and fullShapeHeight is sufficient for usable results.
  // alternative1: maybe require  rWidth and rHeight
  // alternative2: maybe require  fullShapeWidth and fullShapeHeight
  rWidthRequired = (fullShapeWidth * 2) / 3;
  rHeightRequired = (fullShapeHeight * 2) / 3;
  if ((commonAreaWidth < rWidthRequired) 
  ||  (commonAreaHeight < rHeightRequired))
    /* the common area is significant smaller than the reference shape 
     * skip the compare attempt in this case to avoid unpredictable results (near borders)


//   if(gap_debug)
//   {
//     printf("p_attempt_locate_at: px: %04d py:%04d\n"
//            "                     rx1:%04d ry1:%04d rWidth:%d rHeight:%d\n"
//            "                     tx1:%04d ty1:%04d tWidth:%d tHeight:%d\n"
//            "                     commonAreaWidth:%d commonAreaHeight:%d\n"
//       ,(int)px
//       ,(int)py
//       ,(int)rx1
//       ,(int)ry1
//       ,(int)rWidth
//       ,(int)rHeight
//       ,(int)tx1
//       ,(int)ty1
//       ,(int)tWidth
//       ,(int)tHeight
//       ,(int)commonAreaWidth
//       ,(int)commonAreaHeight
//       );
//   }

  /* rest 'per offset' values in the context */
  context->cancelAttemptFlag = FALSE;
  context->sumDiffValue = 0;
  context->involvedPixelCount = 0;
  context->currentDistance = p_calculate_distance_to_ref_coord(context, px, py);
  context->px = px;
  context->py = py;

  gimp_pixel_rgn_init (&refPR, context->refDrawable, rx1, ry1
                      , commonAreaWidth, commonAreaHeight
                      , FALSE     /* dirty */
                      , FALSE     /* shadow */

  gimp_pixel_rgn_init (&targetPR, context->targetDrawable, tx1, ty1
                      , commonAreaWidth, commonAreaHeight
                      , FALSE     /* dirty */
                      , FALSE     /* shadow */

  /* compare pixel areas in tiled portions via pixel region processing loops.
  for (pr = gimp_pixel_rgns_register (2, &refPR, &targetPR);
       pr != NULL;
       pr = gimp_pixel_rgns_process (pr))
    if (context->cancelAttemptFlag)
      p_compare_regions(&refPR, &targetPR, context);

  if (pr != NULL)
     /* NOTE:
      * early escaping from the loop with pr != NULL
      * leads to memory leaks due to unbalanced tile ref/unref calls.
      * the call to gap_gimp_pixel_rgns_unref cals unref on the current tile
      * (in the same way as gimp_pixel_rgns_process does)
      * but does not ref another available tile.
    gap_gimp_pixel_rgns_unref (pr);

  if ((context->involvedPixelCount >= context->requiredPixelCount)
  &&  (context->sumDiffValue <= context->bestMatchingSumDiffValue))
    if((context->sumDiffValue < context->bestMatchingSumDiffValue)
    || ( context->currentDistance < context->bestMatchingDistance))
      context->bestMatchingSumDiffValue = context->sumDiffValue;
      context->bestMatchingDistance = context->currentDistance;
      context->bestMatchingPixelCount = context->involvedPixelCount;
      context->bestX = px;
      context->bestY = py;
        gdouble bestMatchingAvgColordiff;
        bestMatchingAvgColordiff = p_calculate_average_colordiff(context->bestMatchingSumDiffValue
                                    , context->bestMatchingPixelCount
        printf("FOUND: bestX:%d bestY:%d squareDist:%d\n"
               "             sumDiffValues:%d pixelCount:%d bestMatchingAvgColordiff:%.5f\n"
          , (int)context->bestX
          , (int)context->bestY
          , (int)context->bestMatchingDistance
          , (int)context->bestMatchingSumDiffValue
          , (int)context->bestMatchingPixelCount
          , (float)bestMatchingAvgColordiff
      if ((context->currentDistance <= context->veryNearDistance)
      &&  (context->sumDiffValue == 0))
        /* stop all further attempts on exact matching area when near reference origin */
        context->isFinishedFlag = TRUE;

}  /* end p_attempt_locate_at_current_offset */
Exemplo n.º 2
/* --------------------------------------------
 * gap_locateAreaWithinRadiusWithOffset
 * --------------------------------------------
 * processing starts at reference coords + offest
 * and continues outwards upto targetMoveRadius for 4 quadrants.
 * returns average color difference (0.0 upto 1.0)
 *    where 0.0 indicates exact matching area
 *      and 1.0 indicates all pixel have maximum color diff (when comaring full white agains full black area)
gap_locateAreaWithinRadiusWithOffset(gint32  refDrawableId
  , gint32  refX
  , gint32  refY
  , gint32  refShapeRadius
  , gint32  targetDrawableId
  , gint32  targetMoveRadius
  , gint32  *targetX
  , gint32  *targetY
  , gint32  offsetX
  , gint32  offsetY
  Context contextData;
  Context *context;
  gdouble averageColorDiff;
  gboolean isFinishedFlag;
  gdouble maxPixelCount;
  gint32  shapeDiameter;
  gint32  fullAreaPixelCount;
  gint32  dx;
  gint32  dy;
  *targetX = refX;
  *targetY = refY;
  shapeDiameter = 1 + (refShapeRadius + refShapeRadius);
  fullAreaPixelCount = (shapeDiameter) * (shapeDiameter);
  /* init Context */
  context = &contextData;
  context->refShapeRadius = refShapeRadius;
  context->refX = refX;
  context->refY = refY;
  context->bestX = refX;
  context->bestY = refY;
  context->cancelAttemptCount = 0;
  context->rowsProcessedCount = 0;
  context->cancelAttemptFlag = FALSE;
  context->isFinishedFlag = FALSE;
  context->requiredPixelCount = (fullAreaPixelCount * 30) / 100;
  context->almostFullAreaPixelCount = (fullAreaPixelCount * 90) / 100;
  context->involvedPixelCount = 0;
  context->sumDiffValue = 0;
  context->currentDistance = 0;
  context->bestMatchingPixelCount = 0;
  context->veryNearDistance = (2 * 2);

  context->refDrawable = gimp_drawable_get(refDrawableId);
  context->targetDrawable = gimp_drawable_get(targetDrawableId);
  maxPixelCount = MAX(context->refDrawable->width, context->targetDrawable->width)
                * MAX(context->refDrawable->height, context->targetDrawable->height);
  context->bestMatchingSumDiffValue = maxPixelCount * MAX_DIFF_VALUE_PER_PIXEL;
  context->bestMatchingDistance = maxPixelCount;
  averageColorDiff = 1.0;
      printf("gap_locateAreaWithinRadiusWithOffset START: refDrawableId:%d targetDrawableId:%d\n"
             "                           refX:%d refY:%d refShapeRadius:%d\n"
             "                           requiredPixelCount:%d almostFullAreaPixelCount:%d  fullAreaPixelCount:%d\n"
        , (int)refDrawableId
        , (int)targetDrawableId
        , (int)context->refX
        , (int)context->refY
        , (int)refShapeRadius
        , (int)context->requiredPixelCount
        , (int)context->almostFullAreaPixelCount
        , (int)fullAreaPixelCount
  for(dx = 0; dx <= targetMoveRadius; dx ++)
    if (context->isFinishedFlag) 

    for(dy = 0; dy <= targetMoveRadius; dy++)
      p_attempt_locate_at_current_offset(context, (offsetX + refX) + dx, (offsetY + refY) + dy);
      if (isFinishedFlag)
      if (dx > 0)
        p_attempt_locate_at_current_offset(context, (offsetX + refX) - dx, (offsetY + refY) + dy);
        if (context->isFinishedFlag) 
      if (dy > 0)
        p_attempt_locate_at_current_offset(context, (offsetX + refX) + dx, (offsetY + refY) - dy);
        if (context->isFinishedFlag) 
      if ((dx > 0) && (dy > 0))
        p_attempt_locate_at_current_offset(context, (offsetX + refX) - dx, (offsetY + refY) - dy);
        if (context->isFinishedFlag) 
  if (context->bestMatchingPixelCount > 0)
    *targetX = context->bestX;
    *targetY = context->bestY;
    averageColorDiff = p_calculate_average_colordiff(context->bestMatchingSumDiffValue
                                    , context->bestMatchingPixelCount

      printf("gap_locateAreaWithinRadiusWithOffset Result: bestX:%d bestY:%d averageColorDiff:%.5f\n"
             "                           sumDiffValues:%d pixelCount:%d\n"
             "                           refX:%d refY:%d  cancelAttemptCount:%d rowsProcessedCount:%d\n"
             "                           requiredPixelCount:%d almostFullAreaPixelCount:%d\n"
        , (int)context->bestX
        , (int)context->bestY
        , (float)averageColorDiff
        , (int)context->bestMatchingSumDiffValue
        , (int)context->bestMatchingPixelCount
        , (int)context->refX
        , (int)context->refY
        , (int)context->cancelAttemptCount
        , (int)context->rowsProcessedCount
        , (int)context->requiredPixelCount
        , (int)context->almostFullAreaPixelCount
      printf("gap_locateAreaWithinRadiusWithOffset * NOTHING FOUND *\n");

  if(context->refDrawable != NULL)
  if(context->targetDrawable != NULL)

  return (averageColorDiff);

}  /* end gap_locateAreaWithinRadiusWithOffset */
Exemplo n.º 3
/* ---------------------------------
 * p_compare_regions
 * ---------------------------------
 * calculate summary Colorvalues difference for all opaque pixels
 * in the compared area region.
static void
p_compare_regions (const GimpPixelRgn *refPR
                  ,const GimpPixelRgn *targetPR
                  ,Context *context)
  guint    row;
  guchar*  ref = refPR->data;   /* the reference drawable */
  guchar*  target = targetPR->data;   /* the target drawable */

//   if(gap_debug)
//   {
//     printf("region REF x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d  TARGET x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d   px:%d py:%d\n"
//        , (int)refPR->x
//        , (int)refPR->y
//        , (int)refPR->w
//        , (int)refPR->h
//        , (int)targetPR->x
//        , (int)targetPR->y
//        , (int)targetPR->w
//        , (int)targetPR->h
//        , (int)context->px
//        , (int)context->py
//        );
//   }

  for (row = 0; row < targetPR->h; row++)
    guint  col;
    guint  idxref;
    guint  idxtarget;
    if (row >= refPR->h)

    idxref = 0;
    idxtarget = 0;
    for(col = 0; col < targetPR->w; col++)
      gboolean isCompareable;
      isCompareable = TRUE;
      if (col < refPR->w)
        if(refPR->bpp > 3)
          if(ref[idxref +3] < OPACITY_LEVEL_UCHAR)
            /* transparent reference pixel is not compared */
            isCompareable = FALSE;
        isCompareable = FALSE;

      if(targetPR->bpp > 3)
        if(target[idxtarget +3] < OPACITY_LEVEL_UCHAR)
          /* transparent target pixel is not compared */
          isCompareable = FALSE;

      if (isCompareable == TRUE)
        context->involvedPixelCount += 1;
        context->sumDiffValue += abs(ref[idxref]    - target[idxtarget]);
        context->sumDiffValue += abs(ref[idxref +1] - target[idxtarget +1]);
        context->sumDiffValue += abs(ref[idxref +2] - target[idxtarget +2]);

        if (context->sumDiffValue > context->bestMatchingSumDiffValue)
          gdouble avgColodiff;
          avgColodiff =
                                          , context->involvedPixelCount
          if(avgColodiff > context->bestMatchingAvgColordiff)
            /* stop evaluating area at current offset on worse results */
            context->cancelAttemptFlag = TRUE;
            context->cancelAttemptCount += 1;


      idxref    += refPR->bpp;
      idxtarget += targetPR->bpp;

    ref += refPR->rowstride;
    target += targetPR->rowstride;


}  /* end p_compare_regions */