Exemplo n.º 1
void gmmreg_base::save_transformed(const char* filename,
    const vnl_vector<double>& params, const char* f_config) {
  std::ofstream outfile(filename, std::ios_base::out);

  char section_correspondence[256] = "CORRESPONDENCE";
  int num = GetPrivateProfileInt(section_correspondence,
                                 "num_of_thresholds", 0, f_config);
  if (num > 0) {
    char s_min[256], s_max[256], s_pairs[256];
        "min_threshold", NULL, s_min, 255, f_config);
        "max_threshold", NULL, s_max, 255, f_config);
        "matched_pairs", NULL, s_pairs, 255, f_config);
    std::ofstream f_pair(s_pairs, std::ios_base::out);
    double min_threshold, max_threshold, interval;
    min_threshold = atof(s_min);
    max_threshold = atof(s_max);
    if (num == 1) {
      interval = 0.0f;
    } else {
      interval = (max_threshold - min_threshold) / (num - 1);
    //vnl_matrix<double> working_M, working_S;
    vnl_matrix<double> dist;
    vnl_matrix<int> pairs;
    ComputeSquaredDistanceMatrix(transformed_model, scene, dist);
    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
      double threshold  = min_threshold + i*interval;
      //int n_match = find_working_pair(model, scene, transformed_model,
      //                                threshold, working_M, working_S);
      pick_indices(dist, pairs, threshold*threshold);
      //printf("%f : %d\n",threshold, n_match);
      f_pair << "distance threshold : " << threshold << std::endl;
      f_pair << "# of matched point pairs : " << pairs.cols() << std::endl;
      int j;
      for (j = 0; j < pairs.cols(); ++j) {
        f_pair << std::left << pairs(0, j);
      f_pair << std::endl;
      for (j = 0; j < pairs.cols(); ++j) {
        f_pair << std::left << pairs(1, j);
      f_pair << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Please find the transformed model set in "
            << filename << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 2
    // Get next point where the marker should be placed. Returns true if a place is found, false if none is found.
    bool get_point(double &x, double &y, double &angle, bool ignore_placement)
        if (done_)
            return false;

        if (locator_.type() == geometry::geometry_types::LineString)
            if (!label::middle_point(locator_, x, y))
                done_ = true;
                return false;
            if (!label::centroid(locator_, x, y))
                done_ = true;
                return false;

        angle = 0;
        box2d<double> box = perform_transform(angle, x, y);

        if (params_.avoid_edges && !detector_.extent().contains(box))
            return false;
        if (!params_.allow_overlap && !detector_.has_placement(box))
            return false;

        if (!ignore_placement)

        done_ = true;
        return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool markers_placement<Locator, Detector>::get_point(
    double & x, double & y, double & angle,  bool add_to_detector)
    if (done_) return false;

    unsigned cmd;

    /* This functions starts at the position of the previous marker,
       walks along the path, counting how far it has to go in spacing_left.
       If one marker can't be placed at the position it should go to it is
       moved a bit. The error is compensated for in the next call to this

       error > 0: Marker too near to the end of the path.
       error = 0: Perfect position.
       error < 0: Marker too near to the beginning of the path.

    if (marker_nr_++ == 0)
        //First marker
        spacing_left_ = spacing_ / 2;
    } else
        spacing_left_ = spacing_;

    spacing_left_ -= error_;
    error_ = 0;

    //Loop exits when a position is found or when no more segments are available
    while (true)
        //Do not place markers too close to the beginning of a segment
        if (spacing_left_ < marker_width_/2)
            set_spacing_left(marker_width_/2); //Only moves forward
        //Error for this marker is too large. Skip to the next position.
        if (abs(error_) > max_error_ * spacing_)
            if (error_ > spacing_)
                error_ = 0; //Avoid moving backwards

                MAPNIK_LOG_WARN(markers_placement) << "Extremely large error in markers_placement. Please file a bug report.";
            spacing_left_ += spacing_ - error_;
            error_ = 0;
        double dx = next_x - last_x;
        double dy = next_y - last_y;
        double segment_length = std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
        if (segment_length <= spacing_left_)
            //Segment is to short to place marker. Find next segment
            spacing_left_ -= segment_length;
            last_x = next_x;
            last_y = next_y;
            while (agg::is_move_to(cmd = locator_.vertex(&next_x, &next_y)))
                //Skip over "move" commands
                last_x = next_x;
                last_y = next_y;
            if (agg::is_stop(cmd))
                done_ = true;
                return false;
            continue; //Try again

        /* At this point we know the following things:
           - segment_length > spacing_left
           - error is small enough
           - at least half a marker fits into this segment

        //Check if marker really fits in this segment
        if (segment_length < marker_width_)
            //Segment to short => Skip this segment
            set_spacing_left(segment_length + marker_width_/2); //Only moves forward
        } else if (segment_length - spacing_left_ < marker_width_/2)
            //Segment is long enough, but we are to close to the end

            //Note: This function moves backwards. This could lead to an infinite
            // loop when another function adds a positive offset. Therefore we
            // only move backwards when there is no offset
            if (error_ == 0)
                set_spacing_left(segment_length - marker_width_/2, true);
            } else
                //Skip this segment
                set_spacing_left(segment_length + marker_width_/2); //Only moves forward
            continue; //Force checking of max_error constraint
        angle = atan2(dy, dx);
        x = last_x + dx * (spacing_left_ / segment_length);
        y = last_y + dy * (spacing_left_ / segment_length);

        box2d<double> box = perform_transform(angle, x, y);

        if (!allow_overlap_ && !detector_.has_placement(box))
            //10.0 is the approxmiate number of positions tried and choosen arbitrarily
            set_spacing_left(spacing_left_ + spacing_ * max_error_ / 10.0); //Only moves forward
        if (add_to_detector) detector_.insert(box);
        last_x = x;
        last_y = y;
        return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
/** Get a point where the marker should be placed.
 * Each time this function is called a new point is returned.
 * \param x     Return value for x position
 * \param y     Return value for x position
 * \param angle Return value for rotation angle
 * \param add_to_detector Add selected position to detector
 * \return True if a place is found, false if none is found.
template <typename Locator, typename Detector> bool markers_placement<Locator, Detector>::get_point(
    double *x, double *y, double *angle, bool add_to_detector)
    if (done_) return false;
    unsigned cmd;
    double spacing_left;
    if (marker_nr_++ == 0)
        spacing_left = spacing_ / 2;
    } else
        spacing_left = spacing_;

    spacing_left -= error_;
    error_ = 0;

    while (true)
        //Loop exits when a position is found or when no more segments are available
        if (spacing_left < size_.width()/2)
            //Do not place markers to close to the beginning of a segment
            error_ += size_.width()/2 - spacing_left;
            spacing_left = size_.width()/2;
        if (abs(error_) > max_error_ * spacing_)
            spacing_left += spacing_ - error_;
            error_ = 0;
        double dx = next_x - last_x;
        double dy = next_y - last_y;
        double d = std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
        if (d <= spacing_left)
            //Segment is to short to place marker. Find next segment
            spacing_left -= d;
            last_x = next_x;
            last_y = next_y;
            while (agg::is_move_to(cmd = locator_.vertex(&next_x, &next_y)))
                //Skip over "move" commands
                last_x = next_x;
                last_y = next_y;
            if (agg::is_stop(cmd))
                done_ = true;
                return false;
            continue; //Try again
        //Check if marker really fits in this segment
        if (d < size_.width())
            //Segment to short => Skip this segment
            error_ += d + size_.width()/2 - spacing_left;
            spacing_left = d + size_.width()/2;
        } else if (d - spacing_left < size_.width()/2)
            //Segment is long enough, but we are to close to the end
            //Note: This function moves backwards. This could lead to an infinite
            // loop when another function adds a positive offset. Therefore we
            // only move backwards when there is no offset
            if (error_ == 0)
                error_ += d - size_.width()/2 - spacing_left;
                spacing_left = d - size_.width()/2;
            } else
                //Skip this segment
                error_ += d + size_.width()/2 - spacing_left;
                spacing_left = d + size_.width()/2;
            continue; //Force checking of max_error constraint
        *angle = atan2(dy, dx);
        *x = last_x + dx * (spacing_left / d);
        *y = last_y + dy * (spacing_left / d);

        box2d<double> box = perform_transform(*angle, *x, *y);
        if (!allow_overlap_ && !detector_.has_placement(box))
            //10.0 is choosen arbitrarily
            error_ += spacing_ * max_error_ / 10.0;
            spacing_left += spacing_ * max_error_ / 10.0;
        if (add_to_detector) detector_.insert(box);
        last_x = *x;
        last_y = *y;
        return true;