Exemplo n.º 1
static void tdfever_draw_bg(running_machine *machine, bitmap_t *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect, int xscroll, int yscroll )
	const UINT8 *source = snk_rambase + 0x000;
	const gfx_element *gfx = machine->gfx[1];

	int tile_number, attributes, color, sx, sy;
	int offs, x, y;

	for(x = 0; x < 32; x++) for(y = 0; y < 32; y++)
		offs = (x<<6)+(y<<1);
		tile_number = source[offs];
		attributes  = source[offs+1];

		tile_number |= (attributes & 0xf) << 8;

		color = attributes >> 4;
		sx = x << 4;
		sy = y << 4;

		// intercept overflown tile indices
		if(tile_number >= gfx->total_elements)
			plot_box(tmpbitmap, sx, sy, gfx->width, gfx->height, get_black_pen(machine));
Exemplo n.º 2
static void draw_led(bitmap_t *bitmap, int x, int y,UINT8 value)
	plot_box(bitmap, x, y, 6, 10, 0x00000000);

	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+0, x+1) = ((value & 0x01) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+0, x+2) = ((value & 0x01) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+0, x+3) = ((value & 0x01) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+1, x+4) = ((value & 0x02) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+2, x+4) = ((value & 0x02) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+3, x+4) = ((value & 0x02) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+5, x+4) = ((value & 0x04) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+6, x+4) = ((value & 0x04) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+7, x+4) = ((value & 0x04) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+8, x+1) = ((value & 0x08) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+8, x+2) = ((value & 0x08) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+8, x+3) = ((value & 0x08) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+5, x+0) = ((value & 0x10) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+6, x+0) = ((value & 0x10) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+7, x+0) = ((value & 0x10) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+1, x+0) = ((value & 0x20) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+2, x+0) = ((value & 0x20) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+3, x+0) = ((value & 0x20) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+4, x+1) = ((value & 0x40) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+4, x+2) = ((value & 0x40) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+4, x+3) = ((value & 0x40) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
	/*"point" (just for debugging)*/
	*BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y+9, x+4) = ((value & 0x80) ? LED_ON : LED_OFF);
Exemplo n.º 3
	draw the operator control panel (fixed backdrop)
static void pdp1_draw_panel_backdrop(mame_bitmap *bitmap)
	/* fill with black */
	fillbitmap(panel_bitmap, Machine->pens[pen_panel_bg], &panel_bitmap_bounds);

	/* column 1: registers, test word, test address */
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "program counter", x_panel_col1_offset, y_panel_pc_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "memory address", x_panel_col1_offset, y_panel_ma_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "memory buffer", x_panel_col1_offset, y_panel_mb_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "accumulator", x_panel_col1_offset, y_panel_ac_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "in-out", x_panel_col1_offset, y_panel_io_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "extend  address", x_panel_col1_offset-8, y_panel_ta_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "test word", x_panel_col1_offset, y_panel_tw_offset, color_panel_caption);

	/* column separator */
	plot_box(bitmap, x_panel_col2_offset-4, panel_window_offset_y+8, 1, 96, pen_panel_caption);

	/* column 2: 1-bit indicators */
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "run", x_panel_col2_offset+8, y_panel_run_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "cycle", x_panel_col2_offset+8, y_panel_cyc_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "defer", x_panel_col2_offset+8, y_panel_defer_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "h. s. cycle", x_panel_col2_offset+8, y_panel_hs_cyc_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "brk. ctr. 1", x_panel_col2_offset+8, y_panel_brk_ctr_1_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "brk. ctr. 2", x_panel_col2_offset+8, y_panel_brk_ctr_2_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "overflow", x_panel_col2_offset+8, y_panel_ov_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "read in", x_panel_col2_offset+8, y_panel_rim_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "seq. break", x_panel_col2_offset+8, y_panel_sbm_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "extend", x_panel_col2_offset+8, y_panel_exd_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "i-o halt", x_panel_col2_offset+8, y_panel_ioh_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "i-o com'ds", x_panel_col2_offset+8, y_panel_ioc_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "i-o sync", x_panel_col2_offset+8, y_panel_ios_offset, color_panel_caption);

	/* column separator */
	plot_box(bitmap, x_panel_col3_offset-4, panel_window_offset_y+8, 1, 96, pen_panel_caption);

	/* column 3: power, single step, single inst, sense, flags, instr... */
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "power", x_panel_col3_offset+16, y_panel_power_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "single step", x_panel_col3_offset+16, y_panel_sngl_step_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "single inst.", x_panel_col3_offset+16, y_panel_sngl_inst_offset, color_panel_caption);
	/* separator */
	plot_box(bitmap, x_panel_col3_offset+8, y_panel_sep1_offset+4, 96, 1, pen_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "sense switches", x_panel_col3_offset, y_panel_ss_offset, color_panel_caption);
	/* separator */
	plot_box(bitmap, x_panel_col3_offset+8, y_panel_sep2_offset+4, 96, 1, pen_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "program flags", x_panel_col3_offset, y_panel_pf_offset, color_panel_caption);
	pdp1_draw_string(bitmap, "instruction", x_panel_col3_offset, y_panel_ir_offset, color_panel_caption);
Exemplo n.º 4
void draw_16seg(mame_bitmap *bitmap,int x,int y,int vfd, int col_on, int col_off )
	int cursor;
	int i;

	for (cursor = 0; cursor < 16; cursor++)
		plot_box(bitmap, x+(7*cursor), y+1, 1, 9.5, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0001) ? col_on : col_off);/*0 */
		plot_box(bitmap, x+4+(7*cursor), y+1, 1, 9.5, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0002) ? col_on : col_off);/*1 */
		plot_box(bitmap, x+(7*cursor), y, 4, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0004) ? col_on : col_off);/*2 */
		plot_box(bitmap, x+2+(7*cursor), y+1, 1, 9.5, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0008) ? col_on : col_off);/*3 */
		plot_box(bitmap, x+4+(7*cursor), y+10.5, 1, 9.5, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0020) ? col_on : col_off);/*5 */

		for (i = 0; i < 11; i++)
			plot_box(bitmap, x+0+(i/5)+(7*cursor), y+20-(i*0.95), 1, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0010) ? col_on : col_off);/*4 */
			plot_box(bitmap, x+2-(i/5)+(7*cursor), y+10.5-(i*0.95), 1, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0040) ? col_on : col_off);/*6 */
			plot_box(bitmap, x+2+(i/5)+(7*cursor), y+10.5-(i*0.95), 1, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0080) ? col_on : col_off);/*7 */
			plot_box(bitmap, x+4-(i/5)+(7*cursor), y+20-(i*0.95), 1, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0800) ? col_on : col_off);/*11 */

		plot_box(bitmap, x+(7*cursor), y+20, 4, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0200) ? col_on : col_off);/*8 */
		plot_box(bitmap, x+2+(7*cursor), y+11.5, 1, 9.5, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0400) ? col_on : col_off);/*10 */
		plot_box(bitmap, x+5+(7*cursor), y+18, 1, 3, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x1000) ? col_on : col_off);/*12 */
		plot_box(bitmap, x+6+(7*cursor), y+19, 1, 3, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x1000) ? col_on : col_off);/*12 */
		plot_box(bitmap, x+7+(7*cursor), y+22, 1, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x1000) ? col_on : col_off);/*12 */
		plot_box(bitmap, x+(7*cursor), y+10.5, 1, 9.5, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x2000) ? col_on : col_off);/*13 */

		plot_box(bitmap, x+2+(7*cursor), y+10.5, 2, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x4000) ? col_on : col_off);/*14 */
		plot_box(bitmap, x+(7*cursor), y+10.5, 2, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x8000) ? col_on : col_off);/*15 */

		if (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0100)
					/*activate flashing (unimplemented) */
					/*deactivate flashing (unimplemented) */

Exemplo n.º 5
void draw_16seg(mame_bitmap *bitmap,int x,int y,int vfd, int col_on, int col_off )
	int cursor;
	int i;

	for (cursor = 0; cursor < 16; cursor++)
		plot_box(bitmap, x+(7*cursor), y+1, 1, 9.5, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0001) ? col_on : col_off);//0
		plot_box(bitmap, x+4+(7*cursor), y+1, 1, 9.5, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0002) ? col_on : col_off);//1
		plot_box(bitmap, x+(7*cursor), y, 4, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0004) ? col_on : col_off);//2
		plot_box(bitmap, x+2+(7*cursor), y+1, 1, 9.5, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0008) ? col_on : col_off);//3
		plot_box(bitmap, x+4+(7*cursor), y+10.5, 1, 9.5, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0020) ? col_on : col_off);//5

		for (i = 0; i < 11; i++)
			plot_box(bitmap, x+0+(i/5)+(7*cursor), y+20-(i*0.95), 1, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0010) ? col_on : col_off);//4
			plot_box(bitmap, x+2-(i/5)+(7*cursor), y+10.5-(i*0.95), 1, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0040) ? col_on : col_off);//6
			plot_box(bitmap, x+2+(i/5)+(7*cursor), y+10.5-(i*0.95), 1, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0080) ? col_on : col_off);//7
			plot_box(bitmap, x+4-(i/5)+(7*cursor), y+20-(i*0.95), 1, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0800) ? col_on : col_off);//11

		plot_box(bitmap, x+(7*cursor), y+20, 4, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0200) ? col_on : col_off);//8
		plot_box(bitmap, x+2+(7*cursor), y+11.5, 1, 9.5, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0400) ? col_on : col_off);//10
		plot_box(bitmap, x+5+(7*cursor), y+18, 1, 3, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x1000) ? col_on : col_off);//12
		plot_box(bitmap, x+6+(7*cursor), y+19, 1, 3, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x1000) ? col_on : col_off);//12
		plot_box(bitmap, x+7+(7*cursor), y+22, 1, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x1000) ? col_on : col_off);//12
		plot_box(bitmap, x+(7*cursor), y+10.5, 1, 9.5, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x2000) ? col_on : col_off);//13

		plot_box(bitmap, x+2+(7*cursor), y+10.5, 2, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x4000) ? col_on : col_off);//14
		plot_box(bitmap, x+(7*cursor), y+10.5, 2, 1, (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x8000) ? col_on : col_off);//15

		if (vfd_get_segments(vfd)[cursor] & 0x0100)
					//activate flashing (unimplemented)
					//deactivate flashing (unimplemented)
