Exemplo n.º 1
void* pony_deserialise_offset(pony_ctx_t* ctx, pony_type_t* t,
  uintptr_t offset)
  // If the high bit of the offset is set, it is either an unserialised
  // primitive, or an unserialised field in an opaque object.
  if((offset & HIGH_BIT) != 0)
    offset &= ~HIGH_BIT;

    if(offset > __DescTableSize)
      return NULL;

    // Return the global instance, if there is one. It's ok to return null if
    // there is no global instance, as this will then be an unserialised
    // field in an opaque object.
    t = (&__DescTable)[offset];
    return t->instance;

  // Lookup the offset, return the associated object if there is one.
  serialise_t k;
  k.key = offset;
  serialise_t* s = ponyint_serialise_get(&ctx->serialise, &k);

  if(s != NULL)
    return (void*)s->value;

  // If we haven't been passed a type descriptor, read one.
  if(t == NULL)
    // Make sure we have space to read a type id.
    if((offset + sizeof(uintptr_t)) > ctx->serialise_size)

    // Turn the type id into a descriptor pointer.
    uintptr_t id = *(uintptr_t*)((uintptr_t)ctx->serialise_buffer + offset);
    t = (&__DescTable)[id];

  // If it's a primitive, return the global instance.
  if(t->instance != NULL)
    return t->instance;

  // Make sure we have space to read the object.
  if((offset + t->size) > ctx->serialise_size)

  // Allocate the object, memcpy to it.
  void* object = pony_alloc(ctx, t->size);
  memcpy(object, (void*)((uintptr_t)ctx->serialise_buffer + offset), t->size);

  // Store a mapping of offset to object.
  s = POOL_ALLOC(serialise_t);
  s->key = offset;
  s->value = (uintptr_t)object;
  ponyint_serialise_put(&ctx->serialise, s);

  recurse(ctx, object, t->deserialise);
  return object;
Exemplo n.º 2
void pony_serialise_reserve(pony_ctx_t* ctx, void* p, size_t size)
  // Reserve a block of memory to serialise into. This is only needed for
  // String and Array[A].
  serialise_t k;
  k.key = (uintptr_t)p;
  serialise_t* s = ponyint_serialise_get(&ctx->serialise, &k);

  if(s != NULL)

  // Put an entry in the map and reserve space.
  s = POOL_ALLOC(serialise_t);
  s->key = (uintptr_t)p;
  s->value = ctx->serialise_size;
  s->t = NULL;
  s->mutability = PONY_TRACE_OPAQUE;

  ponyint_serialise_put(&ctx->serialise, s);
  ctx->serialise_size += size;
Exemplo n.º 3
void ponyint_serialise_object(pony_ctx_t* ctx, void* p, pony_type_t* t,
  int mutability)
  if(t->serialise == NULL)
    // A type without a serialisation function raises an error.
    // This applies to Pointer[A] and MaybePointer[A].

  serialise_t k;
  k.key = (uintptr_t)p;
  serialise_t* s = ponyint_serialise_get(&ctx->serialise, &k);

  if(s != NULL)
    // If it was traced as opaque, and now is not opaque, change it and trace.
    if((s->mutability != PONY_TRACE_OPAQUE) ||
      (mutability == PONY_TRACE_OPAQUE))
  } else {
    // Put an entry in the map and reserve space.
    s = POOL_ALLOC(serialise_t);
    s->key = (uintptr_t)p;
    s->value = ctx->serialise_size;
    s->t = t;

    ponyint_serialise_put(&ctx->serialise, s);
    ctx->serialise_size += t->size;

  // Set (or update) mutability.
  s->mutability = mutability;

  if(mutability != PONY_TRACE_OPAQUE)
    recurse(ctx, p, t->serialise_trace);