Exemplo n.º 1
void printPosition(Position *pos){
	char chars[64];
	int p, n, r, c;
	for (n = 0; n < 64; n++){
		chars[n] = ' ';
	for (p = 0; p < 12; p++) {
		int sq;
		bitboard b = pos->bits[p];
		while ((sq = popBit(&b)) != NO_SQUARE) {
			chars[sq] = getSymbol(p);
	/* en passant square
	if (pos->enpas != NO_SQUARE) {
		chars[pos->enpas] = 'x';
	//printf("%.8s\n%.8s\n%.8s\n%.8s\n%.8s\n%.8s\n%.8s\n%.8s\n", &chars[56], &chars[48], &chars[40], &chars[32], &chars[24], &chars[16], &chars[8], &chars[0]);
	for (r = 7; r >= 0; r--) {
		for (c = 0; c < 8; c++) {
			int at = 1, fg = 31, bg;
			if (r%2 == c%2) {
				bg = 45;
			} else {
				bg = 47;
			//fg = 77 - bg;
			printf("%c ", chars[8*r + c]);
		printf("%c[0m", 27);
	//printf("%llx\n", pos->hash);
Exemplo n.º 2
int checkBoard(const board& b){
  int temp_numPieces[13] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
  int temp_numMinorPieces[2] = {0,0};
  int temp_numMajorPieces[2] = {0,0};
  int temp_numBigPieces[2] = {0,0};
  int temp_materialValue[2] = {0,0};
  U64 temp_pawns[3] = {0ULL, 0ULL, 0ULL};
  temp_pawns[WHITE] = b.pawns[WHITE];
  temp_pawns[BLACK] = b.pawns[BLACK];
  temp_pawns[BOTH] = b.pawns[BOTH];

  int sq120, color, pcount, tempPiece;

  for (int i = wP; i <= bK; ++i){
    for (int j = 0; j < b.numPieces[i]; ++j){
      sq120 = b.pieceList[i][j];
      if (b.pieces[sq120] != i) throw pieceListException();

  for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i){
    sq120 = SQ64[i];
    tempPiece = b.pieces[sq120];
    color = pieceColor[tempPiece];
    if (isBig[tempPiece]) temp_numBigPieces[color]++;
    if (isMinor[tempPiece]) {
    if (isMajor[tempPiece]) temp_numMajorPieces[color]++;
    temp_materialValue[color] += pieceValue[tempPiece];

  for (int i = wP; i<= bK; ++i){
    if (temp_numPieces[i] != b.numPieces[i]){
      throw pieceListException();

  pcount = countBits(temp_pawns[WHITE]);
  if (pcount != b.numPieces[wP]) throw pieceListException();
  pcount = countBits(temp_pawns[BLACK]);
  if (pcount != b.numPieces[bP]) throw pieceListException();
  pcount = countBits(temp_pawns[BOTH]);
  if (pcount != (b.numPieces[wP] + b.numPieces[bP])) {
    std::cout << "Piece count: " << pcount << " White: " << b.numPieces[wP] << " Black: " << b.numPieces[bP] <<
    " Total: " << (b.numPieces[wP] + b.numPieces[bP]) << std::endl;
    throw pieceListException();

  while (temp_pawns[WHITE]){
    int sq = popBit(&temp_pawns[WHITE]);
    if (b.pieces[SQ64[sq]] != wP) throw pieceListException();
  while (temp_pawns[BLACK]){
    int sq = popBit(&temp_pawns[BLACK]);
    if (b.pieces[SQ64[sq]] != bP) throw pieceListException();
  while (temp_pawns[BOTH]){
    int sq = popBit(&temp_pawns[BOTH]);
    if (b.pieces[SQ64[sq]] != bP && b.pieces[SQ64[sq]] != wP){
      throw pieceListException();


  if (temp_materialValue[WHITE] != b.materialValue[WHITE] || temp_materialValue[BLACK] != b.materialValue[BLACK]){
    std::cout << "TmpWhite: " << std::dec <<temp_materialValue[WHITE] << " White: " << std::dec <<b.materialValue[WHITE] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Tmpblack: " << std::dec << temp_materialValue[BLACK] << " black: " <<std::dec << b.materialValue[BLACK] << std::endl;
    throw pieceListException();
  if (temp_numMajorPieces[WHITE] != b.numMajorPieces[WHITE] || temp_numMajorPieces[BLACK] != b.numMajorPieces[BLACK]){
    throw pieceListException();
  if (temp_numMinorPieces[WHITE] != b.numMinorPieces[WHITE] || temp_numMinorPieces[BLACK] != b.numMinorPieces[BLACK]){
    std::cout << "TmpWhite: " << std::dec << temp_numMinorPieces[WHITE] << " White: " << std::dec <<b.numMinorPieces[WHITE] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Tmpblack: " << std::dec << temp_numMinorPieces[BLACK] << " black: " <<std::dec << b.numMinorPieces[BLACK] << std::endl;
    throw pieceListException();
  if (temp_numBigPieces[WHITE] != b.numBigPieces[WHITE] && temp_numBigPieces[BLACK] != b.numBigPieces[BLACK]){
    throw pieceListException();
  if (generatePosKey(b) != b.posKey){
    throw pieceListException();
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
int validatePosition(Position *pos) {
	int p, n, squares[64], score = 0;
	bitboard occupied = 0, white = 0, black = 0;
	for (n = 0; n < 64; n++) {
		squares[n] = EMPTY;
	for (p = WP; p <= BK; p++){
		bitboard pbits;
		pbits = pos->bits[p];
		if (occupied & pbits) {
			printf("Multiple pieces at a single square.\n");
			return 0;
		occupied |= pbits;
		if (p < BP) {
			white |= pbits;
		} else {
			black |= pbits;
		score += VAL[p] * countBits(pbits);
		while (pbits) {
			squares[popBit(&pbits)] = p;
	//generate the rest of our bitboards:
	if (white != pos->bits[WHITE] || black != pos->bits[BLACK] || occupied != pos->bits[OCCUPIED] || ~occupied != pos->bits[EMPTY]) {
		printf("Incorrect derived bitboards.\n");
		return 0;
	if (score != pos->score) {
		printf("Incorrect score, expected: %d, actual: %d\n", score, pos->score);
		return 0;
	for (n = 0; n < 64; n++) {
		if (squares[n] != pos->squares[n]) {
			printf("Incorrect piece buffer.");
			return 0;
	if (pos->ephash != EPHASH(pos)) {
		printf("Incorrect en passant hash code, expected: %llx, actual: %llx.\n", EPHASH(pos), pos->ephash);
		return 0;
	if (pos->hash != hashPosition(pos)) {
		printf("Incorrect hash code, expected: %llx, actual: %llx.\n", hashPosition(pos), pos->hash);
		return 0;
	return 1;