Exemplo n.º 1
void startCheckers(void)
    Description :
		Starts a game of Checkers.
    Parameters  : -
    Returns     : -
void startCheckers(void)
	size_t i = 0;

	// allocate memory
	g_Board = (Field_t**)calloc(g_Fields, sizeof(Field_t));
	for(i = 0; i < g_Fields; ++i)
		g_Board[i] = (Field_t*)calloc(g_Fields, sizeof(Field_t));

		// show error box
		showError("Memory Allocation Failed", "Memory could not be allocated for Checkers.");

		// quit

	// initialize the board
	initGameBoard(g_Board, g_Fields, g_Fields);
	// print for the first time
	printBoardLabels(g_Fields, g_Fields);
	printGameBoard(g_Board, &g_Offset, NULL, NULL, g_Fields, g_Fields);

	// game loop
	while(updateCheckers(g_Fields * g_Fields));

	// free the boards memory
	cleanUpGameBoard(g_Board, g_Fields);
Exemplo n.º 2
int updateCheckers(size_t _iBoardSize)
    Description :
		Updates and prints the GameBoard.
    Parameters  : 
		size_t _iBoardSize: The size of the board.
    Returns     : 
		TRUE, if everything went well. FALSE, if not.
int updateCheckers(size_t _iBoardSize)
	static Vec2ds16_t cursorPosition = { 0, 0 }; // last cursor coordinates
	static Vec2ds16_t selectedToken = { -1, -1 }; // the selected game token
	short iInput = 0;

	// user input
	iInput = getKeyCode();

	case 13: // ENTER
		selectedToken = cursorPosition;
	case 256 + 72: // ARROW UP
		if(cursorPosition.iY > 0)
	case 256 + 80: // ARROW DOWN
		if((unsigned short)cursorPosition.iY < g_Fields - 1)
	case 256 + 75: // ARROW LEFT
		if(cursorPosition.iX > 0)
	case 256 + 77: // ARROW RIGHT
		if((unsigned short)cursorPosition.iX < g_Fields - 1)
	case 27: // ESCAPE
		// set static variables to default
		selectedToken.iX = selectedToken.iY = -1;
		cursorPosition.iX = cursorPosition.iY = 0;

		// break game loop
		return FALSE;

	// print board
	printGameBoard(g_Board, &g_Offset, &cursorPosition, &selectedToken, g_Fields, g_Fields);

	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main (void)

	Stats players[2] = {{0, 0, 0, 0.0}, {0, 0, 0, 0.0}};

	Cell playerOneGameBoard[ROWS][COLS];      
	Cell playerTwoGameBoard[ROWS][COLS];  

	Coordinate target;          
	Coordinate targetTemp;     
	Coordinate targetOrigin;      
	Coordinate targetAI;      

	WaterCraft ship[NUM_OF_SHIPS] = {{'c', 5, "Carrier"}, 
	                                 {'b', 4, "Battleship"}, 
	                                 {'r', 3, "Cruiser"}, 
	                                 {'s', 3, "Submarine"}, 
	                                 {'d', 2, "Destroyer"}};

	Boolean    huntMode       = TRUE;                
	Boolean    targetMode     = FALSE;                  
	Boolean    flipper        = TRUE;	                 
	Boolean    cardinals[4]   = {TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE}; 
	Boolean    hasAShipSunked = FALSE;              

	short sunkShip[2][NUM_OF_SHIPS] = {{5, 4, 3, 3, 2},    
	                                   {5, 4, 3, 3, 2}};

	short player  = 0;	       
	short shot    = 0;       
	int   option  = 0;         
	int   north   = 0,        
		  south   = 0,      
		  east    = 0,         
		  west    = 0;       
	int   i       = 0,             
		  counter = 1;       

	char  shipSymbol = '\0';    
	FILE *outStream = NULL;  

	outStream = fopen (LOG_FILE_NAME, "w");

	srand ((unsigned int) time (NULL));

	welcomeScreen ();
	system ("cls");

	initializeGameBoard (playerOneGameBoard);
	initializeGameBoard (playerTwoGameBoard);

	printf ("> Please select from the following menu:\n");
	printf ("> [1] Manually\n");
	printf ("> [2] Randomly\n");
	printf ("> Enter Option: ");
	scanf ("%d", &option);
	switch (option) {
		case 1: manuallyPlaceShipsOnGameBoard (playerOneGameBoard, ship);
		case 2: randomlyPlaceShipsOnGameBoard (playerOneGameBoard, ship);

	randomlyPlaceShipsOnGameBoard (playerTwoGameBoard, ship);
	printf ("> Player 2 (Computer's) board has been generated.\n");

	player = getRandomNumber (0, 1);
	printf ("> Player %d has been randomly selected to go first.\n", player + 1);
	system ("cls");

	while (TRUE) {

		fprintf (outStream, "Player %d's turn.\n", player + 1);

		switch (player) {

			case PLAYER_ONE: 

				printf ("> Player 2's Board:\n");
				printGameBoard (playerTwoGameBoard, FALSE);
				printf ("> PLAYER 1'S TURN\n");

				do {
					target = getTarget (); 
					shot = checkShot (playerTwoGameBoard, target);
					if (shot == -1) 
						printf ("> Try inputting another target!\n");

				} while (shot == -1);

				shipSymbol = playerTwoGameBoard[target.row][target.column].symbol;

			case PLAYER_TWO: 

				printf ("> Player 1's Board:\n");
				printGameBoard (playerOneGameBoard, TRUE);
				printf ("> COMPUTER'S TURN\n");

				if (hasAShipSunked) {
					hasAShipSunked = FALSE;
					targetMode = FALSE;
					huntMode = TRUE;
				if (targetMode) {
					target = targetAI;

					do {
						if (cardinals[NORTH]) {   
							target.row = north;
						} else if (cardinals[SOUTH]) { 
							target.row = south;
						} else if (cardinals[WEST]) { 
							target.column = west;
						} else if (cardinals[EAST]) { 
							target.column = east;
						} else if (!cardinals[NORTH] && !cardinals[SOUTH] && 
						           !cardinals[WEST]  && !cardinals[EAST]  && 
								   !hasAShipSunked) {
							target = targetOrigin;
							targetTemp = target;

							north = target.row - counter;
							targetTemp.row = north;

							if (checkShot (playerOneGameBoard, targetTemp) != -1 && north >= 0) {
								cardinals[NORTH] = TRUE;

							targetTemp = target;
							south = target.row + counter;
							targetTemp.row = south;

							if (checkShot (playerOneGameBoard, targetTemp) != -1 && south <= 9) {
								cardinals[SOUTH] = TRUE;

							targetTemp = target;
							west = target.column - counter;
							targetTemp.column = west;

							if (checkShot (playerOneGameBoard, targetTemp) != -1 && west >= 0) {
								cardinals[WEST] = TRUE;

							targetTemp = target;
							east = target.column + counter;
							targetTemp.column = east;

							if (checkShot (playerOneGameBoard, targetTemp) != -1 && east <= 9) {
								cardinals[EAST] = TRUE;


						} else  {
							targetMode = FALSE;
							huntMode = TRUE;
						shot = checkShot (playerOneGameBoard, target);

					} while (shot == -1 && targetMode == TRUE);

					if (shot == 1 && huntMode == FALSE) {
						for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
							if (flipper == FALSE)
								cardinals[i] = FALSE;

							if (cardinals[i] == flipper) 
								flipper = FALSE;
					} else {
						for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
							if (flipper == TRUE && cardinals[i] != FALSE) {
								cardinals[i] = FALSE;

					flipper = TRUE;

				if (huntMode) {	

					counter = 1;
					flipper = TRUE;
					for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
						cardinals[i] = TRUE;

					do {
						target.row = getRandomNumber (0, 9);
						target.column = getRandomNumber (0, 9);

						shot = checkShot (playerOneGameBoard, target);
					} while (shot == -1);

					if (shot == 1) targetOrigin = target;

				if (shot == 1) {

					if (!cardinals[NORTH] && !cardinals[SOUTH] && 
						!cardinals[WEST]  && !cardinals[EAST]  && 
						!hasAShipSunked) { target = targetOrigin; }

					huntMode = FALSE;
					targetMode = TRUE;
					targetAI = target;

					if (cardinals[NORTH] == TRUE) {  /* NORTH */
						north = (targetAI.row - 1);
						checkBoundsOfCardinal (cardinals, north, NORTH);
						targetTemp = target;
						targetTemp.row = north;
						if (checkShot (playerOneGameBoard, targetTemp) == -1)
							cardinals[NORTH] = FALSE;
					if (cardinals[SOUTH] == TRUE) {  /* SOUTH */
						south = targetAI.row + 1;
						checkBoundsOfCardinal (cardinals, south, SOUTH);
						targetTemp = target;
						targetTemp.row = south;
						if (checkShot (playerOneGameBoard, targetTemp) == -1)
							cardinals[SOUTH] = FALSE;

					if (cardinals[WEST] == TRUE) {   /* WEST */
						west  = targetAI.column - 1;
						checkBoundsOfCardinal (cardinals, west, WEST);
						targetTemp = target;
						targetTemp.column = west;
						if (checkShot (playerOneGameBoard, targetTemp) == -1)
							cardinals[WEST] = FALSE;

					if (cardinals[EAST] == TRUE) {   /* EAST */
						east  = targetAI.column + 1;
						checkBoundsOfCardinal (cardinals, east, EAST);
						targetTemp = target;
						targetTemp.column = east;
						if (checkShot (playerOneGameBoard, targetTemp) == -1)
							cardinals[EAST] = FALSE;

				shipSymbol = playerOneGameBoard[target.row][target.column].symbol;

		if (shot == 1) { 
			printf ("> %d, %d is a hit!\n", target.row, target.column);

			fprintf (outStream, "%d, %d is a hit!\n", target.row, target.column);


			if (player == 1)  
				hasAShipSunked = checkSunkShip (sunkShip, !player, shipSymbol, outStream);
				checkSunkShip (sunkShip, !player, shipSymbol, outStream);

		} else {     
			printf ("> %d, %d is a miss!\n", target.row, target.column);

			fprintf (outStream, "%d, %d is a miss!\n", target.row, target.column);
		if (player == 0) 
			updateGameBoard (playerTwoGameBoard, target);
			updateGameBoard (playerOneGameBoard, target);

		if (isWinner (players, player)) {
			printf ("\n> Player %d wins!\n", player + 1);

			fprintf (outStream, "\n>>>>> Player %d wins! <<<<<\n", player + 1);


		player = !player;	

		system ("cls");

	players[0].totalShots = players[0].numHits + players[0].numMisses;
	players[0].hitMissRatio = ((double) players[0].numHits/(double) players[0].numMisses) * 100;
	players[1].totalShots = players[1].numHits + players[1].numMisses;
	players[1].hitMissRatio = ((double) players[1].numHits/(double) players[1].numMisses) * 100;
	fprintf (outStream, "+===================================================\n");
	fprintf (outStream, "|                    PLAYER STATS                   \n");
	fprintf (outStream, "+---------------------------------------------------\n");
	fprintf (outStream, "| PLAYER 1 : %d hits                                \n", players[0].numHits);
	fprintf (outStream, "|            %d misses                              \n", players[0].numMisses);
	fprintf (outStream, "|            %d total shots                         \n", players[0].totalShots);
	fprintf (outStream, "|            %.2lf%% hit/miss ratio                 \n", players[0].hitMissRatio);
	fprintf (outStream, "| PLAYER 2 : %d hits                                \n", players[1].numHits);
	fprintf (outStream, "|            %d misses                              \n", players[1].numMisses);
	fprintf (outStream, "|            %d total shots                         \n", players[1].totalShots);
	fprintf (outStream, "|            %.2lf%% hit/miss ratio                 \n", players[1].hitMissRatio);
	fprintf (outStream, "+===================================================");

	fclose (outStream);
	return 0;