Exemplo n.º 1
int main()
        priority_queue *pq = NULL;
        int a = 55;
        int b = 48;
        int c = 1289;
        int d = 78;

        int r = 0;

        /* 48 is minimal priority queue size */
        pq = create_priority_queue( 48, &comparator );

        priority_queue_insert( pq, &a );
        priority_queue_insert( pq, &b );
        priority_queue_insert( pq, &c );
        priority_queue_insert( pq, &d );

        r = *(int *) priority_queue_poll( pq );

        printf("First is %d\n", r);

        r = *(int *) priority_queue_poll( pq );

        printf("Second is %d\n", r);

        free_priority_queue( &pq );

        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void recursive_insert(lm_trie_t *trie, ngram_raw_t **raw_ngrams, uint32 *counts, int order)
    uint32 unigram_idx = 0;
    uint32 *words;
    float *probs;
    const uint32 unigram_count = (uint32)counts[0];
    priority_queue_t *ngrams = priority_queue_create(order, &ngram_ord_comparator);
    ngram_raw_ord_t *ngram;
    uint32 *raw_ngrams_ptr;
    int i;

    words = (uint32 *)ckd_calloc(order, sizeof(*words)); //for blanks catching
    probs = (float *)ckd_calloc(order - 1, sizeof(*probs));    //for blanks prob generating
    ngram = (ngram_raw_ord_t *)ckd_calloc(1, sizeof(*ngram));
    ngram->order = 1;
    ngram->instance.words = &unigram_idx;
    priority_queue_add(ngrams, ngram);
    raw_ngrams_ptr = (uint32 *)ckd_calloc(order - 1, sizeof(*raw_ngrams_ptr));
    for (i = 2; i <= order; ++i) {
        ngram_raw_ord_t *tmp_ngram = (ngram_raw_ord_t *)ckd_calloc(1, sizeof(*tmp_ngram));
        tmp_ngram->order = i;
        raw_ngrams_ptr[i-2] = 0;
        tmp_ngram->instance = raw_ngrams[i - 2][raw_ngrams_ptr[i-2]];
        priority_queue_add(ngrams, tmp_ngram);

    for (;;) {
        ngram_raw_ord_t *top = (ngram_raw_ord_t *)priority_queue_poll(ngrams);
        if (top->order == 1) {
            trie->unigrams[unigram_idx].next = unigram_next(trie, order);
            words[0] = unigram_idx;
            probs[0] = trie->unigrams[unigram_idx].prob;
            if (++unigram_idx == unigram_count + 1) {
            priority_queue_add(ngrams, top);
        } else {
            for (i = 0; i < top->order - 1; i++) {
                if (words[i] != top->instance.words[i]) {
                    //need to insert dummy suffixes to make ngram of higher order reachable
                    int j;
                    assert(i > 0); //unigrams are not pruned without removing ngrams that contains them
                    for (j = i; j < top->order - 1; j++) {
                        middle_t *middle = &trie->middle_begin[j - 1];
                        bitarr_address_t address = middle_insert(middle, top->instance.words[j], j + 1, order);
                        //calculate prob for blank
                        float calc_prob = probs[j - 1] + trie->unigrams[top->instance.words[j]].bo;
                        probs[j] = calc_prob;
                        lm_trie_quant_mwrite(trie->quant, address, j - 1, calc_prob, 0.0f);
            memcpy(words, top->instance.words, top->order * sizeof(*words));
            if (top->order == order) {
                float *weights = top->instance.weights;
                bitarr_address_t address = longest_insert(trie->longest, top->instance.words[top->order - 1]);
                lm_trie_quant_lwrite(trie->quant, address, weights[0]);
            } else {
                float *weights = top->instance.weights;
                middle_t *middle = &trie->middle_begin[top->order - 2];
                bitarr_address_t address = middle_insert(middle, top->instance.words[top->order - 1], top->order, order);
                //write prob and backoff
                probs[top->order - 1] = weights[0];
                lm_trie_quant_mwrite(trie->quant, address, top->order - 2, weights[0], weights[1]);
            raw_ngrams_ptr[top->order - 2]++;
            if (raw_ngrams_ptr[top->order - 2] < counts[top->order - 1]) {
                top->instance = raw_ngrams[top->order-2][raw_ngrams_ptr[top->order - 2]];
                priority_queue_add(ngrams, top);
            } else {
    assert(priority_queue_size(ngrams) == 0);
    priority_queue_free(ngrams, NULL);