Exemplo n.º 1
	vector<int> Recoloring::MatchGaussians(CvEM& source_model, CvEM& target_model) {
		int num_g = source_model.get_nclusters();
		Mat sMu(source_model.get_means());
		Mat tMu(target_model.get_means());
		const CvMat** target_covs = target_model.get_covs();
		const CvMat** source_covs = source_model.get_covs();

		double best_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
		vector<int> best_res(num_g);
		vector<int> prmt(num_g); 

		for(int itr = 0; itr < 10; itr++) {
			for(int i=0;i<num_g;i++) prmt[i] = i;	//make a permutation

			//Greedy selection
			vector<int> res(num_g);
			vector<bool> taken(num_g);
			for(int sg = 0; sg < num_g; sg++) {
				double min_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); 
				int minv = -1;
				for(int tg = 0; tg < num_g; tg++) {
					if(taken[tg]) continue;

					//TODO: can save on re-calculation of pairs - calculate affinity matrix ahead
					//double d = norm(sMu(Range(prmt[sg],prmt[sg]+1),Range(0,3)),	tMu(Range(tg,tg+1),Range(0,3)));
					//symmetric kullback-leibler
					Mat diff = Mat(sMu(Range(prmt[sg],prmt[sg]+1),Range(0,3)) - tMu(Range(tg,tg+1),Range(0,3)));
					Mat d = diff * Mat(Mat(source_covs[prmt[sg]]).inv() + Mat(target_covs[tg]).inv()) * diff.t();
					Scalar tr = trace(Mat(
						Mat(Mat(source_covs[prmt[sg]])*Mat(target_covs[tg])) + 
						Mat(Mat(target_covs[tg])*Mat(source_covs[prmt[sg]]).inv()) + 
					double kl_dist = ((double*)d.data)[0] + tr[0];
					if(kl_dist<min_dist) {
						min_dist = kl_dist;
						minv = tg;
				res[prmt[sg]] = minv;
				taken[minv] = true;

			double dist = 0;
			for(int i=0;i<num_g;i++) {
				dist += norm(sMu(Range(prmt[i],prmt[i]+1),Range(0,3)),
			if(dist < best_dist) {
				best_dist = dist;
				best_res = res;

		return best_res;
Exemplo n.º 2
// [[Rcpp::export]]
VectorXd bootR2pred(const MatrixXd X, const VectorXd y, int nBoot){
    RNGScope scope;
    const int n(X.rows());
    // const int p(X.cols());
    VectorXd R2s(nBoot);
    MatrixXd Xti(X);
    VectorXd yti(y);
    MatrixXd Xvi(X);
    VectorXd yvi(y);
    IntegerVector prmt(n);
    IntegerVector prmv(n);
    // double R2i(R2pred(Xti, yti, Xvi, yvi));
    for(int i = 0; i < nBoot; ++i) {
	prmt = bootPerm(n);
	prmv = bootPerm(n);
	Xti = shuffleMatrix(X, prmt);
	yti = shuffleVector(y, prmt);
	Xvi = shuffleMatrix(X, prmv);
	yvi = shuffleVector(y, prmv);
	R2s(i) = R2pred(Xti, yti, Xvi, yvi);
    return R2s;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: szg.c Projeto: subogero/szg
/* main */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char *filename = NULL;
	char *command  = NULL;

	/* Parse arguments */
	if (argc >= 2) {
		arg1_eval(argv[1]); /* catch and print help/version and exit */
		if (*(argv[1]) == '-') {
			command  = argv[1];
			if (argc >= 3)
				filename = argv[2];
		} else {
			filename = argv[1];

	/* Commands found */
	if (command != NULL) {
		int i;
		for (i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; ++i) {
			if (strchr(command, i) && commands[i - 'a'] != __na)
				(commands[i - 'a'])();

		/* -e EXPR on command line, rest of args into buffer expr */
		if (strchr(command, 'e')) {
			int i;
			int len = 0;
			for (i = 2; i < argc; ++i)
				len += strlen(argv[i]) + 1;
			expr = malloc(len + 2);
			expr[0] = 0;
			for (i = 2; i < argc; ++i) {
				strcat(expr, argv[i]);
				strcat(expr, i < argc-1 ? " " : "\n");
			strcat(expr, "\0\0");
			filename = NULL;

	/* Open input stream; Prompt: tty - yes, script/pipe - no */
	if (!filename) {
		yyin = stdin;
		if (!expr && isatty(fileno(yyin)))
	} else {
		yyin = fopen(filename, "r");
		if (!yyin) {
			yyerror("Cannot open input file");
	/* readline or not? */
	use_readline = isatty(fileno(yyin));
	use_readline = 0;
	/* Run the actual calculator */
	ps1 = num_display(&output, 0);
	if (prompt && !use_readline) {
	if (filename)