errType fltrList::applyFilters(prcList* processes) // Need to do in scanprocesses { errType result=err_not_found; char *cmdline; fltr* filter; prcTask* prc; int res=0; BYTE sig=SIGKILL; bool act=false; if ((processes->quantity()==0)||(quantity()==0)) return result; //printf("filters=%d\n", quantity()); //printf("processes=%p\n", processes); for (int i=0; i< quantity(); i++) { //printf("i=%d\n", i); filter=getProcFilterByIndex(i); cmdline=filter->get_cmdline(); //printf("filter_cmd_line=%s\n", cmdline); prc=processes->searchUserProcessByCmdline(cmdline, strlen(cmdline)); //printf("comparing...\n"); //printf("prc=%p", prc); if (prc) { //printf("prc_cpu=%d\n",prc->get_prc_cpu()); //printf("prc_mem=%lu\n",prc->get_prc_rss()); //printf("filter_cpu=%d\n",filter->get_filter_cpu()); //printf("filter_mem=%lu\n",filter->get_filter_mem()); if (prc->get_prc_cpu()>=filter->get_filter_cpu()) act=true; if (prc->get_prc_rss()>=filter->get_filter_mem()) act=true; //printf("acting..."); if (act){ //printf("act!\n"); switch(filter->action()) { case 0: // kill printf("Процесс №%d (%s) будет завершён\n", prc->get_prc_pid(), prc->get_cmdline()); res=kill(prc->get_prc_pid(), sig); break; case 1: // restart printf("Процесс №%d (%s) будет перезапущен\n", prc->get_prc_pid(), prc->get_cmdline()); res=kill(prc->get_prc_pid(), sig); break; } result=err_result_ok; act=false; } } } return result; }
QString BillItemMeasure::quantityStr(){ QString realFormula = m_d->formula; realFormula.remove(" "); if( realFormula.isEmpty() ){ return QString(); } if( m_d->unitMeasure != NULL ){ return m_d->toString( quantity(), 'f', m_d->unitMeasure->precision() ) ; } else { return m_d->toString( quantity(), 'f', 6 ) ; } }
fltr* fltrList::searchProcFilterByCmdline(const char* cmdline, size_t size) { fltr* result=0; list<fltr*>::iterator iter; WORD foundCount=0; bool founded=false; BYTE res=0; if ((quantity()>0) && (cmdline!=0)) { iter=procFilters.begin(); iter++; do { res=strncmp((*iter)->get_cmdline(), cmdline, size); if (res==0) { result=(*iter); founded=true; foundCount++; } iter++; } while (iter!=procFilters.end()); // if (founded) result=(*iter); } return result; }
//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Manifest ResourceBuff::popQty(double qty) { if (qty - quantity() > STORE_EPS) { throw CycNegQtyException("Removal quantity larger than store tot quantity."); } if (qty < 0.0) { throw CycNegQtyException("Removal quantity cannot be negative."); } Manifest manifest; rsrc_ptr mat, leftover; double left = qty; double quan; while (left > STORE_EPS) { mat = mats_.front(); mats_.pop_front(); quan = mat->quantity(); if ((quan - left) > STORE_EPS) { // too big - split the mat before pushing leftover = mat->clone(); leftover->setQuantity(quan - left); mat->setQuantity(left); mats_.push_front(leftover); } manifest.push_back(mat); left -= quan; } return manifest; }
MUPD::allocation MUPD::spending_allocation(const unordered_map<id_t, double> &spending) const { allocation a = {}; auto sim = simulation(); for (auto &m : spending) { if (m.second > 0) { if (m.first == 0) { // Holding cash a.bundle += money_unit * m.second; a.quantity[m.first] += m.second; } else { // Otherwise query the market for the resulting quantity auto mkt = sim->market(m.first); auto q = mkt->quantity(m.second * price_ratio(mkt)); a.quantity[m.first] = q.quantity; a.bundle += mkt->output_unit * q.quantity; if (q.constrained) { // The market is constrained, so add any leftover (unspent) money back into the // bundle a.constrained.insert(mkt->id()); a.bundle += mkt->price_unit * q.unspent; a.quantity[0] += q.unspent / price_ratio(mkt); } } } } return a; }
InputParameters validParams<PenetrationAux>() { MooseEnum orders("FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH", "FIRST"); InputParameters params = validParams<AuxKernel>(); params.addRequiredParam<BoundaryName>("paired_boundary", "The boundary to be penetrated"); params.addParam<Real>("tangential_tolerance", "Tangential distance to extend edges of contact surfaces"); params.addParam<Real>("normal_smoothing_distance", "Distance from edge in parametric coordinates over which to smooth contact normal"); params.addParam<std::string>("normal_smoothing_method","Method to use to smooth normals (edge_based|nodal_normal_based)"); params.addParam<MooseEnum>("order", orders, "The finite element order"); params.set<bool>("use_displaced_mesh") = true; // To avoid creating a conversion routine we will list the enumeration options in the same order as the class-based enum. // Care must be taken to ensure that this list stays in sync with the enum in the .h file. MooseEnum quantity( "distance tangential_distance normal_x normal_y normal_z closest_point_x closest_point_y " "closest_point_z element_id side incremental_slip_magnitude incremental_slip_x " "incremental_slip_y incremental_slip_z accumulated_slip force_x force_y force_z " "normal_force_magnitude normal_force_x normal_force_y normal_force_z tangential_force_magnitude " "tangential_force_x tangential_force_y tangential_force_z frictional_energy lagrange_multiplier " "mechanical_status", "distance"); params.addParam<MooseEnum>("quantity", quantity, "The quantity to recover from the available penetration information"); return params; }
// Copy Constructor Good::Good(const Good& other) { upc(other._upc); name(other._name); price(other._price); qtyNeeded(other._qtyNeeded); taxed(other._taxed); quantity(other._quantity); }
QDomElement RecipeIngredient::toXml(QDomDocument document) { QDomElement element = document.createElement("RecipeIngredient"); element.appendChild(ingredient()->toXml(document)); element.appendChild(quantity().toXml(document)); element.setAttribute("minutes", minutes()); return element; }
Good::Good(const char* u, const char* n, double p, int q, bool t) { upc(u); name(n); price(p); qtyNeeded(q); taxed(t); quantity(0); }
InputParameters validParams<XFEMCutPlaneAux>() { InputParameters params = validParams<AuxKernel>(); MooseEnum quantity("origin_x origin_y origin_z normal_x normal_y normal_z"); params.addRequiredParam<MooseEnum>("quantity", quantity, "The quantity to be extracted. Choices: "+quantity.getRawNames()); params.addParam<unsigned int>("plane_id", 0, "The index of the cut plane"); return params; }
QString Resource::filterString() const { std::stringstream completeString; completeString << name().toStdString() << " " << type().toStdString() << " " << quantity(); return (QString(completeString.str().c_str())); }
// operator= Item& Item::operator=(const Item& RO){ upc(RO._upc); name(RO._name); price(RO._price); quantity(RO._quantity); taxed(RO._taxed); qtyNeeded(RO._qtyNeeded); return *this; }
Product::Product(const char* s, const char* n, double x, int i, bool tax) { // Copies the SKU into the corresponding member variable up to MAX_SKU_LEN characters. //still hae to implement as just does (strcpy(x,y)) right now sku(s); name(n); price(x); qtyNeeded(i); quantity(0); taxed(tax); }
// Assignment Operator= Good& Good::operator=(const Good& other) { if (this != &other) { upc(other._upc); name(other._name); price(other._price); qtyNeeded(other._qtyNeeded); taxed(other._taxed); quantity(other._quantity); } return *this; }
//copy con Product::Product(const Product& other) { // sku(other.sku_); name(other.name_); price(other.price_); taxed(other.taxed_); quantity(other.quantity_); qtyNeeded(other.qtyNeeded_); }
MaterialObject::Element::Element(const Element& original, double multiplier) : Element(original.materialType_) { if(original.destination.state()) destination(original.destination()); if(original.componentName.state()) componentName(original.componentName()); elementName(original.elementName()); service(original.service()); quantity(original.quantity() * original.scalingMultiplier() * multiplier); //apply the scaling in the copied object scaleOnSensor(0); unit(original.unit()); debugInactivate(original.debugInactivate()); }
Product& Product::operator=(const Product& other) { //may not need to test this if (this != &other) { sku(other.sku_); name(other.name_); price(other.price_); taxed(other.taxed_); quantity(other.quantity_); qtyNeeded(other.qtyNeeded_); } return *this; }
int main() { int number = 0; printf("Ведите число\n"); scanf("%d", &number); printf("Простые меньше ведённого:\n"); if(number >= 2) { quantity(number); } return 0; }
void InventoryItem::GetItemRow( PyPackedRow* into ) const { into->SetField( "itemID", new PyLong( itemID() ) ); into->SetField( "typeID", new PyInt( typeID() ) ); into->SetField( "ownerID", new PyInt( ownerID() ) ); into->SetField( "locationID", new PyLong( locationID() ) ); into->SetField( "flagID", new PyInt( flag() ) ); into->SetField( "quantity", new PyInt( singleton() ? -1 : quantity()) ); into->SetField( "groupID", new PyInt( groupID() ) ); into->SetField( "categoryID", new PyInt( categoryID() ) ); into->SetField( "customInfo", new PyString( customInfo() ) ); //into->SetField( "singleton", new PyBool( singleton() ) ); //into->SetField( "stacksize", new PyInt (quantity()) ); }
//================================================== // copyFromSource // // This function deeps copy data from the source into this object. Can be used for copy constructor and // assignment operators //================================================== Good& Good::copyFromSource (const Good& source) { char tmpUpc [MAX_UPC_LEN + 1]; char tmpName [2000]; strncpy (tmpUpc, source.upc (), MAX_UPC_LEN); strncpy (tmpName, (), 2000); upc (tmpUpc); name (tmpName); price (source.price ()); quantity (source.quantity ()); taxed (source.taxed ()); qtyNeeded (source.qtyNeeded ()); return *this; }
/* * Character */ Character::Character( ItemFactory &_factory, uint32 _characterID, // InventoryItem stuff: const CharacterType &_charType, const ItemData &_data, // Character stuff: const CharacterData &_charData, const CorpMemberInfo &_corpData) : Owner(_factory, _characterID, _charType, _data), m_accountID(_charData.accountID), m_title(_charData.title), m_description(_charData.description), m_gender(_charData.gender), m_bounty(_charData.bounty), m_balance(_charData.balance), m_securityRating(_charData.securityRating), m_logonMinutes(_charData.logonMinutes), m_totalSPtrained(((double)(_charData.skillPoints))), m_corporationID(_charData.corporationID), m_corpHQ(_corpData.corpHQ), m_allianceID(_charData.allianceID), m_warFactionID(_charData.warFactionID), m_corpRole(_corpData.corpRole), m_rolesAtAll(_corpData.rolesAtAll), m_rolesAtBase(_corpData.rolesAtBase), m_rolesAtHQ(_corpData.rolesAtHQ), m_rolesAtOther(_corpData.rolesAtOther), m_stationID(_charData.stationID), m_solarSystemID(_charData.solarSystemID), m_constellationID(_charData.constellationID), m_regionID(_charData.regionID), m_ancestryID(_charData.ancestryID), m_careerID(_charData.careerID), m_schoolID(_charData.schoolID), m_careerSpecialityID(_charData.careerSpecialityID), m_startDateTime(_charData.startDateTime), m_createDateTime(_charData.createDateTime), m_corporationDateTime(_charData.corporationDateTime) { // allow characters to be only singletons assert(singleton() && quantity() == 1); // Activate Save Info Timer with somewhat randomized timer value: //SetSaveTimerExpiry( MakeRandomInt( (10 * 60), (15 * 60) ) ); // Randomize save timer expiry to between 10 and 15 minutes //EnableSaveTimer(); }
QVariant Resource::data(int role) const { switch(role) { case IdRole: return (unsigned int)id(); case NameRole: return name(); case TypeRole: return type(); case QuantityRole: return (unsigned int)quantity(); case FilterStringRole: return filterString(); default: return QVariant(); } }
/* * Character */ Character::Character( ItemFactory &_factory, uint32 _characterID, // InventoryItem stuff: const CharacterType &_charType, const ItemData &_data, // Character stuff: const CharacterData &_charData, const CorpMemberInfo &_corpData) : Owner(_factory, _characterID, _charType, _data), m_accountID(_charData.accountID), m_title(_charData.title), m_description(_charData.description), m_gender(_charData.gender), m_bounty(_charData.bounty), m_balance(_charData.balance), m_securityRating(_charData.securityRating), m_logonMinutes(_charData.logonMinutes), m_corporationID(_charData.corporationID), m_corpHQ(_corpData.corpHQ), m_allianceID(_charData.allianceID), m_warFactionID(_charData.warFactionID), m_corpRole(_corpData.corpRole), m_rolesAtAll(_corpData.rolesAtAll), m_rolesAtBase(_corpData.rolesAtBase), m_rolesAtHQ(_corpData.rolesAtHQ), m_rolesAtOther(_corpData.rolesAtOther), m_stationID(_charData.stationID), m_solarSystemID(_charData.solarSystemID), m_constellationID(_charData.constellationID), m_regionID(_charData.regionID), m_ancestryID(_charData.ancestryID), m_careerID(_charData.careerID), m_schoolID(_charData.schoolID), m_careerSpecialityID(_charData.careerSpecialityID), m_startDateTime(_charData.startDateTime), m_createDateTime(_charData.createDateTime), m_corporationDateTime(_charData.corporationDateTime) { // allow characters to be only singletons assert(singleton() && quantity() == 1); }
Quantity DataManager::loadQuantity(const QDomDocument& xml_document, const QPixmap& pixmap) { // Start document parsing and variables setting QDomElement root = xml_document.documentElement(); Quantity quantity( root.attribute("name"), pixmap); quantity.prefixAllowed = (root.attribute("prefixsAllowed") == "yes"); // Treatment of <baseunit> tag Unit baseunit = loadBaseUnit(root.firstChildElement("baseunit")); quantity.push_back( baseunit ); // Treatment of <unit> tags QDomElement unit_elem = root.firstChildElement("unit"); while( !unit_elem.isNull() ) { //for each <unit> tag quantity.push_back( loadUnit(unit_elem, baseunit) ); unit_elem = unit_elem.nextSiblingElement("unit"); } qDebug("Quantity \"%s\" loaded.", qPrintable(root.attribute("name"))); return quantity; }
void InventoryItem::SaveItem() { //_log( ITEM__TRACE, "Saving item %u.", itemID() ); SaveAttributes(); m_factory.db().SaveItem( itemID(), ItemData( itemName().c_str(), typeID(), ownerID(), locationID(), flag(), contraband(), singleton(), quantity(), position(), customInfo().c_str() ) ); }
range::range () { default_ = quantity (); }
QImage ImageProvider::requestImage(const QString &id, QSize *size, const QSize &requestedSize) { QImage result; const QStringList idSegments = id.split(QLatin1Char('/')); if (requestedSize.width() < 1 || requestedSize.height() < 1) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << " requestedSize is invalid!" << requestedSize << id; return QImage(); } if (idSegments.count() < 2) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Not enough parameters for the image provider: " << id; return QImage(); } const QString &elementId =; if (idSegments.first() == QStringLiteral("background")) { return renderedSvgElement(elementId, designRenderer(), Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding, size, requestedSize); } else if (idSegments.first() == QStringLiteral("title")) { if (elementId == QStringLiteral("textmask")) result = renderedSvgElement(idSegments.first(), designRenderer(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, size, requestedSize); else result = spectrum(size, requestedSize); } else if (idSegments.first() == QStringLiteral("specialbutton")) { result = renderedSvgElement(elementId, designRenderer(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, size, requestedSize); } else if (idSegments.first() == buttonString) { result = renderedDesignElement(DesignElementTypeButton, elementId.toInt(), size, requestedSize); } else if (idSegments.first() == frameString) { result = renderedDesignElement(DesignElementTypeFrame, 0, size, requestedSize); } else if (idSegments.first() == QStringLiteral("object")) { result = renderedSvgElement(elementId, objectRenderer(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, size, requestedSize); } else if (idSegments.first() == QStringLiteral("clock")) { if (idSegments.count() != 4) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Wrong number of parameters for clock images:" << id; return QImage(); } result = clock(,,, size, requestedSize); } else if (idSegments.first() == QStringLiteral("notes")) { result = notes(elementId.split(QLatin1Char(','), QString::SkipEmptyParts), size, requestedSize); } else if (idSegments.first() == QStringLiteral("quantity")) { if (idSegments.count() != 3) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Wrong number of parameters for quantity images:" << id; return QImage(); } result = quantity(,, size, requestedSize); } else if (idSegments.first() == QStringLiteral("lessonicon")) { if (idSegments.count() != 3) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Wrong number of parameters for lessonicon:" << id; return QImage(); } result = renderedLessonIcon(,, size, requestedSize); } else if (idSegments.first() == QStringLiteral("color")) { if (idSegments.count() != 3) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Wrong number of parameters for color:" << id; return QImage(); } const QColor color(; result = colorBlot(color,, size, requestedSize); } else { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "invalid image Id:" << id; } #if 0 if (idSegments.first() == QStringLiteral("object")) { QPainter p(&result); QPolygon points; for (int i = 0; i < result.width(); i += 2) for (int j = 0; j < result.height(); j += 2) points.append(QPoint(i, j)); p.drawPoints(points); p.setPen(Qt::white); p.translate(1, 1); p.drawPoints(points); } #endif return result; }
//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - double ResourceBuff::space() { if (unlimited_) { return -1; } return capacity_ - quantity(); }
double MaterialObject::Element::quantityInUnit(const std::string desiredUnit, const double length, const double surface) const { double returnVal = 0; double density = materialTab_.density(elementName()); bool invert; Unit desiredUnitVal, elementUnitVal, tempUnit; //Conversion matrix: // g g/m mm // __________________________________________________ // g | 1 l/1000 rho*S | // g/m | 1000/l 1 (rho*S*1000)/l | // mm | 1/(rho*S) l/(rho*S*1000) 1 | // // rows: desired unit // columns: original unit // l: length // rho: density // S: surface /* std::map<std::pair<Unit, Unit>, double> conversionMatrix = { {{GRAMS, GRAMS}, 1}, {{GRAMS, GRAMS_METER}, length/1000}, {{GRAMS, MILLIMETERS}, density*surface}, {{GRAMS_METER, GRAMS}, 1000/length}, {{GRAMS_METER, GRAMS_METER}, 1}, {{GRAMS_METER, MILLIMETERS}, (density*surface*1000)/length}, {{MILLIMETERS, GRAMS}, 1/(density*surface)}, {{MILLIMETERS, GRAMS_METER}, length/(density*surface*1000)}, {{MILLIMETERS, MILLIMETERS}, 1} }; try { returnVal = quantity() *{,}); } catch (const std::out_of_range& ex) { logERROR(msg_no_valid_unit + unit() + ", " + desiredUnit + "."); } */ try { desiredUnitVal =; elementUnitVal =; if (desiredUnitVal == elementUnitVal) { return quantity(); } else if (desiredUnitVal > elementUnitVal) { invert = true; tempUnit = desiredUnitVal; desiredUnitVal = elementUnitVal; elementUnitVal = tempUnit; } else { invert = false; } if ((desiredUnitVal == GRAMS) && (elementUnitVal == GRAMS_METER)) returnVal = quantity() * length / 1000.; else if ((desiredUnitVal == GRAMS) && (elementUnitVal == MILLIMETERS)) returnVal = quantity() * density * surface; else if ((desiredUnitVal == GRAMS_METER) && (elementUnitVal == MILLIMETERS)) returnVal = quantity() * (density * surface * 1000.) / length; if (invert) returnVal = 1 / returnVal; } catch (const std::out_of_range& ex) { logERROR(msg_no_valid_unit + unit() + ", " + desiredUnit + "."); } return returnVal; }
std::string str() const { return quantity(amount, units); }