Exemplo n.º 1
int CAMERA_MISC::setup() {
	if(ready) return -1;
	if(running) return -1;
	//log = new Logger("camera.log");
	capture = raspiCamCvCreateCameraCapture(0);
	ready = true;
	//log->writeLogLine("Camera set up sucessfully.");
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int CAMERA_VAR3::setup() {
	if(ready) return -1;
	if(running) return -1;
	//log = new Logger("camera.log");
	try {
		CAMERA_COMMON::build_lookup_threshold(lookup_threshold, MIN_HUE, MAX_HUE, MIN_SAT, MAX_SAT, MIN_VAL, MAX_VAL);
		//log->writeLogLine("Lookup tables built.");
	} catch(...) {
		//log->writeLogLine("Error building lookup tables.");
		return -1;
	capture = raspiCamCvCreateCameraCapture(0);
	ready = true;
	//log->writeLogLine("Camera set up sucessfully.");
	return 0;
int main( int argc, char** argv )
	// Medida de tiempo inicial
	clock_t t0, t_load, t_loop, t_loop0;
	double dtime;
	t0 = clock();

	// Declaration of variables
	CascadeClassifier face_cascade;				// Cascade Classifier
	Mat captureFrame, grayscaleFrame;			// Captured and converted to gray Frames
	double x_face_pos, y_face_pos, area_face;	// Coordinates of the detected face
	vector< Rect_<int> > faces;					// Vector of faces
		RaspiCamCvCapture * captureDevice;		// Video input
		CvCapture * captureDevice;				// Video input
	char sTmp[255];

#ifdef TRACE
	sprintf(sTmp,"\n Directorio de ejecucion del programa: ");
	trace (sTmp);
	cout << get_ProgramDirectory();

	// Declaration of variables Face recognition
	string people[MAX_PEOPLE];					// Each person of the model of face recognition
	int im_width, im_height;					// heigh, witdh of 1st images of the model of face recognition
	int prediction_seuil;						// Prediction limit
	Ptr<FaceRecognizer> model;					// Model of face recognitio

	// Prediction limit depending on the device
		prediction_seuil = 10;
		prediction_seuil = 1000;

	// Model of face recognition
		model = createEigenFaceRecognizer();
		model = createFisherFaceRecognizer();

	// Read measures file
	read_measures_file(im_width, im_height, '=');

	// Read people file
	read_people_file(people, '(', ')', '=');

	// Load model
	t_load = clock();

	#ifdef DEBUG
		dtime = difftime(t_load,t0);
		sprintf(sTmp,"\n (Face Tracking) tiempo de carga del modelo = ");
		cout << print_time(dtime);


	// Video input depending on the device
		captureDevice = raspiCamCvCreateCameraCapture(0); // Index doesn't really matter
		captureDevice = cvCreateCameraCapture(0);

	// Load of Haar Cascade
	if (!load_haar_cascade(face_cascade)) {	return -1;}

	// Create new window
	SHOW cvNamedWindow("Face tracking", 1);

	do {
		t_loop0 = clock();

		#ifdef RASPBERRY
				IplImage* image = raspiCamCvQueryFrame(captureDevice);	// Get images from the video input
				IplImage* image = cvQueryFrame(captureDevice);			// Get images from the video input
		captureFrame = cvarrToMat(image);			// Convert images to Mat
		cvtColor(captureFrame, grayscaleFrame, CV_RGB2GRAY);	// Convert the image to gray scale

		// Detection and Face Recognition
		face_detection(face_cascade, grayscaleFrame, captureFrame, &faces, x_face_pos, y_face_pos, area_face);

				// Detection and Face Recognition
				face_recognition(people, grayscaleFrame, captureFrame, &faces, im_width, im_height, model,
								prediction_seuil, x_face_pos, y_face_pos, area_face);

		// Display results
		#ifdef SHOW
				imshow("Face tracking", captureFrame);

		t_loop = clock();
		#ifdef DEBUG
			dtime = difftime(t_loop,t_loop0);
			sprintf(sTmp,"\n (Face Tracking) tiempo del bucle del reconocimiento de cara = ");
			cout << print_time(dtime);
	} while(cvWaitKey(10) < 0);

	// Destroy window
	#ifdef SHOW
		cvDestroyWindow("Face tracking");

	#ifdef TRACE
		trace ("\n");


	return 0;