Exemplo n.º 1
 * call-seq: configure(opts)
 * Configure this State instance with the Hash _opts_, and return
 * itself.
static inline VALUE cState_configure(VALUE self, VALUE opts)
    VALUE tmp;
    tmp = rb_convert_type(opts, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_hash");
    if (NIL_P(tmp)) tmp = rb_convert_type(opts, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_h");
    if (NIL_P(tmp)) {
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "opts has to be hash like or convertable into a hash");
    opts = tmp;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_indent));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        state->indent = tmp;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_space));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        state->space = tmp;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_space_before));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        state->space_before = tmp;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_array_nl));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        state->array_nl = tmp;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_object_nl));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        state->object_nl = tmp;
    tmp = ID2SYM(i_check_circular);
    if (st_lookup(RHASH_TBL(opts), tmp, 0)) {
        tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_check_circular));
        state->check_circular = RTEST(tmp);
    } else {
        state->check_circular = 1;
    tmp = ID2SYM(i_max_nesting);
    state->max_nesting = 19;
    if (st_lookup(RHASH_TBL(opts), tmp, 0)) {
        VALUE max_nesting = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
        if (RTEST(max_nesting)) {
            Check_Type(max_nesting, T_FIXNUM);
            state->max_nesting = FIX2LONG(max_nesting);
        } else {
            state->max_nesting = 0;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_allow_nan));
    state->allow_nan = RTEST(tmp);
    return self;
Exemplo n.º 2
extern VALUE StringValueEx(VALUE vobj){
  if (rb_respond_to(vobj, rb_intern("to_tokyo_tyrant"))) {
    return rb_convert_type(vobj, T_STRING, "String", "to_tokyo_tyrant");
  } else if (rb_respond_to(vobj, rb_intern("to_s"))) {
    return rb_convert_type(vobj, T_STRING, "String", "to_s");
  } else {
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "can't stringify object");
  return StringValue(vobj);
Exemplo n.º 3
static VALUE
console_cursor_set(VALUE io, VALUE cpos)
    cpos = rb_convert_type(cpos, T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_ary");
    if (RARRAY_LEN(cpos) != 2) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "expected 2D coordinate");
    return console_goto(io, RARRAY_AREF(cpos, 0), RARRAY_AREF(cpos, 1));
Exemplo n.º 4
// TODO: merge out and mout?
static VALUE mTokyoMessenger_outlist(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE vself){
  VALUE vkeys, vary, vvalue;
  TCLIST *list, *result;
  TCRDB *db = mTokyoMessenger_getdb(vself);
  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "*", &vkeys);

  // I really hope there is a better way to do this
  if (RARRAY_LEN(vkeys) == 1) {
    vvalue = rb_ary_entry(vkeys, 0);
    switch (TYPE(vvalue)){
      case T_STRING:
      case T_FIXNUM:
      case T_ARRAY:
        vkeys = vvalue;
      case T_OBJECT:
        vkeys = rb_convert_type(vvalue, T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_a");
  Check_Type(vkeys, T_ARRAY);

  list = varytolist(vkeys);
  result = tcrdbmisc(db, "outlist", 0, list);
  vary = listtovary(result);
  return vary;
Exemplo n.º 5
 *  call-seq:
 *    Coolio::StatWatcher.initialize(path, interval = 0) -> Coolio::StatWatcher
 * Create a new Coolio::StatWatcher for the given path.  This will monitor the
 * given path for changes at the filesystem level.  The interval argument
 * specified how often in seconds the path should be polled for changes.
 * Setting interval to zero uses an "automatic" value (typically around 5
 * seconds) which optimizes performance.  Otherwise, values less than
 * 0.1 are not particularly meaningful.  Where available (at present, on Linux)
 * high performance file monitoring interfaces will be used instead of polling.
static VALUE Coolio_StatWatcher_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
	VALUE path, interval;
  struct Coolio_Watcher *watcher_data;

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &path, &interval);
  if(interval != Qnil)
    interval = rb_convert_type(interval, T_FLOAT, "Float", "to_f");

  path = rb_String(path);
  rb_iv_set(self, "@path", path);

  Data_Get_Struct(self, struct Coolio_Watcher, watcher_data);

  watcher_data->dispatch_callback = Coolio_StatWatcher_dispatch_callback;
      interval == Qnil ? 0 : NUM2DBL(interval)
  watcher_data->event_types.ev_stat.data = (void *)self;

  return Qnil;
Exemplo n.º 6
static VALUE cDB_mget(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE vself){
  VALUE vkeys, vhash, vvalue;
  TCRDB *db;
  TCMAP *recs;
  Data_Get_Struct(rb_iv_get(vself, RDBVNDATA), TCRDB, db);
  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "*", &vkeys);

  // I really hope there is a better way to do this
  if (RARRAY_LEN(vkeys) == 1) {
    vvalue = rb_ary_entry(vkeys, 0);
    switch (TYPE(vvalue)){
      case T_STRING:
      case T_FIXNUM:
      case T_ARRAY:
        vkeys = vvalue;
      case T_OBJECT:
        vkeys = rb_convert_type(vvalue, T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_a");

  Check_Type(vkeys, T_ARRAY);

  recs = varytomap(vkeys);
  if(!tcrdbget3(db, recs)) return Qnil;
  vhash = maptovhash(recs);
  return vhash;
Exemplo n.º 7
static rb_event_flag_t
symbol2event_flag(VALUE v)
    static ID id;
    VALUE sym = rb_convert_type(v, T_SYMBOL, "Symbol", "to_sym");

#define C(name, NAME) CONST_ID(id, #name); if (sym == ID2SYM(id)) return RUBY_EVENT_##NAME
    C(line, LINE);
    C(class, CLASS);
    C(end, END);
    C(call, CALL);
    C(return, RETURN);
    C(c_call, C_CALL);
    C(c_return, C_RETURN);
    C(raise, RAISE);
    C(b_call, B_CALL);
    C(b_return, B_RETURN);
    C(thread_begin, THREAD_BEGIN);
    C(thread_end, THREAD_END);
    C(specified_line, SPECIFIED_LINE);
#undef C
    CONST_ID(id, "a_call");
    CONST_ID(id, "a_return");
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "unknown event: %s", rb_id2name(SYM2ID(sym)));
Exemplo n.º 8
 * call-seq: new(opts = {})
 * Instantiates a new State object, configured by _opts_.
 * _opts_ can have the following keys:
 * * *indent*: a string used to indent levels (default: ''),
 * * *space*: a string that is put after, a : or , delimiter (default: ''),
 * * *space_before*: a string that is put before a : pair delimiter (default: ''),
 * * *object_nl*: a string that is put at the end of a JSON object (default: ''), 
 * * *array_nl*: a string that is put at the end of a JSON array (default: ''),
 * * *check_circular*: true if checking for circular data structures
 *   should be done, false (the default) otherwise.
static VALUE cState_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE opts;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &opts);
    if (NIL_P(opts)) {
        state->indent = rb_str_new2("");
        state->space = rb_str_new2("");
        state->space_before = rb_str_new2("");
        state->array_nl = rb_str_new2("");
        state->object_nl = rb_str_new2("");
        state->check_circular = 0;
    } else {
        VALUE tmp;
        opts = rb_convert_type(opts, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_hash");
        tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_indent));
        if (RTEST(tmp)) {
            Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
            state->indent = tmp;
        } else {
            state->indent = rb_str_new2("");
        tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_space));
        if (RTEST(tmp)) {
            Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
            state->space = tmp;
        } else {
            state->space = rb_str_new2("");
        tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_space_before));
        if (RTEST(tmp)) {
            Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
            state->space_before = tmp;
        } else {
            state->space_before = rb_str_new2("");
        tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_array_nl));
        if (RTEST(tmp)) {
            Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
            state->array_nl = tmp;
        } else {
            state->array_nl = rb_str_new2("");
        tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_object_nl));
        if (RTEST(tmp)) {
            Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
            state->object_nl = tmp;
        } else {
            state->object_nl = rb_str_new2("");
        tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_check_circular));
        state->check_circular = RTEST(tmp);
    state->seen = rb_hash_new();
    state->memo = Qnil;
    state->depth = INT2FIX(0);
    return self;
Exemplo n.º 9
static VALUE
bdb_sary_replace_m(VALUE obj, VALUE obj2)
    bdb_DB *dbst;

    GetDB(obj, dbst);
    obj2 = rb_convert_type(obj2, T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_ary");
    bdb_sary_replace(obj, 0, dbst->len, obj2);
    return obj;
Exemplo n.º 10
 *  call-seq:
 *    Rev::Buffer#prepend(data) -> String
 * Prepend the given data to the beginning of the buffer
static VALUE Rev_Buffer_prepend(VALUE self, VALUE data)
  struct buffer *buf;
  Data_Get_Struct(self, struct buffer, buf);

  data = rb_convert_type(data, T_STRING, "String", "to_str");
  buffer_prepend(buf, RSTRING_PTR(data), RSTRING_LEN(data));

  return data;
Exemplo n.º 11
 *  call-seq:
 *     solver << var_or_lit_or_ary   -> solver
 *  Almost same as Solver#add_caluse.  This method receives Array of Variable
 *  or Literal.
 *     solver << a          # equivalent to solver.add_clause(a)
 *     solver << [a, b, -c] # equivalent to solver.add_clause(a, b, -c)
static VALUE solver_add_clause_2(VALUE rslv, VALUE rcls)
    if(TYPE(rcls) == T_DATA
       && RDATA(rcls)->dfree == (RUBY_DATA_FUNC)value_free) {
      return solver_add_clause(1, &rcls, rslv);
    else {
      rcls = rb_convert_type(rcls, T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_ary");
      return solver_add_clause((int) RARRAY_LEN(rcls), RARRAY_PTR(rcls), rslv);
Exemplo n.º 12
 *  call-seq:
 *    Rev::Buffer#append(data) -> String
 * Append the given data to the end of the buffer
static VALUE Rev_Buffer_append(VALUE self, VALUE data)
  struct buffer *buf;
  Data_Get_Struct(self, struct buffer, buf);

  /* Is this needed?  Never seen anyone else do it... */
  data = rb_convert_type(data, T_STRING, "String", "to_str");
  buffer_append(buf, RSTRING_PTR(data), RSTRING_LEN(data));

  return data;
Exemplo n.º 13
static VALUE init(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
  VALUE debug, path, settings;

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &settings);

  if (argc == 0) {
    debug = Qnil;
    path = Qnil;
  else {
    settings = rb_convert_type(settings, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_hash");

    debug = rb_hash_aref(settings, ID2SYM(DEBUG));
    path = rb_hash_aref(settings, ID2SYM(USER_DIR));

  signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);
  signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
  signal(SIGINT, sighandler);
  signal(SIGQUIT, sighandler);
  signal(SIGTERM, sighandler);

  data_hash_table = g_hash_table_new(NULL, NULL);
  fd_hash_table = g_hash_table_new(NULL, NULL);

  purple_debug_set_enabled(RTEST(debug) ? TRUE : FALSE);

  if (path != Qnil) {


  if (!purple_core_init(UI_ID)) {
    rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "libpurple initialization failed");

  /* Create and load the buddylist. */

  /* Load the preferences. */

  /* Load the pounces. */

  return Qnil;
Exemplo n.º 14
rbgio_gasyncinitable_new_async(GType type,
                               VALUE parameters,
                               VALUE io_priority,
                               VALUE cancellable,
                               VALUE block)
        static ID s_id_length;
        struct rbgio_gasyncinitable_new_async_data data;

        if (s_id_length == 0)
                s_id_length = rb_intern("length");

        if (!g_type_is_a(type, G_TYPE_OBJECT))
                         "%s is not a descendant of GObject",

        if (NIL_P(parameters)) {

        } else {
                parameters = rb_convert_type(parameters,

        data.gclass = G_OBJECT_CLASS(g_type_class_ref(type));
        data.io_priority = RVAL2IOPRIORITYDEFAULT(io_priority);
        data.cancellable = RVAL2GCANCELLABLE(cancellable);
        data.block = block;
        data.rbparameters = parameters;
        data.index = 0;
        data.n_parameters = RVAL2GUINT(rb_funcall(parameters, s_id_length, 0));
        data.parameters = ALLOCA_N(GParameter, data.n_parameters);

        rb_ensure(rbgio_gasyncinitable_new_async_body, (VALUE)&data,
                  rbgio_gasyncinitable_new_async_ensure, (VALUE)&data);

Exemplo n.º 15
 *  call-seq:
 *    Rev::Buffer#write_to(io) -> Integer
 * Perform a nonblocking write of the buffer to the given IO object.
 * As much data as possible is written until the call would block.
 * Any data which is written is removed from the buffer.
static VALUE Rev_Buffer_write_to(VALUE self, VALUE io) {
  struct buffer *buf;
  rb_io_t *fptr;
  OpenFile *fptr;

  Data_Get_Struct(self, struct buffer, buf);
  GetOpenFile(rb_convert_type(io, T_FILE, "IO", "to_io"), fptr);

  return INT2NUM(buffer_write_to(buf, FPTR_TO_FD(fptr)));
Exemplo n.º 16
GObject *
rbgio_ginitable_new(GType type, VALUE parameters, VALUE cancellable)
        static ID s_id_length;
        GError *error = NULL;
        GObject *object;
        struct rbgio_ginitable_new_data data;

        if (s_id_length == 0)
                s_id_length = rb_intern("length");

        if (!g_type_is_a(type, G_TYPE_OBJECT))
                         "%s is not a descendant of GObject",

        if (NIL_P(parameters)) {
                object = g_initable_newv(type,
                if (object == NULL)

                return object;
        } else {
                parameters = rb_convert_type(parameters,

        data.gclass = G_OBJECT_CLASS(g_type_class_ref(type));
        data.cancellable = RVAL2GCANCELLABLE(cancellable);
        data.rbparameters = parameters;
        data.index = 0;
        data.n_parameters = RVAL2GUINT(rb_funcall(parameters, s_id_length, 0));
        data.parameters = g_new(GParameter, data.n_parameters);
        data.error = NULL;

        object = (GObject *)rb_ensure(rbgio_ginitable_new_body, (VALUE)&data,
                                      rbgio_ginitable_new_ensure, (VALUE)&data);
        if (object == NULL)

        return object;
Exemplo n.º 17
 * Return the entries (files and subdirectories) in the directory, each as a
 * Pathname object.
 * The results contains just the names in the directory, without any trailing
 * slashes or recursive look-up.
 *   pp Pathname.new('/usr/local').entries
 *   #=> [#<Pathname:share>,
 *   #    #<Pathname:lib>,
 *   #    #<Pathname:..>,
 *   #    #<Pathname:include>,
 *   #    #<Pathname:etc>,
 *   #    #<Pathname:bin>,
 *   #    #<Pathname:man>,
 *   #    #<Pathname:games>,
 *   #    #<Pathname:.>,
 *   #    #<Pathname:sbin>,
 *   #    #<Pathname:src>]
 * The result may contain the current directory <code>#<Pathname:.></code> and
 * the parent directory <code>#<Pathname:..></code>.
 * If you don't want +.+ and +..+ and
 * want directories, consider Pathname#children.
static VALUE
path_entries(VALUE self)
    VALUE klass, str, ary;
    long i;
    klass = rb_obj_class(self);
    str = get_strpath(self);
    ary = rb_funcall(rb_cDir, rb_intern("entries"), 1, str);
    ary = rb_convert_type(ary, T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_ary");
    for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) {
	VALUE elt = RARRAY_AREF(ary, i);
        elt = rb_class_new_instance(1, &elt, klass);
        rb_ary_store(ary, i, elt);
    return ary;
Exemplo n.º 18
static VALUE
bdb_sary_concat(VALUE obj, VALUE y)
    bdb_DB *dbst;
    long i;
    VALUE tmp[2];

    y = rb_convert_type(y, T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_ary");
    GetDB(obj, dbst);
    for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(y); i++) {
	tmp[0] = INT2NUM(dbst->len);
	tmp[1] = RARRAY_PTR(y)[i];
	bdb_put(2, tmp, obj);
    return obj;
Exemplo n.º 19
static VALUE
bdb_sary_cmp(VALUE obj, VALUE obj2)
    bdb_DB *dbst, *dbst2 = 0;
    VALUE a, a2, tmp, ary;
    long i, len;

    if (obj == obj2) return INT2FIX(0);
    GetDB(obj, dbst);
    len = dbst->len;
    if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(obj2, bdb_cRecnum)) {
	obj2 = rb_convert_type(obj2, T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_ary");
	if (len > RARRAY_LEN(obj2)) {
	    len = RARRAY_LEN(obj2);
	ary = Qtrue;
    else {
	GetDB(obj2, dbst2);
	len = dbst->len;
	if (len > dbst2->len) {
	    len = dbst2->len;
	ary = Qfalse;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
	tmp = INT2NUM(i);
	a = bdb_get(1, &tmp, obj);
	if (ary) {
	    a2 = RARRAY_PTR(obj2)[i];
	else {
	    a2 = bdb_get(1, &tmp, obj2);
	tmp = rb_funcall(a, id_cmp, 1, a2);
	if (tmp != INT2FIX(0)) {
	    return tmp;
    len = dbst->len - ary?RARRAY_LEN(obj2):dbst2->len;
    if (len == 0) return INT2FIX(0);
    if (len > 0) return INT2FIX(1);
    return INT2FIX(-1);
Exemplo n.º 20
 * Returns or yields Pathname objects.
 *  Pathname.glob("config/" "*.rb")
 *	#=> [#<Pathname:config/environment.rb>, #<Pathname:config/routes.rb>, ..]
 * See Dir.glob.
static VALUE
path_s_glob(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
    VALUE args[2];
    int n;

    n = rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &args[0], &args[1]);
    if (rb_block_given_p()) {
        return rb_block_call(rb_cDir, rb_intern("glob"), n, args, glob_i, klass);
    else {
        VALUE ary;
        long i;
        ary = rb_funcallv(rb_cDir, rb_intern("glob"), n, args);
        ary = rb_convert_type(ary, T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_ary");
        for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) {
            VALUE elt = RARRAY_AREF(ary, i);
            elt = rb_class_new_instance(1, &elt, klass);
            rb_ary_store(ary, i, elt);
        return ary;
Exemplo n.º 21
 *  call-seq:
 *    Coolio::IOWatcher.initialize(IO, events = 'r') -> Coolio::IOWatcher
 * Create a new Coolio::IOWatcher for the given IO object and add it to the given Coolio::Loop
static VALUE Coolio_IOWatcher_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
  VALUE io, flags;
  char *flags_str;
  int events;
  struct Coolio_Watcher *watcher_data;
  rb_io_t *fptr;
  OpenFile *fptr;

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &io, &flags);

  if(flags != Qnil)
    flags_str = RSTRING_PTR(rb_String(flags));
    flags_str = "r";

  if(!strcmp(flags_str, "r"))
    events = EV_READ;
  else if(!strcmp(flags_str, "w"))
    events = EV_WRITE;
  else if(!strcmp(flags_str, "rw"))
    events = EV_READ | EV_WRITE;
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid event type: '%s' (must be 'r', 'w', or 'rw')", flags_str);

  Data_Get_Struct(self, struct Coolio_Watcher, watcher_data);
  GetOpenFile(rb_convert_type(io, T_FILE, "IO", "to_io"), fptr);

  watcher_data->dispatch_callback = Coolio_IOWatcher_dispatch_callback;
  ev_io_init(&watcher_data->event_types.ev_io, Coolio_IOWatcher_libev_callback, FPTR_TO_FD(fptr), events);
  watcher_data->event_types.ev_io.data = (void *)self;

  return Qnil;
Exemplo n.º 22
/* (Private.)  Called by #parse to prepare for lexing.
VALUE cast_Parser_prepare_lexer(VALUE self, VALUE string) {
  cast_Parser *self_p;
  char *b, *e;

  Get_Struct(self, Parser, self_p);
  string = rb_convert_type(string, T_STRING, "String", "to_s");

  b = RSTRING_PTR(string);
  e = b + RSTRING_LEN(string) + 1;

  self_p->file = split(b);
  self_p->bot = b;
  self_p->tok = b;
  self_p->ptr = b;
  self_p->cur = b;
  self_p->pos = b;
  self_p->lim = e;
  self_p->top = e;
  self_p->eof = e;
  self_p->lineno = 1;

  return Qnil;
Exemplo n.º 23
rb_hsh_push(VALUE hsh, VALUE obj)
  if (rb_respond_to(obj, rb_intern("to_hash"))) {
    rb_hash_update(hsh, obj)  /* env_update(hsh, obj) */
  else if (rb_respond_to(obj, rb_intern("to_ary"))) {
    VALUE ary = rb_convert_type(obj, T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_ary");
    long size = RARRAY_LEN(ary);
    if(size & 1) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "odd number of arguments for Hash");
    else {
      /* TODO: would it be better to convert the array to a hash then use update? */
      for (i=0; i<size; i+=2) {
        rb_hash_aset(hsh, RARRAY_PTR(ary)[i], RARRAY_PTR(ary)[i + 1]);
  else {
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "attempt to merge object other then hash or array");
Exemplo n.º 24
static VALUE
to_hash(VALUE hash)
    return rb_convert_type(hash, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_hash");
Exemplo n.º 25
static VALUE
nucomp_s_convert(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
    VALUE a1, a2, backref;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &a1, &a2);

    if (NIL_P(a1) || (argc == 2 && NIL_P(a2)))
	rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "can't convert nil into Complex");

    backref = rb_backref_get();

    if (RB_TYPE_P(a1, T_STRING)) {
	a1 = string_to_c_strict(a1);

    if (RB_TYPE_P(a2, T_STRING)) {
	a2 = string_to_c_strict(a2);


    if (RB_TYPE_P(a1, T_COMPLEX)) {

	    if (k_exact_zero_p(dat->imag))
		a1 = dat->real;

    if (RB_TYPE_P(a2, T_COMPLEX)) {

	    if (k_exact_zero_p(dat->imag))
		a2 = dat->real;

    if (RB_TYPE_P(a1, T_COMPLEX)) {
	if (argc == 1 || (k_exact_zero_p(a2)))
	    return a1;

    if (argc == 1) {
	if (k_numeric_p(a1) && !f_real_p(a1))
	    return a1;
	/* should raise exception for consistency */
	if (!k_numeric_p(a1))
	    return rb_convert_type(a1, T_COMPLEX, "Complex", "to_c");
    else {
	if ((k_numeric_p(a1) && k_numeric_p(a2)) &&
	    (!f_real_p(a1) || !f_real_p(a2)))
	    return f_add(a1,
			       f_complex_new_bang2(rb_cComplex, ZERO, ONE)));

	VALUE argv2[2];
	argv2[0] = a1;
	argv2[1] = a2;
	return nucomp_s_new(argc, argv2, klass);
Exemplo n.º 26
 * call-seq: configure(opts)
 * Configure this State instance with the Hash _opts_, and return
 * itself.
static inline VALUE cState_configure(VALUE self, VALUE opts)
    VALUE tmp;
    tmp = rb_convert_type(opts, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_hash");
    if (NIL_P(tmp)) tmp = rb_convert_type(opts, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_h");
    if (NIL_P(tmp)) {
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "opts has to be hash like or convertable into a hash");
    opts = tmp;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_indent));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        state->indent = tmp;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_space));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        state->space = tmp;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_space_before));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        state->space_before = tmp;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_array_nl));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        state->array_nl = tmp;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_object_nl));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        state->object_nl = tmp;
    tmp = ID2SYM(i_check_circular);

    if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent((CFDictionaryRef)opts, (const void *)RB2OC(tmp), 0)) {
    if (st_lookup(RHASH_TBL(opts), tmp, 0)) {
        tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_check_circular));
        state->check_circular = RTEST(tmp);
    } else {
        state->check_circular = 1;
    tmp = ID2SYM(i_max_nesting);
    state->max_nesting = 19;
    if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent((CFDictionaryRef)opts, (const void *)RB2OC(tmp), 0)) {
    if (st_lookup(RHASH_TBL(opts), tmp, 0)) {
        VALUE max_nesting = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
        if (RTEST(max_nesting)) {
            Check_Type(max_nesting, T_FIXNUM);
            state->max_nesting = FIX2LONG(max_nesting);
        } else {
            state->max_nesting = 0;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_allow_nan));
    state->allow_nan = RTEST(tmp);
    return self;

 * call-seq: to_h
 * Returns the configuration instance variables as a hash, that can be
 * passed to the configure method.
static VALUE cState_to_h(VALUE self)
    VALUE result = rb_hash_new();
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_indent), state->indent);
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_space), state->space);
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_space_before), state->space_before);
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_object_nl), state->object_nl);
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_array_nl), state->array_nl);
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_check_circular), state->check_circular ? Qtrue : Qfalse);
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_allow_nan), state->allow_nan ? Qtrue : Qfalse);
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_max_nesting), LONG2FIX(state->max_nesting));
    return result;

 * call-seq: new(opts = {})
 * Instantiates a new State object, configured by _opts_.
 * _opts_ can have the following keys:
 * * *indent*: a string used to indent levels (default: ''),
 * * *space*: a string that is put after, a : or , delimiter (default: ''),
 * * *space_before*: a string that is put before a : pair delimiter (default: ''),
 * * *object_nl*: a string that is put at the end of a JSON object (default: ''), 
 * * *array_nl*: a string that is put at the end of a JSON array (default: ''),
 * * *check_circular*: true if checking for circular data structures
 *   should be done, false (the default) otherwise.
 * * *allow_nan*: true if NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity should be
 *   generated, otherwise an exception is thrown, if these values are
 *   encountered. This options defaults to false.
static VALUE cState_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE opts;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &opts);
    state->indent = rb_str_new2("");
    state->space = rb_str_new2("");
    state->space_before = rb_str_new2("");
    state->array_nl = rb_str_new2("");
    state->object_nl = rb_str_new2("");
    if (NIL_P(opts)) {
        state->check_circular = 1;
        state->allow_nan = 0;
        state->max_nesting = 19;
    } else {
        cState_configure(self, opts);
    state->seen = rb_hash_new();
    state->memo = Qnil;
    state->depth = INT2FIX(0);
    return self;
Exemplo n.º 27
static VALUE
nurat_s_convert(VALUE klass, SEL sel, int argc, VALUE *argv)
    VALUE a1, a2, backref;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &a1, &a2);

    if (NIL_P(a1) || (argc == 2 && NIL_P(a2)))
	rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "can't convert nil into Rational");

    switch (TYPE(a1)) {
      case T_COMPLEX:
	if (k_exact_zero_p(RCOMPLEX(a1)->imag))
	    a1 = RCOMPLEX(a1)->real;

    switch (TYPE(a2)) {
      case T_COMPLEX:
	if (k_exact_zero_p(RCOMPLEX(a2)->imag))
	    a2 = RCOMPLEX(a2)->real;

    backref = rb_backref_get();

    switch (TYPE(a1)) {
      case T_FIXNUM:
      case T_BIGNUM:
      case T_FLOAT:
	a1 = f_to_r(a1);
      case T_STRING:
	a1 = string_to_r_strict(a1);

    switch (TYPE(a2)) {
      case T_FIXNUM:
      case T_BIGNUM:
      case T_FLOAT:
	a2 = f_to_r(a2);
      case T_STRING:
	a2 = string_to_r_strict(a2);


    switch (TYPE(a1)) {
      case T_RATIONAL:
	if (argc == 1 || (k_exact_one_p(a2)))
	    return a1;

    if (argc == 1) {
	if (!(k_numeric_p(a1) && k_integer_p(a1)))
	    return rb_convert_type(a1, T_RATIONAL, "Rational", "to_r");
    else {
	if ((k_numeric_p(a1) && k_numeric_p(a2)) &&
	    (!f_integer_p(a1) || !f_integer_p(a2)))
	    return f_div(a1, a2);

	VALUE argv2[2];
	argv2[0] = a1;
	argv2[1] = a2;
	return nurat_s_new(argc, argv2, klass);
Exemplo n.º 28
rb_grn_convert_to_array (VALUE object)
    return rb_convert_type(object, RUBY_T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_ary");
Exemplo n.º 29
static VALUE so_convert_type(VALUE self, VALUE obj) {
  return rb_convert_type(obj, T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_ary");
Exemplo n.º 30
 * call-seq: configure(opts)
 * Configure this State instance with the Hash _opts_, and return
 * itself.
static VALUE cState_configure(VALUE self, VALUE opts)
    VALUE tmp;
    tmp = rb_convert_type(opts, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_hash");
    if (NIL_P(tmp)) tmp = rb_convert_type(opts, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_h");
    if (NIL_P(tmp)) {
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "opts has to be hash like or convertable into a hash");
    opts = tmp;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_indent));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        unsigned long len;
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
        state->indent = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len);
        state->indent_len = len;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_space));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        unsigned long len;
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
        state->space = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len);
        state->space_len = len;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_space_before));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        unsigned long len;
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
        state->space_before = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len);
        state->space_before_len = len;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_array_nl));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        unsigned long len;
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
        state->array_nl = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len);
        state->array_nl_len = len;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_object_nl));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        unsigned long len;
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
        state->object_nl = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len);
        state->object_nl_len = len;
    tmp = ID2SYM(i_max_nesting);
    state->max_nesting = 19;
    if (option_given_p(opts, tmp)) {
        VALUE max_nesting = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
        if (RTEST(max_nesting)) {
            Check_Type(max_nesting, T_FIXNUM);
            state->max_nesting = FIX2LONG(max_nesting);
        } else {
            state->max_nesting = 0;
    tmp = ID2SYM(i_depth);
    state->depth = 0;
    if (option_given_p(opts, tmp)) {
        VALUE depth = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
        if (RTEST(depth)) {
            Check_Type(depth, T_FIXNUM);
            state->depth = FIX2LONG(depth);
        } else {
            state->depth = 0;
    tmp = ID2SYM(i_buffer_initial_length);
    if (option_given_p(opts, tmp)) {
        VALUE buffer_initial_length = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
        if (RTEST(buffer_initial_length)) {
            long initial_length;
            Check_Type(buffer_initial_length, T_FIXNUM);
            initial_length = FIX2LONG(buffer_initial_length);
            if (initial_length > 0) state->buffer_initial_length = initial_length;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_allow_nan));
    state->allow_nan = RTEST(tmp);
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_ascii_only));
    state->ascii_only = RTEST(tmp);
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_quirks_mode));
    state->quirks_mode = RTEST(tmp);
    return self;