Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: _mv.c Projeto: ehershey/pd
cmd_mv (string str) {
   string t1, t2, *tmp;
   seteuid(geteuid(previous_object())); /* set it to the caller's perms */
    if(this_player()->query_forced()) {
        write("Someone tried forcing you to mv "+str+"\n");
        return 1;
   if(!str||sscanf(str,"%s %s",t1,t2)!=2) {
      /* We should add checks for flags here. */
      return help();  
   } else {
#if 0
      if(file_size(t2=resolv_path((string)this_player()->get_path(),t2)) > 0)
            notify_fail("mv: "+t2+" already exists.\n");
            return 0;
      if(file_size(t2) == -2) {
         tmp = explode(t1, "/");
         t2 += "/" + tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1];
         ((file_size(t1)<0)&&(file_size(t2)!=-1)) ? t1+" -> "+t2+"\n"
         :"mv failed.\n");
   IMSTAT_D->add_stat(this_player()->query_name(), "mv", time());

   return 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
int cmd_compress( string a ) /* a is the name of the file to be compressed */
    string old_file;
    string *old_lines;
    int number_lines;
    mixed arg;
    string old_file_name, new_file_name;

    if( !a ) { help(); notify_fail( "No argument passed.\n" ); return 0; }
    if( 2 != sscanf( a, "%s to %s", old_file_name, new_file_name ) &&
      2 != sscanf( a, "%s %s", old_file_name, new_file_name )       )
	old_file_name = a;
	new_file_name = a + ".comp";
    seteuid( getuid( previous_object() ) );
    old_file_name = resolv_path( this_player()-> query( "cwd" ), old_file_name );
    new_file_name = resolv_path( this_player()-> query( "cwd" ), new_file_name );
    switch( file_size( old_file_name ) )
    case -2: notify_fail( "compress: " + old_file_name + ": directory\n" ); return 0;
    case -1: notify_fail( "compress: " + old_file_name + ": no such file\n" ); return 0;
    if( !master()-> valid_read( old_file_name,
	(string)this_player()-> query( "name" ), "compress" ) )
	notify_fail( old_file_name + ": Permission denied.\n" );
	return 0;
    old_file = read_file( old_file_name );
    if( !old_file ) { notify_fail( old_file_name + " is empty.\n" ); return 0; }
    if( !master()-> valid_write( new_file_name,
	(string)this_player()-> query( "name" ), "compress" ) )
	notify_fail( new_file_name + ": Permission denied.\n" );
	return 0;
    if( file_size( new_file_name ) != -1 )
	notify_fail( "compress: " + new_file_name + ": already exists.\n" );
	return 0;
    old_lines = explode( old_file, "\n" );
    number_lines = sizeof( old_lines );
    arg = ({
    0,                         /* line number to start on                  */
    number_lines,              /* the number of lines in the file          */
    old_lines,                 /* the file, as an array of its lines       */
    ({ }),                     /* an array for the new version to go into  */
    new_file_name,             /* the file name for the compressed version */
    this_player(),             /* so messages can be given by the call_out */
    0,                         /* so text inside comment marks is unaltered */
Exemplo n.º 3
int cmd_in(string str) {
	string room, cmd;
        mapping exits;
	object prev, act_ob,env;
	int s;

	if (!str || sscanf(str, "%s %s", room, cmd) != 2) {
		notify_fail("Usage:\tin <room|exit> <command>\n");
		return 0;
	env = environment(this_player());
	act_ob = previous_object();
        if (env)
                exits = env->query("exits");
	if(!mapp(exits) || member_array(room,keys(exits)) == -1) {
	room = resolv_path((string)act_ob->query("cwd"), room);
	if (!room || ((s = strlen(room)) >= 2 &&
	      file_size( (room[s-2..s-1] == ".c") ? room : room + ".c") <= 0))
	    return 0;
	} else room = exits[room];
	prev = environment(act_ob);
	if(act_ob->move(room) == MOVE_OK) {
		return 1;
	write("in: could not move to target.\n");
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: _rmdir.c Projeto: ehershey/pd
cmd_rmdir(string str)
	if( !str )
                return help();
	str = resolv_path(this_player()->get_path(), str);
	switch( file_size(str) )
		case -1:
			notify_fail("rmdir: "+str+": No such file.\n");
			return 0; break;
		case -2:
			notify_fail("rmdir: "+str+": not a directory.\n");
			return 0; break;
 if( (int)master()->valid_write(str, this_object(), "rmdir") == 0 )
		notify_fail(str+": Permission denied.\n");
		return 0;
	write(rmdir(str) ? "Ok.\n" : str+": couldn't remove directory.\n");
        IMSTAT_D->add_stat(this_player()->query_name(), "rmdir", time());
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: _du.c Projeto: ehershey/pd
int cmd_du(string path)
 if (!path) path = (string)this_player()->get_path();
 else path = resolv_path((string)this_player()->get_path(),path);
 return 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
varargs string *wild_card(string str, int keepdots) {
    string work;
    string *tmp, *pf;
    int i, s;

    // resolve pathname, with str either relative to cwd/absolute
    if ((work = resolv_path((string)this_object()->query("cwd"), str)) == "/")
        return ({ "/" }); /* Handle special case from resolv_path() */
Exemplo n.º 7
int cmd_rmdir(string str) {
    int wipe;
    string rest;

    if (!str || str == "") {
        notify_fail( SYNTAX );
        return 0;

    if (origin() != ORIGIN_LOCAL)

    if (sscanf(str, "-r %s", str) == 1)  wipe = 1;

    sscanf(str, "%s %s", str, rest);

    str = resolv_path("cwd", str);

    switch( file_size(str) ) {
        case -1:
            write("Rmdir: No such directory.\n");
            return 1;
            break; // NOTREACHED

        case -2:

            write("Rmdir: Not a directory.\n");
            return 1;
            break; // NOTREACHED

    if ((int)master()->valid_write(str, geteuid(this_object())) == 0) {
        write("Rmdir: Permission denied.\n");
        return 1;

    if (wipe) {
        write("Are you sure you wish to remove \"" + str + "/\"? [y/n] ");
        input_to("remove_directory", 0, str, rest);
        return 1;

    if (sizeof( get_dir(str + "/") )) {
        write("Rmdir: Directory is not empty.\n");
        return 1;

    write(rmdir(str) ? "Rmdir: Directory removed.\n" :
                       "Rmdir: Could not remove directory.\n");

    if (rest && rest != "")

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 8
int cmd_destold(string str) {
    object ob, act_ob, *obs;
    string msg, opt;
    int clean, global, l, s;

    act_ob = previous_object();

    notify_fail( SYNTAX );
    if (!str || str == "")  return 0;

    if (getuid(previous_object()) == "guest") {
	write ("Guest is not permitted to dest objects.\n") ;
	return 1 ;

    if (str == "all")
	return dest_all(act_ob, 0);

    if (sscanf(str, "-%s %s", opt, str) == 2) {
	if (strsrch(opt, 'a') != -1)  clean = 1;
	if (strsrch(opt, 'g') != -1)  global = 1;

    if (global) {
	if (!adminp(geteuid(act_ob))) {
	    write("Global Dest: Permission denied.\n");
	    return 1;

	str = resolv_path("cwd", str);
	l = strlen(str);
	obs = objects();
	s = sizeof(obs);

	write("Global destructing: " + str + "\n");

	cnt = 0;
	while (s--) {
	    if (!obs[s])  continue;
	    if (strncmp(file_name(obs[s]), str, l) == 0) {
		if (clean)
		    dest_all(obs[s], 1);
		if (obs[s]) {

	write("object(s) destructed: " + cnt + "\n");
    } else {
	if (!(ob = get_object(str))) {
Exemplo n.º 9
int cmd_rehash(string path) {
   notify_fail("Rehash: Could not locate requested path.\n");
   if(!path || path == "")   path = this_player()->query("cwd");
   else path = resolv_path("cwd", path);
   if(CMD_D->rehash(path)) {
    write("Rehash: " + path + " command table updated.\n");
   return 1; }
return 0;  }
Exemplo n.º 10
int cmd_gate(string str) {
   object prev, whatp, wherep;
   string prefix, loc, what, where, tmp_where;
   int ret;
   //	Parse the input into proper command request
   if( !str || str == "")  return 0;
   if( sscanf(str, "%s in %s to %s", what, loc, where) != 3 &&
       sscanf(str, "%s to %s", what, where) != 2 &&
       sscanf(str, "%s %s", what, where) !=2)
	return 0;
   //  Locate the object to be moved
   if(loc && loc != "") {
	if(get_object(loc))   whatp = present(what, get_object(loc));
   else  whatp = get_object(what);
   if(!whatp) {
   write("Gate: Could not locate \"" + what + "\"");
   if(loc)  write(" in \"" + loc + "\"");
   return 1; }
   //  See if you have permission to move the object
   if(wizardp(whatp) && whatp != this_player() &&
      !adminp(geteuid(this_player()))) {
   write("You do not have permission to move that user.\n");
   return 1; }
   //  Locate where to move the object
   wherep = get_object(where);
   //  Move living objects to environment, nonliving to actual object
   if(wherep && living(wherep) && living(whatp))
   	wherep = environment(wherep);
   if(!wherep) {
   tmp_where = resolv_path( "cwd", where );
   catch( call_other( tmp_where, "???" ) );	// Load the poss. location
Exemplo n.º 11
int cmd_convert(string s) {
    int i;
    string *f;
    if(!s || s == "") return notify_fail("Convert what file?\n");
    s = resolv_path((string)this_player()->get_path(), s);
    if(!file_exists(s)) return notify_fail("No file to convert.\n");
    i=sizeof(f=explode(read_file(s), "\n\r"));
    if(!i || i <= 1) return notify_fail("Error, couldnt find any Win32 line endings in the file.\n");
    cp(s, s+".conv.bak");
    while(i--) {
	write_file(s, f[i]);
    write("File written successfully.  Original file backed up to *.conv.bak.");
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 12
cmd_tail(string file) {
    if (!file) {
      notify_fail("usage: tail <file>\n");
      return 0;
    file = resolv_path(this_player()->query("cwd"), file);
    switch(file_size(file)) {
	case -2:
	    notify_fail("tail: "+file+": directory\n");
	    return 0;
	case -1:
	    notify_fail("tail: "+file+": no such file\n");
	    return 0;
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 13
cmd_load(string str) {
    mixed res;

    if(!str) {
      return help();
    seteuid( getuid( previous_object() ) );
    str = resolv_path((string)this_player()->query("cwd"), str);

    if (extract(str, strlen(str)-2, strlen(str)-1) != ".c")
        str += ".c";

    if (file_size(str) <= 0) {
        notify_fail("Load: " + str + " does not exist.\n");
        return 0;
    } else
        write( (res=catch(call_other(str,"???")))?str+": "+res+"\n":"Ok.\n");
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 14
int cmd_goto(string str) {
   object ob;
   string tmp,flag ;
   int err;

   notify_fail( SYNTAX );

   if(!str || str == "")  return 0;

   if (sscanf(str,"%s %s",flag,tmp)==2) {
	if (flag!="-c") {
		notify_fail (flag+": unknown flag.\n") ;
		return 1 ;
	str = tmp ;
   if( ob = find_living(lower_case(str)) ) 
	return goto_location( environment(ob) );
   str = resolv_path("cwd", str);
    if (!flag || flag!="-c") {
       if(extract(str, strlen(str)-2, strlen(str)-1) != ".c")   str += ".c";

       if(!file_exists(str)) {
   	write("Goto: No such location or living object found.\n");
       return 1; }

   err = catch( call_other(str, "???") );		// Load up the room
   if (!ob = find_object(str)) {
     write("Goto: Could not load " + str + "\n");
     if(err) write("      " + err );
   return 1; }
   goto_location( ob );
return 1; }
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: _work.c Projeto: ehershey/pd
/* Raw 'cd' code used here */
int cd(string str) {
    str = resolv_path((string)this_player()->get_path(), str);
    if (sscanf(str,"//%s",temp) == 1) str = "/"+temp;
    if(!master()->valid_read(str, this_player(), "work")) {
	notify_fail(str+": permission denied\n");
	return 0;
    if (file_size(str) > -1) {
	notify_fail(str+": not a directory\n");
	return 0;
    if (file_size(str) == -1) {
	notify_fail(str+": no such file or directory\n");
	return 0;
    message("system", (string)this_player()->get_path() + ":", this_player());
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: _cat.c Projeto: ehershey/pd
int cmd_cat(string str) {
    string tmp;
    int max, a=0;

    if(!str) return notify_fail("Usage: <cat [file]>\n");
    str = resolv_path((string)this_player()->get_path(), str);
//    if(!(max = sizeof(lines=explode(read_file(str), "\n")))) 
//     return notify_fail("File not found.\n");
// if(!(tmp = read_file(str))) return notify_fail("File not found.\n");
  if ((max = file_size(str)) < 0) return notify_fail("File not found.\n");
     for (a = 0; a < max; a += 1025)
        if( max - a < 1024 )
            tmp = read_bytes(str, a, max - a);
            tmp = read_bytes(str, a, 1024);
    IMSTAT_D->add_stat(this_player()->query_name(), "cat", time());

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 17
int cmd_nog(string str) {
   mixed *tmp, *files;
   string flags, tpath, fpath, from, to, tmp1, tmp2;
   int loop, rflag, iflag, silent, dir_flag;
   seteuid( getuid(this_object()) );
   notify_fail( SYNTAX );
   if(!str || str == "")  return 0;
   //  Check for user requested flags

   if(sscanf(str, "-%s %s", flags, str) == 2) {
        if(sscanf(" " + flags + " ", "%sr%s", tmp1, tmp2) == 2)  rflag = 1;
        if(sscanf(" " + flags + " ", "%si%s", tmp1, tmp2) == 2)  iflag = 1;
        if(sscanf(" " + flags + " ", "%sf%s", tmp1, tmp2) == 2)  iflag = 0;
        if(sscanf(" " + flags + " ", "%ss%s", tmp1, tmp2) == 2)  silent = 1;
   //  Parse into source and destination
   if(sscanf(str, "%s to %s", from, to) != 2 &&
      sscanf(str, "%s %s", from, to) !=2)         return 0;
   //   Check for use of "." for present dir copying

   if(to == ".")  to = (string)this_player()->query("cwd");
   //   Check to see if the dest path is a directory.

   if(to[strlen(to)-1] == '/')  dir_flag = 1;
   //   Check for a directory cp request.

   if(from[strlen(from)-1] == '/')  from += "*";
   //   Resolve paths of source and destination requests
   from = resolv_path("cwd", from);
   to   = resolv_path("cwd", to);
   //   Isolate source and destination directories
   fpath = get_path(from, 0);
   tpath = get_path(to ,dir_flag);
   //   Check for existence of source and dest directories
   if(!directory_exists(fpath)) {
   write("Cp: No such directory : " + fpath + "\n");
   return 1; }
   if(!directory_exists(tpath)) {
   write("Cp: No such directory : " + tpath + "\n");
   return 1; }
   //   Check user's permissions in source and dest directories
   if((int)master()->valid_read(fpath, previous_object(), "cp") == 0) {
   printf("Cp: Access denied in %s.\n",
          (fpath == "" ? "root directory" : fpath));
   return 1; }
   if((int)master()->valid_write(tpath, previous_object(), "cp") == 0) {
   printf("Cp: Access denied in %s.\n",
          (tpath == "" ? "root directory" : tpath));
   return 1; }

   //   Process request for wildcard entry

   files = get_dir(from);
   files -= ({ "." });  files -= ({ ".." });
Exemplo n.º 18
int cmd_ed(string file) {
    mixed *dir;
    int test;
    string tmp, err;

    if (in_edit(this_player())) {  // get real! you can't do this!
	notify_fail("You are already editing a file.\n");
	return 0;

    // set our permissions.

    // If they haven't given an arguement as to what file...
    if (!file) file=(string)this_player()->query("cwf");
    if (!file) { 
	write("Editing: [no file specified]\n");
	return 1;

    // get the filename to edit
    tmp = (string)this_player()->query("cwd");
    file = resolv_path(tmp, file);

    // Check if there is such a directory ..

    dir = explode(file, "/");
    if (file_size(implode( dir[0..sizeof(dir)-2], "/")) != -2) {
	write("Ed: No such directory file path.\n");
	return 1; }

    //  Check to make sure the file isn't actually a directory.

    if (directory_exists(file)) {
	notify_fail("Ed: Directory with that name already exists.\n");
	return 0;

    // Can we write here?
    err = catch( test = write_file(file, "") );

    if (err) {
	write("Ed: Could not edit requested file.\n" + err );
	return 1;

    // now check and see if the file is being edited by someone else.
    if (test) {
	if (file_size(file) == 0) rm(file);

	if (!(file_lock(file, F_LOCK))) {
	    // in this case, it is, so we make a temp copy.
	    tmp = "/tmp/" + geteuid(this_player()) + "." + 
	    implode(explode(file, "/"), "_");
	    write("That file is being edited by " +
	      capitalize(geteuid(query_lock_object(file))) + ".\n");
	    if (!(file_lock(tmp, F_LOCK))) {
		write("Ed: Unable to create temporary file.\n");
		return 1;
	    // cp(file, tmp);  // Is cp broken?
	    if (file_size(tmp)) rm(tmp);
	    if (file_size(file) > 0)
		write_file(tmp, read_file(file));
	    file = tmp;

    // Now let's make the message you see as you go into ed.
    tmp = "Editing: " + file;

    // Can we write here?
    err = catch( test = write_file(file, "") );
    if (err) {
	write("Ed: Could not edit requested file.\n" + err );
	file_lock(file, F_UNLOCK);
	return 1;

    if (!test)
	tmp += " [read only]";

    // is it new?
    else if (!file_size(file)) tmp += " [new file]";
    tmp += "\n";

    // write the message that we're editing a file...


    // Yes, the evil admin logging... it can be circumvented, but
    // this tells us at least most of what gets changed.
    // actually, this would be better if it only logged when a crucial
    // file is actually changed.

#ifdef ED_LOG
    tmp = capitalize(geteuid(TP)) + " : \"" + file + "\" ";
    if (!test) test += "[read only] ";
    tmp += "[" + extract(ctime(time()), 4, 15) + "]";

    log_file(ED_LOG, wrap(tmp));

    // okay, let's invoke the editor, and have it go to the done function after.
    ed(file, "done_editing");

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 19
cmd_ls(string arg)
    int		i;
    int		active;
    string	flags;
    string     *output;
    if (!arg)
        arg = "-F ";
	arg += " ";

    while (sscanf(arg, "-%s %s", flags, arg) > 1) {
	i = strlen(flags);
	while (i--)
	    switch (flags[i]) {
	    case 'F':
		active |= F_FLAG;
	    case 's':
		active |= S_FLAG;
	    case 'l':
		active |= L_FLAG;
	    case 'a':
		active |= A_FLAG;
	    case 't':
		active |= T_FLAG;
	    case 'r':
		active |= R_FLAG;
	    case 'x':
		active |= X_FLAG;
	    case '1':
		active |= ONE_FLAG;
	    case 'A':
		active |= CAP_A_FLAG;

    if (arg[<1..<1] == " ")
	arg = arg[0..<2];
    if (arg == "/..") {
	write("ls: no such directory.\n");
	return 1;

    // Remove impossible flag combinations.
    if (active & L_FLAG) active &= ~S_FLAG;

    arg = resolv_path(this_player()->query("cwd"), arg);
    if (output = internal_ls(arg, active, 0)) {
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 20
int cmd_update(string str)
    object	ob;
    string	file, res, temp, *obs, logf;
    int		i, deep_up, syslog_siz, mylog_siz;

    if (!str)
	str = (string)this_player()->query("cwf");
    if (!str) {
        notify_fail("You have no current working file set.\n");
        return 0;
if ( (strsrch(str,"/std/user#") != -1 ) || ( strsrch(str,
     "/std/connection#") != -1 ) )
    write("Updating a user or connection object isn't allowed!\n");
    return 1;
    if (str)		// update the specified file
	if(sscanf(str, "-r %s", temp))
	    file = temp;
	    deep_up = 1;
	else if(sscanf(str, "-R %s", temp))
	    file = temp;
	    deep_up = 2;
	else if(str == "-r")
	    file = 0;
	    deep_up = 1;
	else if(str == "-R")
	    file = 0;
	    deep_up = 2;
	     file = str;
    } // if(str)
	    notify_fail("Update: You don't have an environment.\n");
	    return 0;
	file = file_name(environment(this_player()));
	file = resolv_path("cwd", file);
    //	Make sure that a ".c" is appended on the filename

    if(extract(file, strlen(file)-2, strlen(file)-1) != ".c")
	file += ".c";

    logf = (string) this_player()->query("name");
    logf=user_path(logf) + "log";	// assume if can use update, has a name
    mylog_siz = file_size(logf);
    syslog_siz = file_size(LOG_DIR + "log");


/* Beek 091993 - doesn't dest virtual objects now */
    if (find_object(file) && virtualp(find_object(file))) {
      notify_fail("That object is virtual and cannot be updated.\n");
      return 0;
    if(!file_exists(file)) {
	if(find_object(file)) {
	notify_fail("Update: " + file + " does not exist.\n\tLoaded " +
		    "copy of file removed from memory.\n"); }
    	else notify_fail("Update: " + file + " does not exist.\n");
    return 0; }

    ob = find_object(file);
    if (!ob)
	res = catch(file->apply_load());
	    display_errs(mylog_siz, logf);
	    display_errs(syslog_siz, LOG_DIR + "log");
	    notify_fail("Failure to load object.\n");
	    return 0;
	ob = find_object(file);